Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 151 Chapter 149 You are not professional

"What were you doing before?" Morgana narrowed her eyes and stared at Zhuang Xuteng's expression, and sniffed the air gently, as if to find out the smell of lies.

"We have a commission. We have been working together day and night. This has just ended the second day." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "I might have come to you yesterday, but our middleman just came to you this morning. Back to the city. No, let’s meet in the morning. As soon as I heard that it was your commission, the two of us immediately accepted it and then contacted you to meet up.”

"Are you two together?" Morgana looked at Ge Gongdao, frowned, and asked, "Just you two, no one else?"

Ge Gongdao laughed twice and said: "Although we are not alone, there is not a woman. If we chat for another twenty minutes, then you will be the only one we have met in the past three months, including our middlemen." The longest-lasting female creature.”

"What are you talking about? It's weird..." Morgana rolled her eyes at Ge Gongdao, then turned away, took two deep breaths to adjust her mood, and then turned back to look at her with the serious expression she had just recovered. Look at Zhuang Xuteng - and only look at him. "Recently, someone in Peicheng has been selling the spirit leaves, refining them to an incredible purity: 99%, and turning them into a blue crystal. It is more addictive and more harmful."

"You mean drugs? You didn't mention it in the commission. This will change the nature of the whole thing." Ge Gongdao frowned and his expression became serious: "In Peicheng, anything related to drugs is very dangerous. It’s dangerous, each one of them has extremely fierce firepower and is very difficult to deal with. If the frozen fish factory is their processing plant, then you’d better call the riot squad directly instead of the three of us going to die.”

"The processing location is unknown. It's definitely not at the frozen fish factory. The PCPD has already checked it out. I think it's just a warehouse, and it's just a transit warehouse. Even if there is a defense, it won't be very strong unless you two express fear."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "I'm not afraid. Although I have never seen the firepower of drug dealers, it is certainly not as strong as a company, right? Besides, this is not a firepower assault, right? Morgana, what do you want us to do specifically? What?"

"Find the warehouse and steal the goods out for me. I'll be useful."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "If it's something else, I can help you take advantage of it. This spiritual leaf extract is not good, it has completely different properties. Those are purely harmful things to people, and they should be destroyed."

Morgana looked at Zhuang Xuteng's serious and cold expression and listened to his harsh attitude towards the spirit leaves. She quickly smiled and said, "I have a very powerful chemical laboratory. With just one kilogram of samples, I can determine the composition of the impurities according to their composition." , analyze the areas it has been to. So I only want one kilogram, and the rest will be destroyed according to your ideas. If it is less than one kilogram, the analysis is meaningless, just destroy them all. Does this satisfy you?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and he also noticed that Morgana said "I have a family" instead of "I know a chemical laboratory." What does her family do? What do you need a chemistry lab for?

"Morgana, aren't you a colleague of that family?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Bah!" Morgana raised one foot, pretending to step on Zhuang Xuteng's feet. As if she felt that this action was too intimate, she took her feet back and put them down midway. "I don't need to tell you what my family does! If it weren't for finding the source of the blue crystal and completely destroying it, I wouldn't keep even a gram, I would just destroy them all on the spot. If you don't believe me, then Just pretend that there is no such commission and I will find someone else."

"Then leave it to us..." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"Why, are you reluctant to part with such a good commission fee?"

Zhuang Xuteng narrowed his eyes, shook his head slowly, and said: "If it's just for the sake of money, I won't ask any more questions. I'll listen to whatever is arranged for me. When I get inside, I'll think of ways and opportunities to remove those spiritual leaves." All the extracts are burned, and then blamed on the fire prevention measures or security measures of the warehouse. I ask these questions more because I am worried that you will fall into the quagmire, and if I can save you, I will pull you out quickly. And you are right, you At this price, you can indeed find better, more expensive, and more reputable mercenaries than us, but you have to be careful whether they will shoot you in the back for this poison!"

Ge Gongdao looked left and right, and roughly understood the state of these two people: they were quarreling on the surface and at heart on the inside. At this time, it is most necessary for someone to act as a common target for the two of them, so that they can find the steps and quickly join forces, so that they can build a hot relationship. Well, I understand, but he just didn't speak and had no intention of being a target.

Unexpectedly, Morgana glanced at Ge Gongdao without even trying to escape: "Why don't you say anything? Are you related to drug dealers and are you thinking of secretly reporting the news?"

"Ah? Alas..." Ge Gongdao shook his head and said: "The three of us should not be suspicious of each other, it's useless. In fact, everyone has the same thing in mind, do this matter well! It's already related to drug dealers , you need to go all out, so don’t make extra trouble! I’m older than you, and I’ve been working as a mercenary for a longer time, so please listen to what I have to say first!”

