Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 308 Chapter 305 Nothing

The use of high explosives to carry out blasts in downtown Peicheng has clearly exceeded the jurisdiction of the PCPD and has become a matter for the riot control unit. Two exploding cars hit the laundry room one after another. They couldn't be covered up by accidents. So twenty minutes after the fire started, the helicopter of the riot control unit arrived over the neighborhood, dropped its searchlight, and searched everywhere for the suspect who caused the incident.

At this time, Zhuang Xuteng, Ge Gongdao and Doyle had climbed out of the sewer manhole four blocks away, scanning the surroundings with vigilant eyes. The filth in the sewers made them look a little embarrassed, but they were prepared. In the alley next to the wellhead, push open the transformer box hanging on the wall. There is a hidden compartment installed in the brick wall behind it. There are two sets of clean clothes and some weapons and money that can be used with you.

"There are only two sets, Brother Dao and brother Dao, you two can wear them." Zhuang Xuteng opened the vacuum packaging bag and handed over the blue uniform inside. "The highly elastic and stretchable style won't make you two big guys feel cramped. My clothes are relatively easy to find, so they won't be the same as yours."

"You're right, we won't give in." Ge Gongdao picked up the clothes, stretched them first, and then changed them. The clothes are one-piece styles that look very similar to the factory's simple protective work clothes, so they won't stand out in the crowd.

"Doyle, after you circle around, go back to the laundry room and contact the riot squad there to understand the situation. If the neighbors are dragged down by this incident, you can also help." Zhuang Xuteng quickly judged the current situation. situation and then make arrangements. "If anyone asks, just say that the last time you saw us was in the store, and you left after that. You don't know our current movements, and you may be dead. Doyle, pay attention to your own safety, and it is best to contact the riot squad at all times. Stay together.”

"Okay, I know what to do, don't worry." Doyle threw the old clothes into the trash can aside and said, "You two need to pay more attention to safety. Your opponent is crazy and has used such fierce tactics. You want to turn the city into a battlefield!"

"It's quite crazy." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "We will hide and see how the situation develops. Don't contact us during this period. Brother Dao, let's go this way. How do you feel physically?"

"It's okay." Ge Gongdao smiled crookedly, rubbed his chest with his big hands, and said, "I was a little suffocated by the shock just now. I just need to come out and take a few breaths. What should we do next?"

"Let me change my clothes first, otherwise it will smell like sewer and it will be inconvenient to go anywhere. Are there any stores open at this time?" Zhuang Xuteng pulled Ge Gongdao through the alley, and soon left the road. He disappeared from your sight.

There are no shops open at midnight. Besides, even if there is, what if the Blood Bat Helper is tipped off? Zhuang Xuteng simply climbed up the wall, picked clothes of his own size from the clothes hanging outside the window of other people's houses, and clamped a few euros in their original positions. Anyway, you only need to change your jacket and outer trousers, which are all armored sandwich, so there is no need to change these.

The two of them didn't go too far. They chose a restaurant six intersections away and went in. This is a specialized late-night restaurant that provides simple set menus for people who get off work late or early in the morning. The taste is average but it is not expensive, and it tastes delicious and enjoyable. Before entering, Zhuang Xuteng did a brief inspection. Apart from the service staff, there were only three people sleeping on the table after eating. There were no gang-style customers. So the two of them sat in the corner, waiting for the cutlet rice bowl set, while watching TV programs in the restaurant.

"I think Lucy must have miscalculated." Zhuang Xuteng frowned and lowered his voice and said: "I feel the same as that time she was attacked by Dexter. She had no warning about the bomb car, which shows that things have gone beyond out of her control."

"So we won't contact her?" Ge Gongdao took out his mobile phone and put it on the table, staring at it in a daze. "If we don't find her, how will we know where Viper is?"

"If you compare, is Viper more interested in knowing our location, or are we more anxious to know Viper's location?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "Viper has already taken action and provoked the riot control team. I think he must have a way to deal with it. Whether it is with the help of the Blood Bat Gang or the casino group to pursue the riot squad, the price will not be small. He has put all bets on the table, whether we are dead or alive, he should have targeted actions. If What if we choose not to show our heads?”

