God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 264: : The Fall of the Empire (2) The Frustration and Ancient Glory of the Rebels of Bonn…

"Everyone, the news has been confirmed, the Assembly Palace is considering cutting some unnecessary troops, and the vacated places will be used as pacification for the group of twenty-five boys of the Ingona diaspora (actually, the Bourbon diaspora, this is the The old channel's contempt for the Bourbon diaspora), this time we were called to take the opportunity to relieve our military power."

In 1392 of the Dali calendar, in a splendid room in the main city of Kangbo, several people dressed as military nobles were gathering together to discuss.

Another participant also came over: "My relatives have also sent news that in addition to the vacated places, in addition to the two or five boys, some places will be given to the barbarians of Bonn, because the lives of these barbarians are cheap, They don't need much compensation for death! So the Assembly Palace prefers them."

"How can this work! We have been guarding Kangbo for generations and have made so many contributions to Bourbon. Although there have been no more wars because of the surrender of the barbarians of Bonn for decades, after the Assembly Palace used us, it was just like this. Are we abandoning it!" An earthy-faced participant said angrily.

A mild-mannered participant tried to lighten the atmosphere: "The pariah soldiers were disbanded, and the Assembly Palace promised to give us nobles a good place to go, so I don't think we need to resist so fiercely..."

Before the participant's persuasion was finished, another participant interrupted angrily: "Good place to go, you can also believe the words of the Assembly Palace? Don't forget how the Assembly Palace treats North Mailami. Those veterans in the education district! It’s only been twenty years since you forgot? Besides, where are we? Old Channel, our world, except where the Sea God lives, where else can be more prosperous than Old Channel!”

"Yes! We absolutely cannot obey the arrangements of the Assembly Palace!" "Resist! We must resist the tyranny of the Assembly Palace!" There was a momentary rage in the venue, and several nobles who tried to persuade them were frightened back.

Seeing that "Minxin" was available, the organizer nodded slightly, and then told the participants what to do next: "I have contacted a tribe of Bonn barbarians, and he will take the Bonn tribe with us after we leave with our troops. The Alliance broke into the main city of Kangbo, and used the fall of Kangbo to prove that the barbarians of Bonn cannot be trusted, and only we can take new positions!"

"My God!" Some participants who didn't know about this before the meeting were shivering with fear after learning the news, "This is too much fun, the main city of the old channel has fallen, and this has already been done. It hasn't happened in more than a thousand years, what kind of evil are you making?"

"Evil head?" the organizer asked aggressively, "Who started the evil head first! Is it us or the General Assembly Palace! If this method is not used, can the General Assembly Palace change its mind!"

"Yeah, we can only use this method. What's more, we have arranged a back-up in Kangbo City to ensure that the barbarians will definitely capture Kangbo, you can rest assured."

"What if we investigate it?" Several timid nobles were still afraid.

"Investigate? Haha, this time, it is not only our nobles from Kangbo, but the entire northern part of the old waterway is involved. By then, the riots in Bonn will not be limited to Kangbo. There are so many nobles of us rebelling together, and the law will not blame the public! Unless the General Assembly Palace I want to have a big cleanup, otherwise what can we do with us!"

"Then...I agree..."

As the last few moderate nobles surrendered, the atmosphere on the field became more enthusiastic: "Then I agree!" "Teach the Assembly Palace a lesson!" "Just remember to call our family away in advance."

The fate of Kangbo City has been doomed in this conference room. All the garrison forces will release water collectively, and the barbarian coalition will win a natural victory. As for the casualties caused in this conflict, this is not something that this group of nobles should consider.

In the year of 1392, when the appointed day came, the riots of the barbarians in Bonn happened as scheduled. In just one month, the entire northern part of the old waterway was eroded, and horns representing invasion warnings were constantly blaring.

Leng Yi put down the second chess piece on the chessboard, the Bonn people's counterattack has kicked off the decline of Bourbon, and the wind has started at the end of Qingping.

At this time, Leng Yi checked the system and found that the heroic spirits standing in the Bonn camp were Grand Marshal Souriwell of Ge Xiuge and Dom, the unfortunate general of Su Xi, but the two were only 12 years old at this time, and they could not become the force's leaders. Mainstay.

But although only 12 years old, Suriwell already has a lot of fame. When his father led the tribal alliance to break down Kangbo under the army's release of water, Souriwell entered the city and released all the slaves of Bonn, and gained a lot of fame.

Bourbon didn't pay attention to the rebellion in the north at first. After the north was decomposed, he just called the army of the north to suppress it on the spot - this is funny, the rebellion in the north was originally instigated by the army of the north. When the time of repression came, the rebellion continued for another two months.

After two months, the General Assembly Palace also found that something was wrong, but this time there were too many nobles involved in this incident, and the nobles there also introduced a few small nobles who were scapegoats, and the General Assembly Palace had to swallow this. Take a breath and wait until the rebellion is over before thinking about it.

In the strategy of suppressing the rebellion, the Grand Palace adopted a strategy of first north and then south, destroying the local rebels one by one, and be sure to eliminate the grass and roots - this is also the evidence that the northern army is destroying.

Among them, Kang Bo, who had a large number of freed Bonn slaves as his defense, persisted to the end in this rebellion, but he only persisted until 1394, and he had to escape from Kang Bo in embarrassment and turned to the hinterland of the Bonn barbarians. The vast inland went to deal with the Bourbon army.

