Golden Fishery

313.1 circles (four/ten)

After eating a spicy and delicious lunch, Qin Shiou and Wei Ni were both in pain and happy. Liu Qing did not use American Chinese food to fool the two of them. The cooking method was pure Hunan cuisine, which is called spicy.

After lunch and a break, Yan Donglei asked Liu Qing to take them to the Captain James Cook Hall.

This hall is located on the east side of the top, covering an area of ​​about 5,000 to 6,000 square meters. The greening is very good. The building is surrounded by lush spruce, red maple and other trees, which is very original.

To the west of the venue is the most famous tourist attraction in Corner Brook, the Captain James Cook National Historic Site. A little further ahead is a valley. You can see the beautiful scenery of the valley from the entrance of the auditorium.

When Qin Shiou and others arrived, there were already many luxury cars parked in the square in front of the auditorium, such as BMW 760, Mercedes-Benz S-series, Audi R8, Maserati President, Porsche Cayenne, etc. The luxurious Cadillac President One can only be regarded as mediocre here. Fanfan's Volkswagen.

"We Chinese are really rich." Qin Shiou looked at the BMW on the left and the Porsche on the right and said with emotion.

Liu Qing in the back seat said with a smile: "The main reason is that Canadian cars are cheap, and the more luxurious cars are, the cheaper the price is compared to domestic ones. So many of our compatriots came to Canada and got started with luxury cars. Anyway, they drove them in China. Cars are more expensive than they are now, and they are not as luxurious.”

After getting out of the car, Qin Shiou saw people standing and discussing together in twos and threes. The atmosphere at the scene was no different from that of an ordinary party, except that everyone dressed more formally.

As for the scene that he expected at the beginning to hang a big red banner at the door or someone chanting anti-Japanese and national salvation slogans, it never happened from the beginning to the end, which made him a little bit regretful as a young cynical youth.

After Liu Qing got off the car, someone greeted him. Qin Shiou didn't know anyone, but these people were very friendly. After he and Wei Ni got off the car, they took the initiative to chat and introduce each other's identities.

After chatting with these people for a while, Qin Shiou said to Liu Qing: "Our compatriots are very enthusiastic. I thought that a stranger like me would be excluded if he came."

Liu Qing is the kind of straight-hearted guy from Hunan Province, so he said: "How come, Chairman Yan picked you up in person and even had dinner with you, from this they know you are very good. They will only befriend you, no May ignore you."

Qin Shiou wiped cold sweat from the bottom of his heart. The ability of Chinese people to observe words and expressions should be in a leading position in the world.

At half past one, a group of people entered the venue one after another. Start working on the first project of the party.

This meeting has little to do with Qin Shiou,

First introduced some of the achievements of the Canadian Chinese Mutual Aid Association in the past year, then the theme was about the development of Chinese in Newfoundland and Labrador in local education, economy, politics, etc., and finally disclosed the use of the Mutual Aid Association Development Fund.

This Mutual Aid Association Development Fund is the parent body of the proceeds from the auction tonight. Every income and expenditure is very clear. Anyone at the meeting can ask questions to the person in charge of finance, and the amount is accurate to RMB. Absolutely no corruption, misappropriation, etc. will occur.

Qin Shiou was not interested in meetings since he was a child. After graduation, he was tortured by large and small meetings in a state-owned enterprise such as CNOOC for four years, so during this meeting he held his mobile phone and chatted there. Chatting with my classmates and buddies in China was delighted.

It was already early morning in China, but most of the people were night owls. As soon as Qin Shiou appeared, a group of diving students appeared.

Mao Weilong shook his head as he watched, cursing that people's hearts are so broken these days, Qin Shiou sent several angry expressions in succession. Ask Mao Weilong who leaked some of his private information on Weibo.

When it came to Weibo, several classmates urged him to apply for a Weibo. Maybe it won't take long to become a big V.

Qin Shiou is not interested, his goal is to simply live his own life. Being a local tyrant, a big V, or a celebrity is not within the scope of his life.

In the middle of the night, Qin Peng suddenly appeared and asked, "Xiaoou, master said you are going to come back next week?"

The "uncle" in Qin Peng's mouth is Qin Shiou's father. Their family has a high seniority. Although Qin Peng is as old as Qin Shiou, he can call his uncle Qin Shiou's father Grandpa according to his seniority.

Qin Shiou said: "It's about the same. Go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. How are you doing? Why are you still online at this time?"

Qin Peng made a foolish smile and said: "My wife is due to give birth in two days. I am afraid that something will happen at night, so I will nap during the day and stay awake at night."

Qin Shiou sighed: "Damn, I'm going to be a grandfather soon? Oh shit, time flows like water, brother, I still remember the scene when we went to the Bailong River with bare buttocks to fish in elementary school."

Qin Peng made a speechless expression, and said: "Look at your title, the seniority is messed up. Also, my son can't call you grandpa in the future, talk about seniority with your parents, and talk about our relationship with your mother." .”

The two chatted happily in the back. Qin Shiou didn't know what was said at the meeting, but he knew that the tea party started when the phone was about to run out of battery.

The tea party moved again to a small hall of the Winston Wooden Boat Hotel, where coffee, juice, tea, mineral water and other beverages were prepared, and there were also snacks such as fruits, cakes and biscuits. mode to proceed.

Qin Shiou was brought by Yan Donglei himself, and introduced some people to him: "This is Mr. Yasuo Inoue, the chief mechanical engineer of a large paper mill. This is Mr. Kota Kubotani, the owner of Akutagawa Restaurant... "

Hearing the introduction, Qin Shiou was surprised, why are there Japanese here? But this time is not suitable for asking questions, so he shook hands with these people one by one and exchanged business cards with a big smile on his face.

Yasuo Inoue is a bald middle-aged man in his forties. When Yan Donglei introduced him, he directly bowed at ninety degrees, and then handed over his business card respectfully with both hands.

Qin Shiou had no choice but to follow with a big bow. The Japanese behind him still bowed, so he could only keep bowing, as if he was attending the leader's funeral.

Looking at the business cards of these people later, Qin Shiou saw that Yasuo Inoue introduced him as a mechanic of a "large paper mill". Only then did he realize that the so-called large paper mill was not a synonym, but that's what they were called, and they were from the fourth largest paper factory in North America. One of the big super paper mills, the business covers the whole world.

After introducing these people, Yan Donglei asked in a considerate whisper, "Are you wondering if there are Japanese people at the 918 Memorial Day party?"

Qin Shiou also whispered: "Could it be that these are pro-Chinese Japanese descendants?"

Yan Donglei smiled and said, "You are so clever. Yes, they are all pro-Chinese Japanese. Every year on the 918 anniversary, they Japanese will come to participate, reflect on the war, and alert future generations. Of course, they also want to take the opportunity to public relations and develop contacts."

Qin Shiou felt that the latter was their purpose. Would the Japanese reflect on the war of aggression against China? Damn it, he doesn't believe it. If you really want to warn future generations, then don't beautify war and tamper with textbooks. (to be continued)

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