Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 197 Chapter 195 Breath of the Wild

If all goes well, each location could be searched in about two days. The biggest factor that affects whether it goes "smoothly" is the weather. The semi-desert wilderness has its own breathing rhythm. After a clear sky during the day, it turns into a humid wind at night, and it starts to rain and fog the next day.

This kind of rain has very fine raindrops that disperse as they fall, forming a thick fog. Zhuang Xuteng's field of view was compressed to only twenty meters. After turning on the low-light mode of the telescope, he could see slightly farther, about twenty-five meters. With such visibility, the search efficiency was too low and it was easy to get lost. They did not dare to drive back to the city. So Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana had to sit in the car and wait for the weather to improve.

The only good news is that they can light a fire to cook and get themselves something hot to soothe their stomachs.

It rained for a long time, and the fog began to dissipate after noon. Although the weather was still very gloomy and the visibility was far inferior to yesterday under clear skies, we had a low-light telescope to make up for it and we were able to conduct reconnaissance.

The two of them seize the time to set off and come back before nightfall. They can still walk a lot!

During this operation, Morgana discovered that Zhuang Xuteng had a particularly good memory, and he would never find a mistake wherever he went. Whether he was returning to the last checkpoint yesterday or returning to the camp in the dark, Zhuang Xuteng always moved forward in a straight line and found the correct position directly.

Most people remember places by landmarks, from landmark A to landmark B and then to C... following one point at a time, but Zhuang Xuteng is not like that at all. Morgana believed that Zhuang Xuteng recorded everything along the way, and the entire area was an overall landmark to him. As long as he determines his destination, he can reach it directly.

This ability is very powerful, but doesn't he think it's a waste of time? That’s not how the human brain works, right? Morgana guessed that Zhuang Xuteng might have some kind of ability to control memory, either a spell or a bloodline ability.

The possibility of spells is very low. Unless he also masters the advanced ability of silent spellcasting, Morgana will definitely notice his spellcasting behavior. If you think about it carefully, you can rule out this possibility: if he could learn to cast spells silently, Naike would have been hired away by the company with a high salary. It is impossible for him to be hired as a mercenary, and he would not choose to be a mercenary.

Bloodline abilities are even rarer nowadays. After the gods left, the "bloodline" quickly faded away. Even intermarriage within the clan could not save its decline, so it gradually became rare. To this day, there are occasional cases where blood vessels are reactivated, and those are mainly related to appearance, flesh and blood, and organ function. Blood vessels that strengthen the brain were extremely rare in ancient times, and they are even less likely now.

If blood strengthens the brain, then he should at least have other outward manifestations, right? Like a big head? Morgana secretly thought.

Compared with bloodline, shadow slave implants are more likely, but brain-implanted shadow slaves have always been the most expensive type. Each piece needs to be specially customized, and only specialized intelligence analysts or information control personnel Will use it.

After thinking about it, "Nike is very smart" may be the closest to the truth.

Morgana likes smart people, especially when he also knows how to take care of others. Since there is no endurance implant installed, and there is no ability to transfer damage such as dormant martial arts, how can long-distance walking and investigation not make Morgana tired? Every time she showed that she couldn't keep up, Zhuang Xuteng would take the initiative to take a rest and then help her carry the heavy objects.

And he never said "you're tired" or "you can't do it."

Morgana hated hearing the words "you can't do it" the most. When she wanted to become a witch, she said, "You can't do it." When she wanted to join the PCPD, she said, "You can't do it." When she wanted to trace the origin of the purple-skinned man, she still said, "You can't do it." She had heard these three words since she was a child, and she had already developed a stress response, which always made her angry.

Zhuang Xuteng would only say "in order to maximize task efficiency" or "I haven't done any special exercise in the past two days, so I just did some weight-bearing." These were obvious white lies, and Morgana would be happy as long as she accepted the good part.

The mood was pleasant enough and the physical exertion was within acceptable limits, but the results of the search work were not promising. Not only did it take them a day longer than originally planned, but they also found no clues. The one of the four locations that best matched the environmental data was eliminated, and they could only pack their bags and head to the next location.

Going from the northwest to the northeast of the city, you must pass through Peicheng. After returning to the phone signal coverage area from the wasteland, both people's mobile phones made a beeping sound. Zhuang Xuteng lowered his head and glanced twice. Various advertisers showed their meticulous concern to him, and there were also several unfamiliar numbers. He had only dialed them once, and it was not worth dialing back.

Morgana had more calls than Zhuang Xuteng, and she frowned when looking at the missed call list. "I have to call my supervisor. It seems like something happened at the PCPD. Naike, don't talk."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, then listened.

"Where have you been? You have to be able to answer the phone even on vacation! Where are you now? What, not in Peicheng, just out of the mountains? What are you doing in such a shabby place?" The voice in the mobile phone receiver could not escape Zhuang Xuteng's reinforcement. Listening, the anxiety and anger contained in it are also clearly expressed.

