Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 114 Chapter 112 Growing up

"Baiqi, Baiqi, why did you erase Naike's memory? I've never done this before showing people things from other worlds, including clothes, even if they didn't make a deal in the end!" Boss Qian was still confused when he thought of this. "Unless you think he can steal something with just a glance, it possible that he can really steal it? Then what kind of ability does he have to be able to do this?"

Requires observation, memory, analytical skills and reproducibility. Zhuang Xuteng was responsible for the first two, and Master Lich was responsible for the last two. They committed the crime in a gang.

The white flag washed away Zhuang Xuteng's memory, but it could not attack the Lich Master. The Lich Master is different from Zhuang Xuteng in that it cannot choose to watch or not watch, and it has no thoughts or desires to steal. Like other customers who check out other world products from Boss Qian, it will not trigger the white flag's anti-theft strategy.

But it can re-present what it sees to Zhuang Xuteng. It does not have a 100% accurate memory ability, but its long-term training in rune spells is enough for the Lich Master to capture the essence and recreate the charm.

Don't forget that the Lich Master also comes from an "other world". The accumulation of time is aesthetics. It neither lacks the eyes to observe beauty nor the ability to create beauty. For the parts that were unclear to his memory, the Lich Master used them on his own, which to Zhuang Xuteng was full of otherworldly charm. He firmly remembered the image presented by the Lich Master, and this time there was no white flag to wash away his memory.

When he got home, he drew the pleated dress that he thought was the best.

My sister went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw her brother drawing pictures at the desk. Her curiosity drove her to poke her head around. When she saw the picture clearly, she immediately showed surprise and asked her brother how he came up with it.

"It's hard to say." Zhuang Xuteng suddenly panicked. He only thought about how to get the alien-style design, not how to explain it. He didn't want to lie to his sister, but he couldn't explain too clearly, so he had to say: "I saw those people thinking about satisfying Bai Moji with new designs all day long, and I thought it would be great if you had such a chance. So I thought and thought. Ah, I came up with this idea.”

"Did you draw it for me to use? You want me to give this design to Bai Moji? Brother, this thing is weird..."

Zhuang Xuteng touched his nose, sighed, and said, "It's hard to explain, but first you can tell me whether this looks good or not?"

"Of course it looks good, and it's more than just good-looking. These pleats are full of three-dimensionality when static, and enhance the silhouette when moving without losing stability - provided that the correct fabric is used."

"As long as you think it looks good. I still have some ideas. I'll draw them all. If you want to use them, feel free to use them. If you don't want to use them, just broaden your ideas. I'll draw here for a while. You can get up and take a look tomorrow morning!"

"You won't sleep at night? Otherwise, don't go tomorrow."

"I will sleep in the second half of the night. I am not tired during the day. I can almost just sit there in a daze and still be able to rest. Stop wandering around here in your pajamas. You are the more tired one." Zhuang Xuteng said while painting: " I only have free time these days, and I will work hard to earn money in the future. I feel more at ease if I can give you a push at this time."

Zhuang Feifei blinked, nodded, and said: "I will make good use of these paintings. But... Brother, your painting skills are good, the proportions and shapes are very good, but the order of painting is a bit strange, like printing... "

"Why are you so busy!" Zhuang Xuteng roared and drove his sister away.

That night, Zhuang Xuteng drew more than 30 different sets of women's dresses at an astonishing speed. At dawn, he squinted for a while to regain some of his energy. Zhuang Feifei solemnly put these pictures away and looked at them during breakfast and on the way to work. She looked at her brother with a lot of admiration in her eyes.

At home, Zhuang Xuteng has always been the one with the worst academic performance and the one who gets beaten the most for being naughty. He has always wanted to impress his sister, and today he got what he wanted, so he naturally feels good. Whether he's driving or sitting on a chair in the corner of the garment department's workshop, he's always smiling. After a while, because he felt relaxed, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

After a while, Zhuang Xuteng was awakened by the sound of approaching hurried footsteps. The advantage of the double ear shadow implant is that it works 24 hours a day and can provide protection even during sleep. Sudden, rapidly approaching sounds will be classified as alarms, and the implant will immediately stimulate hearing and wake the user up.

Xun Sheng looked around and saw a handsome young man in a pure white dress coming in from the stairwell. He pushed open the door with both arms and shouted into the room: "The costume team? Let me deal with this quickly!"

He pointed at his right leg. The part on the side of his right knee was stained with light yellow on his white pants. Probably coffee, or another drink of similar color. The "Prince in White" pointed at the stained area and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, I have to hurry!"

Zhuang Feifei was passing by the door with a bunch of clothes in her arms. She tilted her head and said, "Sir, the equipment group on the first floor has quick spray spray, which can be used to cover up..."

