Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 180 Chapter 178 Internal Disguise

Finding a safe way to use the implant, well, sounds very appealing. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao returned to the car with their suitcases and smiled at each other, the meaning of which was self-evident.

When the implant is discovered in the suitcase, "selling it" is simply not an option. The two of them had learned supercomputing and hibernation martial arts, and were about to improve their strength. This implant was a good thing that came to their doorstep. Even if you take a step back, the money you get from selling the implant will still be used to buy the implant. Every time you go in and out, people will make a profit in vain, and you will only lose.

"Go straight to the hospital?" Ge Gongdao suggested: "The hospital we went to before has good confidentiality."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "I think this thing may have other involvements, and I want to investigate first. Brother Dao, I want to take these things somewhere, and then go to the hospital to install them."

"Well, okay. Since you want to go by yourself, you must pay attention to safety. If there is danger, throw away all these things. As long as you are fine, you understand?" Brother Dao patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and said, "You Let’s go first, I’ll ask you for leave. I don’t know how many more days we will be at the excavation site.”

"Yes, we have to complete the mission at the rescue site first before we can do the implantation. Well, I'll set off right now and get back as soon as possible."

Zhuang Xuteng handed the white beast to Brother Dao, rode on Morgana's motorcycle, and headed straight to the black market with the box. Before entering the Black Stone, he found a woven bag to wrap the box as usual. This kind of bag decorated with irregular colored strips is strong and cheap. It can be seen everywhere and has low light transmittance. It is a kind that mercenaries like very much. Packaging Materials.

Of course, when I came to the black market, I was looking for the money owner of the Black and White Flag Grocery Store, and he was very strict about confidentiality here. Zhuang Xuteng gave him the suitcase and asked him to "taste" the contents.

"Is this what Brother Dao called me? I told you I don't know how to defuse bombs... Oh, it's been opened. Don't you recognize the things inside?" Boss Qian opened the box, took a look, and said, "This They are implants, eight in total, and they are quite healthy. Do you want to sell them to me? I am very happy to accept them and will give you a good price."

"I want you to see the code on the packaging bag. It's in that corner. Did you notice it?"

Boss Qian squinted his eyes and then nodded. "Yes, there is a code. It seems that it is not printed on it, but pressed on it. Oh, you want me to check what this code means? Hey, test me, right?"

"I think you are well-informed and have the best chance of solving this mystery."

"I can't, but Baiqi Grocery Store can. I'll try first." Boss Qian raised his hand, made a dot in the air, and then touched the code with his finger. He stared at the air for a while, touched his chin, and then said: "If you can find a result with a 97% accuracy rate, you will be charged 1,200 euros."

"So expensive?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Is this code very uncommon?"

"If we send out a mission and ask mercenaries to search for the same price, they will definitely not be able to find it."

"Then it's 1,200 euros." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "I promised and I won't default on the bill. Just tell me."

"Okay. This code is incomplete. It was accidentally pressed on and left on the outer packaging of the implant during the vacuuming process. Limit the search scope to this world and exclude possibilities less than 10 After filtering by geographical area, the most likely result is the personnel nameplate of the riot control unit."

"Personnel nameplate? Is it the kind of ID badge that hangs around the neck?"

"Basically, yes. The identity tags of the riot control squad have no names, and its information is encrypted and can only be read with specific equipment. The ones they usually hang around their necks only have the name of the riot squad and their blood type. The health information related to the implant is all in this code. Oh, it’s just a house number and doesn’t store actual information.”

"Why do you do this?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"If you are just an ordinary person, then treating your wounds and giving you blood transfusions during first aid can basically hang your life. However, members of the riot control team use a large number of implants, especially those with strong protection The implants will work passively and will work when injured. The consumption of the work itself and the side effects are a heavy burden on the injured, so special processing methods and steps are required. Well, generally speaking, those The implant is closed, and how to close the protective implant is an absolute secret. Do you understand? This is a stepping stone to apply for special treatment permissions to provide first aid to the riot control unit."

"I understand. 97% probability, right? Are there any other answers that are more likely?"

"32% chance it's the production batch number of a fish tofu product, and then there's no higher one. Oh, and by the way, 97% chance doesn't take into account that it's on the implant's vacuum packaging .If the correlation between implant first aid and implant vacuum packaging is taken into account, the numbers are even higher.”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, indicating that he understood. Well, there were more connections he could make: there had been riot squad activity where the item had been found; the riot squad had taken over the scene, and they could have checked any of the boxes.

