Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 170 Chapter 168 Beast Temperament

"Brother Dao, this is my sister, Zhuang Feifei; Feifei, this is Ge Gongdao, I call him Brother Dao. We work together and complete the commission together."

"Tall and strong, he looks much better than my brother." Zhuang Feifei stretched out her hand to Ge Gongdao and asked with a smile: "You won't hurt my hand, will you?"

"No, no! I didn't expect Naike to be ordinary-looking, but his sister is so beautiful! Well, it seems that Naike must have an unlucky genetic mutation." Ge Gongdao shook hands with Zhuang Feifei, then patted his chest and said: "Little sister, you are right about what you said. I am much better than your brother. Those bad guys and bad luck always come to me first. Brother You is always on the sidelines and takes advantage. He is much more leisurely than me. Alas, this is just hard work for those who can do it!”

"Then thank you for taking care of my brother!" Zhuang Feifei blinked, not quite believing it. She also knew in her heart that even if she directly asked Zhuang Xuteng whether mercenary work was dangerous, she would definitely not get a real answer. So she wanted to take this opportunity to take a good look at her brother's work so that she could have an idea.

"Does Bai Moji know about the bomb that hit the TV station?"

"Yeah. When I brought this up to her, although she acted surprised, I could tell that she was acting - I'll tell you quietly, her acting skills are far from as good as singing." Zhuang Feifei covered her hands with her hands. Mouth, blatantly snitching. "I think she knew about it beforehand, but she didn't want to tell us staff. Regardless of whether she knew it or not, she had to go to the party. It's easy to make mistakes in a hurry."

"It is better to be vigilant than not to be vigilant," Zhuang Xuteng said.

"I also know this truth, but I don't know what to be wary of." Zhuang Feifei said: "For example, I know to be wary of strangers, but when I get there, there are strangers around me, and I can't understand what they are doing. What are you going to do? It’s like being nervous in vain and doing nothing. It’s up to you professionals, especially Brother Dao!”

"Huhuhaha, you're right!" Ge Gongdao shook his fist and said.

Zhuang Xuteng hummed, admitting that what his sister said made sense. "Did Bai Moji know we were coming? What did she say?"

"She asked me to take you there and want to ask you about your specific situation. Let's not keep her waiting. She has not been going well recently and she has been in a bad mood." Zhuang Feifei said as she walked: "She values ​​this New Year's Eve very much. For this reason, a new song was sung at the party. In the past, new songs were sung at fan meetings and then revised after seeing the response. Sing them directly at the party and spread them widely, leaving little room for revision. If it’s less, the risk will be greater.”

Zhuang Xuteng thought quickly and asked immediately: "The TV station gave you a lot of money this time?"

"It's possible, but I can't ask. Don't ask this after you meet. After all, it's a private matter." Zhuang Feifei led the two of them through the room along the way, and every staff member she saw was talking to them. Say hello and be able to call them by their name accurately. Those people responded with smiles, and even the very busy ones at least nodded. It can be seen that Zhuang Feifei is quite popular here, and Zhuang Xuteng feels more relieved.

Bai Moji met them in the big living room last time. Zhuang Xuteng learned his lesson and started listening to what was going on inside before entering the door to guard against the snow leopard's sneak attack.

The naughty snow leopard did sneak a few steps toward them, preparing them for a customary scare. But it only walked half the distance when it suddenly stopped, sniffed, twitched its legs, clamped its tail, and ran away with a slurp.

"What's wrong with that guy?" Bai Moji shook her head, guessing that the big man Ge Gongdao might have scared Snow Leopard. Well, she quickly noticed Ge Gongdao's long hair, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that she was right.

"You were hired by the TV station to be security guards? Tell me what happened specifically." Bai Moji sighed and said, "This performance is very important to me. After I heard Feifei mention this, I gave it to you." The TV station called, but they were vague and didn't say anything useful. I want to hear your opinion: Is the risk high this time?"

Ge Gongdao pursed his lips tightly and stretched out his hand to Zhuang Xuteng, gesturing for him to speak.

"Our person in charge at the TV station is Producer Park, and he has no interest in sharing information. We tried to ask him questions, but they were blocked. It can be said that there is no valuable information. Therefore, we believe that the TV station was involved in this incident. It is both a victim and a stumbling block." Zhuang Xuteng said: "We learned from other channels that the bomb transported this time was only equipped with a detonation mechanism and did not increase the amount of ammunition. Therefore, it did explode, but the damage was very small. The detonation The mechanism is very simple, and something of the same level can be found in most mining factories. The key to the question now is who, by what method, and when sent the detonating mechanism to the TV station. Will he continue to do this? Who is the target?"

“Don’t the TV stations even know their goals?”

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "There is a high probability that I don't know, and if I know, I will never tell us."

"Those guys..." Bai Moji thought for a while and said, "I feel like this matter is aimed at me."

Zhuang Xuteng became nervous and asked, "Why do you say that? Do you feel threatened?"

