Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 295 Chapter 292 Undead Face and Pillar of Knowledge

"You need to find a state, and then determine a belief. You have to train to maintain the state for the sake of the belief and form a habit. As long as your belief does not fall, you can maintain the state, thereby controlling your expressions, movements and outward movements. message sent out.”

The fraud class teacher gave suggestions and examples. He could laugh before every sentence, keeping the volume above seventy decibels. He rearranges his facial muscles with a laughing expression and uses this time to think, which once it becomes a habit, gives him time to manage information and observe other people.

"People will call you Brother Haha." The teacher said with a smile: "This is a quick fix, just for your reference. In fact, the opposite state of Brother Haha is more suitable for you, that is, always thinking with a frown and always showing dissatisfaction. "

His words definitely make sense, but Zhuang Xuteng also has his own understanding. He believed that the best expression to conceal one's thoughts was not a frown but a deadpan seriousness. As soon as this thought came to his mind, Zhuang Xuteng thought of an old friend. He was definitely a master of expression control.

Zhuang Xuteng hasn't come to see Master Lich for a while. This is mainly related to the departure of Boss Qian. He originally promised to help the Lich Master rebuild his body, but this could not be done without the help of Boss Qian and the White Flag Grocery Store. Now that Boss Qian is gone and this matter has gone south, Zhuang Xuteng always feels a little sorry for Master Lich. He has been hiding recently, but sooner or later, he has to tell him about this.

The seventy-two stone pillar hall is still shrouded in black mist, exuding an aura of loneliness and terror. Master Lich sat on the stone throne, holding his chin in a motionless position for thousands of years, not knowing what he was thinking. When Zhuang Xuteng appeared in the main hall, its head shook slightly, as if it had been activated. In fact, Zhuang Xuteng didn't know, and the Lich Master wouldn't admit it. It was not just anxious but also expecting when he came.

"I haven't been here for a while, probably almost a month..." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed. "Well... I have bad news, I have to tell you. I'll keep it short! Boss Qian is no longer in this world, and he can't help you rebuild your body."

The Lich Master did not move at all for a few seconds. Of course, this was no different from its state most of the time. After a moment, it slowly said: "If you don't have it, there won't be one, and he's not the only one who can do it. With him, you can save trouble. If you don't have him, you can continue to work hard. It's the same from the past to the present. Naike, how are you doing lately? "

"It's good - except that my brother's death made me very sad - but I have basically come out. There is no use in being sad. Finding ways to avenge him is what I should do. So now I am starting to prepare for the task again, so that life and Continue the exercise." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "How are you?"

"Much better than before. I don't feel more and more stupid. I think this is an improvement..."

Zhuang Xuteng laughed and said: "Can you still feel this? If you were too stupid and couldn't feel stupid at all, wouldn't it be the same as you are feeling now?"

"I can construct a thirty-seven-layer Necromantic Ritual Array with my consciousness. Using this as a measure, my condition has been maintained."

"You used to be able to build..."

"Forty-three floors. The theoretical upper limit is forty-five floors, and the number of floors I need cannot be lower than thirty-two. It is currently at thirty-seven, and I am quite satisfied." Master Lich put down his arms, sat up straight, and stared. Zhuang Xuteng said slowly: "The intelligence you sucked from me seems to have reached the capacity of your brain. I thought your intelligence still had potential, but it seems I was wrong."

Zhuang Xuteng smiled even more happily. He knew that the Lich Master was making fun of him and was not mocking him. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's just that if you suck less, you feel it's not enough, and if you suck too much, you feel it's too much. You are really difficult to serve. Especially when you speak without expression, it is even harder to serve."

"Hmph. I have no facial muscles or skin, and of course no expression."

"If I had just met you, I would probably believe what you said. But I have seen you angry, and I have also witnessed you showing excitement, anticipation, and curiosity. By the way, you also have super computing and dormant martial arts. At this time, your psychological activities are more complex. Yes, you have no muscles and face, but your eyes, movements, voice, especially the flashing red light in your eye sockets, they can all express your emotions for you."

"You are very careful in your observations." Master Lich said slowly: "It seems that I have inadvertently leaked a lot of information."