After thinking about this, Zhuang Xuteng discovered another problem: he could not find the motivation and method for the riot control team to do this. Although the key to the box is kept by the PCPD, the riot squad can definitely obtain it before the TV station collapses. There is no problem with this step. But there is still a seal on the box, and the seal is...

Seal! Zhuang Xuteng was shocked. He only looked at the seal and didn't pay attention to whether the seals were the same. So he immediately sat down, held his head in his hands, and began to mobilize his memory with all his strength. The first seal, the later seal, and the two time seals were spinning around in his mind. At first they were the same, then they were different, and finally they became the same but different again. Zhuang Xuteng stopped thinking.

"The previous memories have not been strengthened and become blurred as time goes by. If I continue to think like this, I will only cover the actual images with my wishes." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said to himself: "The only way is to go back Take a look, maybe there are clues."

"Clue? Are you investigating the case?" Boss Qian stood aside and handed him a glass of Legion juice. "Nike, I see that you are not in good condition. Are you too tired recently? I heard that many people died where the TV station collapsed. The scene must have been very scary. You need to change the environment and watch something or at least think something better. Things. Such as the sea, blue sky and white clouds..."

"Blue sky and white clouds? Your idea is really extravagant. I have only seen it in pictures. When did Peicheng have blue sky and white clouds?" Zhuang Xuteng smiled bitterly, took the legion juice and took a sip, feeling a little better. He pointed to the implants in the suitcase and said: "You can also say that I am investigating a case: I want to find out whose belongings these are. If they are not very dangerous, I can use them with confidence. Do you understand?"

"I understand, this kind of thing happens all the time in the black market. Wait, you didn't say this is an implant used by the riot squad, right? Why is it packaged like this? It's only packaged like this when smuggling in the black market doesn't want people to trace it. And they are not transported separately, they are all put together, which is not right!" Boss Qian curled his lips and said: "You said this is a case, but it is really a case."

"Yes, there are many doubts, so I don't feel confident when using it."

"Now, don't worry too much. After the implant is installed, no one can see what you are using unless you deliberately expose it." Boss Qian spread his hands and said, "I really want to check, then I have to kill you first, and then perform an autopsy on you, and at that point, you don’t need to worry. Besides, are you afraid of the riot squad? In addition to their large number of people, they also rely on implants to support the scene. You pretend Wouldn't it be as strong as them if you get their implants?"

Zhuang Xuteng glared and said, "What did you just say? Put on their implants and you will be just like them..."

"Yes, isn't this a very simple truth?" Boss Qian said to himself: "The shadow slave implant is a very unique technology that is almost unavailable elsewhere, but some principles are the same. Whether it is strong or not, a person Look at the craftsmanship and function of the implant, the second is the long-term maintenance level, and the third is whether the user can perform well. I think you are not bad at the third item, but the second one is more difficult to handle."

Zhuang Xuteng did not follow Boss Qian's idea. He had just thought of one thing: if he could "become" a member of the riot squad by installing these implants.

The riot control team patrols the building, constantly scanning the surrounding shadow slaves and checking for suspicious points. During this period, they will definitely encounter their own people many times. Zhuang Xuteng was completely familiar with the field of shadow reconnaissance, and his Shadow Eyes were better than any other investigative method he knew. But even the Eye of Shadow can only see the exact number, approximate strength, and fuzzy position of the shadow slaves.

If two people are equipped with the same implant, the Eye of Shadow cannot distinguish them. If the riot control team is accustomed to using this method to judge friends and foes, then this set of implants can perform the function of camouflage and deception. If they match the correct clothes, makeup and movement habits, even if they pass each other, they will only say hello to each other and will not take any further action.

"Boss Qian, can you check what functions these implants have? Are they the models used by the riot control squad?"

"Unlike the coding system, shadow implants are unique to this world, and it is much more expensive for me to check them than to go to a professional institution, such as an implant hospital."

"Make an offer."

"White Flag Grocery Store said the price is 3,000 euros per piece, eight pieces in total, and the discounted price for the whole set is 20,000 euros."

"The discount is a bit low, but I don't want to belabor it. I accept this offer. You can check it out!"

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