God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 789: : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (15) June Uprising

As the sun gradually rose, the Third Legion became more and more flustered, and although they were still organized, well stocked, and the barricades inflicted negligible damage on them, this could not stop their panic.

Because after discovering that the Royal Guard and the City Defense Army were on the sidelines, they no longer knew why they entered the city to fight. Are they rebels?

The soldiers of the Third Corps are all good families, and it is unacceptable for them to be labeled as rebels.

The result of panic is withdrawal, the officers know that they cannot control their troops, and the result of forced suppression is mutiny.

As a result, the Third Army Corps, which still had an overwhelming advantage, began to withdraw from various strategic locations on their own initiative after their mentality collapsed, shrinking back and waiting for the judgment.

The commanders of the Third Corps in Brodoff were more panicked than the soldiers, especially after the envoys sent to various places did not receive a reply, they really started to panic.

If there is no response from the DPRK and China, they will really be conspiring, and the judgment of ordinary soldiers for treason and the judgment of officers for treason are obviously different.

When Brodoff and the others started to panic, Shiaire, the enlighteners who were arrested and entered the Seventy Prison, had calmed down from their panic, especially after knowing that the barricade had withstood the test and repulsed the Third Legion. If you have military power, you are right in your heart.

Shiaire stroked his short golden beard as he walked left and right in the cell. His fingertips that were almost dipped into the flesh showed the fierce struggle in his heart at this time. discuss.

It stands to reason that prisons, especially Ceventi Prison, do not allow prisoners to discuss with each other. Ceventi Prison was a special prison built during the reign of Seventy I, which was specially used to hold special prisoners.

But just as the jailers did not dare to stop Brodoff who put these people into the prison without legal procedures, now they naturally dare not stop the "prisoners" who ignore the prison rules and whisper to each other.

I don't know how long it took, with a dull stomping, Shiaire told everyone about his decision:

"I can see it clearly. All kinds of coincidences and misunderstandings caused this incident to exceed everyone's expectations, but for us, this means an opportunity! So the key now is not to discuss how this incident happened, but Take the initiative and take control!"

"Take the initiative?" Shiaire's speech caused some people to be puzzled. "We can barely resist the army by relying on the barricades. If we leave the barricades and take the initiative to attack, wouldn't it mean that there will be no life?"

"The situation is urgent, I can only briefly talk about my thoughts," Shiaire told the other members of his plans, regardless of the restless jailer.

When the voice fell, the jailer was stunned, wishing he was deaf, so he didn't have to listen to such rebellious remarks, while the other "members" on the field were half dead silent, and then it exploded with a buzzing sound. The degree of radicalization of the right” exceeded all previous predictions of those present.

Shiaire also expected that his words would cause such a sensation, so he was not surprised at all, just repeated the plan he said and announced:

"Time is urgent, we must make a decision immediately before other forces react, so we can only temporarily make decisions with us, a democratic show of hands, who supports? Who opposes?"

The idea of ​​the Enlightenment is to establish a country of people's sovereignty. Naturally, such a country cannot implement policies through authority. Therefore, all the actions of the Enlightenment have always been decided by voting. In this regard, the Enlightenment was influenced by the tradition of Shibo. , the proposal must be passed by two-thirds of the vote.

Moments later, the result of the vote was changed, and more than two-thirds of the people supported the plan to pass Shiairi, so the storm, which later generations called the "June Uprising", was blown out of the Seventi prison.

When the militia leaders, who were guarding the barricade with flintlocks, heard Shiaire's order, they were as surprised as one-third of the deputies in the prison who rejected it.

Because Shiaire's so-called "control of guidance" order is to let them leave the stable barricades, go to the center of the city to grab the weapons storehouse, then attack the Seventy Prison, rescue Shiaire and the others, and then all march to the Great Council, forcing the nobles They make the final vote.

"It's killing us! They don't have to do anything in prison now, they just need to talk about it, and we are different, we have to fight it ourselves! I didn't see the army fighting the barricade not long ago. Offensive? Now you have them guarding the barricade, can you, get them off the barricade? What are you thinking!"

"And what does he want to do? Seize the arsenal? Enter the Great Council? We are now resisting the Third Legion, because the Third Legion illegally invaded Batyros and is suspected of rebellion. We are self-defense! But if we take the initiative to attack weapons If Ku, wouldn't the rebels become us?"

Several violent militia leaders exploded on the spot. They felt that the people who were squatting in the prison would not have a backache when they stood up. These people's remarks attracted a lot of support. After all, there were only a few people who wanted to leave the barricade. I think it's safer to squat inside the barricade.

Seeing this situation, the envoy sent by Shiaire immediately panicked, but his clumsy and weak persuasion could only further arouse the anger of the militiamen.