Sure enough, Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana said together: "Okay, you speak first."

"First of all... ahem," Ge Gongdao quickly found words and said: "First of all, you can't be careless and relax your vigilance because you think it might just be a transfer station. Let me put it this way, if there is only one or two packs there. In transit, there may only be one or two gangsters. If there are ten or eight tons, it may be an army with full firepower guarding it. We must not rush this matter, we must do a good job of investigation, a week is definitely not enough."

Gongdao noticed that Morgana raised her eyebrows and said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to deliberately prolong the time to defraud you of money, or tip off the gang. We have fought together and faced each other together. The ghost energy bomb in front and the grenade behind, even if I only look at this friendship, I will not hack your money. I will tell you honestly, what you want to do is not in line with your entrustment method, don’t use it every day It’s not how much it costs to hire people, it’s how much it costs to get the job done.”

Zhuang Xuteng also nodded and said, "We all feel that you are a bit like being taken advantage of."

Morgana inhaled through her nostrils and was about to glare when Gongdao immediately pointed at his partner and said, "That's what Naike thinks. I don't, absolutely not! Let me think of a solution for you!"

"Tell me, what's the plan?" Morgana stared at Zhuang Xuteng with squinted eyes and snorted secretly.

"Although you said that the maximum employment period is one week, the two of us have recently made a discount to give you a profit. Just pay us for five days. No matter how long it actually takes, we will take care of this matter for you."

Morgana shook her head and said: "One hundred and forty thousand euros is nothing, so you don't need to save it for me. But I want to participate in this matter, not just leave it to you two."

Zhuang Xuteng then said: "Let her follow. She still wants that kilogram. It's best to let her get it by herself, so as not to delay the chemical analysis."

"Thank you for your help, ha..."

"You're welcome." Zhuang Xuteng touched his head and said: "Brother Dao, I agree that this matter should be handled with caution and you must not be anxious. Is it just the professional skills of the three of us? Since we want to sneak in, is it necessary? Someone who can detect and resolve surveillance and traps?”

"What you said is exactly what I think. The reason why we charge a fixed fee is because we have to find helpers for this task." Gogongdao said to Morgana: "We have to find someone who is familiar with the gang situation and knows how to observe and solve security measures. Because we are looking for foreign aid, it will be deducted from our money. You don’t need to pay extra, and don’t reveal that you are the client.”

"Hmm... Then I pretend to be a mercenary?" Morgana pointed at Zhuang Xuteng and said, "I can just imitate him. It's not difficult at all."

"You can only learn from me. Brother Dao is big and he staggers sideways when he walks. You can't do it either!" Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and said, "Is this new person trustworthy? Although he is required to be familiar with it. It’s a gang thing, but he can’t have any interest in the gang. We’ve all experienced this stabbing in the back.”

"Indeed, this is a priority, and you can rest assured that when it comes to being stabbed, I feel it more deeply than both of you, and I hate it more deeply." Ge Gongdao scratched the itch on his arm through the long hair and said : "The person I'm looking for has a blood feud with a drug dealer, so I can rest assured on this matter."

Morgana nodded and said, "So this is a four-person operation?"

"The main action is four people. Unless you find that the security there is particularly tight, four people are seeking death. Morgana, I have to make it clear here first: the entrusted goal is to investigate the situation, sneak in and steal a kilogram, find Destroy the remaining ones when you have the opportunity, not to die in a hurry. If four people can't do it, then ask for help, think of other ways, and mobilize more resources. It doesn't mean that the other three people have to rush in and die for you, do you understand?"

"I never wanted you to die. Your thoughts and mine have been the same from the beginning."

"That's good." Ge Gongdao nodded, and then said: "Since you want to follow us, then make arrangements with the PCPD, change your clothes, and stop wearing professional characteristics. Let's call and make an agreement. Assembly point. You can come up with a code name for yourself so that I can introduce you to my mercenary friends."

"Nana? No, it sounds like a nickname rather than a code name. Let's call her Momo." Morgana blinked and thought hard.

"Neither Momo nor Nana are mercenaries. We try to choose names that are more domineering and sound powerful, rather than particularly friendly names."

"I thought about it! Is there anyone in the mercenary industry called Holy Light Witch? If not, I will use this one."

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "How are the Holy Light and the witch connected?"

"Why do you care so much? I like it." Morgana snorted and said, "This is the name I paid for this mission. Don't talk so much nonsense!"

"It's not that it can't be called that, but historically, the Church of Light God has been arresting..."

Before Zhuang Xuteng could finish speaking, he was kicked in the butt by Ge Gongdao.

"You really talk a lot of nonsense! Can you focus on the task instead of chatting here... ah... farting." Ge Gongdao almost couldn't help saying the word "picking up girls".

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