Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 143 Chapter 141 The Primary Stage of Master and Disciple

I have been soaking underwater, breathing through an iron tube, and focusing on controlling my body, so it is difficult to accurately track the passage of time. Zhuang Xuteng didn't know how long it had been. He just felt that his skin no longer hurt, so he sat up from the pool.

The purple color of the potion became lighter, and six yellowish mealworms floated on the water. As long as this creature gets sick, the color of its body will inevitably turn from white to yellow. The more seriously ill it is, the darker the color will be. Zhuang Xuteng habitually picked them up and soaked them in the healing liquid.

"Wait a minute, wasn't I just in the healing liquid?" Zhuang Xuteng stood up, looked at his body, and his eyes immediately widened. All his wounds have healed, no damage can be seen, and they have even become younger and smoother. He touched himself and felt as if he was a different person.

"It also has a beauty function? Haha, I didn't expect it to be so useful." Zhuang Xuteng walked out of the pool, carefully checked his whole body, made sure that all the wounds were healed, and put on new underwear. The sound of his movement was heard by Ge Gongdao, so the iron pipe rose, and then the dark and strong man sat up.

Purple potion flowed on his skin, underneath the wounds that had closed but not disappeared. Ge Gongdao stretched out his hand to wipe his face, adjusted his eye muscles slightly, and then looked at Zhuang Xuteng carefully. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Are you fully recovered?"

"Yeah! I think it's amazing too." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to his pool and said, "Look, there are a few mealworms that turned yellow. They must have borne the damage for me."

"Have you learned it yet? So quickly?!" Ge Gongdao frowned and said, "Is the gap between people so big?"

"Haha, maybe! I don't have any talent in learning, maybe my talent is concentrated in this aspect." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "Actually, I don't know if I am practicing correctly, but I do have some insights. Brother Dao, if you don’t mind it, I’ll tell you.”

"Fuck, what's wrong with this? Of course I want to hear it!" Ge Gongdao stirred the water in the pool with his hands and said, "I was just thinking about how to avoid being covered by mealworms. You have a way, that's great!"

Except for the bone spear technique without the use of firearms, which must still be kept secret, other experiences will be unreserved. Zhuang Xuteng provided Ge Gongdao with the method of using shadow implants to increase the burden, and also told him the idea of ​​skin respiration. Not only that, he also proposed to assist Ge Gongdao in his study.

"I use binaural enhanced hearing to detect your heartbeat and breathing to help you find the rhythm. Don't soak in it, sit down so you can hear what I say. Well... I just want to try to see if I can The side effects from the implant are transferred to you.”

Ge Gongdao widened his eyes and asked, "Why did you do that?"

"I had an implant to increase the burden on my body, and then I found the feeling. By transferring the side effects to you, you can have a double experience: one is being transferred, and the other is transferred out. I think this can speed up your learning. "

"I also had both ears implanted. Actually... I changed my mind. I listen to you. You can use me to practice!" Ge Gongdao laughed twice and said excitedly: "I don't believe you. You learn so fast! Come on over!"

"Just wait and see!" Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly - something was not good.

So you provide me with experience, and I provide you with an experimental platform. The two of us help each other, and the speed of discovering and solving problems becomes faster. After a while, Ge Gongdao also gradually found the feeling. He described it as "blowing on the mealworms."

After having this feeling, the recovery speed of Ge Gongdao's wounds was obviously accelerated, and the price was of course borne by the mealworm. After a while, a yellow mealworm floated up. Its body was obviously shriveled compared to other mealworms, like a deflated rubber ball.

Zhuang Xuteng picked it up and found that it had lost all vitality. "Isn't this... such a tragic death?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "Brother Dao, mealworms are easy to get sick but not easy to die. How did you kill it?"

"I don't know either... There are many sick ones on your side, how come I only killed one here?" Ge Gongdao stood up from the pool, touched his body, and said, "But I'm fine now. It doesn’t hurt at all. How about we ask Teacher Ke?”

"You have to ask him." Zhuang Xuteng collected the sick and dead mealworms with his old underwear, and then walked upstairs.

Turns out his enhanced hearing implant heard someone talking upstairs.

Zhuang Xuteng quickly signaled Ge Gongdao to stop, pointed to his ear and pointed upstairs. Ge Gongdao was stunned for a moment, put his hand behind his ear to activate the enhanced hearing mode, and then he understood what happened.

