The elephant cavalry has not yet exerted its force, and its approach speed is very slow.

Cai Wen, the hero of the Cai family of Luzon, commanded 10,000 immigrants from the Central Plains equipped with firearms. His detachment hid behind the elephants and slowly approached.

Zhu Yuanzhang was at the request of Zhu Di.

He has led hundreds of civil and military officials, escorted by more than a thousand accompanying imperial troops, to the edge of the battlefield to watch the battle.

At the same time, the Ming Emperor's flag was raised.

The morale of the new Central Plains resettlement army commanded by Cai Wen clearly began to waver when they saw the Ming Dynasty flag, and everyone looked uncertain.

Cai Wen held a long-barreled firecracker that had already ignited the match rope. He followed an elephant with his body hunched.

This exquisite long-barreled fire gun was given to him by Chen Shou, the prince of the Chen Dynasty.

Realizing that his morale was wavering, he immediately yelled at the left and right: "What are you afraid of! The Emperor of Ming Dynasty came to kill us immigrants from the Central Plains. In his eyes, we are traitors from the Central Plains. As long as we defeat the new army of the fourth prince of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di, we will capture the prisoners." With his navy, Ming Dynasty will never have the chance to go to sea to persecute us again!"

A bunch of encouraging remarks, full of flaws and loopholes.

Generals at all levels can hear it.

But how could they tell the people at the bottom who were instigated by them?

These people at the bottom were also cattle and horses raised by the dynasty in the Central Plains.

The same goes for going to sea to make a living. There is no way to get rid of the situation of being an animal. Without a group of animals working silently, there would be no way for families like them to live a life superior to that of others.

As immigrants from outside, enslave the locals?

It's hard.

Even slavery must be done by very clever and concealed means.

How could the immigrants from the Central Plains who were won over in the name of their fellow countrymen and clans be more enslaved and continuously provide wealth to the major families.

The major families, in the name of fellow villagers and clansmen, win over the immigrants from the Central Plains, just to gather power, divide the livestock below, and better gather wealth. At the same time, they use these livestock to protect their own wealth.

Fortunately, in Luzon, there are three crops a year.

These animals that migrated from past dynasties have developed the habit of hard work and hard work in the Central Plains.

Although the amount of profits that the major families gained from it was very huge.

But these people will never die of hunger as long as they are in Luzon.

The developed mature land was forced to be sold to them at low prices due to serious diseases and minor disasters. With their support, as long as they were not lazy, they could re-cultivate large areas of barren land in Luzon.

Over and over again, and then continue to be annexed by them...

Although the generals at all levels of the New Army composed of immigrants realized that Cai Wen's words were full of loopholes, they immediately called out to ordinary immigrant soldiers.

Anyway, these animals have no discernment.

For hundreds of years.

The major families have been propagating that if they do not unite, the Luzon Dynasty will persecute them.

Don’t you believe these foolish animals?

Once there are thorns, each big family spends a small amount of money to bribe some officials below Luzon to target these thorns, kill them as a warning to other animals.

The effect is surprisingly good.

Sure enough, there was a loud noise full of loopholes.

Ordinary immigrant soldiers were finally stabilized.

Staring at Zhu Di's new army, there was hatred in his eyes.

He tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

Behind the Ming Dynasty Dragon Banner.

Lu Ben's lower body was tightly tied, holding the horse's reins, sitting on the horse, watching the 180,000 Luzon army behind him also start to move.

He turned around and asked in a low voice: "Xiang Hu, isn't this elephant cavalry difficult to deal with?"

Although he felt that the elephant was tall and tall, like a hill, which put a lot of pressure on people.

The threat to Zhu Silang's 50,000 army is certainly not small.

But he really didn't know much about war.

It is impossible to deduce the development of the battle, and it is even more difficult to determine the probability that Zhu Silang will lose this battle.

Hu Weiyong heard Lu Ben's excited and trembling voice, and he was also excited!

The smile on his lips flashed away, "It's very impressive. Master Lu, please take a look..."

