Greece to roman road

Chapter 254 Greece’s National Station Strategy

When everyone heard that the output in the fiefdom would give priority to the army's purchase orders, they naturally agreed happily.

Arms Minister Giannis suddenly reminded: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, in three days, a national strategic research meeting will be held to provide feedback on the army's grassroots units' requirements to purchase more aircraft from France for battlefield reconnaissance and artillery calibration."

Hearing Giannis' request to buy a plane again, Constantine was not interested, but he couldn't refuse directly.

Hearing Emmanuel's words, Kontoriotis of the Navy was immediately attracted: "The Navy also needs some new warships. I heard that Germany's newly developed submarine has very advanced performance and can already attack Surface ships pose a great threat"

Before Kontoriotis could finish speaking, Constantine shook his hand and interrupted: "Okay, okay, you two, the National Strategic Research Conference will be held in three days, when Greece's top military and political leaders will gather. We are together, there is no need for you to be anxious now.”

Kontoriotis and Giannis glanced at each other, both of them still had unfinished business, but the Crown Prince didn't want to discuss the matter at this time, so he had to give up.

Among the two, Giannis, who is the minister of armaments, naturally sides with the army and supports the army's request to allocate more military expenditures to the Greek Army, increase technical weapons, improve the strength of the army, and deal with the imminent threat from the Bulgarian army.

As the commander of the Navy, Kontoriotis advocates investing more funds in the navy to consolidate the position of the Greek Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean and improve its ability to influence the surrounding waters.

It's just that the government's finances are limited after all, and there is simply not enough military spending to meet the requirements of the navy and army at the same time.

The two have argued several times in front of Prime Minister Venizelos.


After the banquet, Constantine and Sophie stood side by side in front of the manor and watched everyone's carriage leave.

"As the top commander of the army, shouldn't you be more worried about the Bulgarian military now? Why do you have time to care about agricultural issues at this time?" Sophie tilted her head and looked at her husband.

"Soldiers must have a full stomach before they can fight," Constantine said, stretching.


June 17, 1913, in the conference room of the Palace in the Square.

King George and Constantine were sitting at attention, co-chairing the meeting.

In front of the long square table, government ministers headed by Venizelos and military generals headed by Emmanuel Inur were lined up on both sides.

"Everyone, we have called you here to participate in the meeting today. You should know the purpose. Today we mainly discuss national strategic issues that are in line with Greece's actual situation, and use strategy to guide Greece's future national military, politics, and diplomacy," King George said first.

"In view of the successful experiences of major countries in the world, a suitable and correct national strategy is of great significance."

The previous Greek state was weak in strength, suffered from internal and external troubles, and had always faced severe foreign threats. It had always been overwhelmed and extremely passive, and there was no national strategy at all.

Now, although Greece still has many hidden worries, it can be said to have established a firm foothold in the Balkans.

"Looking at the world's major powers, in the process of rising, they are trying their best to implement national strategies. So, what is Greece's strategy?" Constantine said.

In the process of their rise, all countries in the world, without exception, have implemented national strategies that are in line with their own country's actual conditions, and have spared no effort to implement them.

Such as Britain's "glorious isolation" policy and its "balance of power policy" towards the European continent.

It can be said that the British country has been able to rise and successfully become the world's maritime hegemon and economic hegemon, and the British's wise and effective national strategy has contributed most to it.

The European continental balancing policy allows European countries to entangle and check and balance each other in order to maintain their independent European status.

It can be said that this policy has benefited the UK a lot.

During the Seven Years' War, the British, who were watching from afar, made a lot of money under the guidance of such policies.

On the one hand, Britain waved its money and sponsored Prussia to go to war with the three major powers in Europe: France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.

On the other hand, Britain relied on its powerful navy to wage war against French colonies overseas and seize French colonies.

It was the Seven Years' War that caused France to lose most of its overseas colonies.

In 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, allowing France to give up its ownership of Canada and New Orleans; the French Indian colony retained only five pitiful trading stations; in the West Indies, France only retained Guadeloupe and Maldives. Tinike.

Judging from future history, after the Seven Years' War, France completely lost its ability to compete with Britain for overseas colonies.

Especially the loss of India put France at a complete disadvantage in the competition with Britain.

Only after acquiring India did Britain have the strong capital to compete for world hegemony, and was known as the British Empire.

It can be said that without European balance and glorious policies, there would be no British Empire.

As for Germany, it was Bismarck’s continental balancing policy.

Prussia was able to unify Germany thanks to the leadership of Bismarck, a strategic master.

During the Austro-Prussian War, the Prussian army had the opportunity to attack Vienna. Moltke strongly requested to attack Vienna, but Bismarck was keenly aware of the trouble this move would bring to Prussia and rejected the request.

As for Russia, since Peter the Great, Russia’s strategy has been to focus on its outlets and continuously expand towards the ocean.

Later, Russia also followed the strategic concept formulated by Peter the Great, expanding to the west toward Western Europe, the southwest toward the Black Sea region, and the east toward the Pacific region.

From a historical perspective, the Soviet Union later pursued this expansion policy.

The American strategy was similar to Britain's Glorious Isolation, which later turned into the Monroe Doctrine.

The American political elites have understood one thing very early on - not to get involved in Europe's troubles.

In 1780, Adams warned Congress: "Don't entangle the United States and European powers. The exchanges between the two sides are limited to business, not politics, and not war."

As the strength of the United States increased, Monroe, the fifth president of the United States, shouted the Monroe Declaration. This was also the beginning of Americans treating America as their own backyard.

As for Japan, it is a strategy of “leaving Europe and entering Asia”.

There is no future if we hang out with these countries in Asia. We must learn from the European and American powers and reform to become stronger.

Taken together, in the process of the rise of these great powers, correct and practical national strategies have indeed played an incomparably important role.

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