East Palace.

Zhu Biao looked at Lan Yu and Fang Xiaoru who came hand in hand, and was not surprised at all.

He must have been persuaded to withdraw the navy's order to go south.

He will not take back this order.

The fourth child went too far this time!

In Guizhou, Chang Mao was assassinated politically, but he could lift it high and put it down gently.

But in Jinling City, he carried out political assassinations and wiped out Lu Zhongheng's entire family in one fell swoop. He could never let it go.

This is a provocation to the authority of Ming Dynasty!

It's a challenge to his authority!

This has nothing to do with brotherhood.

If you indulge in compromise now, if something similar happens in the future, will the fourth child do it again?

Now he is just supervising the crown prince.

If the fourth child does this in the future, it will be a direct slap in his face.

The father can allow the fourth child to do this.

As an emperor, he would never condone it.

Moreover, since his father is still alive, he believes that the fourth child will never start the war lightly.

Fight hard and win?

He also knows very well that Ming Dynasty does not have this strength now.

Not to mention the main naval force at Songjiangkou.

Even if all the naval forces of the Ming Dynasty were gathered together, there would be no possibility of victory.

He ruthlessly dismissed Yu Tongyuan, who was friends with his fourth son Yanhua, and then sent his confidant Song Zhong to take charge of the navy, heading south to approach Penglai Province.

Put on a fight! A fighting stance.

It is to seize the fact that the fourth child will not start a fight while the father is still alive, forcing the fourth child to bow his head.

As for the neglect towards Lan Yu and Fang Xiaoru during this period.

It is also a posture that must be taken.

First convey his determination to the fourth child.

Secondly, once there is a conflict with Yanhua, the reformists will become a constraint for him.

And once there is a conflict with Yanhua and the conservative knife is used, the conservative knife must be appeased and the conservative knife must be given a little sweetness.

It is essential to pretend to ignore the reformists.

Therefore, when he snubbed Fang Xiaoru and Lan Yu, he did not distrust them as rumored by the outside world.

One is his wife's uncle.

One is his senior brother.

The future ruler of Ming Dynasty, if he doesn't even trust these two people, how can he trust anyone else?

Zhu Biao gathered his thoughts, pointed to the chair next to him, called the maid to serve tea, and said with a smile: "I know the purpose of your coming, but you should not persuade me to force the fourth child to bow his head and admit his mistake to the court. This is what I must do." The goal to be achieved!”

"This is about the authority of the Ming Dynasty Central Committee, and it is also about the fact that after Gu Future ascends the throne, the fourth child must abide by the rules!"

"Hasn't the fourth man always advocated two ideas and two opinions? He has also set up a police station and formulated laws to safeguard personal equality, and he has also used retired veterans as pioneers to eradicate obsolete folk customs? Look at what he is doing now Does this matter match his philosophy? It’s completely the opposite!”

Lan Yu and Fang Xiaoru had to listen to Zhu Biao's analysis before they had a chance to speak.

The two looked at each other.

very clear.

The prince suddenly mentioned the purpose of King Yan's two ideas and two propositions.

Not surprisingly.

Once military measures fail.

I am afraid that the prince will use his political influence to start a debate within Yanhua that will shake Yanhua's Juche ideology.

There was a flash of worry in each other's eyes.

Target, attack, and shake Yanhua’s Juche ideology.

This will inevitably further anger King Yan.

Yanhua Juche Thought, this is the goal that King Yan has been pursuing for more than ten years with all his efforts.

And, can it be shaken?

Lan Yu hesitated for a moment, then took advantage of Zhu Biao's slight pause and interjected: "Prince, you must never do anything to shake Yanhua's Juche Thought. This will only further anger King Yan..."

Zhu Biao frowned slightly.

Are you afraid of irritating the fourth child, so you don’t beat him?

Moreover, what Lao Si did was to criticize his own ideas.

"Moreover, I believe that this move will not only anger King Yan, but will not achieve the purpose of shaking Yan Hua's thoughts."

Zhu Biao looked at Lan Yu in slight surprise.

Waiting for Lan Yu’s next chapter.

He is very aware of Lan Yu's progress over the years.