Seeing that Shiairi's plan is about to go bankrupt, if there is no roar at this time, I am afraid that the famous "June Uprising" will die before it reaches its climax.

"I didn't expect you, the enlighteners who claim to be for the well-being of the people, have such a cowardly character! Your eyes are so narrow!"

The person who spoke was Ji Weiluo, 36 years old. He used to be a dutiful citizen and believed that enlighteners were a group of chaotic people who were fed and supported.

However, after the dragon fruit crisis led to his career and the whole family fell into crisis, he was moved by Shiairi's speech, and he realized that his miserable life was all because of an unreasonable system, and he could only follow the ideals of enlighteners. Only by building a country can we prevent more tragedies like ourselves from appearing.

So Ji Weiluo wanted to join the enlightener, but unfortunately, he was a small citizen and had a big gap with the enlightener. Ji Weiluo, who was unwilling to give up, really got into the position of militia captain after going around.

"I used to live in a state of ignorance until Shiairi's speech gave enlightenment to the ignorant me," Ji Weiluo said after joining the militia, so he was always regarded by other militiamen as a fanboy of Sialere. It is not uncommon for him to come forward to defend Shiairi's order at this time.

Hearing Ji Weiluo's reprimand, those enlighteners who opposed sending troops blushed, and explained in a rough voice:

"Why should I ever fear for my life? I just don't want these venerable warriors to leave the barricades and throw away their best weapons to fight the minions of the old forces, which is nothing but a fearless sacrifice!"

"So you're not timid, but narrow-minded! You only see the current situation, but don't look further!" Ji Weiluo said decisively, and many people also noticed this. Ji Weiluo, an ordinary citizen, is here. In the few months of joining the team of enlighteners, I have obviously given myself a good eloquence that I didn't have before, and the words are somewhat similar to Shiairi.

Before the other party wanted to refute, Ji Weiluo said mercilessly: "What are we doing now? Holding weapons against the minions of the old forces! Who are the old forces? The old nobles! Where is the power of the old nobles? In the Great Council! "So if we don't do what Shiairi did, the old nobles who still control the parliament will react and call us treasonous, and then mobilize more legions to surround our barricades, thus destroying us! To It was too late then! So staying at the barricade did hold the most powerful weapon, but also lost the future!"

"And we have to believe that the cause we are doing is the right and great cause for our children and grandchildren to live in a better world, and haven't you noticed that the minions of the old forces have shrunk? Because they Realizing that they are not legitimate, they themselves start to shrink back!"

"At this time, if we don't take the initiative to attack, we can suppress them again when they come back to their senses. At that time, let alone the gentlemen who rescue Shiaire, I'm afraid that even if we stick to the barricades, we may not be able to do it! And if we take the initiative to attack, we will It will make them realize that the righteousness is with us, and they will become more and more flustered until they are defeated!"

Ji Weiluo's deafening speech caused everyone on the field to applaud involuntarily, and many people who debated with him also apologized ashamedly, so Shiairi's messenger proposed to raise their hands to vote, and only let the militia captain vote for the sake of urgency~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ And because of Ji Weiluo's excellent speech, nine out of ten captains agreed to send troops, drowning the opponents in a sea of ​​arms.

Excerpted from The History of the Fall of the Parson Dynasty

"... Ji Weiluo's excellent speech saved the great revolution that was about to fail, when the insurgents chanted 'long live reason' and launched a counter-charge, the Third Army collapsed, although their quality and equipment were far superior to the insurgents, But they couldn't find a reason to fight, and most importantly they sensed that this entry into the city seemed illegal."

"After defeating the siege of the barricades by the Third Army, Ji Weiluo was elected as the commander-in-chief of the insurgents, in place of the Shiairi who had been arrested and sent to the Seventy Prison."

"This was unimaginable in the old days. Ji Weiluo was not a senior enlightener. He joined the militia only a few years ago, and he was not a noble or wealthy citizen. He was just a bankrupt petty citizen, but that's how it is. Born, but by virtue of opportunity and his own ability, he suddenly rose to become the captain of the militia, and he has been out of control since then."

"Ji Weiluo is just a microcosm of the many heroes of that era. They came from different backgrounds, but they suddenly rose by chance."

"Subsequently, Ji Weiluo launched an attack on the arsenal, and the city defense army was knocked unconscious by the rapid attack of the insurgents. In fact, they have been confused since the third army entered the city. I don't know which noble ordered them. I don't think the insurgents would have the guts to do this without the nobility's instigation."

"Therefore, although the arsenal has a solid defense and sufficient defenders, it did not cause much hindrance to the insurgents in the panic, and it was not as good as the previous Third Army. As a result, the insurgents easily seized the arsenal, and then moved towards Seventy Prison March."


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