Hu Weiyong raised his hand and pointed at the immigrants from the Central Plains hiding behind the Elephant Cavalry, and whispered: "I don't know exactly what the Elephant Cavalry is like, but if it is true as King Yan said, the threat to the new army of the Yan vassal is great. Hidden among the Elephant Cavalry The immigrants from the Central Plains behind them cannot be massacred by the dense firecrackers of the Yan Fan new army..."

Once ten thousand immigrants from the Central Plains rushed into the Yanfan array with the help of elephant cavalry.

Yan Fan could no longer rely on the power of fire guns.

They could only engage in hand-to-hand combat with nearly 200,000 Luzon soldiers.

The possibility of losing is very high.

Even if they don't lose, 200,000 will fight 50,000 in hand-to-hand combat, even if ten Luzon soldiers kill one Yan vassal soldier.

At least half of the Yanfan Army must be lost!

Zhu Silang has a weak background.

After losing 20,000 to 30,000 people, he would not be able to easily gain a foothold in Luzon from now on.

"Actually, this tactic has the same effect as our Northern Expedition against Togush Timur, who used 100,000 herdsmen cavalry and sent 20,000 Mongolian fire rifles."

Lu Ben understood completely, nodded excitedly, and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others under the dragon flag.

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Lu Song's 190,000 troops had advanced 300 steps, but Zhu Di had not yet given an order, so he couldn't help but feel worried. He turned to ask Lan Yu, Mu Ying, Qu Neng, Qiu Fu and other young and middle-aged generals, "Do you think of cracking the code?" Is there any way?"

Zhu Biao hugged Zhu Yunwen. Hearing the sound, the father and son looked at Lan Yu and others.

Lan Yu and others frowned, their faces full of worry.

"Your Majesty." Lan Yu was the first to speak and said cautiously: "If I were to direct this battle, for the current plan, I can only take the lead in testing with artillery, which may alarm the elephants and cause them to commotion..."

If this method doesn't work, he has no other good solution.

I'm afraid we have no choice but to fight a tough battle regardless of losses.

Based on his understanding of the combat effectiveness of Zhu Laosi's five mixed alliances in one town during this period of time.

As long as Zhu Laosi is willing to pay about 15,000 casualties.

Even if it is hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons.

The final winner must be Yan Fan led by Zhu Laosi.

But the loss is so huge.

It doesn't matter if it's Daming instead.

But Zhu Laosi can't.

Such a loss is equivalent to breaking the bones for Zhu Laosi, who now wants to establish a foothold in Luzon and annex and rule Luzon.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw other generals shaking their heads, he couldn't help but become more worried. His eyes fell on Zhu Di standing on horseback in the distance.

at the same time.

Zhu Di's frown finally relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Tan Yuan and others, who had been staring nervously at Zhu Di, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone knew that Zhu Di must have thought of a strategy to deal with the enemy.

"Tan Yuan, Liu Sheng..."

Zhu Di pointed straight ahead, "The first mixed association of the Early Formation Army is divided into two. Each of you will command two and a half mixed associations. When we approach the enemy's position, follow our army's field battle method of outflanking the two wings and attack the enemy. The two wings of the army are turned back to surround you. I will assign all the only two thousand cavalry in the army to your two units, and let the cavalry cooperate with you."

During the training process of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Mixed Associations, no cavalry battalions were trained.

First of all, time is tight and there is no time to purchase war horses and organize and train cavalry battalions.

Secondly, he is not going to organize and train cavalry battalions for these mixed associations.

No money!

Wait until the situation in Luzon stabilizes slightly.

The cavalry battalion of the First Mixed Association will also be abolished and expanded into a pure infantry mixed association.

As for the cavalry.

He planned to use Haitong to select three thousand warriors from the Mongolian immigrants.

Train a cavalry force.

This cavalry can be combined together at any time, or a battalion can be deployed to cooperate with other mixed cooperation battles.

This saves money.

To be honest, in Luzon, even without the cooperation of cavalry, once the Luzon Dynasty is defeated, a mixed alliance of pure infantry will be enough.