It’s not just a change in personality.

Even in terms of theory and thinking, great progress has been made.

Not only did he extensively read the wisdom crystals left by the sages, but through his relationship with Lao Si, he also read books on the Yanhua Army to educate soldiers.

There are also those theoretical things developed by the Yanhua Economic Research Department.

Many people only regard Lan Yu as a warrior who restrains violence.

But only he knows.

Over the years, Lan Yu has become a highly theoretical, civilized and martial person.

Now let Lan Yu be a general or a prime minister. To be honest, Lan Yu is qualified.

Of course, not only Lan Yu was reading Yanhua books, but also the reformists in the DPRK and China were reading them secretly. They even set up a reading club headed by Fang Xiaoru.

The main thing is to get together to analyze and discuss these new theories of Yanhua.

And discuss how to integrate it with the reality of Ming Dynasty.

Although Fang Xiaoru and others hid the truth from the conservatives.

But nothing was hidden from him.

After each reading meeting, a copy of their discussion content would be presented to him and his father respectively.

It will also go through a dedicated person.

Write their learning experience into an article similar to Di Bao.

Sent to the hands of local reformist stalwarts within the Ming Dynasty.

"go on."

Lan Yu took a deep breath. It was also the first time for him to express his opinions in such depth on politics, "Prince, Ming and Yanhua are two regimes and two countries. King Yan carried out extermination of Lu Zhongheng in revenge. In essence, This is a confrontation between countries and regimes..."

This kind of confrontation is all-encompassing.

"The King of Yan did not use such cruel methods against the people under Yanhua's rule. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty was not a regime that respected Yanhua's ideals..."

"In this case, what reason do we have to attack Yanhua's ideas?"

"In response to our attack, King Yan should not say or do anything. He only needs to declare to the outside world: Yanhua's national interests are supreme, and the interests of Yanhua people are supreme. Yanhua's ideals are only unconditional for the people under Yanhua's rule. There are limited externalities, Once Yanhua's goodwill cannot be treated fairly and equally by the country, Yanhua can use any means to defend the national interests and the interests of the people!"

Fang Xiaoru looked at Lan Yu in surprise.

In recent years, Lan Yu and Zhang Yuyuan have been in northern Xinjiang. To be honest, they have not had many opportunities to communicate.

Unexpectedly, in the past, he was a brave warrior with a red face and a thick neck.

To be able to say such shocking words.

He did know that the prince's attack on Yanhua's ideas would not only fail to shake Yanhua's ideas, but would also incur the anger of King Yan.

But let's be honest.

Let him persuade the prince.

He could not say such inspiring words from the perspective of diplomatic relations, national interests, and the interests of the people.

Zhu Biao was also surprised.

Similarly, after hearing Lan Yu's analysis and explanation, he also realized that shaking Yanhua's thoughts would not achieve the purpose of putting pressure on Lao Si.

He smiled bitterly and said, "You know, I have been reading Yanhua's theoretical articles over the years. I didn't expect that the depth of your study has been so thorough..."

Terms such as national interests and the interests of the people are paramount.

They are all in Yanhua's theoretical articles.

He had read it too.

Nature is very clear.

Lan Yu is right.

In fact, Laosi has always done this to the outside world.

When opening up new territories, Laosi will try his best to package his pioneering war into a just war.

But once a certain area is annexed.

The fourth child is in the process of governance.

Just fully implement the idea that national interests and the interests of the people are paramount.

Those who disobey are considered by him to be in danger.

They will be eradicated immediately through various overt or covert means.

Regarding the supremacy of national interests and the interests of the people, education about the supremacy of national interests and the interests of the people is said to have been launched in the military, government training, and schools at all levels.

Yanhua, several groups with the most independent thoughts.

Everyone has accepted this.

These groups are the cornerstone of Yanhua's political stability.

Shaking the Yanhua Thought cannot shake these groups and is of no use at all.

The people of Yanhua worship Lao Si blindly and fanatically and have no independent thinking ability at all.


The fourth child is still hiding the reason why little sister Miaoyun had a premature and difficult delivery.

If he attacks Yanhua Thought.