The famine stranger was talking to an outsider, and that person's voice... Zhuang Xuteng would never admit that it was his father.

"Yes, I can continue to provide mealworms and recycle sick bugs." Zhuang Xuteng's father said to the famine stranger: "As long as the number of bugs does not exceed 10,000, then my greenhouse can supply the barbarians. If the number continues to increase, I can't bear it by myself, I have to call someone else. What do you think?"

The Famine Stranger replied: "Ten thousand is enough, there is no need to add others. The things I do here need to be kept secret, and what you earn is actually the money you keep secret."

"The same applies to you: if these mealworms appear on the market, they will definitely arouse the suspicion of the farm company. In case you don't know, there is a genetic trademark on the mealworms, and its owner can be traced. Even if it is Grind it into powder, and if you don’t know how to process it, you can still trace it based on the proportions of its ingredients.”

"What you said is a bit too mysterious." The Famine Stranger smiled.

"I really can't directly prove the authenticity of these rumors, but attempts to smuggle mealworms have never been successful. I only know that they are easier to trace than contraband like spirit leaves." Zhuang's father coughed lightly, Zhuang Xuteng Then I knew he was going to change the topic. "After all, mealworms don't taste good. I'm very close to here, and there are shelters along the way, so I can definitely deliver food here. Don't worry, I'll do it at the same time as delivering the bugs, and no one will be discovered."

"As long as the price is fair and clean, of course." Unexpectedly, the Hungry Stranger agreed very easily. He said: "At present, there are five of us here, so sometimes we go back and forth, so it's not that troublesome. Just prepare it for five people. It’s better to have something easy to eat and not make a mess.”

"My wife-in-law makes delicious meat buns and vegetable soup. They are all made from real flour, meat and vegetables, not synthetic deception."

"Just do this once first, and if it's good, then do this all. Steamed buns are very convenient, and I personally like them too."

"Okay, next time I will bring twenty-five big buns. Each one is about the size of the palm of my hand. I will definitely be full and delicious, and then we can negotiate the price. It's getting late, so I'll go back quickly. There are still many people on the farm. There’s work to be done.”

After his father walked away, Zhuang Xuteng asked Ge Gongdao to come to the first floor with him. The famine stranger sat on the ground leaning against a pillar, with a clear spring knife at his feet. He waved to the two of them and said, "It's almost time. I think it's time for your wounds to heal. Are you ready to fall down again?"

"I've been prepared for it for a long time, but I want to ask a few questions first." Zhuang Xuteng poured the mealworms on the ground and said, "Why are my mealworms just yellow, but the one on Brother Dao's side died directly? "

The Famine Stranger showed a shocked expression for the first time. He frowned, opened his mouth slightly, and stared at the mealworms in silence for half a minute. "You...have you been able to deflect the damage?"

"That's right... we both clearly felt connected to the mealworms..."

The Famine Stranger asked: "What does it feel like specifically?"

"It seems that there are no bugs, just me and the pool water." Ge Gongdao patted his chest and said: "To be honest, it feels really good. Without the itching, the bugs won't make me panic anymore - Naike said He is also in this state."

"You are good, very good. You are getting started with the dormant martial arts." The Famine Stranger laughed, shook his head and said, "At first I thought it would take at least two weeks for you to make any progress, but I didn't expect it would only be one day... Does anyone say anything? Do you think you have great talent? Even if you didn’t have it before, you have it now.”

Ge Gongdao smiled and looked at Zhuang Xuteng. If he said he was talented, only Zhuang Xuteng was stronger. He thought he was just following along. However, the two of them have agreed that all progress belongs to both of them, as long as they can make progress, there is no need to say a word to anyone else.

"Don't be too happy, you will be beaten worse next, and it will no longer be limited to skin injuries. I will use very precise wounds to push your potential, and you also need to use all your concentration to try to control the body's Self-healing process." The Famine Stranger said: "Also, don't be too proud. Now that you can transfer injuries, the purple potion plays the most critical role. Judging from the state of these mealworms, you are just following the trend. There’s not much control.”

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao hurriedly asked what this meant.

"The better you master it, the more dispersed the damage will be. Like the previous flesh wounds, there were so many mealworms for you to carry. The purple potion itself also has a therapeutic effect, so all the bugs should be kept intact. Think about it carefully, if you can do it so easily How can we continue to fight if we kill and maim the living creatures that share the damage?"

