Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 283 Chapter 280 Fly

Seizing the enemy's mistake, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao beat the drowned dog hard. The armor-piercing hammer kept hammering down, and the shadow gun also kept up with the shooting. The security guards in the treasure house car were quickly dealt with. The two people breathed a long sigh of relief, high-fived each other in the air, and continued to devote themselves to the task after celebrating the completion.

"Wrap them in body bags. I have another one over there to transport for you." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I will go back to the front of the dining car and continue to watch. You should also go back to the back as soon as possible. Look at the blood on me. ?"

"It's a bit difficult to wipe off. You might as well take off the outer layer." Ge Gongdao pointed to himself and said, "That's the advantage of wearing two layers of clothes. I will shed my skin soon, and we won't see each other before leaving the station." .”

"Understood." Zhuang Xuteng retreated to the door of the carriage and tore off his coat. There was an identical piece of clothing inside. Although there were piles of euro cash, platinum coins, and dozens of safes of the same standard in the treasure compartment, he had no intention of stopping, checking, or counting. Prioritize tasks, complete your own work first, and only then can it fall into your pocket.

When he threw the body bag from the dining car into the treasure car, Kent's figure appeared on the roof. Braving the strong wind, he moved the balloon equipment over, fixed himself with hooks, and began to install it. Zhuang Xuteng nodded to him, and Kent gave a brief thumbs up. This brief exchange is enough, everyone still has tasks.

Zhuang Xuteng closed the rear door of the dining car tightly, and then drew the curtains on both sides of the car. He didn't close them all - that would have seemed a bit deliberate - but the windows where the balloons might be visible needed to be covered.

"Huh...what else needs to be done?" Zhuang Xuteng calmed down and thought about it carefully. It was still more than half an hour before the helicopter took off, and several hours before they got off at the station. It seemed unreasonable for the dining car to be completely closed during this period. He walked into the kitchen, listened to the sounds outside, and rummaged through the cabinets. He found a somewhat old staff uniform in the cabinet in the corner. This should have been changed and sent for washing. It already smells a bit, but it is still much better than the one with blood stains on the body.

"As a temporary plan, I'm going to pretend to be a waiter in the restaurant and take over my shift here." Zhuang Xuteng said to Nightingale: "Can you help me check if there is a shift change plan in the restaurant."

"I can't find it here, it's not in the train system." Nightingale looked a little anxious and said, "I can ask the intelligence officer to help check it out."

"Yes, but it must be secretive. I personally think that this position will not be replaced. Cooking is not as important as keeping an eye on the car in the back. Checking it is just in case." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Don't forget to handle the monitoring of the dining car and wipe it clean." Get rid of all traces of our actions here.”

"It's already being processed. Use looping images to continuously overwrite the monitoring information and then delete it all together. This is the safest way."

"Okay." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Please pay attention to your safety. I have nothing else to do here for the time being."

He changed into his uniform, opened each cupboard to examine the contents, picked up the package of instant food and remembered the equipment, temperature and time required to process it, then stood behind the bar and put away the "Closed" sign.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Zhuang Xuteng only felt that it was slower than usual. The train vibrates back and forth from time to time, which means that the treasure house carriage has been separated from the car body, and the rear half of the train is being pushed forward, and its movement is difficult to control. This is not Muir's fault. The entire section of the railway lacks maintenance, the road condition is poor, height differences and lateral movement errors are common. In addition, the inertia of the train is so large that bumps and collisions are inevitable.

A yawning passenger came to the dining car and asked Zhuang Xuteng for a cup of espresso. "Pay first." Zhuang Xuteng imitated the previous waiter's face very vividly, and his movements of rummaging through the cabinets for ingredients and operating the machines were smooth and fluid. He seemed to be very familiar with the situation here and had even developed a conditioned reflex.

This is also thanks to the recipe sheets and operating procedures posted on various machines, otherwise Zhuang Xuteng would not know how to make espresso. After the coffee was served, the passenger sat at the bar, sipping and chatting. He has sleeping problems and is most afraid of being woken up midway, making it very painful to fall asleep again. And he had only one solution: hold on and not sleep until he couldn't hold on any longer.

"That's really uncomfortable." Zhuang Xuteng only said one sentence, and then leaned against the wall to be lazy. The passenger was chattering away while drinking coffee. Maybe he regarded Zhuang Xuteng as his psychiatrist?

At this time, a man wearing black sunglasses and an armored suit walked into the dining car. He looked at Zhuang Xuteng and seemed a little surprised. Then he saw the guests chatting animatedly on the bar, and his expression relaxed slightly.

"Is it nice here?" the man in suit asked.

Zhuang Xuteng put away his polite smile and nodded slowly and solemnly. He directly observed with the naked eye the neat incisions left by the installation of various implants on the skin of the man in the suit. One of his hands was hidden in his gloves, but the artificial armor skin could be seen on the exposed part of the wrist. Zhuang Xuteng didn't need to activate the Eye of Shadow to know that this man was well-equipped and might be a difficult opponent.