Lao Si released the truth.

I am afraid that the attention of all walks of life in Yanhua will be diverted immediately, and people will become excited and shout to beat and kill the Ming Dynasty.


That alone cannot convince him.

Zhu Biao said solemnly and firmly: "Have you ever thought that now is actually the best time? I can be sure that the fourth child has absolutely no intention of starting a war with me now..."

For the first time, he revealed to outsiders his true inner plan of urging the navy to go south to Penglai.

Neither Hu Weiyong nor Lu Ben knew this.

Saying this to the two of them is, first of all, to trust them, and secondly, to appease them. After all, they have been neglected during this period of time. It is okay to be indifferent, but the monarch and his ministers cannot be alienated from their morals and colden the hearts of their ministers.

Lan Yu and Fang Xiaoru frowned, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

The prince's plan.

They already understand.

Make a fuss about Zhu Laosi's filial piety towards His Majesty!

The prince determined that while His Majesty was alive, Zhu Laosi would never engage in such a thing as fratricide.

The prince took advantage of this and exerted extreme pressure on Zhu Laosi, finally making Zhu Laosi succumb.


They are not easy to evaluate.

Although, the power field has always been used to do anything.

But this kind of method, which is similar to how a gentleman can be bullied, comes from the mouth of the prince who is known as a virtuous and benevolent prince, and he is still making a fuss about Zhu Laosi's filial piety.

It always had a huge impact on them.

It's inexplicably uncomfortable.

Maybe, this is the emperor!

In the end, the two failed to convince Zhu Biao.

After coming out of the East Palace.

Lan Yu felt uncomfortable holding back.

Sitting in the carriage, looking outside through the glass window, the people are hurriedly busy working for a day's livelihood.

At a certain moment, I couldn't help but asked: "What kind of nonsense did people like Li Shanchang, Liu Bowen, and Song Lian teach the prince? Is this the result of reading the books of sages like you scholars?"

Fang Xiaoru smiled bitterly.

Don't know what to say.

The traditional imperial arts that the prince accepted had a profound influence.

Of course, if there is no King Zhu Di of Yan.

There are no such innovative ideas and new atmosphere.

There is nothing wrong with the emperor's mental skills.

The emperor's mind is a method of governing the country that has been summarized by generations of people in the thousands of years of dynasty history in the Central Plains.

But the emperor's mind always feels out of place in the innovative ideas and atmosphere.

As a person who was deeply influenced by traditional Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, he was not too shocked when faced with the prince's somewhat 'despicable' imperial mentality.

Sapphire is different.

Although, Lan Yu has also read books by traditional sages in recent years.

But this guy regards King Yan as his reincarnation, so his thoughts over the years have been more influenced by Yanhua.

"Dong Guo Liang, do you think the prince can force King Yan to submit and bow his head?" Fang Xiaoru changed the subject.

He had to admit that the prince's move was really clever.

Lan Yu's lips moved but she said nothing and shook her head.

He doesn't know either.

One month later.

The news that the main force of the Ming Navy was dispatched to Penglai Province with great force and fierce flames reached Yanjing.

In the palace courtyard.

Zhu Di walked with Xu Miaoyun.

Xu Miaoyun looked at Zhu Di worriedly, "Forget it, I don't believe it. The Ming Dynasty navy really dares to bombard our Yanhua territory. Let's ignore it. They are showing off their power nearby without a target. They will definitely die down. Brother, this time, It's obvious that I'm making a fuss out of your filial piety..."


Zhu Di hummed slightly and commented: "What an emperor's mind. He can send warships to Penglai, but can't I send a fleet to Ming Dynasty?"

"If I step back this time, he will only push further in the future!"

If you don't even dare to let go of your hands and feet to protect your wife and children.

There is no guarantee that those conservatives in the Ming Dynasty who hate him will specifically target Miaoyun and the others to make even more despicable actions.

"This time, he wants me to bow my head. It's impossible! At worst, we'll have to fight!"

Zhu Di was also really angered by Zhu Biao.

Seize his weak spot and apply extreme pressure?

He was indeed a prince who was regretted by future generations for his untimely death.

But the eldest brother only thinks about his own interests.