Armaments are designed according to specific war needs.

The more luxurious, the better.

The money saved is of greater value when used to improve people's livelihood.

"Once the two sides are sixty to seventy steps apart, I will lead the brothers from the First Town to block and retreat."

There are five mixed associations in one town, all of which have practiced infantry and artillery coordination.

However, only No. 1 Town had practiced blocking and retreating tactics after returning from the Ming Dynasty.

"After we lure the enemy's elephant cavalry to pursue the enemy and are out of touch with the rear, you must immediately command the first mixed corps that has already formed an army to intersperse and intercept from its disconnected areas. The two complete mixed corps under your command will definitely We must keep up with the First Mixed Association who is interspersed with attacks.”

After all, the other four mixed associations have only been in the army for half a year.

The first time he went to the battlefield, he carried out intersecting attacks because he was worried that something would happen.

Although the First Mixed Association was also the first actual combat, after the Northern Expedition returned to Dongfan, he went to the First Mixed Association and transferred some soldiers with actual combat experience.

Moreover, the First Mixed Association has been in the army for several years, and there is no delay in training.

"Once the insertion was successful, Wang Jiye, commander of the First Mixed Association, handed over the task of blocking the 180,000 Luzon Allied Forces to Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng. Wang Jiye, commander of the First Mixed Association, turned his guns and launched an attack from behind the resettlement self-defense forces. , cooperate with the Army's First Town, concentrate superior forces, and defeat this elephant cavalry that poses the greatest threat to us as soon as possible."

"During this period, six artillery battalions, totaling 12, blocked the 180,000 Luzon coalition forces."

After speaking, Zhu Di looked at the generals led by Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng, "Do you understand?"


The excited sounds were uniform and sonorous.

Qu Neng and others watched as Tan Yuan, Liu Sheng, Zhou Lang, Zhang Wu and others drove their horses away and looked at each other.

Lan Yu couldn't hide her urgency, looked at Mu Ying, then turned around and smiled: "Your Majesty, King Yan must have thought of a way to deal with the enemy!"

He was very eager to know how Zhu Laosi planned to crack the opponent's elephant cavalry!

Zhu Yunwen turned his head and glanced at Lan Yu, who was very excited.

After hearing Lan Yu's judgment, the officials behind him frowned and stared eagerly at Zhu Di's handsome flag.

Woo woo woo...

The horn sounded.

Five mixed associations took the lead in spreading out on both sides of Army No. 1 Town.

In the form of three horizontal lines, they were the first to hold the blazing gun that ignited the match rope.

The First Mixed Association, which was split into two, was personally commanded by Liu Sheng and Tan Yuan, standing at the front of the two wings.

Soon, Zhu Di personally commanded more than 13,000 soldiers from the Army's First Town, standing in the middle of the two wings, to meet the Luzon Elephant Cavalry.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Five hundred steps!

Cai Wen licked his lips nervously and excitedly, rushed forward, sat on the back of the elephant, and the elephant cavalry general who controlled the elephant shouted: "Speed ​​up!"

The fourth prince of Ming Dynasty wanted to die.

He makes it happen!

The elephant cavalry began to speed up.

Dong dong dong...

Although the elephant cannot run very fast due to its weight, its momentum is not small at all.

The sound of a thousand elephant cavalry's feet hitting the ground was like beating drums for a moment.

"Don't panic!"

Zhu Di shouted, turned over and dismounted, patted the little black man, and the little black man immediately neighed and ran away obediently.

Zhu Di stood at the front of the soldiers, holding a blunderbuss, cooperating and standardizing with Zhang Wu and others, leading the soldiers at the front.

Three hundred steps away!

Two hundred and fifty steps!

Two hundred steps!

The distance is getting closer.

As the First Town approached, they dispersed in an orderly manner, forming three horizontal formations.

Seventy steps!

Zhu Di continued to lead the soldiers forward.

The two wings of commanders Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng were already at the same level as the elephant cavalry.

Cai Wen noticed the left and right wings.

