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Chapter 160 Divide Resources

After seeing everyone present reaching an agreement, the atmosphere in the room immediately relaxed.

"In the next period of time, the Greek government will invest heavily in Albania, especially in basic transportation facilities."

"Albania's backwardness will soon change," Constantine told several Albanian delegates.

Jermali and four other representatives of large landowners had completely different reactions to these remarks.

For these large landowners, Albania's economic improvement is very beneficial to them. At the very least, the food produced on their land has a wider market than before.

For nationalists, the more Greece invests in Albania, the tighter its control over Albania will become.


On March 2, the exploration team originally organized by the Greek government lasted nearly a year, covering almost all mountains and rivers in Albania, and finally completed the exploration of Albania's mineral resources.

On March 15, Dr. Mio Ariston, the general person in charge of this exploration operation, will give a brief report on the distribution of minerals in Albania in Tirana.

Greek business people who got the news came in droves.

Constantine was also prepared to attend this meeting.

On March 15, in a hotel near the port of Tirana, Dr. Mio Ariston, who had a white beard, gave a report to a large audience in the audience.

"There are almost no traces of industry in Albania now. The economy relies almost 100% on agriculture, and the agricultural production technology is very backward; the road traffic level is poor, and the main means of transportation are horses and cattle; as for health and medical facilities, they are very scarce; the people are almost More than 90% are illiterate." Dr. Mio Ariston first introduced the basic situation of Albania.

"Mineral resource types include petroleum, asphalt, lignite, limestone, chromium, copper and nickel, etc."

There was a buzz in the conference room, everyone was talking about these minerals.

Most of the resources needed by Greek industry, except lignite and bauxite, are imported. Everyone was shocked to hear that there were copper reserves in Albania.

After the discussion in the conference room subsided, the doctor continued: "The most abundant mineral in Albania is chromium ore. According to our estimates, the reserves are one million tons, mainly in the form of chromite."

“Copper mines are mainly concentrated in Kulbanesh in Mirdita District, Jejan in Kukes District and Tuch in Puke District”

"Coal is concentrated in Tirana District, Memaliya in Tepelena District and Mbolje-Drenovo in Korca District. Among them, Mbolje-Drenovo has the largest reserves."

Hearing the news about the coal mines, Skarloy from the steel plant asked happily: "Doctor, are there any hard coal reserves in these coal mines?"

Looking at the excited Skarloi, the doctor shook his head: "It's all lignite."

With that, Dr. Myo Ariston left the venue.

Apart from oil and copper, other mineral resources are of little significance to Greece.

In the past, Greece relied almost entirely on high-quality copper mines in Congo.

Since the main copper deposits in Congo are located in the center of the southern African continent, if you want to transport these copper ores to Greece, you have to travel thousands of kilometers by train in Congo alone. This makes the cost of copper production in Greece very high.

Previously, the Greek Army Munitions Department had to wait for several years in order to store enough shells and bullets.

Now that copper mines are distributed in Albania, Greece does not have to rely entirely on Congo for its source of copper mines.

Karl, the general manager of Tesla Electric Company, was eager to try it when he heard that lignite was distributed in Albania.

Although the company is already building hydropower stations in Albania, the hydropower stations can theoretically be put into practical use.

However, the investment cycle of hydropower stations is very long and the funds required are also very high. For Tesla Power Company, which has just made a profit, it still owes a lot of debt to major banks, but it can still be put into use quickly and produce a thermal power station that is profitable quickly. most attractive.

Today's Tesla Electric Company is the largest coal miner in Greece, with an annual lignite mining volume of 450,000 tons.

Since lignite currently has no other uses other than power generation, there are currently few buyers for the lignite mines in Greece except Tesla Electric Power Company, a major consumer.

Therefore, no one will compete with Tesla Electric Company for the lignite mines discovered in Albania.

As for oil, the news that the Purple Robe Foundation is cooperating with the Nobel family to develop oil in Albania has long spread, and I am afraid that no one will compete with such an opponent.

In this way, the most valuable mineral deposits in Albania are copper ores.

As for nickel ore and chromium ore, such rare metals currently do not have much value because their usage in the international market is very small.

Gao Barry looked at Constantine and said, "Your Highness, do you have any suggestions about the copper mines in Albania?"

Constantine shook his head and remained silent.

Oil, the most fertile of Albania's resources, has already entered the hands of the royal family. It would be too greedy to attack copper mines.

Moreover, with the supply of copper mines in Greece and the reserves in Congo, the copper demand of the Greek army can already be met.

After seeing Constantine's reaction, other participants from the big Greek families who came to the venue looked happy. The royal family did not take action, which meant that they had the opportunity to get a share of the copper mine.

In the end, under the organization of Alfa Bank's Costeburu and Greece's National Bank's Goberry, they formed a copper ore company and prepared to join forces to bid for copper mines from the Greek government.

Although Greece's finances have made great progress after tax reform, the Greek government's pockets are still tight due to excessive spending.

The mining license rights for mineral resources discovered here in Albania are also a good income for the Greek government, which can alleviate urgent needs.

In the end, the oil development rights of Ferry City were purchased by the Greek Petroleum Company controlled by the royal family for 5 million drachmas.

The copper mines in Albania were acquired by the Southern European Copper Company, which was jointly funded by major Greek families, and the price was 2 million drachmas.

In accordance with the requirements of the industry, the funds received by the Greek government will first be used to lay railway lines in Albania, so as to solve the backward transportation problems in Albania as soon as possible.

In order to put the railway in Albania into operation as soon as possible, the railway will be constructed in sections, starting from Albania on one side, and extending the original railway northward from Greece on the other side.

Among them, the railway laid in Albania will be opened as soon as possible to facilitate the circulation of Greek goods in Albania.

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