Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 123 Chapter 121 In the eye of the storm

In 602 Jinma Building, in a large room with all the curtains closed, Fatty D was sitting on an exaggerated imitation leather sofa, holding a cigar in his hand and staring directly at the phone on the low table in front of him.

"What a's fifteen minutes later than scheduled." Fatty D began to shake his legs. The fat on his legs formed waves, making the wrinkles on his silk pants deeper.

He knew he shouldn't be nervous. After all, he was already forty-five years old, including twenty-five years of experience as an intermediary, so he should have been calm. He was also hunted down because of failed missions. He once provoked the company and had to go to the wilderness to survive. However, he did not settle everything afterwards. He relied on balance and control with one hand.

Ahem—cigar smoke tickled his lungs, another mistake. Fatty D put his cigar down on the ashtray distractedly, and picked up the beer on the table to moisten his throat. This time he launched a middleman war against Lucy. He admitted that he was a little coerced by Viper, but more of it was greed for profit and confidence in his own strength. He made a careful plan and thought he had a chance to win. He never expected that all the steps in his plan were implemented, but none of them was completely successful.

This is too weird, nothing should be like this... He has already considered some successes and some failures in his plan, and then he selectively invests his efforts in order to win with high efficiency and high stability. He invested the most elite force in the raid on Lucy's residence, the blockade and control of the area ranked second, the support of blocking Lucy's mercenaries ranked third, and the capture of the intelligence officer ranked fourth... So far, four items Only area blockade and control tasks were normal, while the other three tasks had various problems.

Now, he is waiting for a call from the blockers, hoping that they can find Lucy's most offensive mercenaries as soon as possible and hold them back, so that he can dare to release the reserves around him.

Bang bang bang, there was a knock on the door, and before he could speak, the door was pushed open. Only Viper can do this under Fat D. This kind of behavior will make Fat D uncomfortable, but it also reminds Fat D in disguise: Viper's status is extraordinary.

Viper is at the age of thirty-two, the most ambitious period in his life, and his comprehensive physical and intellectual abilities are at their peak. He was slightly thin, and mild vitiligo left streaks on his skin, which is why he named himself Viper.

But in nature, vipers have black markings, while he has brown skin and white markings.

"Dexter (D Fat), I think you are hungry, so I brought you some fried chicken on the way." Viper easily climbed over the back of the sofa, squatted directly inside, and then threw a paper bag of fried chicken on the table . The oil from the fried chicken makes the thin paper bag transparent, and you can almost see the fried chicken inside. "Black Colonel Fried Chicken, lip-licking deliciousness - you are also dark-skinned, I think you will like this brand."

Fat D's skin is a bit dark, but he is actually the same type of person as Viper, and is essentially brown-skinned. If someone else made such a joke to Fat D, he would definitely let that person know what it means to turn a farce into a serious drama.

"I'm not in the mood to eat now. The Blood Bat Gang you're looking for hasn't reported the situation yet. It's already 18 minutes late. This is obviously not right."

"Don't worry about the Blood Bat Gang. They are a bit slow, but they are strong enough and will not let Lucy's mercenaries make waves." Viper smiled and said, "If you are worried, I will go and check the situation in a moment. ,How about it?"

"Of course it's best. The Blood Bat Gang will listen to your command." Fatty D reached out to the fried chicken after hearing the answer he wanted. He opened the bag and looked at it. He was hesitating whether to eat such greasy food. After all, he was almost 300 pounds and his blood fat was still high. Just then, the phone rang.

He grabbed the phone and held it to his ear, listening carefully. Fatty D's expression gradually relaxed. "Okay, great, we finally caught those slippery trails. Keep tracking, the viper will meet you and bite them to death together."

Viper narrowed his eyes, waited for Fat D to put down the phone, and asked, "Who did you catch?"

"We found the Famine Stranger, Lucy's sharpest knife. Now we finally know where it is." Fatty D smiled and said to Viper: "That guy is very powerful. He has more than four million implants. There is also the famous sword Qingquan in your hand. Are you confident in taking him down?"

"I can't do it alone, but with the Blood Bat Gang, there will be no problem." Viper still squinted his eyes and said, "Why, you haven't found that Naike yet?"

"A new person has not received many commissions, and no one knows his living habits and scope of activities. It is impossible to track his whereabouts. People like this are the most difficult to deal with."

"You said this before, but you also said that as long as you are serious about it, how can a new person jump out of your palm?"

"Are you blaming me? Viper, you are also an old mercenary. If you want to kill Naike, you have to do it yourself. Of course, there is also Ge ​​Gongdao, why do you keep him? He thinks you are a traitor. Sooner or later I will come to trouble you."