But I didn't care.

The new Yanfan troops on his left and right sides were about two hundred steps away from him, and a hundred steps behind him were the 180,000 Luzon coalition troops.

A distance of two hundred steps.

When Yan Fan's new army wants to attack him and rush towards him, the 180,000 Luzon coalition forces behind him will never stand idly by.

As long as he defeats the elite of the first town of the army of the fourth prince of the Ming Dynasty who are weak in the third line.

This battle is won!


Sporadic sound of firecrackers sounded.

Cai Wen was shocked and came to his senses, and shouted angrily: "I'm giving the order to everyone, get within fifty steps and shoot. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

This is the experience Chen Shou told him.

Sixty steps!

In this short moment, the two sides were only sixty steps apart.

Zhu Di shouted: "Block, squat down!"

"Squat down, squat down!"

Generals at all levels shouted loudly.

Three horizontal lines, the first two horizontal lines squatted down quickly.



The generals at all levels in the third line shouted loudly.

Bang bang bang...

A sound like fried beans sounded along with the firelight.

Whoosh whoosh!

Zhu Di and the two soldiers in front of him heard a sudden roar above their heads.

The dense barrage rushed towards the elephant cavalry array.

After the third column fired, without the need for orders from generals at all levels, the soldiers held muskets in hand, turned around and rushed back. After rushing eighty steps, they quickly stopped to reload ammunition.



Bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang...

Immediately afterwards, the second and first horizontal teams fired one after another.

After the second row finished shooting, they also turned around and rushed to the back. They quickly formed a formation in front of the third row, which was loading ammunition, and loaded ammunition.

The first horizontal team followed closely.

A barrage of more than 10,000 projectiles hit the elephant cavalry array.

The entire galloping elephant cavalry came to a halt for an instant.

The elephant was hit by a pellet. Although it was not fatal, the pain caused the elephant rider to start to riot, subconsciously moving backwards and turning to the left and right.

A mahout was hit and the elephant lost control, causing a commotion.

Cai Wen was furious and watched the Army's First Town turn around and run wildly. For a moment, he thought the First Town was timid, and then he exultantly ordered, "Charge, the elephant cavalry is under control, speed up and charge forward!"

Immediately, he abandoned dozens of wild elephants that had lost their mahouts, and led the migrant self-defense forces to continue to charge forward.

Originally, with the army's first town, they rushed back eighty steps.

The distance between the two sides once again widened to 150 steps.

Following Cai Wen's order, the distance quickly shortened.

One hundred and twenty steps!

One hundred steps!

Eighty steps!

Seventy steps!

Sixty steps!

Cai Wen silently counted his steps, and when he was fifty steps away, he shouted: "Shoot!"

After the order was conveyed by the generals of the Immigrant Self-Defense Army at all levels, the Immigrant Self-Defense Army soldiers who were hiding behind the elephants dispersed one after another. Among the elephants, they raised fire cannons and aimed at the Army's first town soldiers.

Before the Immigrant Self-Defense Forces could completely disperse, the third and second columns had already loaded their ammunition.


Bang bang bang...

Following the orders from the generals and colonels of the third line, the sound of volley firing sounded again.

The barrage hit the immigrants' self-defense forces who had just dispersed and were preparing to fire.


A shrill scream sounded.

Bang bang bang...

The second horizontal team and the first horizontal team fired one after another.

The same scene happened again. The line that had finished firing quickly ran back a hundred steps. The third line stopped again and loaded ammunition nervously but in an orderly manner.

Cai Wen's eyes were about to split, and he roared and shouted: "Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Let the elephant cavalry rush as fast as possible!"

In just an instant, dozens more mahouts were lost.

At the same time, visual observation showed that at least seven to eight hundred people died in the volley fire from the First Town of the Army of the Fourth Prince of the Ming Dynasty.

On the other hand, in the No. 1 Army Town of the Fourth Prince of Ming Dynasty, only dozens of people fell!

At Cai Wen's urging, the Army's first town's volley fire blocking had just ended, and the entire elephant cavalry array was still in chaos.

