Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 324 Chapter 321 Quick Team Action

While Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao were thinking about how to better combine the newly installed implants with super-computing martial arts, outside the training base, a campaign against the ban on blue crystals was underway with great fanfare.

The most indispensable thing in a movie shooting location is the lens: panoramic, close-up, frontal shot, side shot, close-up... The scene of the Wild Monkey Gang being violent and crazy and killing people at the action movie shooting location was somehow exposed and violently impacted. It disturbed the nerves of everyone in Peicheng. In this regard, both the PCPD and the riot squad said that they did not do it themselves. It must be an unscrupulous reporter who violated the confidentiality system of criminal cases to dig up and release these contents. They really ignored the overall safety and order of society for the sake of traffic.

Among them, the riot control unit picked itself up relatively cleanly. Their duties are only to combat and deal with dangerous situations. They are not responsible for the investigation and interrogation of cases, nor do they keep evidence. As a result, the leaks were mainly directed at the PCPD, with the Evidence Storage Division and the Criminal Investigation Department receiving the most questioning.

These inquiries mainly come from the Peicheng Constitutional Municipal Government, who always want to find a scapegoat. However, the storm against the blue savages and gangs is getting bigger and bigger, and it can no longer be dealt with by "diverting attention" tactics.

The content of the video can cause strong discomfort, which greatly increases the number of times it is circulated and played repeatedly. No action movie can be so realistic, bloody and exciting. After watching it, everyone doesn’t want this to happen to them. The more times they watch it, the stronger this desire becomes.

Huge pressure came to the city government and PCPD. They were really powerless against the Blue Savages, but they could barely find the Wild Monkey Gang to vent their anger. In terms of appearance and size, the members of the Wild Monkey Gang are so easy to recognize that there is basically no possibility of catching them by mistake, but whether they can be caught is another matter. Due to the problem of blame-shifting in the past, the riot squad made it clear that they did not want to clean up the mess for the PCPD this time, which forced the PCPD to rely more on mercenaries during operations.

Fighting against the Wild Monkey Gang is one of the mercenaries' favorite tasks. On the one hand, these gang members are very rich, especially the exercise maniacs of the Wild Monkey Gang. They need more nutrition funds than other gangs, all of which are stored in the base camp. Secondly, the guys from the Wild Monkey Gang have bad tempers and are the most difficult to negotiate with among all the gangs. They also have the greatest conflicts with the mercenaries. This time, with the PCPD backing them up and offering a bounty, the mercenaries who received the mission could work freely. It feels so good to take revenge and get paid at the same time.

As a very capable team under Lucy, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao also received a bounty mission against the Wild Monkey Gang, and of course they were very interested. But just when they received the specific project and were about to set off, Lucy stopped them again and canceled the mission directly. The reasons given are dumbfounding: Gogongdao's size might lead him to be mistaken for a low-level member of the Wild Monkeys, and stupid mercenaries working for the PCPD and other middlemen might launch an attack by mistake. At this juncture, Ge Gongdao had better stay at home and not go anywhere.

Ge Gongdao was quite dissatisfied. He commented: "Look at this posture. It seems that I will have to wear a coat when I go out in the future. It will also have to say: I am just strong, I am not a member of the Wild Monkey Gang?"

"Good idea, I'll be responsible for customizing it for you." Lucy performed the wisdom of Ge Gongdao on the phone, and then said: "The situation outside is a bit crazy. There must be someone behind this matter, and it is not a simple and spontaneous incident. Take action. Brother Dao, it’s really not appropriate for you to go out, but Naike is fine, his size will not be mistaken.”

"Brother Dao won't go, and I won't go either. It's boring." Zhuang Xuteng said immediately.

"No, don't you be a fool if you don't make money? You can..." Ge Gongdao winked at Zhuang Xuteng, and then said to Lucy on the phone: "The tasks and remuneration remain unchanged, I will find someone to replace me, at least give me Is it okay for Nike to be the backup?"

" want to subcontract my task? This is against the rules..." Lucy thought for a while and felt that she couldn't make things too rigid, so she said: "I'll stop you temporarily this time. It's mine." problem, so this time as compensation, you can decide how to act on your own. It won’t be the same next time!”

"Okay!" Ge Gongdao hung up the phone with satisfaction.