Ge Gongdao thought for a while and said: "I understand that you want Viper to move first, consume his means, and avoid his targeted measures. But if we don't show our heads, how will Lucy act?"

"Lucy's target is the casino group. It's best to make them fall into absolute passivity and have to leave Peicheng, or even decline and disband. Viper's death is the placebo she gave us, not the center of this operation. Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said: "Brother Dao, Sister Lucy is indeed on the same side as us, and there is no problem in cooperation, but she is a middleman first and a partner second. The focus of interests is indeed different. We are dead now." It’s alive and it won’t have much impact on her current actions.”

Ge Gongdao frowned, shook his head slowly, and said, "I always feel that what you said is not entirely right."

"I don't have a comprehensive intelligence network. I can only understand the outside world through TV. It would be strange if I could get everything right." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the TV screen and said, "Look, there is only one TV station in the scene. During the filming, the host stuttered and was as good as an intern. This TV station is the closest to the scene of the incident. Although it is 12:37 in the evening, it will definitely be the first to arrive. The intern who rushed to put the duck on the shelf We've been talking about it for twenty minutes, and no one else has arrived yet, which means no one is using it to promote the plan."

"You've almost confused me." Ge Gongdao looked up at the TV screen. The host inside was still talking nonsense in circles, with an anxious look on his face. He didn't know whether it was because of the tragic explosion or because of No one can replace her. "Naike, do you think the two of us should hide and watch the fun, not tell Lucy the news, and give her a test of ignorance?"

"Uh... To sum it up briefly, yes." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his face gently and said, "As soon as we show our heads, Viper's backhand will come. Holding him back and occupying his resources will do us..."

"I don't agree. I said I won't hide this or that anymore. This promise is for you and for me. Don't get angry with Lucy, and you don't have to test her. It's meaningless. If we are not satisfied with her approach, we will raise the price instead of stumbling upon her. In addition, I will never be frightened by a viper and hide secretly. If he has any tricks, let him use them. As long as I don't die, he will lose, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng advised: "Brother Dao, don't act out of anger. Going out now is definitely not the best choice."

"Nike, as long as we kill the Viper, this crisis will have a result. Your judgment about Lucy is not wrong. Her primary goal is the casino group, and she has already achieved preliminary results by expanding the situation. This It also means we can move. Don’t we just need permission to move?"

"That's right..."

"Then let's move!" Ge Gongdao said, rubbing his hands, looking eager to try. "Contact Lucy and get the location of the viper, and then we'll kill the snake."

Zhuang Xuteng closed his eyes and thought carefully, then said: "Brother Dao, if you insist on taking action, then I can only agree. But this is not a good idea, it is really not the best choice. Well... let me think about it. Even if you want to take action immediately, don’t even think about leaving right now, as you won’t be able to finish the meal anyway.”

"Okay, it's easier to fight when you have a full stomach. That snake is very cunning. Catching him must be a laborious task. Naike, think of a way to kill him in the shortest time."

"That snake was thinking the same thing." Zhuang Xuteng pinched his nose and sighed. He understood that Ge Gongdao still didn't know what Viper's actions meant.

The pork chop rice is very fragrant, and Xilihulu is very enjoyable to eat, which makes the stomach and intestines excited quickly. After eating, Zhuang Xuteng wiped his mouth with a calm expression, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking. He picked up the phone and handed it to Ge Gongdao, and said in an unusually calm tone: "If you want to know the location of Viper, call Lucy."

Ge Gongdao grabbed the phone, was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why didn't you call?"

"I didn't call her, and Lucy didn't call either. If you want to know the news, just call." You couldn't tell Zhuang Xuteng's mood from his tone, but his intuition made Ge Gongdao feel that something was wrong.

"What do you mean? Are you hiding something from me?"

Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the mobile phone and said: "This outgoing call will start a series of events like a car key. It will lead us to the Viper, or lead the Viper to us. If we make this call, we will no longer be able to proceed. The best strategy is to lurk and wait for the enemy to make mistakes, and the only option is to work hard to complete the middle strategy of fighting to the end.”