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The capable mahout drove the remaining elephants under control to rush towards the Army's First Town as quickly as possible.

Cai Wen was angered.

He didn't notice at all that the distance between him and the 180,000 Luzon coalition troops behind him was getting farther and farther away from the first hundred steps!


"What kind of tactic is this?"

Under the Dragon Flag, the civil and military officials watched the Army's First Town continuously firing and retreating, and they all expressed surprise.

Visually, as the elephant cavalry under Cai Wen's command began to exert full force, the Army's first suppressive pressure became increasingly intense.

Many people clenched their fists in excitement.

"I see!"

"Your Majesty, I understand!"

Lan Yu suddenly shouted excitedly, alarming everyone.

Everyone looked at Lan Yu.

Lan Yu excitedly pointed to the rear of Cai Wenxiang's cavalry: "Look, the distance between the enemy's elephant cavalry and the 10,000 migrant self-defense forces and the Luzon 180,000 coalition forces behind them is getting farther and farther! On the other hand, the Luzon 180,000 coalition forces, because of the Yan The left and right wings sent by the king were intimidating and cautious, not daring to stride forward to follow the elephant cavalry. This would aggravate the disconnect between the front and rear armies. The left and right wings commanded by Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng would definitely penetrate through the gaps in the enemy's front and rear arrays soon! "

"At that time, all we need to do is send a strong step and launch a pursuit charge against the enemy's elephant cavalry from behind, and the enemy's elephant cavalry will be finished! This is King Yan's best classic tactic. Concentrate superior forces locally to kill the chicken with a single blow!"

Zhu Yuanzhang led the crowd and listened to Lan Yu's explanation.

Keep an eye on the battle situation.

Although they were far away, they could clearly see that the distance between the enemy and the rear was indeed rapidly widening.

All the officials who hated and rejected Zhu Di looked at each other in disbelief, and they all made eye contact, saying, 'Will Zhu Silang really fight like Lan Yu predicted? Could Zhu Silang really defeat the opponent's 200,000 coalition troops equipped with elephant cavalry with 50,000 soldiers and horses? ’

Zhu Yuanzhang's tense face relaxed, and he smiled and praised: "Then let's see if you really guessed the fourth brother's style of play correctly."

This blue jade is probably from the Ming Dynasty, the middle and young generation.

The only one who can be close to the fourth child in terms of military talent.

Especially the understanding of firearms warfare!

Zhu Yuanzhang put away his thoughts and said to Qu Neng, Qiu Fu and others: "You must also look carefully, there are not many opportunities like this."

"Yes!" A group of young generals loudly accepted the order.

"It's moving! The left and right wings are moving!"

From behind, Fang Xiaoru's excited exclamation interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked to the left and right wings.


Shout out to kill Zhentian.

Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng seized the gap of three hundred steps between Luzon's front and rear armies, and led the two wings to form an alliance of two and a half, crossing in and out at the fastest speed!

The Luzon Allied Forces responded quickly.

Brief confusion.

Tens of thousands of armored elites, including 20,000 new elite fire gun troops, screamed and rushed forward.

In an attempt to control the left and right wings, the five hybrid associations intersected.

But it's too late!

Cai Wen was so enraged that he completely ignored the disconnect between the front and rear armies.

As for Luzon's 180,000 coalition forces, they subconsciously slowed down because of the threat from the new armies on the left and right wings. They did not expect Zhu Di's style of play.

The front and rear armies were separated by three hundred steps. On weekdays, this distance was actually very close.

But on the battlefield, it was already far away!

And at the same time.

Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng are not simply interspersed.

There were one thousand cavalry on each wing, totaling two thousand. When the insertion was initiated, under the command of the cavalry general, they charged head-on at the approaching elite infantry of Luzon with a thundering force.

Although there were only two thousand cavalry.

But for Luzon, the momentum of two thousand cavalry was already terrifying!

Bang bang bang...

In fear, a hundred steps away from the cavalry, the Luzon fire gunners started shooting.


