Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 109 Chapter 107 Black and White Flags

Zhuang Xuteng held the throne with his hands and stared silently at Boss Qian in the audience. The smiling boss Qian hugged the white flagpole tightly, also quietly accepting the lich's "affectionate gaze".

Zhuang Xuteng was happy to finally meet his acquaintance in real life, but also very nervous. This was the same mood as all those who kept secrets. Secrets, whether "kept" or "shared," continue to create tension and excitement. Some people collapse in the excitement, and some people get lost in the excitement. Zhuang Xuteng was affected by this emotion for a shorter period of time, and the degree was not that deep. He could still control his emotions with reason and make the choice that best suited his own interests.

This choice is to continue to keep secrets and maintain unilateral information advantage.

"This guy is a little weird." The Lich Master spoke directly in Zhuang Xuteng's mind: "I summoned him to teleport, and I immediately felt a lot of resistance. It was a power I had never seen before. It could not only protect him and completely resist me. The summons can also protect him along the way to complete the teleportation. Until now, that power enveloped him in the form of white light, always providing protection."

"Can't your spell penetrate it?"

" continues to send me messages. As long as I don't try to hurt it, it will do business with me fairly." The Lich Master was silent for a moment and said: "In my world, some spellcasters are proficient in controlling thoughts. Those who can make such mental signals, but they are selfish in nature, I don’t believe them. But I somehow feel that the power that protects Boss Qian will keep its promise. It’s very strange, very weird. Zhuang Xuteng, find out his details The task is given to you."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded slowly, agreed, and then said to Boss Qian: "Qian Jing, you are different from others, tell yourself why!"

If he could still roll his eyes, the Lich Master would definitely do so. Unfortunately, it can only shout in Zhuang Xuteng's mind: "Let you test it, can you just say that? !!"

"Have I ever learned how to test for information?" Zhuang Xuteng asked rhetorically. "Isn't it better to just ask?"

Thanks to skeleton faces without muscles and skin, the mental activity of these two guys is never reflected in their expressions.

To the Lich Master's surprise, when asked about the secret of his power, Boss Qian just nodded and confessed on the spot: "I come from and represent the White Flag Grocery Store. The flag in my hand is the logo of the store. No matter which universe it is in, everything under the flag is Only fair deals. As long as I offer a fair deal, the flag will protect me from harm."

Zhuang Xuteng was surprised and asked: "What kind of damage can you withstand?"

"I'm not sure, because the flag sometimes takes me away directly to avoid being hurt." Boss Qian said: "Under the flag, I can't hurt you, including physical harm, mental harm, or threatening you. Bai Under the flag, there are only negotiations and business, and nothing else can be done.”

"But the white flag is yours. It is not mine, nor is it my trusted guarantor. Wouldn't it be directed towards you?"

Boss Qian nodded and said: "From a protection point of view, it favors me, but I am also subject to restrictions, including not being able to use it to harm customers. The only way to make a profit is to do business. So I have only one goal. : I’ll do business with you, whether it’s buying or selling.”

Zhuang Xuteng smiled, which made the skeleton's face look weird. He asked, “Is making money important to you?”

"It's very important, because this is my job." Boss Qian stopped his smile and became very serious. He said: "In a big way, war is for politics, and politics is for economic interests. Whether it is resources or opportunities, work together It can be business, and fighting over each other can be just voices. But if the business is gone, fighting over each other is war, and working together will cause the group to destroy the group. Everyone does business together, exchanges what they have, improves efficiency, and Of course it is much better to share the big cake and eat it happily than to fight and kill, so my job is very important."

"So you are the peace messenger..." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"Earn a little money by the way." Boss Qian smiled again.

"Then do you know where this is and how you got here?"

Boss Qian actually nodded and said, "Bai Qi told me that this is a special space similar to a realm, just next door to my previous world, also known as the Shadow Realm. The reason why I came here is because of this."

He dug into his stomach pocket and took out a sculpture that looked like a sitting monkey. "This is the cultural relic I received recently. It is related to summoning and teleportation. I originally wanted to sell it, but fortunately I haven't done so yet."

Artifacts just received? Could it be the contents of the two packages that Brother Dao hid during the 11-man operation? Zhuang Xuteng wanted to ask, but such questions would only reveal his identity. Boss Qian is so mysterious that even if he claims to be from another world, it won't arouse Zhuang Xuteng's suspicion. It's better to be careful with him.