Before she finished speaking, the "Prince in White" glared at her fiercely and directed his anger at Zhuang Feifei: "I'm letting you handle it, not making suggestions. Don't you know how to get me something?" After saying that, he raised his hand and slapped him without any reason.

Zhuang Feifei seemed to be prepared for it. She slid away from the side and let the slap come free. This would obviously make the prince in white angry, so Zhuang Feifei kept walking and immediately returned to her work station. While putting down her clothes, she reached for the pepper spray in her bag.

The prince in white took a step in the direction of Zhuang Feifei, and Zhuang Xuteng had already started to speed up.

"No need!" Zhuang Feifei shouted, quickly intercepting Zhuang Xuteng and dodging the second slap.

If Zhuang Feifei could stop Zhuang Xuteng, he would no longer have to be a mercenary. If he hadn't taken two steps around to avoid hurting his sister, Zhuang Xuteng could have reached the front of the man in white faster. I saw him using PCPD's grappling technique, grabbing one wrist with both hands, lifting it up and swinging it down, and then walked around the person's back.

This technique activated a certain shadow implant on the man in white's arm, causing his strength to suddenly increase, and he was able to escape Zhuang Xuteng's control. At the same time, he punched, the force and speed were much stronger than when he slapped his hand before.

Zhuang Xuteng used his shoulders and upper arms to hold the punch. From the impact, he knew that his opponent had shadow implants on both arms. He immediately made a judgment that if he allowed him to distance his fists and gain comfortable space for his arms, he would be in an absolutely disadvantageous position. At this time, there was only fighting, so he squeezed into the opponent's arms, used entanglement and grappling to control his posture, and attacked with headbutts.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

"Ah ah ah ah!" Zhuang Xuteng and the prince in white burst into tears, while Zhuang Feifei won the victory with the spray. She didn't want to criticize her brother, but the distance between the two was too close, and Zhuang Xuteng put his head forward, so there was no way to avoid accidental injury.

After being injured, the prince in white retreated to dodge, but Zhuang Xuteng relied on his hearing to determine his position and still continued to pursue. Zhuang Feifei pulled him hard and sprayed the man in white twice more before letting Zhuang Xuteng retreat.

His eyes were red, tears were streaming down his face, and his vision was blurry. Others in the studio quickly brought water to Zhuang Xuteng and asked him to rinse his eyes, but they only had "kind inquiries" for the man in white.

"Where's the security guard? How did this person break in? Security guard? Security guard!"

It's not that Bai Moji's security guards didn't want to come, but they were temporarily stopped. Zhuang Xuteng couldn't see clearly, but he could hear pulling and pulling sounds outside, as well as more and more footsteps. After a while, the security guards who came with reinforcements finally suppressed the opponent, rushed in and pulled out the white-clothed prince who was punching in the air.

"Where did this guy come from!?" Zhuang Feifei's colleague came over to say hello. The relationship was not very close to begin with, so he left after being polite. Zhuang Xuteng rinsed his eyes with water and recovered quickly, and then saw Zhuang Feifei's half-smiling face.

"Isn't it going to cause you any trouble?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"No. That person broke in, and the costume team does not allow outsiders to come in. If there is trouble, it is also the security's trouble. Besides, he should go to the first floor, how can he get to the second floor? If Bai Moji When asked, as soon as I raised the issue, the truth was on my side.”

"Why? Please explain to me."

"Because Bai Moji's clothes for attending the party next time are here, and celebrities are most afraid of matching clothes. She doesn't want others to take advantage of her." Zhuang Feifei said with a smile: "When I said this, the man came to the second floor. His intentions are very suspicious. Besides, I immediately asked him to go to the first floor to solve the problem. If he didn't go, what did it mean? Bai Moji understood it as soon as she heard it. "

"Okay, you're well prepared!" Zhuang Xuteng felt happy. He could see that his sister had really grown up. "Also, you were very dexterous in the two dodges, and you made the right decision to grab the weapon. This also impressed me very much."

"Hahaha, right! I remember your words, always be vigilant and take action immediately! There are many domineering people who want to show off in front of Bai Moji. I will tell you quietly, the more I know that I am not capable enough The taller the person, the more he needs to belittle and put others down, otherwise he will not be able to stand out."

"That's the truth. But you have to be careful, people like that are often petty and vengeful."

"I was always on guard against gangsters and never took it lightly." Zhuang Feifei put the spray into her pocket and said, "I was careless before. This thing should be carried with you. How are your eyes? Do they still hurt? ?”

"It's nothing serious. I think she will be completely fine if she sheds tears for a while." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "You stay here while I go outside to check the situation."

"No, you follow me. It is estimated that this matter will be reported to Bai Moji in a while, and we will probably be called over together. Then I will talk about this matter. Don't forget, you are my assistant, you have to listen to me of!"

"If you can think of this, it means you have really grown up." Zhuang Xuteng touched the top of his sister's head and said happily.

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