At the same time, the elite soldiers who were not equipped with firecrackers began to form a chaotic formation amidst the panicked shouts of the generals.

But when the general in charge of the two cavalry was a hundred steps away from the Luzon army, he laughed heartily, drew a beautiful arc, and ran parallel to the left and right sides from a hundred steps away from the chaotic Luzon army.

The right cavalry went to the left wing.

The left wing cavalry went to the right wing.

No one was injured, but it succeeded in intimidating and disrupting the speed of Luzon's army.

Just in this short moment.

Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng commanded the left and right wings, and a total of five mixed associations completed the interweaving, dividing the enemy's front and rear armies into two.

Ha ha……

"Your Majesty has assigned us the No. 1 hybrid auxiliary who has been trained for the longest period of time. He looks up to the Luzon Army!"

After Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng met, they couldn't help laughing heartily.

The prince originally assigned the First Mixed Association to them, intending to use the First Mixed Association to cooperate with the cavalry to temporarily block the enemy's rear troops from rushing in, and buy time for the other four Mixed Associations to intersperse and establish an array.

But it was of no use at all.

Tan Yuan smiled heartily and nodded, turning his head, "Wang Jiye!"

"The general is here!"

"Commander your first mixed association, turn back immediately and cooperate with the prince to surround and kill the enemy elephant cavalry and the immigrant self-defense army!"

"As you command!"

After receiving the order sonorously, Wang Jiye, commander of the First Mixed Association, led the First Mixed Association back and cooperated with the Army's First Town commanded by Zhu Di to besiege Cai Wen.

"It's done! Uncle Wen, it's done!"

On the rear artillery position, Dongxu stood on horseback. Seeing that the insertion was completed, the First Mixed Association began to turn back to surround the elephant cavalry and the immigrant self-defense forces. He shouted excitedly and jumped from the horseback like an antelope hanging its horns. Come down.

Wen Qi nodded happily and patted Dongxu on the shoulder, "It's our turn to cooperate with Tan to control them."

Boom boom…

After a while.

When the gunfire sounded.

Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng commanded four mixed associations.

Nearly 25,000 people, five large horizontal groups, advanced towards the Luzon Allied Forces in alternating volleys during the artillery bombardment.

The Luzon coalition responded in a panic.

At the same time, troops and horses were sent to both wings in an attempt to outflank the four mixed associations.

Two thousand cavalry on both wings launched cavalry formation tactics against the outflanking enemy.

at the same time.

The Immigrant Self-Defense Forces commanded by Cai Wen were attacked from both sides and were in chaos.

Take care of your head and not your butt.

Gu Xun couldn't think about it.

In the encirclement and volley fire, they were like headless flies, rushing left and right.

The elephant cavalry was completely in disarray due to the constant losses of mahout trainers and the intensive barrage rushing back and forth and left and right.

Trampling the panicked immigrant self-defense troops.

causing greater confusion.

Half an hour later.

The Immigrant Self-Defense Forces died in the battle along with Cai Wen. Under heavy losses, countless immigrant soldiers threw away their guns, pouted and held their heads, trembling and kneeling in the battlefield littered with corpses.

Zhu Di stepped on the muddy blood-red soil and ordered: "Wang Jiye led the First Mixed Association, the First and Second Battalions to collect the prisoners, others, follow me to the front to support the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Mixed Associations! "


Generals Wang Jiye and Zhang Wu received their orders loudly.

As the Army's First Town led most of the First Mixed Association's troops, they joined the battle.

The originally 180,000 Luzon Allied Forces, after suffering heavy losses, finally came into close combat with the four mixed alliances commanded by Tan Yuan and Liu Sheng.

As Zhu Di led nearly 20,000 people, he approached.

Bang bang bang...

After a round of intensive firing.

The Luzon coalition forces fell in pieces in an instant.

The Luzon coalition forces, which had already suffered heavy casualties, could no longer hold on.

Collapse began to occur locally.

Zhu Di seized the opportunity and immediately led 20,000 elite soldiers, armed with guns and swords, and rushed into the area where the enemy troops were intensively fired and collapsed.