"Since we are talking about doing business, what can you sell me?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "Do you have shadow slave implants there?"

"Uh... Yes, but it's not affordable." Boss Qian shook his head and said, "I am a cross-world businessman. When I sell products from this world, I often cannot compete with the locals. There are also consumptions across universes, which can be called taxes. . Yingcong implants are a specialty product in this world, and I will purchase them locally and sell them to you at a higher price. In this case, you might as well go to those two people just now to buy them."

"I don't trust them." Zhuang Xuteng said, "If you can't provide a good deal, there's no need for me to trust you."

"That's fair." Boss Qian nodded and said, "I have too many types of products here, and it is very cumbersome to introduce them, but I would like to introduce a service first: business intermediary. I can help you collect and purchase various items, including Receive goods from people you don’t trust. Since I’m protected from attacks during the transaction, I have enough security to complete dangerous deliveries and protect the rights and interests of all parties.”

"In other words, you can act as the middleman in the transaction."

"Yes, my charge is twenty percent of the item's value or ten times the average postal cost, whichever is lower."

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment and asked, "In this case, wouldn't it always be ten times the postage?"

Boss Qian shook his head: "The logistics cost across worlds is extremely high, often several times the value of the item. Since we mentioned cross-world, I just want to say: I also have things from other worlds here, but there are only two things that can be purchased. Foreign goods are souls or gold coins of destiny.”

Just mentioning two things is definitely not enough. Boss Qian waved his hand, and a shadow appeared in front of him, showing the shape of soul and destiny gold coins.

The soul comes from intelligent life forms, and necromancy, rune magic, and shadow skills are all involved in it. The Lich Master masters hundreds of soul-targeting spells, but he also admits that he has never seen an item that can turn the soul into currency and still maintain its activity, and he doesn't know how to accomplish it.

The destiny gold coin is even more weird. It can exist in various forms. Only when it falls into the hands of the right person, it will take the form of one or multiple gold coins. It exists more as a "strange feeling" in the real world, making people feel that something is very, very important to them.

Master Lich suddenly said to Zhuang Xuteng: "I have seen this kind of thing. I call it a coin that can emit emotions. When I held it, it kept reminding me that I could use it to die. I always thought it was a coin that could emit emotions. The joke made by my mage friend is..."

"Did you throw them away?" Zhuang Xuteng asked quickly.

"I thought the spells were very subtle, so I put them away. Later, my students and family members found dozens of these things one after another and put them all together." The Lich Master thought for a while and asked: "Ask him how much it would cost to find me a new body."

New body? Are you preparing to leave me? Zhuang Xuteng was in a complicated mood. He suddenly didn't know whether he was happy or sad, so he had no choice but to ask.

"It's difficult to create a suitable body out of thin air. If you have your previous body, there is a chance to recreate it according to its appearance. Not all bodies can be created. Ordinary humans only need to spend 1 gold coin. If the strength reaches that of a god At the level of an envoy, you can make it with 10 gold coins—I’m talking about gold coins of destiny.”

The Lich Master was silent for a while, obviously thinking carefully about the pros and cons. After a while, he said to Zhuang Xuteng: "You can show him my little finger first. If he knows what it is, it means he is really capable. Yes, you heard me right, I asked you to find him in reality." "

"Are you sure?" Zhuang Xuteng said to Master Lich in his heart: "If he cooperates with the company, then your safety..."

"There are risks, but I really need my body."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "I want to help you, but have you forgotten one thing: even if he can create a new body, we don't have the destiny gold coins to pay the bill. Let's talk about it when we have gold coins, okay?" "

Master Lich sighed and said: "In the final analysis, all the problems are that you are too weak and not qualified to enter the Shadow Realm. Huh? Wait a minute, that Hill has joined the exploration team. She may come to the Shadow Realm, and maybe she can Get the destiny gold coin.”

Zhuang Xuteng also thought about it. He thought that Dr. Bukele had a lot of contact with ancient cultural relics, and maybe there were gold coins of destiny in them.

"I will let my agent contact you," Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand, pointed at Boss Qian, and said, "Based on that item, I will find you. He will discuss the specific situation with you in detail."

Boss Qian nodded and said: "I understand, I agree, and I look forward to his visit. There is no need to go to the trouble of finding me. I will just leave my address and contact information. This will save you a trivial effort."

"Very good." Zhuang Xuteng knocked on the armrest and sent him away.

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