"The right strategy? It doesn't matter if you don't have the last strategy or you are helpless!" Ge Gongdao pressed the number and said: "Naike, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I have waited enough. If we can't take action while the Viper is still in Peicheng , it will be even more troublesome when he leaves."

"I understand. Waiting for him to leave before attacking is the next best thing." Zhuang Xuteng raised his head and looked around, but said nothing.

The call was dialed quickly. Lucy first asked about the two people, and then gave them an address. "The viper hasn't shown up for several days, so you should be careful." Lucy finally warned: "Observe more and don't rush to take action."

"We are short of equipment now, can you prepare some for us?" Zhuang Xuteng leaned close to the phone and said, "Just put it in the music restaurant."

"Don't come here. It's not safe here. We can't provide you with equipment." Lucy's voice was a little nervous. She said, "I'm allocating resources and will send them to you when I have time. Nike, keep a closer eye. , let’s contact you again.”

The phone was hung up. Ge Gongdao got the most needed information and set off immediately. Zhuang Xuteng asked for his cell phone and called a late-night taxi.

The riot control unit set up a cordon around the explosion site, and taxis had to be detoured and inspected by the PCPD. At this time, more media began to report the incident, but the tone had changed, and they began to refer to the incident as an "accident" instead of an "attack." Someone is obviously controlling the situation, but I don't know if it's Viper's side or Lucy's side.

Ge Gongdao still seemed very excited. He wanted to jump in front of the viper immediately, pinch his neck with both hands, and end it all. But Zhuang Xuteng couldn't get excited. He was just calm, calmer than during any previous mercenary mission, and he had a lot on his mind. This operation is different from the previous ones. It lacks a unilateral intelligence advantage and is even more dangerous than the man-in-the-middle war.

Assuming that Lucy didn't want to kill Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao through Viper's hands - this is a ridiculous assumption, but now we can only start from the largest possible starting point to slowly figure out the overall situation. Assuming Lucy is still with them, the car bomb means that she is also under some kind of information control. The interfered call meant that Lucy had stretched her tentacles into the belly of the viper, and at the same time, the viper had also stretched its tentacles over.

There was no tie between the two, but Viper took the lead.

Without the protection of armored vehicles, Ge Gongdao would have been killed by the explosion at this time. But until the armored vehicles could provide protection, it was Lucy's phone call that made the biggest difference. Zhuang Xuteng analyzed that Lucy had spied on the information that Viper was about to take action, which meant that her plan to lure the snake out of its hole and drag the casino group into the water was about to succeed, so she called to activate her own side. But she didn't know that the Viper used a bomb, and she didn't know that the bomb car was not far from the laundry room.

Think about it from another angle: Viper was on guard against Lucy, deliberately increasing the secrecy of his actions and avoiding the advantages of the middleman intelligence network. In this regard, Zhuang Xuteng has also thought of some methods. The simplest and easiest is to "do not use the Internet for mobile information."

Talk about things in person, speak them out through your mouth, listen through your ears, and then remember them all in your heart. Without the use of electronic networks, intelligence officers are incapable of functioning and intermediaries are kept in the dark. The only way to crack this method is to send real spies to investigate, follow up, and do tedious and time-consuming work. In this regard, Viper, who is backed by the Blood Bat Gang, clearly has an advantage: there are more people in the gang.

Some people are watching the hospital, some are watching the laundry, and some are preparing action plans. Naike and Brother Dao have made a name for themselves in the mercenary world. They were afraid of Viper before, but they are even more afraid now. He definitely wants to kill them with one strike. If he were in another position, Zhuang Xuteng would also choose the method of car bombs. A large number of explosives would always be a flesh and blood enemy. Boom, the trouble is solved, how great!

One bomb hit the front desk and another bomb sealed the entrance. There was no problem with the Viper's arrangement. The cunning guy even arranged to wait until the armored vehicle made some movement before sending out a second bomb truck. This was already the best assassination plan without showing up. He must have been very anxious when he found out there was no body at the explosion site, right?


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