Golden Fishery

Two hundred and twenty-five. It's time to harvest

Today's 10th update, brothers and sisters who have votes, vote, and friends who are still watching that, I hope that for the sake of working so hard on the shell, can you support a genuine version? ****

Qin Shiou was not familiar with the tuna fishing boat Xueqiu, so he took Shaq and others on board the next day for research. Baidu Interesting Academy mobile reading@乐@文@novel@story|

Shaq explained: "This type of boat is designed to catch big fish. Although it is called a tuna fishing boat, it can actually catch other big fish, including sharks. Of course, this kind of fish is generally used to catch bluefin, yellowfin, etc. , blue marlin and other large high-value fish."

In order to protect high-value fishery resources, the United States and Canada signed the "North American Fishery Protection Regulations" in 1995. This regulation stipulates that hunting fish in the sea, such as bluefin, yellowfin and other fish, is not allowed to use Fishing trawlers can only be caught with a fishing rod.

It was under such circumstances that this kind of fishing boat became popular in the North American market, and the St. Johns government was also very generous. The boat awarded to Qin Shiou is currently a relatively advanced fishing boat.

Qin Shiou went to check the fish cabin. The fish cabin of this ship is not small. It is four and a half meters long, two and a half meters wide, and one and a half meters deep. It is said that the ice will not melt within five days.

After turning around, Shaq appraised Qin Shiou's price and said, "The price of this boat should be above 400,000 yuan. The engine is produced by a famous American brand group. The fish finder, navigator, and crane are all good American brands."

Qin Shiou wanted to confirm the price, so he called Hanks Brewer, but the latter told him in embarrassment that he did not know the price of the ship, because the ship was seized by the St. Johns Customs for smuggling from the United States. ferry……

"I bought a watch last year. It's as black as a crow. The Canadian government is not a good bird!" Qin Shiou couldn't help but curse.

Then his phone rang again. It was an unknown number. After answering, the person on the opposite side greeted him respectfully, and then introduced himself as the account manager of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation.

Qin Shiou didn't remember what Gulfstream Aerospace company he had dealt with, so he blocked the microphone and asked other people in a low voice, saying, do you know Gulfstream Aerospace Company?

Nelson nodded quickly and said, "Of course, of course, you don't even know about Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation? The world's top private jet manufacturer!"

Qin Shiou didn't think about it at all. When Nelson said this, he understood. This is a hit with a salesman.

Sure enough, the account manager exchanged pleasantries with Qin Shiou and asked him if he was interested in private jets.

Of course Qin Shiou was interested.

But he still has 50 million yuan in his hand, and there are still three fish farms that he has not bought. According to the calculation that a fish farm needs to invest at least 20 million yuan from purchase to construction, he does not have enough money for development.

Private jets will be bought, but not yet. Qin Shiou politely rejected this man's sales pitch.

It didn't take long for someone to call again. This time the background is not small, it is the manager of the Canadian branch of the Italian yacht company. The purpose is naturally the same as that of the Gulfstream account manager, just to ask him if he wants to book a yacht.

Qin Shiou was about to collapse like this. No wonder the ancestors said that a man should know how to hide his clumsiness and not reveal his wealth. He accidentally revealed it here, and then his whole life would be disrupted.

Seeing Qin Shiou's face full of helplessness. Shaq cautiously said to him: "According to what I know, our town is going to hold a party to celebrate you buying two fish farms and investing so much money in the fish farms..."

At this moment, Qin Shiou collapsed, and he shouted: "Fuck it, I am building a fishing ground is my business, what does it have to do with these people? Come on, you guys think of a way for me, I have to clean up for a while! "

Nelson said casually: "What's so difficult about it? Isn't it going to August soon? In August, the fishing for bluefin and yellowfin tuna will be open. We will issue a certificate for tuna fishing. There are ready-made tuna fishing here." Why don’t you just go out to sea and go fishing for tuna?”

The sea monster nodded in agreement, and said: "This is a good idea. The catch from the fishing ground will have to be produced at least next year. You can't just invest in it this year. Fishing tuna is a good way to make money. A bluefin tuna is as little as Seven or eight thousand yuan, let's go out for a fishing season, and if we are lucky, we may earn hundreds of thousands."

Qin Shiou's eyes lit up. Indeed, he can't fish in his own fishing ground, so he can go fishing in other sea areas.

It was a good idea to catch bluefin tuna, also known as bluefin tuna, not because of the money, but because he wanted to get some female bluefin tuna to the fishing ground to breed with Big Blue and his son.

If it is not in a specific location, bluefin tuna is hard to come across. This fish has a very special way of breathing. They have no active breathing ability and need to rely on water flow through their gills to absorb oxygen in the water.

In this way, they have to swim continuously in the ocean, and they have to swim at high speed, otherwise they will cause hypoxia and suffocation.

No one knows where bluefin tuna will appear in the depths of the ocean, but there are several areas of waters where there are more bluefin tuna because of the food and bait that tuna likes, and these waters have become annual A battleground for anglers and strategists.

Qin Shiou felt that this proposal was advisable, so he had to plan how to implement it.

Canada and the United States are the countries with the strongest protection for bluefin tuna, and they can only be hunted in the four months of August, September, October and November each year. Such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, etc., can be hunted all year round, so in Asian waters, this kind of fish is almost extinct.

It's August soon, Qin Shiou looked at the boats on his dock, it's time to take the initiative, he can't just spend money and not make money.

What's more, my sea god consciousness needs to play a bigger role, just wandering in this fishing ground is meaningless, wouldn't it be better to get some rare fish species and come to the fishing ground? Bluefin tuna is now on the verge of extinction, and it is better to be taken to the fishing ground by yourself than to enter the dog belly of the Japanese devils, right?

Qin Shiou shared his thoughts with Auerbach, planning to take Shaq and others out for a few days to catch bluefin.

Powell and others will also be on vacation soon, so they don't have to go to school, and they can just stay in the villa on the fishing ground every day, and Auerbach can take care of them.

After the continuous treatment by Seagod Energy, Auerbach not only cured the glioma in his brain, but also adjusted his physical condition quite well. In the past few days, the roots of his white hair have turned black.

Knowing his plan, Auerbach supported him, telling him that he can take care of the child's affairs, and let him go fishing with peace of mind.

In this way, Qin Shiou can rest assured and prepare to go fishing.

There is also the question of where to hunt bluefin.

It is relatively recognized that the three holy places for hunting bluefin in North America are the Gulf of St. Lawrence, George Shoal and Cape Cod Bay.

Among them, the Gulf of St. Lawrence is in Canada, Cape Cod Bay is in the United States, and George Shoal is shared by Canada and the United States.

Where to go has become a problem. (to be continued. (520.))

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