Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 105 Chapter 103 Mallory’s Memorial Service

To become a Necromancer from scratch, you must first learn spiritual meditation. The so-called meditation is by no means a rest to empty the brain, but a kind of intellectual exercise, including visualizing and memorizing the details of the runes, and combining the spell components in the mind like building blocks. These exercises, like the constant recitation of the multiplication tables, increase the accuracy and speed of spellcasting and reduce brain exertion.

Increasing the upper limit of intelligence, strengthening mental toughness, and reducing brain consumption are collectively called "increasing mana."

It just so happens that meditation does not delay listening training, and both can be done at the same time. Later, Zhuang Xuteng added throwing accuracy exercises, so that he could kill three birds with one stone.

The new residence gave him a very good training environment. First of all, it is relatively simple here, with only the most basic furniture. This living room only has a rectangular table, two chairs and a couch. Just move them to the wall and the room will feel empty. The windows of the apartment are sealed, not allowing any light to pass through. After turning off the lights, the place can completely simulate a dark night environment, just in time to focus on the hearing.

Zhuang Xuteng stood in the center of the room, throwing tennis balls in various directions, and then tracking its movement with his ears. From the beginning when he could only hear a rough idea, to when he was able to catch a tennis ball, until he was able to grasp it accurately, the thousands of failures he experienced were equivalent to thousands of adjustments to the implants of both ear shadows.

After finding a successful experience, the subsequent training progressed much faster. In another half day, he was able to achieve it with certainty. At the same time, he also used the Lich Master's method to measure his upper limit of mana. As long as the bone spear technique he performed in a short period of time did not exceed 12, he would be safe.

These twelve bone spears, which can be fired without the help of a pistol, are regarded by him as a secret weapon and will only be used in critical moments.

According to the Lich Master, the number of spells mastered is far less important than the degree of mastery. There are thousands of basic spells and tens of thousands of variant spells. If your life is unlimited, you will certainly have the opportunity to master them all and become an all-round mage. But more necromancers will choose to practice an important part of them, improve the proficiency and power of these spells, and form their own understanding and style. Their spellcasting ability will be much stronger than that of all-round mages.

When it comes to necromancy alone, the Lich Master has chosen several routes, including summoning that is basically impossible to achieve, creation of necromance that may have various problems, transformation of the undead that may have sequelae, and death that may be of some use. Spirit control is definitely not as good as the killing curses of various firearms. The extremely weird but slow-acting curse of the dead souls may extend life but may also become an undead substitute for the dead body...

"You are truly a master of necromancy." Zhuang Xuteng felt dizzy with the choice and said, "Let's put the summoning and creation of necromance first. For the other things, I will learn a little bit first, learn the simple ones, and see what effect it can have. Bar……"

If you have to try anything, the best introductory spell is Servant of the Wraith. Wraiths are a type of ghost, mainly composed of extreme negative emotions such as resentment. They are the best way for newcomers like Zhuang Xuteng to "see ghosts".

"Everyone has grievances, and the grievances that remain undying are the greatest. Sudden sudden deaths or extremely painful and frightening deaths will also create a lot of grievances." Master Lich said: "In short, the more you kill, the more grievances you can use. Rich."

The Wraith Servant spell can draw out the grievances around you, or you can rely on your own grievances. All you need to do is learn to sort out your emotions and store your grievances. Necromancers will always gradually become too calm, rigid, and cruel. It is not that they lack emotions, but that they are often overwhelmed by the heavy demand for emotional spell-casting materials such as resentment and anger, and have to drain themselves, resulting in them turning into zombies and skeletons. .

"The key is to master a certain degree, especially not to pursue the number of spells too much and accumulate the burden of spell casting too early. If you practice more and reduce the spell consumption as much as possible, you will not turn yourself into a ghost."

Zhuang Xuteng added another training item: learning to collect his own grievances.

Resentment does not appear without reason, it always needs a source, and this problem is easy to solve. Zhuang Xuteng bought a radio and put it in the house to listen to various complaining programs. Whether it is emotional, legal, or social life... as long as a person is dissatisfied, he will bring himself into it and give himself fire from various angles to cultivate his emotions.

The Lich Master considers this method to be "opportunistic and extremely efficient."

Countless strange things happen every day in Peicheng, and they repeatedly harass the lives of thousands of households through thirteen major radio stations. Fortunately, humans are cruel enough to get comfort and even pleasure from the pain of their own kind, otherwise it would be difficult to continue such broadcasts.