Why didn't I seriously think about how many times he, Zhu Di, had compromised and given in over the years?

How many changes he brought to Ming Dynasty!

The true dragon cultivated by this kind of emperor's mind is really selfish. He only cares about his own interests at all times and never considers the contributions of others.

"I now understand why my father can slowly accept the innovation, but my eldest brother cannot fully accept it. After all, my father came up from the bottom. Regardless of my father's cruelty and ruthlessness, it seems that in order to protect Zhu Family interests are very selfish, but deep down, my father has real empathy for the people."

"So, my father can fully accept the innovation."

"But the eldest brother can't do it. The eldest brother has a good reputation, but the eldest brother's good reputation all comes from those sage books, and he reads those sage books with the emperor's thinking and the emperor's heart!"

to be honest.

The eldest brother is like those second-generation children who have great potential.

These people are different from others.

Their good qualities and virtuous behavior are just a means for them to safeguard their own interests.

It's a performance!

He is completely different from his father, who comes from the bottom, maintains empathy for the bottom, and behaves virtuously.

The former is more of a representation.

The latter is more of a feeling of empathy from the heart!

Of course, he will also encounter this problem.

His descendants should not be expected to truly agree with two ideas and two propositions from the bottom of their hearts like him and Miao Yun.

Most of his descendants will be like his eldest brother, which is more of an appearance.

Fortunately, Yong Ming Qihua's generation probably won't.

after all.

They say he is the successor.

But in fact, he is also an entrepreneur.

Over the years, Yong Ming has been assisting him.

"Your Majesty, all the ministers have arrived at the Council Hall." At this moment, Lu He came over to report.

Zhu Di nodded, held Xu Miaoyun's hand, and said comfortingly: "Don't think nonsense. After I discuss the countermeasures with the cabinet, I will accompany you to Malacca. Chen Zuyi and his son were captured and have not been seen yet. Moreover, Chen Zuyi If the dynasty is destroyed, we need to show up to stabilize the people's hearts. By the way, we can accompany you to relax. As for our copper peas, we will leave them to her aunt to take care of."

Xu Miaoyun smiled and stared angrily.

"Take the princess back to the dormitory to rest." Zhu Di told Lu He, pinched Xu Miaoyun's cheek, smiled with relief, turned around and left quickly.

Lu He approached, supported Xu Miaoyun, smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, Miss. My uncle must have known what he knew. It was a very correct decision for Miss to go to Tuqiao Village to find my uncle..."

Xu Miaoyun smiled and shook her head.

At the beginning, she never imagined that she would be so pampered and spoiled by Shiro after marriage.

"Let's go, help me back."

Zhu Di came all the way to the Yizheng Hall.

"The prince is here!"


The civil and military teams sitting on both sides of the long table stood up instantly.

Zhu Di nodded, pressed his hand, motioned for everyone to sit down, and walked from behind the civil servants to the main seat and sat down.

He looked around the civil and military classes, "You know the news, right? Let me tell you my attitude. If the prince catches my father alive, I will never exploit Zhan Duan's weakness and put extreme pressure on me, but here In fact, I am not prepared to compromise!”

Ye Mao, Liu Sheng and others were instantly shocked.

They have understood the prince's imperial power.

They were afraid that the prince would eventually choose to bow his head and compromise.

Originally, we were still discussing how to persuade the prince once he chose to compromise, but it is no longer necessary now.

The prince is determined!

I also know very well what I want!

Following such a wise hero, it is very comfortable for a minister.

Zhu Di saw everyone's expressions and actions and smiled, "He can send a naval fleet, but we can't?"

"I command!"

Everyone immediately raised their heads and chests.

Zhu Di solemnly said: "Yu Jing is temporarily removed from the post of naval commander. The Minister of the Navy, Lu Zhen, temporarily acts as the naval commander. He will lead our naval fleet and all logistics ships to Penglai Province to make tit-for-tat measures against the Ming Dynasty Navy. action!"

"Minister Lu!"


Lu Zhen stood up and stood at attention.