The soldiers worked in groups of five and worked together to stab each other.

The Luzon coalition disintegrated faster and faster.

Finally at a certain moment, following the golden chariot of King Lagan of Luzon behind, pulled by three ponies, they escaped.

The Luzon Allied Forces, supported only by their bravery, could no longer hold on.

The array of black clouds is like snow in June, instantly disintegrating and melting.

" this a win?"

"Isn't this too easy?"

"These small barbarian countries are too weak!"

The officials who were watching the battle from a distance looked at the Yan and Fan army and began to chase them north, chasing Luzon's defeated troops. They were in disbelief and stared at each other.

Lu Ben held the horse's rein tightly.

This result was difficult for him and too many people to accept!

Less than an hour.

Luzon's 200,000 allied troops were completely defeated.

Next, the imperial court negotiates with Zhu Silang, how can it suppress Zhu Silang!

"Too weak?"

Zhu Xi could not bear it any longer. He turned around and glanced at the officials with a sneer, "Yongchang Marquis, if the imperial army were to fight Luzon's 200,000-strong coalition with elephant cavalry, with the same 50,000 troops, would the imperial court be able to win so cleanly?"

Everyone looked at Lan Yu.

Lan Yu, Tang He, Mu Ying, Geng Bingwen and others looked at each other.

Everyone shook their heads.

King Qin still saved face for the court.

If it were only 50,000 infantry.

Even if the new army was equipped with muskets and artillery, they would not have thought that it would be impossible to win so cleanly with Lao Si's style of play.


There is even a 50% chance of defeat!

The enemy's elephant cavalry are thick-skinned and thick-skinned. The infantry gunmen are hidden behind the elephants, and the infantry and elephants coordinate together, which is actually very difficult to fight!

It is easy for the opponent's infantry artillery soldiers to use elephants as shields to approach and fire at close range, causing huge casualties.

Then rely on the elephant cavalry to launch a charge!

180,000 coalition troops are rapidly following up!

Rush into the chaotic formation of the army.

That was a disaster.

Lan Yu turned her head and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang solemnly, "Your Majesty, even if we think of the prince's method, there is a high probability that our new army will not be able to fight this kind of battle, the kind that keeps retreating, blocking the enemy step by step, without training, And if it’s not an absolutely elite force, it won’t be able to fight at all!”

After each firing caused a brief confusion between the elephant cavalry and the immigrant self-defense army, the general of the immigrant self-defense army would urge the elephant cavalry to rush towards Zhu Laosi's army's first town formation at a faster speed.

So far, at the end.

The Elephant Cavalry had recently rushed within thirty paces of the First Army Town.

The two sides were volleying at a very short distance apart, and the Army's first town also had to bear the pressure of behemoths like cavalry.

Retreating is the most difficult thing in war.

One can imagine how much pressure the soldiers were under at this time.

If it is not an absolutely elite force, it will have to undergo a lot of training to stop the enemy at every turn.

There is no way to fight this kind of battle.

In fact, this tactic is the same as the coordination of infantry and artillery, and the infantry advancing forward alternately.

Zhu Laosi just reacted.

He was certain.

Zhu Laosi trained this tactic in the Army's First Town, so that in the field, the two armies would fight in formation, and by blocking the enemy's retreat step by step, he would induce flaws in the enemy's formation.

Then other troops will attack the weaknesses exposed by the enemy.

"Why did the prince use the first army town instead of several other mixed associations? And also commanded it personally? The general guessed that at present, the Yan Fan can command this kind of war, and the only person who has confidence in the soldiers is the prince, and there are five people in one town In the Huncheng Association, only the Army's No. 1 town can implement this kind of tactic of constantly blocking the enemy's retreat."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and looked at Qiu Fu and other young generals, "You have all heard what Marquis Yongchang said. In the future, the imperial court will comprehensively train the new army, and the first town of the Army will be your example to follow!"

"The generals and others must take Prince Yan Fan's first army town as the pursuit target!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go, let's follow."