"Do you need me to go back now? I can't go back for a while." Morgana frowned and asked, "Is there an emergency?"

"The gangs started fighting, and some mercenaries were disobedient and mixed in. There have been many shooting incidents recently, and the riot squad has to be dispatched every night. The bureau is short of manpower, so come back quickly."

"I really want to go back, but..." Morgana shook her head and said, "I'll think of a way now. If I have a chance, I'll take the earliest flight back. Boss, my vacation... Okay, count me in work overtime……"

After picking up the phone, Morgana snorted and shook her head slowly. She looked out the car window. The buildings in Peicheng were coming towards her and the streets were receding. She didn't say she wanted to go back to PCPD, so Zhuang Xuteng didn't change direction and continued driving to the next wilderness.

The second location is more desolate and is a rolling hilly area, making it much more troublesome to walk. If there is vegetation, you will have something to hold on to when going up and down the mountain, and your feet will be stable. But the semi-desert hills are full of loose rocks and clods of soil, which will collapse if you don't pay attention, making you often unstable.

The two held each other's hands, Zhuang Xuteng in front and Morgana behind, supporting them up and down the mountain. You can see farther from the top of the mountain, but you can't see the valley clearly. In order not to miss clues, they could not just look from the top of the mountain, but also had to step into the valley.

Fortunately, the weather was kind, and there was just a shower, and no fog rose to affect their vision. Counting one night of reconnaissance with night vision equipment, the two men finally completed the search of this area in two days. Unfortunately, there are still no clues.

"Go to the next one!" Morgana was not discouraged and just returned to the cell phone signal coverage. She was frowned by the messages that kept ringing.

From the wrinkles between her brows and the slightly trembling cheeks, Zhuang Xuteng noticed her uneasiness, and he asked: "Is your boss at PCPD urging you to go back again? Morgana, let me help you ask how the situation is in the city. ?”

"Thank you, I thought of that too."

"Just say it when you think of it, don't be embarrassed, I'm your informant!" Zhuang Xuteng dialed Lucy's phone, turned it on speakerphone, and put it on the dashboard.

"Sister Lucy, this is Naike, I just entered the Peicheng area, and the hands-free is currently on." Zhuang Xuteng slowed down and pulled over, and asked: "What happened in the city? I heard there was a fight?"

"It's not bad. Gangs are fighting for territory and outsiders are causing trouble here. The whole situation is chaotic but not very intense. Are you turning on the speakerphone? Who is still around?"

Morgana said: "I'm still using Nike, and there are only two of us in the car."

"Just use it, use it hard. Mercenaries don't get involved in gang wars, unless there is an opportunity to add insult to injury and eliminate the root cause. It's not the time yet, just let Naike work for you with peace of mind. By the way, wait a moment. ..." There was the sound of rummaging through files from Lucy's side, and after a while she said: "Morgana, our mercenaries are fine, but the PCPD side is a little injured. The third bureau in the hub area was bombed yesterday. Someone. Driving a car full of explosives and crashing directly into the police station..."

"Oh my God! Many people died?"

"Fortunately, only three people died and twenty-seven were injured. The timer of the explosive was broken during the impact, so it did not detonate. The equipment on a PCPD officer exploded, and the death and injury were all caused by this. Because It was also an explosion, and everyone thinks it was probably also done by the Gardeners Organization. At present, the Gardeners Organization has not announced responsibility for this incident. Nothing else, I just think you must want to know this."

"Thank you. I learned about it from you. I will remember this favor."

"This is not a favor, it's just relaying the news. Okay, I have other things to do, hang up!"

After the call ended, Zhuang Xuteng asked Morgana to ask about the specific situation. Morgana was scolded again by her superiors, but decided to return to work immediately without further delay.

"He only gave me overtime pay instead of making up vacation time... What do I need overtime pay for?"

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said: "When I worked in the factory, I just wanted to be paid enough for overtime, and never thought about having to take a vacation - almost all the workers around me were like this. Maybe your boss just doesn't understand you, and doesn't care about you. not good."

"Maybe you're right, at least it makes me feel better."

"You are very kind in nature. It would be better if you could look at the problem from more angles." Zhuang Xuteng said, "You go back to PCPD and I will investigate the remaining two places myself."

"No, don't go to that place in the wild. You can't reach me on your phone and no one can support you. You wait until I finish what I'm doing before we go together." Morgana thought for a moment and said, "You can't always Rely on this matter, so you can check out the place on the edge of town first. There is signal there, and the conditions are better, and you can buy supplies."

"Okay, then I'll go to location four first. I'll wait for your news about the wild exploration. Don't go back to the PCPD directly. Change your clothes first. Where do you need me to send you?"

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