Got it, that’s how it is! Ge Gongdao looked at the killed mealworms and knew that he still had a big gap to catch up with. But he was still a little unconvinced, so he said, "Teacher Ke, how long did it take you to learn to transfer damage?"

"Much slower than you, it took a full 37 days." The Famine Stranger said: "My time cannot be used as a reference. On the one hand, it includes the time spent on torture to extract confessions, and I also need to sort out the information obtained through research. On the other hand I didn’t have purple potion, I just had mealworms.”

"Don't underestimate the purple potion. I prepared it slowly later. It is basically the company's secret recipe. That pool of water can only be used for two days. Maintaining the current concentration is equivalent to a cost of 20,000 euros per day. Wait until your injuries worsen. Finally, I need to increase the concentration to ensure that you will not die, that is, you must stay above the near-death state and be conscious. I think that by the end of your training, the cost of potions alone will be around 60,000 per day. Oh, Gorgon If it’s big and skinny, you’ll have to spend 50% more.”

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao opened their mouths together, and one of them said a curse word.

"The money Lucy paid was actually deducted from your dividends from the middleman war. Don't feel like you're at a loss. Without Lucy's channels, you wouldn't be able to find all the ingredients for the potion. In fact, if your training progress is slow, this The money will be used more, and it will definitely exceed your share of dividends. And for that part, Lucy will take care of it all."

Zhuang Xuteng sighed and concluded: "Fighting power is all gained by spending money!"

"It has been like this since ancient times, and there has never been an exception." The Famine Stranger said: "Sometimes the key is not whether you have money, but whether you have a way to spend it, and whether you can convert money into combat power. There are also some outside Rich people, many are richer than the extermination warrior Baden-Powell - to put it bluntly, what are four to five billion euros to the top rich? But even if they spend four to five billion, they can't even hope to obtain Baden-Powell's combat capabilities. Eighty percent is because of connections, and 30% is because of training talent.”

"The total is over 100%..." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"Without training talent, the company will not train Baden-Powell, just like I am very selective when choosing successors." The Famine Stranger stood up, clenched his fists, and said, "Okay, do you have any more questions? ?It’s time to continue training.”

"Wait, there is one more thing. We just heard a conversation between you and a person. You bought mealworms from that person and asked him to deliver buns." Zhuang Xuteng frowned, made a very worried expression, and said: "I remember Lucy said that our actions here must be secretive. You also asked us not to turn on the lights at night and to stay underground."

The Famine Stranger tilted his head and said, "What do you want to express?"

"Do you want to tell them to shut up?" Zhuang Xuteng made a gesture of raising and lowering the knife.

Ge Gongdao frowned at first. He felt that Zhuang Xuteng's idea was a bit too much. But he knew his partner, and he suspected there was a deeper meaning to this unusual behavior. Zhuang Xuteng looked at the Famine Stranger, he was indeed testing. If the Famine Stranger agrees with his suggestion, then for the sake of his father, this master who has not yet recognized him should completely disappear.

It's just that he hasn't figured out how to make him "disappear" yet.

"Be a human being!" The Famine Stranger sighed, shook his head, and said, "That's just an ordinary farm worker. He should never be your enemy. Naike, if you only see Interests and enemies, if you only have suspicions and conspiracies in your heart, you are useless and you can no longer be called a human being."

"Being a mercenary is to live a good life, to be capable and not to be bullied by others. If you think about bullying others, then you are a gangster, a loser, and a rat! Some old-school mercenaries believe that they should not be involved with gangs. Harmony is the pride of mercenaries, I think that is just the basic standard of being a human being!"

"I understand that you will have some wrong thoughts now. You are relatively weak and unconfident, and fear has given rise to those thoughts. But remember: change your mistakes! If you dare to put your wrong thoughts into action, I will kill you with my own hands! You'd better have a fear in your heart, and that's fear of me! I can pass on my skills to you, and I can watch you and control you, do you understand?!"

"I understand, I'll correct my mistake." Zhuang Xuteng still showed unconvincing expression on his face, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

PS: Today's status is not very good. There is only one update of 4,000. I will resume double updates tomorrow. I will catch up with the word count. Please keep subscribing and voting more monthly, thank you!

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