Lu Ben, Hu Weiyong and a group of people who hated Zhu Di walked at the back.

Everyone looked very ugly.

Lan Yu's evaluation of Zhu Di and the new army of Yanfan was too high.

It makes people feel stressed.

At the same time, after Yan Fan's resounding victory, he was bound to propose negotiations with the imperial court.

With the power of great victory.

How else did the imperial court suppress Zhu Silang's conditions?

Shouldn’t I regret it at the beginning?

"Prime Hu, in fact, we shouldn't take risks. We should have taken the initiative to negotiate with Zhu Silang when we were on Jilong Island. Now that Zhu Silang has won so easily, it proves that it will be easy for him to rule Luzon. He is right The imperial court’s dependence has been reduced, but can we do without Yan Fan’s technology?”

Lu Ben gritted his teeth and murmured, his intestines almost turning green with regret.

Hu Weiyong remained silent.

He secretly stared at Zhu Biao's back.

The prince is very calm and the city is very deep.

At this moment, where is the prince? Do you regret it?

He couldn't judge.

But he, like Lu Ben, no, there are many, many others, may all regret it at this moment!

It's approaching dark.

Zhu Yuanzhang and his party finally caught up with Zhu Di.

Looking at the prisoners in Wuyangyang's custody in front of him, Zhu Yuanzhang's face glowed brightly and he happily asked: "How many prisoners have been captured?"

Zhu Di said with a smile: "More than fifty thousand, of the 190,000 coalition troops in the previous fighting and cover-up, I'm afraid only 70,000 to 80,000 escaped."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with a smile, but secretly clenched his fists with joy and excitement.

He was happy for the fourth child.

This battle proved that it is not difficult for Lao Si to rule Luzon.


The rapid sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and Tan Yuan rode closer and reported: "Your Majesty, the leading generals among the prisoners and the dignitaries of Luzon have been screened and selected."

Zhu Di nodded, waved his hand and ordered: "Let these people go and drive them away."

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Zhu Biao asked, "Fourth brother, why did you let these generals and dignitaries go?"

"Brother must know how to capture seven times and let go seven times."

Everyone understood instantly.

Many people secretly curled their lips.

He sneered and slandered: ‘Do you really think of yourself as Zhuge Kongming? ’

At night.

After setting up camp on the spot.

Zhu Di accompanied Zhu Yuanzhang as he walked around the camp. Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and asked, "Tell your father the real purpose of releasing those generals and dignitaries."

Zhu Di was slightly stunned.


Zhu Yuanzhang chuckled and said, "I know my son better than my father. With your character, do you think my father really believes that you can imitate Zhuge Kongming and persuade others with virtue?"

Brat, imitate handwriting and kill Feng Sheng.

Political assassination of Chang Mao.

Father and son are the same kind of people.

They are not people like Zhuge Kongming.

The fourth child must have a bigger plan.

Zhu Di touched the tip of his nose and smiled, "The kid is afraid that the elder brother will know the kid's true intentions and become even more disgusted with the kid."

"Talk about it." Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly, and the father and son continued to walk forward.

Zhu Di replied: "Haier released these dignitaries in the hope that they would return to the Royal City of Manila, take all those who dissatisfied with Haier, leave the central area of ​​Luzon, continue to fight against Haier, and kill them after capturing them, breaking the military rules of Haier. This is It will never be allowed, but I need to cleanse the entire Luzon elite. Only by cleaning out the elite can we eliminate the original cultural roots of Luzon!"

"In addition, the reason why Ha'er did not rush to the Royal City of Luzon overnight is because he hopes that those who are dissatisfied will leave. Those who stay will mean that they are willing to accept Ha'er's rule over them. This will be very beneficial to Ha'er's rapid stabilization of central Luzon."

Zhu Yuanzhang's lips twitched.

What a bastard!

A bit too harsh.

It's his son!

Smiling, "Tomorrow, take dad to the Royal City of Luzon to have a look..."

"My child obeys the order!" Zhu Di accepted the order with a smile.

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