Viper snorted and said: "You are a little out of touch with the market. Do you want me to remind you again? Lucy attaches great importance to protecting her subordinates. I have entrusted people to investigate Nike several times, but they can only get false information. It is completely in vain. Money, Lucy is behind this. As for that Ge Gongdao, he spreads rumors about me everywhere. I really want to kill him, but..."

"But what? He doesn't even have an implant, and you're still afraid of him?"

"You're pretending to be stupid on purpose, right? After his identity was revealed, I wanted to kill that tattletale." Viper hissed twice and said, "But all the people sent there died, including those entrusted to investigate his family. of."

"I can't say that they are all dead. They are just completely missing. I don't know where they went." Fatty D smiled and said.

"You all know, so don't pretend to be confused for me here." Viper said: "It's more weird to be completely missing than to be dead. Before we figure out what's going on, it's not appropriate to start a war, so we can only cut off his helpers. , slowing down his pace. Naike...I heard that the newbie has great potential, so it would be better to kill him early."

Fatty D picked up a piece of fried chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, savoring the aroma of oil while thinking about it. In fact, all the intermediaries now know that it was Viper who was dishonest, deceived the team, and betrayed the commission. They just didn't point it out. Fatty D was Viper's middleman, and he felt that it was difficult to get off the horse, especially after Viper and the Blood Bat Gang came into contact. According to his idea, this matter is not difficult to handle. As long as the "sufferer" Ge Gongdao is killed, the mercenary world will no longer mention Viper's betrayal.

It's just that although Ge Gongdao's personal strength is not very good, he has a wide network of contacts and acts cautiously. Viper's several attempts have ended in inexplicable failure. And that Naike was well protected by Lucy. Fatty D once tried to lure him out with a commissioned task, but Lucy intercepted the bait midway, giving the others an advantage. Huh, Naike probably doesn’t know how many times he has saved the day, right?

"Okay, as long as we take down Lucy, we can show our attitude. No one will accept the mercenaries recommended by Ge Gongdao in the future." Viper stood up from the sofa, jumped to the ground, and then patted the dirt on his pants. , said: "I'll go find the Blood Bat Gang and eat the Famine Strangers as soon as possible. You should also act early and find Lucy's intelligence officer! If you can't handle such a small thing, you will be looked down upon by other middlemen. "

Fatty D waved his hand and picked up another piece of fried chicken, obviously not wanting to talk to Viper.

After the viper left, he took the fried chicken out of his mouth, threw it into the garbage basket, got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. In the mirror, he saw a tired and flabby fat face, and the huge bags under his eyes were not what he should have at his age, which made him doubt whether his condition could still make him famous in the middleman industry.

"If you can't deal with Lucy, then you have to retire. Anyway, the money hidden outside is enough to spend." Fatty D also had his own ideas. "The Viper is determined to get rid of his tail. As long as he exposes a serious enough flaw, he doesn't mind biting me, and then replace me with the power of the Blood Bat Gang. Those gangs want to have a middleman who is completely obedient. This idea has been there for many years! Hum! , those greedy and dishonest guys, don’t even think about using my body to revive me.”

The phone on the table rang again. Fatty D went over to pick it up while wiping his face. After listening to a few words, his expression suddenly changed. "What do you mean? The people from the Blood Bat Gang didn't actually do anything. They lied about their credit?"

"They are just playing there. I have passed through their defense line three times, and those guys didn't notice it." The person on the other end of the phone said: "If I can get through, Lucy's people will definitely be able to get through."

"I'm safe here, don't worry." Fatty D comforted his mercenaries and said: "Fifteen minutes ago, I sent Viper out, and he will discipline the people of the Blood Bat Gang. In this operation, we Everyone has a stake in it, so we can’t take it lightly.”

"Viper... Fatty D, that kid is too closely related to the gang and has broken the rules of mercenaries. If you can't control him, you might as well let him go. Let me advise you: it's not easy to get money from the Blood Bat Gang, so You shouldn’t take it.”

The Blood Bat Gang never gave me any money... Fatty D was very angry. He didn't know where the rumors came from, saying that he took money from the gang and worked for the gang as a middleman. This was clearly a slander!

"The most important thing now is to eat Lucy." Fatty D emphasized on the phone and said: "I will teach the Blood Bat Gang a lesson, but even without them, our strength is enough."

"When I heard this, I felt more relieved and continued working. In addition, the communication lines are much smoother, which should have been the case a long time ago."

The phone hung up and Fatty D was stunned. If it wasn't for the mercenary's reminder, he wouldn't have noticed that the communication delay was getting lower. In normal times, low latency would be a good thing, but the delays deliberately created by the intelligence officers were all to conceal Fatty D's position. The reduced latency now could only be due to a problem with the protection.

"Bang!" There was an explosion from downstairs, and Fatty D was shocked.

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