Zhu Di warned: "Remember a few key points of this trip. We are determined not to fire a shot at the Ming Dynasty Navy first, but once the Ming Dynasty Navy fires at you, we will show no mercy and resolutely fight back!"

"After completing the exercise in Penglai, you will go north to Jinling. After arriving at Jinling, you will go to Fengyang to accompany the capital on my behalf and invite His Majesty and the Queen to Yanhua to celebrate the birthday of our family, Copper Pea."

Jiang Jinzhong, Ye Mao and others couldn't help but smile at each other.

The prince sent a fleet to approach Penglai Province.

Under the pretext of inviting His Majesty and the Queen, the prince directly sailed the naval warship into the Qinhuai River!

Ha ha……

You know, the main force of the Navy stationed at Songjiangkou is all in the Penglai Sea at this time.

According to the main force of the navy, the speed of hybrid power.

Once the naval fleet moves north, they simply cannot catch up with all steam-powered naval warships.

Lu Zhen was excited but also a little hesitant.

He was excited because, after going to sea in embarrassment, he could finally return to the Central Plains to honor his ancestors.

You know, this is a fleet of nearly seventy steam-powered ships!

If all the whistles are sounded at Songjiangkou, Jinling City can hear it!

The reason for hesitation is that if such a large-scale invasion of the Qinhuai River occurs, will it cause a gunfire?

"Your Majesty, if those shore defense forts attack our troops on the Qinhuai River, how will our troops respond?"

"Fight back!" Zhu Di said firmly.

This is unlikely.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen.

Once it happened, his attitude was simple.

fight back!

This time, he will never be allowed to take a step back.

Otherwise, if the eldest brother does not take the initiative to target him in the future, the conservatives of the Ming Dynasty will do something similar to the shelling of Tuqiao Village.

Although, he knew it very well.

Conflicts with Big Brother will definitely be inevitable in the future.

But now, he can no longer take a step back.

I thought that destroying Lu Zhongheng's whole family would have made the eldest brother understand his bottom line and wake him up.

But he still underestimated the values ​​​​that his eldest brother had developed through being educated in the power of the emperor for so many years.

He even did not hesitate to send out a naval fleet to seize his weakness and apply extreme pressure!

His parents are not his parents alone!


After Lu Zhen received specific and clear instructions, she took her seat.

Zhu Di looked around at everyone and continued: "In the meantime, in order to show our firm attitude, at the same time as the naval fleet sets off, the princess and I will also take the crown prince and the others to Zuyi Province for inspection..."

He stayed away from Yanjing, heading further away from the Ming Dynasty and further away from possible conflicts.

Once a frictional misfire occurs, the response to stop it is even slower.

The news that their family is heading to Zuyi Province is believed to reach Jinling soon.

This is to show the big brother.

He is not afraid of conflict, and his determination turns into war!

Everyone present looked suddenly awe-inspiring.

This means that if friction does occur, they must continue the war before the prince's order arrives.

The prince is ready for war!

"Civil and civil service ministries..."

Hearing the sound, Ye Mao and others got up hurriedly.

Zhu Di ordered: "After we leave, the civil servants will perform their duties and cooperate with the navy and army to prepare combat supplies just in case. At the same time, they will cooperate with the Police Department and the Military Intelligence Department to continue to control the inside story of the princess's premature and difficult delivery. The people should not know about this inside story." ”

Regardless of the political level, Yanhua and Ming Dynasty were in trouble.

He didn't even want the people's feelings to break down.

"Yes!" Ye Mao accepted the order on behalf of the civil service ministries.

Zhu Di asked: "The day before yesterday, Shen Zhi came to the palace to visit the princess and mentioned that those conservative industrial and commercial owners in the Ming Dynasty seemed to be plotting to launch a price war to defeat Fujian businessmen and factories established outside Fujian. Do you know?"

Ye Mao nodded, "Your Majesty, many maritime merchants traveling between the two places have sent back similar news."

Dong dong dong...

Zhu Di tapped his fingers lightly on the desk. After a moment, he ordered: "You try to contact the chambers of commerce in various places under our rule to see if they are interested in setting up an investment group to aid Fujian and announce it in a high-profile manner. As long as the Fujian Chamber of Commerce needs , the Yanhua Business Group will raise funds to help the Fujian Chamber of Commerce win this business war. Remember, you promote it secretly and let the Chamber of Commerce stand at the front."