"Threats? You mean someone sent threatening letters or poked their heads around? This happens every day, and I have called it normal." Bai Moji shook her head and said: "Among the guests at this party, I am worth the most. The highest and most famous, and of course the most likely to target me.”

"Oh..." Zhuang Xuteng simply responded. He didn't think this logic could be established. Just when he wanted to inquire further about the situation, he saw Bai Moji's snow leopards reappearing, two large and one small.

The two snow leopards were staring at Zhuang Xuteng, with complex expressions in their blue eyes. Everyone's attention was attracted, and Bai Moji, the owner of the snow leopard, was even more confused about this situation. She said: "My snow leopard just gave birth to three cubs. They have always been very precious and will not be touched by others. This is the first time that they have brought the little snow leopards out to meet strangers."

"I heard that animals that protect their cubs are very fierce." Ge Gongdao clenched his fists and bared his teeth at the snow leopard.

"I feel like they've been staring at me..." Zhuang Xuteng stood up and walked directly towards Snow Leopard.

Bai Moji exclaimed: "Don't go up, if anything happens, I... Bai Bai, Pangpang, go back to the nest! Go back to the nest immediately!"

"They can't do anything to me." Zhuang Xuteng had met snow leopards last time and knew their speed, strength and agility. As long as he uses the super-calculated martial arts three-dodge, he can completely deal with the threat of the snow leopard, so he has no fear.

The snow leopards completely ignored Bai Moji's order. They took half a step back with some hesitation in their eyes, then walked forward and came to Zhuang Xuteng's feet. The female snow leopard opened her mouth, put down the little snow leopard in her mouth, pushed it with her paw, and pushed it directly to Zhuang Xuteng.

"The little snow leopard is so cute... Do you want me to see it and praise it?" Zhuang Xuteng squatted down, guarding against the big snow leopard, and reached out to touch the little guy. The ungrown snow leopard is a larger cat. It waved its claws at Zhuang Xuteng, opened its non-threatening mouth, and made a very cute purring sound.

"Well, it's quite beautiful." Zhuang Xuteng touched the snow leopard and then stepped away, thinking that he had completed his "mission". Unexpectedly, the snow leopard parents picked up the little one again and placed it at Zhuang Xuteng's feet. Every time the little snow leopard tried to run away, they would pull it back.

"Are you giving me the snow leopard?" Zhuang Xuteng looked at Bai Moji and asked, "I'm not sure what this means."

"Who are you asking me?" Bai Moji rolled her eyes.

"You raised the snow leopards and they obey your orders. Then you must have trained them or know how to give orders - I can only ask you!" Zhuang Xuteng took a few steps back, but the snow leopards spotted him. Keep pushing the little snow leopard to him.

"I don't know how to train at all. This snow leopard was given to me by someone else. You must know that the Genesis New Animal Company of the Scarlet Group is responsible for after-sales, including training. As long as you explain to them the purpose of the pet, they will take it away and train it in half a year. Send it back. I just need to follow the instructions."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and opened the Eye of Shadow. He noticed that the back of the Snow Leopard's neck revealed the glimmer of the Shadow Servant, but the little Snow Leopard did not. "The little snow leopard hasn't been sent to training yet, right?"

"Yes, it's too small, we have to wait a month." Bai Moji said.

"Your snow leopard wants to give me the younger one. Should I accept it or not?"

Bai Moji thought carefully and kept observing the snow leopard's behavior. After a while, she said: "You can keep it first and take it back to raise it. It will eat milk now and meat later. Don't starve it. If you don't want to raise it or can't afford it, then send it back to me." . I don’t understand, why do I have to give it to you? I’m pretty good to them!”

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged, saying that he didn't know, then leaned down and picked up the little snow leopard. The big cat tried to struggle away, but he held it by the back of its neck. At this time, Snow Leopard's parents seemed relieved and walked away. They rubbed their heads next to Bai Moji and then both turned their heads and returned directly to the nest without looking at their children.

"Weird..." Bai Moji frowned and stared at Zhuang Xuteng and said, "I have never heard of such a thing. Snow leopards have enough food and will give their children to others. Do they trust you so much? Wait a minute. , have you worked at Genesis New Animal Company?”

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head: "This is the second time in my life that I have seen a snow leopard."

"It's strange... I have always raised them as my own children. I think their actions are very meaningful. Maybe they make me trust you too?" Bai Moji thought for a while and said: "Feifei said you don't want to follow the TV station The idiot Park Producer is messing around and wants to protect me directly. I thank you for your concern and professionalism and agree to accept your protection. How about you just treat me as my new Snow Leopard 1 and Snow Leopard 2?"

"If it's just for this operation, we have no problem, just use this code name."

"I know that the TV station hired the PCPD and the riot squad. I have a ten-person bodyguard team. They will go with me this time, and then add the two of you. I will add the assistant, plus the harmony and soundtrack. Waiting for the staff related to the performance, the team has a total of eighteen people." Bai Moji asked: "Just two of you?"

PS: Double updates at 12:00 and 18:00 every day, with additional updates from time to time to give back to book friends. Please keep subscribing and voting more monthly, thank you!

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