"Maybe you feel that I am very familiar with you, and some things have a strong impact on you, so you have these emotions flowing - but most of the time you are deliberately controlling it. This can only be discovered through comparison." Zhuang Xuteng then asked his question: "Do you know how to control your expression?"

Master Lich stared at Zhuang Xuteng for a few seconds and said: "I've been going around for a long time just for this... It must be one of your missions that requires this. I'm not a judge, a master of disguise, or a necromancer. There is only one way to absolutely control your expression, and that is to let the wraith lie on your face."

"Possessed by a resentful spirit?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Yes, you can think of it with just a little reminder. This means that you have studied, but you have not thought enough to integrate the knowledge. I have taught you the method of being possessed by evil spirits, and I also said that it can cause harm to the human body. That includes paralysis of the body. If you paralyze your facial muscles, you can't make any expressions."

"Uh... all the muscles are paralyzed, won't my expression collapse? Hmm... don't remind me, let me think about it myself, I seem to be about to catch it." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his face and said, "The purpose of paralyzing the muscles is Avoid changes in micro-expressions caused by sudden emotions. After the ghost is possessed, it will control these muscles, and the ghost will only act when it hears commands. This means that the expression is controlled by specific instructions. Think about it You can put on whatever expression you want.”

The Lich Master nodded slightly and said: "There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The advantage is that the control is simple, and it is very difficult for the Necromancer to realize it. The disadvantage is that the understanding and expression of the resentful spirit are very poor. The expressions that come out are weird, like toy figures. The only expression they can do well is cold seriousness."

"It makes sense. The main purpose of letting the wraith control the expression is to prevent small reactions in the corners of the eyes, mouth, nose and other parts from revealing inner thoughts. As long as this 'unconsciousness' can be prevented, you can still speak normally for the rest of the time."

"But it's not that simple." Master Lich leaned forward and said: "The resentful spirit is not a gust of wind. Letting it enter your body will not only benefit you. You are alive, but the resentful spirit is dead. It will continue to cause Physical damage and mental pressure. This is very similar to the shadow slave implant. In the end, the best destination for a necromancer is to become like me, allowing the spirit to be eternal and the body to die."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "At least for now, I don't want to become a lich at all."

"Of course you don't think so now. When I was young, I wouldn't have turned into a lich as the ultimate goal. Lich, or necromancy, is just a means, it has never been and will never be the end. But if one day you If you want to take this step, go and look at the stone pillar over there. The method of becoming a lich is written on it."

"Pillars? The runes on them are all damaged and can't be seen at all." Zhuang Xuteng glanced back and then said, "Are you going to repair them?"

"They have always been good, and the so-called damage is just a disguise and protection measure. If your knowledge and ability cannot understand them, they are damaged historical relics in your eyes. Complex spells are a burden on your brain. You first You have to proceed step by step to a certain level before you can understand the runes and spells on the stone pillars."

Zhuang Xuteng suddenly became interested and immediately turned around and walked towards the stone pillar. He was also interested in the environment of the main hall during the first few times and observed the 72 stone pillars. At that time, the reliefs on the stone pillars were covered with traces of destruction, and almost no complete lines, patterns and runes could be found. Zhuang Xuteng only knew that the pillars were different and were all carriers of certain knowledge. He worried whether the columns would collapse, not whether they could be restored.

"I have learned some necromancy now, I should be able to understand it a little bit, right?" Zhuang Xuteng walked among the pillars, looking east and west, but there were still ruins of pillars as far as he could see.

The Lich Master raised his hand, pointed to the corner of the hall, and said, "Go and take a look over there. What is recorded on that pillar is the necromantic spell of the vindictive spirit system."

Following the direction of its finger, Zhuang Xuteng ran quickly and finally found something he could understand. In his eyes, the damage to the pillar itself contained information, and the damaged runes could be repaired based on his knowledge. By superimposing the damaged information with the repaired runes, Zhuang Xuteng slowly began to understand.

"This is the structure of the resentful spirit: here is the absorption magic circle, here is the storage and transformation, and here is the command. Yes, this part is the basis of the resentful spirit spell, and then upwards..." Zhuang Xuteng raised his head and looked up at the tall At the middle of the pillar, he said: "There are some advanced usages there. I see that here is deformation, and there is autonomous action. Possession, possession here... There seems to be something on it, but I can't understand it. ,what is that?"