"It's okay." The man nodded, looked around the dining car again, then turned and left. The passenger drinking coffee looked at his back, curled his lips, and said, "I'm not a big official, but I have a lot of things to do. Oh, do your job well, so that you can..."

Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand, put it on the back of his neck and pressed hard. The passenger rolled his eyes and fainted. He was merciful and only caused temporary damage to him without any sequelae. This technique was learned from Prince, when he and Gongdao asked people for advice on assassin techniques.

We definitely can't let this person talk any more. If we lure the man in the suit back, the situation will become quite complicated. Based on the footsteps, the man in the suit must have heard the chatter behind him, and his pace slowed down for a while. It wasn't until Zhuang Xuteng put the passenger down that he snorted, resumed speed and continued moving forward.

"Huh... I can save you once." Zhuang Xuteng patted the passenger's head, then helped him to the dining table and laid him on the chair to sleep. The more thoroughly he fainted, the more soundly he slept.

The train suddenly trembled and then accelerated briefly. This shows that the treasure house car is completely separated from the front car and the balloon begins to inflate. Zhuang Xuteng listened intently, trying to catch the sound of the helicopter, but heard nothing. The driving noise of the train itself and the roaring wind were well concealed, and Nightingale and Rockbird seemed to have used some kind of noise control technology.

He didn't understand what the two sisters were explaining. They probably collected the noise from the helicopter and then played opposite sound waves through the speakers in the car to cancel out the two. Zhuang Xuteng didn't read much, so he didn't know how difficult it was. He just thought it was quite magical.

However, this can only reduce the noise, but it cannot completely cover everything up. Zhuang Xuteng listened carefully and could still catch the sound of a helicopter flying overhead. Then, he heard a change in the sound of the wind. It should be that the carriage was lifted and the surrounding air flow changed. There were a few metal collisions and a brief friction, and then the helicopter was heard flying away.

The car behind him caught up with him, and he lightly attacked the dining car. The brief bump and shake was hidden in the bumps and jitters of the vehicle. Now Zhuang Xuteng was very grateful to the bad road conditions, which really helped cover up a lot of things.

After the train docking was completed, Zhuang Xuteng left the bar and came to the end of the carriage. He opened a curtain and saw the sleeper car behind him. Ge Gongdao was looking at him at the door. The two men nodded and smiled, then turned around together to do whatever they needed to do.

The train was still moving forward, unaware that one of his body parts had been stolen. Zhuang Xuteng continued to stand guard behind the bar. Twenty minutes later, he received the news that Nightingale and Yanque had completed the cleaning of the train control system, erasing their traces at the chip level. The two sisters have been taken back to the sleeper car by Ge Gong Road. They are cold, tired and not in good condition, but they will definitely be able to make it to the station.

Later, a message from Lucy came, informing Zhuang Xuteng that there were three people in the dining car crew on the day shift and only one on the night shift. They had to work full time, so there should be no shift changes in the middle. Their morning shift starts at half past five, and it is estimated that someone will come to work after five o'clock to check the food, so Zhuang Xuteng must be careful.

With the intelligence support in place, Zhuang Xuteng knew what to do. At four forty-five, he cooked himself a steaming chicken curry rice, changed his clothes, sat down at the dining table, and ate slowly.

At about 5:20, the day shift waiter arrived and was a little stunned when he saw the empty kitchen. Zhuang Xuteng put down his spoon and said to him: "The man just now had something to do and had to leave early. He asked me to let you know."

"Oh, I see."

Zhuang Xuteng muddled through like this. He finished his "breakfast", returned to his seat, and then waited for the train to arrive.

At 6:30 a.m., the train began to slow down and stopped at the platform five minutes later. As soon as the door opened, Zhuang Xuteng left the carriage, quickly walked into the exit passage, and disappeared into the crowd. Ten minutes later, he met up with the two sisters Ge Gongdao and Nightingale Yanque. The four people looked at each other and smiled, then breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed.

Nightingale pointed to her head and said: "The helicopter has landed smoothly, and the entire carriage has been pushed into an underground warehouse that can isolate the signal. The middleman is checking each item one by one to prevent there is a tracking device that can be activated. The latest mission briefing is: Everyone is busy Then reassemble the helicopter and put it back as soon as possible."

"Now it depends on whether the finishing work can be done well." Zhuang Xuteng pricked up his ears, then smiled and said: "There should be a missing piece inside the station. I heard the alarm bell."

"I heard it too." Yanque said with a smile: "I also felt that the air was full of tense communication signals. It will definitely be very lively here after a while, should we evacuate?"

"Well, it's time to leave. Are there any instructions from Lucy?"

"She told us not to rush there and make sure no one is following her. Our group is the only ones outside right now, and everyone else is safe."

"Okay." Zhuang Xuteng immediately turned his head and said, "Let's split up, take the bus to the car rental point, then take the bus back, and drive our car back. Such a cross-city movement is long enough, and we can definitely see if there is any Tracker. What do you think?"

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