Greece to roman road

Chapter 144 Oil and Nobility

Now, after a nightmare change, Yakov's family has become refugees from the upper class of society overnight.

Through old relationships, Yakov learned that Greece's economy is developing rapidly, and there are more job opportunities for those with skills.

A family of seven, together with dozens of Jewish compatriots who were also raided, took a Greek merchant ship from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to Athens.

In order to make a living, Yakov had no choice but to work as a dock worker at the port with his younger brother.

The family members, who were frightened by the anti-Semitic movement, did not support Yakov's risky job search, believing that there was little hope of success.

"Mr. Yakov, you don't have to be so nervous. You have also read the job requirements in the newspaper. Are you confident that you can do the work of the foundation well?" Constantine looked at Yakov, who was uneasy because his Jewish identity was exposed. said.

"In fact, when the family was running the bank, they often came into contact with some Russian nobles (Poland was ruled by Russia at the time), helping them manage their properties, make investments, etc., so you don't have to worry about my professional quality at all." See Constantine Not caring about his Jewish identity as much as he feared, Yakov boldly recommended himself.

As long as he successfully seeks a position from His Highness the Crown Prince and connects with the Greek royal family, his family and even his compatriots who live here with him may be able to change the bad situation.

"The newly established Purple Robe Foundation (the name of the new fund) is mainly engaged in investment, helping the royal family and the new Greek nobility, managing assets, and ensuring the appreciation and preservation of assets," Constantine told Yakov .

Although the Parliament agreed to the move of the Greek royal family to enfeoff the nobles, it attached a clause that the Greek nobles could not have any privileges, whether judicial or economic.

Such a noble title is completely an honorary title and has no practical meaning.

Such a cheap noble title will not have much motivating effect in the army, let alone shield the royal family.

As for relying on the fiefdoms granted by the royal family to the nobles to improve the economic status of the nobles and increase their influence, it is even more difficult.

First of all, Greece itself is not a country rich in arable land resources, so there is no large area of ​​arable land for the nobles.

Moreover, the land in Greece is relatively barren and the output per unit area is not high.

What's more, it's the end of the 19th century, and the traditional nobility that relies on the land to live has long since declined.

The nobles with unique vision have already completed the transformation from nobles to capitalists.

Making money by leasing land to tenants doesn't have a good reputation, but how much money can you make?

Such nobles have no meaning at all for the royal family to enfeoff in a big way, and they cannot change the current situation of the Greek royal family being alone.

After much thought, Constantine also came up with a solution - giving special value to Greek "plebeian" noble titles.

Establish a new type of foundation to engage in new industries with promising prospects. Just like in the traditional aristocratic enfeoffment, the royal family gave fiefdoms to the aristocrats, giving the new aristocrats a share of the foundation's income. Through such interest connections, it will not only deepen the relationship between the aristocrats and the royal family. relationship, and can also guide social funds to engage in emerging industries, while changing the negative impression of most people on the nobility.

In essence, this is the royal family taking money from their own pockets to buy the loyalty of the nobles.

Moreover, according to the charter set by Constantine, only Greek nobles were eligible to hold shares in the Purple Robe Foundation.

Of course, the key to this is that the industries invested by the foundation not only have good prospects, but also generate huge annual returns. Otherwise, it will still not have the incentive effect that the feudal nobles should have.

Constantine asked Yakov to sit down, and then explained the whole story to him.

"If you are really confident, you can start organizing and establishing a foundation in the near future." Constantine demanded. After that, he took out a check from his desk, filled in 1,000 drachmas in the amount column, and handed it over. Said to Yakov: "Settle down your family and buy two outfits for formal occasions at the same time."

After Yakov left the office, Constantine said to Capet's steward who was standing in the corner: "Did you hear everything he said?"

"To be on the safe side, send someone to verify whether his words are true. Also, ask the staff of the Greek Embassy in Poland to inquire about the Yakov family in Warsaw."

Although Yakov's experience is sympathetic, the Purple Robe Foundation is an investment institution that plays an important role in Constantine's idea. It is impossible for Constantine to just listen to Yakov's words and leave it like this. The candidates for the heads of important investment institutions have been confirmed.


In July, Castrios, the manager of the oil exploration team hired by Constantine, traveled long distances from the Albanian city of Feri to Athens to report back on the Albanian oil fields.

After hearing the news, Constantine, together with Yakov, the head of the Purple Robe Foundation, came to the hotel where Castrios was staying to meet Castrios in person.

After getting off the carriage, under the guidance of the waiter, we entered the reserved reception room.

A tall man with a muscular build and bronzed skin was lazily sunk into the sofa.

Seeing the two people coming in, Castrios stood up and said respectfully: "Your Highness"

"This is the manager of the Purple Robe Foundation, Yakov. The Purple Robe Foundation will be the main investor in the oil field," Constantine introduced to Castrios.

Is there any other industry that has more investment prospects, more lucrative returns, and more incentives for the aristocracy than the oil industry?

"Tell us the specific situation of Albania's oil fields," said Constantine after the three of them were seated.

"Most of the oil fields near Ferry, Albania, contain heavy and super-heavy oil. With current technology, it is simply impossible to exploit them," Castrios said with regret.

"Currently, the exploration team has drilled three holes in total, and only two oil wells can be exploited. The oil quality is good, but it is limited. The crude oil produced contains high sulfur, and the cost of smelting is high."

Constantine's heart sank, saying this made him happy in vain.

"Based on your experience, how valuable is Albania's oil fields? If investment is increased, how much can the annual output be?" Constantine asked disappointedly.

"Since most of the oil is heavy oil and cannot be mined, there are not many places that meet the conditions for mining. In my opinion, the annual output is only 70,000 to 80,000 tons. Of course, with the improvement of oil technology, Production may increase a little more each year,” Castrios lamented.

"It turns out there are only 70,000 to 80,000 tons. Really, eh? 70,000 to 80,000 tons?" Constantine said in surprise.

Seventy or eighty thousand tons is still less?

Greece has a population of just over two million, and its crude oil output of 70,000 to 80,000 tons, which is about a few hundred kilograms per person, is quite a lot.

But think about it, Castrios comes from Baku, the oil city in the Caucasus.

Compared with the oil fields in Baku, the Albanian oil fields with an annual output of 70,000 to 80,000 tons are indeed not very productive.

Constantine, who turned from joy to worry, said: "The annual output of 70,000 to 80,000 tons, with the advancement of technology, may there be an increase? Enough, enough."

Constantine didn't have any extravagant expectations. Greece, like some big dogs, got rich by selling oil.

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