"The exchange of resentful spirits is a very powerful way of self-protection." Master Lich said: "Put your body into the space of resentful spirits, and then control the resentful spirits. This state cannot be maintained for a long time, depending on your mana. It can take anywhere from minutes to days. You become a wraith and your body is hidden."

"Wow, then I can't go through walls like the wraiths? Wherever I want to go?"

Master Lich waved his hand and said: "It doesn't apply to you. This transformation can only take effect on your original body, but you still have an implant. If you do it forcefully, it will be equivalent to stripping off the implant directly. Once the time limit for transformation has expired, you will have no choice but to return to a mutilated body with serious internal injuries, and you probably won't survive. The transformation of the wraith spirit cannot extend your lifespan, and its danger-avoiding specialties will not work on you. That's why I didn't teach you Those things of yours.”

Zhuang Xuteng wiped his forehead and said, "It feels so dangerous. You were right not to teach me."

"Many spells seem very powerful and magical, but danger is always associated with them. The caster's teacher is not for control, but for protection. The seventy-two stone pillars record a series of seventy-two spells, all of which are mine. Personal knowledge. Once upon a time, the most complete record of magic was eighty-one stone pillars, placed in the big library, but that was a combination of the strengths of many experts, highlighting a comprehensive one. From a personal point of view, my seventy-two stone pillars are the ranking Number one.”

"Wow... it's amazing." Zhuang Xuteng quickly complimented him, then ended his viewing and prepared to return to the throne. His eyes swept over these stone pillars again, and suddenly felt something strange there.

It wasn't because he could understand something on a pillar that made him feel differently, it should be a more basic situation. He stopped and looked at the pillars carefully and intently, comparing them with his memory. At this time, he was stunned for a moment, his expression full of confusion, and asked: "Why are there more pillars?"

"Oh? Did you see it? I use a pillar to record my understanding of Shadow Clan and the so-called technology of this world, as well as the cross-world spell conversion methods discovered and tested by you. New knowledge creates new pillars, which It’s normal.”

Zhuang Xuteng counted quickly again and said, "How many pillars did you add? I counted 74."

"No, 73." Master Lich swept his eyes across the hall and said, "You counted wrong, 73."

"Where is the pillar of Ying Cong Knowledge? Can you point it out to me? Oh, that one, yes, that is extra." Zhuang Xuteng turned his head, walked to the corner of the hall, chased a stone pillar and said, "Then this one What's going on? It didn't happen before."

Master Lich's eyes flickered, staring at Zhuang Xuteng, and then he snorted hard. "Are you entertaining me? There are no pillars where you are pointing. Oh, you are practicing expression control, I understand..."

"No, no, no, there is a pillar here. I'm not fooling you." Zhuang Xuteng slapped the pillar a few times and kicked it again. The reaction force almost knocked him down. "Look, there is something here!"

Master Lich paused for a moment and finally began to pay attention to Zhuang Xuteng's actions. It stood up from its seat, floated down the steps like a kite, then pushed away the thick black mist that was constantly rolling, and quickly flew to Zhuang Xuteng's side. "Here?" Master Lich stretched out his hand and touched forward according to Zhuang Xuteng's instructions.

"Sure enough, there is something, it's a pillar! Why can't I see it?" Master Lich put both hands on the pillar, stroking it slowly and carefully, just like a blind man feeling his lover's face with his heart. After a moment, he became even more confused and said, "It's such a smooth pillar with no relief. This is wrong. Zhuang Xuteng, what can you see?"

"There are some reliefs, convex and concave, can't you feel them?" Zhuang Xuteng looked at it intently, and then said: "It's a little weird. These are not magic runes, they seem to be some words. They are changing and constantly combining, just like Like so many articles.”

"What's there?"

"Well, I need to be very focused to stabilize the text. Wait a moment..." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his eyes, read hard, and then read: "This article is called "About Organization", and this article is called "Investigation is Solving Problems" ", "Contradiction"... I feel a little headache and my eyes are dizzy when I look at it. It may be like a pillar of magic. If I don't have the ability to understand it, I can't understand it."

The Lich Master looked a little confused, even a little at a loss. It murmured to itself: "How come there are pillars in my domain that I don't even know about?"

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