On the radio, he heard about Mallory's death. The heroic police officer was brutally murdered by gang members during a mission. Zhuang Xuteng heard words such as police cars and explosions, but there was no news that anyone else was affected - it seemed that Morgana's revenge was successfully completed.

The news also mentioned that the PCPD will hold Mallory's memorial service and funeral to commemorate this heroic member and declare war on the rampant criminal activities in Peicheng. In fact, the war between PCPD and gangs has never ended, or even begun. They are all part of the order in Peicheng, but their control power has only been cut off according to time, space and public opinion.

After comprehensive consideration, Zhuang Xuteng thought that he should attend Mallory's funeral, so he drove there. The memorial service was held in the mourning hall of Peicheng Cemetery. The dark uniforms and gray sky combined to create a solemn atmosphere. The PCPD at the door initially refused to let Zhuang Xuteng pass, but after seeing the "Bravery Badge" on his chest, they let him in after a search.

This badge was given to him by Mallory as a thank you for saving his life. Now he must return it and settle this grudge. Although the badge will give him preferential treatment when facing the PCPD, every time he thinks about it, he will recall the scene when Malorion threw two grenades in revenge, and he will feel sick and panic in his heart. And now with Morgana as an "informant", the badge's practical value is relatively lower.

After paying it back, he immediately avoided the PCPD's gaze and went outside to rest for a while on crutches. After a while, Mallory's coffin was carried out from the venue and headed to the cemetery surrounded by people. At this time, people had begun to leave, so Zhuang Xuteng thought of going out with them so that he would not be too conspicuous.

"I noticed you just now," Morgana came out from the side, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at him expressionlessly. "Did you see me just now?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "I saw you, and I nodded to you to say hello, but you ignored me."

"Did you nod? Why didn't I pay attention?"

"If you didn't pay attention, you didn't pay attention. It doesn't matter." Zhuang Xuteng slightly adjusted the angle of the crutch to make himself more comfortable.

The devil nodded and said hello to her! Zhuang Xuteng did see her, but he never said anything. There were PCPD uniforms all around, and there were only two or three people wearing everyday clothes. How could he wink at Morgana in such a conspicuous situation. The so-called "nodding hello" were all polite words made up by Zhuang Xuteng. He did not expect that Morgana would always look at him. No, change the topic quickly.

"How is your life at PCPD?"

"I clock in and out every day, go out to patrol the streets, and write reports when I get it's okay. Strange, why haven't your legs recovered yet?"

"Isn't this the normal recovery speed?"

Morgana hummed, nodded, and said, "That's right. This way you are more in line with other people's expectations of you. Besides, even if you recover, you will definitely be on crutches today."

"My legs are really not healed yet..." Zhuang Xuteng said quickly.

"Whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me. But come to me after you decide to recover. I have some ideas about bounty missions."

"Are you talking about PCPD's public bounty mission?" Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment and said, "Morgana, I am not a professional killer and have no experience in accepting bounties. I am willing to help you, but I am afraid that it will be a disservice."

"I also know the situation you mentioned, so we want to study it together to change the PCPD's work rhythm. Hey, aren't you scared?"

"Am I afraid? Think about it carefully, which one is more dangerous, being a mercenary or being a PCPD?"

Morgana really thought about it, then pointed in the direction of the cemetery and said, "With a partner like Mallory by my side, I feel that the PCPD is more dangerous."

"Mercenaries will also face betrayal. For example, Brother Dao, who is with me, was betrayed by his partner and team, and he has not yet taken revenge."

"Then he's a bit stupid."

"Haha, you can also say that, but I have to defend him: he doesn't have many resources to call on except himself."

Morgana nodded slightly and said, "There is a flaw in your statement: you are his partner and he can call you."

"Human resources are resources, but partners and friends are simply partners and friends and should not be contaminated by the word resource."

"You can always find something to say in your favor."

"Yeah, I'm tough." Zhuang Xuteng chuckled twice, raised his hand and pinched his nose to show that he was joking.

Morgana's eyes lit up, she took Zhuang Xuteng's arm, lifted up her sleeves and took a look. "My words are tough, but my hands are soft. Did you install the implant I gave you?"

"Yeah, it's installed. There's only a little mark, right?"

"The doctor you found is very skilled, but the follow-up treatment has not kept up. If you take good care of your skin, you can't see it at all." Morgana pinched Zhuang Xuteng's arm and said, "Look, there are still faint lines here. .”

"It saves money."

"You really interesting."

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