"In addition, tell the Chamber of Commerce that we can support Fujian merchants, but we cannot let all Ming Dynasty business fall into the hands of Fujian merchant groups."

"In the future, the Fujian business group can occupy at most 30% of the Ming Dynasty's trade."

Although the Fujian business group operates a labor share system.

But we cannot let the Fujian business group dominate the entire Ming Dynasty business community.

This is not conducive to Xiongying's future innovation.

It will form a situation of regional businessmen joining together.

This is also a monopoly!

He was worried that once this kind of monopoly occurred, the Fujian business group would deteriorate.

Almost 30%.

Although the impact is large, it is not serious.

Thirty percent of the scale of the employee shareholding system.

It is enough to have a strong impact on the obsolescence of Ming Dynasty.

at the same time.

This was also his fierce counterattack against conservatives.

Military tit-for-tat is against the big brother.

To support the business war is to challenge conservatives who are ready to move.

"Remember, once this business war begins, we must concentrate our resources and strength, and rely on the county government governed by the reformists to severely attack the industrial and commercial owners in Jinling. It is best to completely eradicate them in the Zhili area. , those white gloves!”

Behind these white gloves of Zhili, Ming Dynasty conservatives are secretly controlling everything.

Defeat these white gloves.

Conservatives will also suffer heavy losses.

If they dared to use their wealth, he would not mind letting these people go bankrupt and tell them the consequences of going against him, Zhu Di.

After the deliberation is over.

Zhu Di left Yu Jing alone.

"I've temporarily removed you from your position of control. Do you understand? Are you okay?"

Yu Jing smiled and scratched his head, "Your Majesty, I understand..."

The prince dismissed him from his post.

But it is completely different from the prince withdrawing his father.

First of all, removing him and appointing Lu Zhen showed to the prince that Yanhua dared to fight hard!

His commander-in-chief, perhaps because of his feelings for the Ming Dynasty and his relationship with the Ming Dynasty navy, would hesitate in some emergencies.

But Minister Lu will not.

Speaking of which, Minister Lu still had a problem with Daming.

At the beginning, Minister Lu fled overseas like a lost family dog ​​because he was defeated by the Ming Dynasty.

Secondly, the prince is protecting him and the Yu family.

This time, there is a high possibility of a misfire.

After all, seventy steam-powered ships were about to rush into the Qinhuai River.

Once the prince becomes irrational and orders the coastal defense fort to fire, Lu Zhen will definitely follow the prince's order and fight back.

If the gun goes off, it will most likely turn into a big war.

If he directs, these things happen.

The Yu family in Jinling was destined to be attacked and annihilated by the conservatives, and even angered by the angry prince.

"Your Majesty, this time, the Crown Prince has really gone too far. We really can't give in anymore. I firmly support the Prince's attitude of fighting back tit for tat based on war..."

Zhu Di smiled, stood up, and glared at Yu Jing angrily, "There is no need for you to express your stance to me. If I don't even believe you, who else can I believe? Don't walk on thin ice just because your father was dismissed this time. Our Yanhua is different from the Ming Dynasty."

"Tomorrow, set off with me to Zuyi Province."

Yu Jing smiled brightly and asked: "What should I do with the copper peas? The prince and princess are not honest and are not honest. Are they ready to be handed over to Wu Yundai?"

"What's wrong? She is the child's aunt. Isn't it natural for her to help take care of her nephew?" Zhu Di said confidently.

Yu Jing looked up at the sky.

This couple is so 'shameless'!

Immediately, Yanhua based on the bottom line of the war, tit-for-tat actions began!

I saw everyone’s ‘hoo’.

I originally planned to include some Yanhua policies in the plot with the participation of supporting characters like Lu Zhongheng, by the way, to enhance the realism of the new world.

Since everyone doesn’t like it, I won’t write it like this in the future and just ignore this part.

In short, the book will definitely be finished by mid-April.

Finally, please ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, follow-up subscriptions, and full subscriptions.

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