He thought of the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque. Calling them as substitutes this time was just a good way to check whether the new team could cooperate well. Ge Gongdao expressed his thoughts, and Zhuang Xuteng also thought it was a good opportunity, but he didn't know whether the two sisters were free.

They called, and Nightingale and Rockbird were quite considerate. They do have a mission, but there is no problem in taking one night to provide backup for Naike. The two people immediately packed up and set off, quickly arriving at the meeting place. They quickly went through the task and made a new division of labor: Naike rushed forward to destroy a stronghold of the Wild Monkey Gang; Nightingale was in the middle, suppressing the stronghold's protection system; Yanque and Ge Gongdao were in the rear to protect Communication, intercepting the call for help signal from the stronghold, monitoring the dynamic information of the surrounding PCPD, and being ready to respond and support at any time.

This was the first time the new team acted independently, but there was no unfamiliar feeling between them. Nightingale and Yanque are too familiar with each other, as are Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng. These two groups had cooperated in the treasure house operation, and directly used the mission terminology and tactical command plan from that operation, which just eliminated the communication and understanding errors.

This is also the first time Zhuang Xuteng has used new stealth technology in action, and combined it with a new understanding of implants. As the saying goes, "manpower is sometimes limited," so we need to put more effort into the technology of "how to utilize limited power." Once the "power" is broken through, many things that were originally difficult to solve technically will suddenly become easier. This corresponds to the saying "one force can reduce ten problems".

Zhuang Xuteng is at this stage - as is Ge Gongdao - where they are reconstructing martial arts skills at a new level of power. Due to the difference in "sword dance", the two people began to move towards different martial arts styles. Zhuang Xuteng became more and more secretive and dexterous, while Ge Gongdao became more and more decisive and capable of killing with one blow. There is no absolute superiority or inferiority between the two. If two people exchange physical qualities, they will definitely choose the other's route. Ge Gongdao's size determines that his dexterity cannot be as high as Zhuang Xuteng's upper limit, and vice versa.

Strictly speaking, Zhuang Xuteng also hopes to kill with one hit - any mercenary facing the enemy hopes to kill with one hit. This is the method with the lowest risk and the highest return - the difference lies in "how to promote the conditions for killing with one hit." Ge Gongdao chooses to block frontally, break the defensive formation, or create a disadvantage for the enemy to attack, while Zhuang Xuteng chooses to sneak and attack from an angle that the enemy cannot imagine. Both are possible.

He scales building exteriors and moves like a gecko. Any uneven and damaged windowsills, air conditioner units, rainwater pipes and walls can be used as support points for his hands and feet, and he also used super-computer martial arts to control his strength well and reduce the sound of his movements. At the same time, Nightingale invaded the communication lines of the stronghold and used the cable TV and radio in the room to create background sounds, or controlled the power supply system and started the connected electric kettles and ovens to attract the attention of the guards and create an environment for Zhuang Xuteng's actions. .

The farther away Rock Bird provides protection for Nightingale, and also controls the communication base station closest to the stronghold. Both wired and wireless phones are under her surveillance. Ge Gongdao is holding the steering wheel. He has no specific tasks at the moment, but if there is an emergency, he will rush forward to solve any problems and ensure that everyone can at least retreat safely.

Everyone had a clear division of labor and performed their duties, and the entire operation went very smoothly. It was not until Zhuang Xuteng climbed to the lounge on the fourth floor and placed three palm fires on the quilt of a wild monkey gang member that he was still not discovered. Next, the high-temperature thermite ignited the ape and burned through his armored skin. Zhuang Xuteng simultaneously swung the armor-breaking hammer and hit the ape's head with a second blow, killing him cleanly.

They took out their cameras and took photos to prove that they had completed the main task. The next step was to see if they wanted to expand their results. The PCPD wants to take down the Wild Monkey Gang's den, but it can't deal with the ape-level gang members. The support from the riot squad will definitely not arrive in time. If you don't want your own people to pay the price with their lives, then pay the mercenaries to do the work.

The orangutan is Zhuang Xuteng's main target. If you kill him, you can get 100,000 euros. Each orangutan-level gangster has a reward of 10,000 euros. If he is caught alive, the reward will be doubled. Overall, the bounty provided by the PCPD is quite stingy and does not match the appearance fees of ordinary killers on the market. However, the work of the PCPD is relatively safe from a legal perspective, and it can keep the stolen money from the Wild Monkey Gang as its own. The combined income from this loot is very attractive.