The barbarian rebellion of Bonn, which lasted for two years, seems to have fallen into a low ebb, but this is only an introduction. On the chessboard in the silver-white room, Leng Yi placed the third chess piece on Tenglong Continent.

In 1395 of the calendar year, under the influence of the Bonn Rebellion, the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance launched a massive rebellion against Bourbon, and the northern part of Tenglong Continent was eroded for a while.

The reason for the rebellion of the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance is nothing more than that after the incorporation of the Bourbon territory, those Bourbon diasporas changed from the emperor of Ingona to the second class of Bourbon, the inequality under the gap, coupled with the new Bourbon The new immigrants continue to squeeze the political resources of the old immigrants, and the rebellion eventually occurs under the influence of many parties.

The heroic spirit of the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance is Roman Huffy's Snake Machina and Roman Huffy's unifier Kutu IV, but the two were only 15 years old at this time, and they did not have the capital to control the situation of this war. A war, or their parents.

The rebellion of the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance lasted for 3 years. In the end, the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance surrendered several "leaders" and was executed by Bourbon. After Bourbon partially agreed with the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance's demands, the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance once again complied. Bourbon's rule, return to Bourbon territory.

And a year ago, a major incident happened to the Bonn rebels.

As Bourbon increased the pressure on the Bonn rebels, some of the rebels died and fled on their own - ever since Bourbon expressed his refusal to take prisoners and executed a barbarian general who had killed his chief and surrendered to Bourbon After that, the barbarians of Bonn would rather flee on their own than surrender.

In the list of the rebels who died in battle, Suriville's father, Enkexiu, was included.

On the one hand, after the death of Nkosho, the leader of the Bonn rebels was succeeded by Dom's father Ryan.

On the other hand, his tribe was inherited by Enkexiu's cousin, Souriwell's uncle, and Souriwell only got a few tribesmen - this was still up to Dom's advice to Lane, claiming that he had been with Su Revere became blood brothers, only to get the support of the Dom tribe.

Poor Dom hated Souriwell so much in his previous life, but now, for the victory of the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, he had to pinch his nose to help Souriwell.

But the situation is still so difficult, Bourbon is so strong, the army seems to never be exhausted, and the weapons are much better than the Bonn rebels, but the rebels are fighting less and less, if not for the constant arrival of Bonn slaves. I'm afraid the rebels have disintegrated on their own.

In that bloody, long and painful war, Suriwell was constantly honing himself to restore himself to the best state in his previous life, and Leng Yi also gave him this opportunity.

In 1399 of the calendar year, the uncle who took the position of the chief of Suriwell died in the war. There was also a younger uncle in Suriwell who tried to **** the position of the chief, but was defeated by Suriwell and the son of the old uncle. Inland desert. Then Suriwell had a fight with his old uncle's ally, his cousin, and finally became the chief of the tribe.

Of course, the strength of the too young Souriwell was actually not enough, so Souriwell joined the tribe of Dom's father and became a vassal of their tribe.

Relying on this relationship, Souriwell's specialty cavalry unit finally has the possibility of establishing.

Just as Souriwell and Dom were struggling on the frontier of Compaq, something happened to Bourbon again, sending a big gift to all the rebels.

In 1400 of the Dali, taking advantage of the arrival of the 14th new century, Anlu II, the 112th governor of Bourbon, relied on the three fires of the new official to take office, and delivered the "Ancient Glory Speech". In this speech, Anlu II proposed. the ancient principle of glory.

The so-called ancient glory principle roughly means "The world is centered on Bourbon, and Bourbon is centered on the old waterway, so all countries in the world need to serve Bourbon, and all regions of Bourbon need to serve the old. In terms of waterway services, the old waterway has a supreme status and is naturally higher than other areas.”

The ancient principle of glory is not the product of the whim of Anlu II, but a manifestation of the long-standing Bourbon trend, that is, the supremacy of the old waterway.

Taking Bourbon's previous rulers' birthplaces as an example, they can be divided into three eras, namely the local era, the Bourbon Island era and the old waterway era.

The local era is an era when all non-colonial-born nobles have the opportunity to become the governor; the Bourbon Island era is an era when all the nobles on Bourbon Island have the opportunity to become the governor; the old fairway era is an era when Only the nobles on the old waterway of Bourbon Island have the opportunity to become the ruler of the era.

At the beginning, the division of the Bourbon provinces was not so fine, and only the most prosperous areas could become the governors; later the birthplace of the governors of Bourbon was expanded. For example, Ferris IX was the governor born in the Southern Channel. But from more than 300 years ago, it has become the practice that only the old fairway nobles can become the governors, and even the Bourbon nobles in other regions cannot become the governors.

Since more than 100 years ago, the appointment of old fairway nobles to become fairway governors has become more and more frequent. Because there are more and more old fairway nobles, they have begun to crowd out noble resources in other places.

For example, in the Kangbo rebellion a few years ago, the old channel was actually trying to find a sign and stuffed these nobles born in the old channel to other places. Unfortunately, they thought that the old channel was the center of the world, so they would rather die.

And this so-called ancient glory principle is that the old channel wants to turn the original unspoken rules into rules that can become legal provisions and implemented on paper.

This is the butcher's knife that Bourbon showed inward, and this is bound to encounter greater resistance.

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