"We don't have much time. Grab your things and evacuate immediately." Nightingale told Zhuang Xuteng to pay attention to safety while reporting to him the movements of the Wild Monkey Gang in the building.

As long as the most valuable part of the mission is completed, the PCPD cannot let the mercenaries do all the work. Zhuang Xuteng took the loot and came out of the window. He quickly went downstairs before the fire engulfed the room, picked up Nightingale and retreated. When they left the block, the PCPD and fire fighters who received the news had already arrived at the scene. They set up a cordon and began arresting gang members who had been driven out of the building by the fire.

The task was completed extremely smoothly, and everyone felt very relaxed. All that was left was to develop the photos and give them to Lucy, and then wait for the money to be divided. This time they were a temporary pair. Nightingale and Yanque were here to do part-time work, so the two of them added up to one share and received one-third of the remuneration for this mission.

If a fixed team of four is formed, their remuneration will be the same as Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao. It's just that this mission was completed too smoothly. Ge Gongdao couldn't see much and thought it was not enough and needed to continue to investigate, so the formal team formation time was postponed. Since this matter was left to Ge Gongdao, Zhuang Xuteng could just let it go and wait for the news.

In the next period of time, the four of them performed two more missions. Everyone cooperated more and more tacitly, and the idea of ​​forming a team together became more and more determined. Ge Gongdao finally recognized the abilities of the two people and began to discuss with them about forming a permanent partner.

This time is different from before. Ge Gongdao no longer just calls people in and then doesn't care about anything. He had a good talk with the two sisters and laid out all the problems they might encounter after forming a team. He also listed how to solve each type and each item. He could only continue the discussion after obtaining their approval.

How to divide rewards, how to apportion expenses, how to allocate responsibilities, how to take care of funeral affairs... Each of these trivial matters are all the experience and lessons gained by Ge Gongdao in the mercenary industry, and they are also Including the effort he put into building the team this time. After Zhuang Xuteng saw these things, he realized his wisdom: leaving the matter to Ge Gongdao was his most correct choice.

Brother Dao has to worry about this, while Zhuang Xuteng needs to work hard on the other side. The so-called "that side" refers to the matter of Doyle and the others choosing a new location to build their shelter and operations base. They inquired through various sources and found a property for sale in the downtown area near the junction of Xiacheng District.

It was originally a four-story villa that was auctioned by the bank because the investor went bankrupt. This place is close to Xiacheng District, and the land price is cheap. Many people who don't have much capital but want to get rich are attracted here. They hand over the last principal in a business scam and become impoverished again. Since this villa area is close to a Wild Monkey Gang's activity base, many houses have actually been occupied by the Wild Monkey Gang, and banks cannot make much money from the auction.

It seems that Doyle was very lucky. When he took a fancy to this house, the Wild Monkey Gang had not yet committed the "movie studio murders". Doyle simply considered that Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng were not afraid of the Wild Monkey Gang, and he could handle daily relationships well, so he chose this place. In fact, he also has the idea of ​​using this place to launch operations against gangs nearby. After all, any gang that runs Blue Savage business is the same in his eyes, and they are not guilty of killing.

He set two houses at low prices, and then the Wild Monkey Gang was attacked intensively, and the prices of villas here began to rise. After discussing with Zhuang Xuteng, they sold one of the buildings and used the money they earned to rent a front room in the downtown area not far away. They could open an implant care shop in the future. The remaining building together with the courtyard will be renovated and turned into a small comprehensive supermarket. Whatever is made can be sold to provide convenience to the surrounding residents.

"What about your base of operations?" Doyle asked.

"Just give us the attic and do some soundproofing." In fact, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao don't need an operational base outside anymore. They are already neighbors. The newly joined Nightingale and Yanque are also together, and they want to open a base of operations outside. There is no need to travel so far for a meeting. "We try not to plan here, it's just a retreat for us."

"That's fine. I'll turn the back of the yard into a warehouse, divide it into upper and lower floors, and then use the containers to make an underground garage to store more things." Doyle thought for a while and said, "There are a total of twenty-two in this building. If you connect these rooms together and use them, you can make a safe room for hiding."

"That's what I mean too." Zhuang Xuteng praised the passage.

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