God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 200: : The Holy War of Light and Darkness (24) The Biography of Ekosi: Walking Between Betr

(3) Setbacks in Vercana

Ekesy has a cunning and cunning that his classmates of the same age do not have, and his methods are far from those of young people who have not graduated.

Although these abilities didn't help Erkosi much in his studies, when Erkosi got involved in politics, it ensured that he would feel like a duck to water.

The students who did not see through Erkosi's ugly intentions thought that Erkosi was really angry at the Cantard Agreement, so Erkosi became one of the two leaders of the parade.

[As to who is the leader of the demonstration against the "Kantard Agreement" in Vercana, you can read the paper "The Black Hands of the Vercana March" by Dr. Odenlay. Regardless of whether Odenley's thesis is correct or not, one thing has been recognized, that is, the parade that resulted in the assassination of the military captain was absolutely impossible for the students to organize. 】

There are two main leaders in the demonstration against the "Cantard Agreement" in Vercana, one is Ekosi, who is scheming, just to pave the way for himself after graduation, and Sammy, who is purely passionate and loves Frannier .

As a result of this parade, the captain of the Vercana army was assassinated by a passionate student. The marchers were brutally suppressed by the authorities, and most of them were executed in the post-autumn reckoning.

This is a sad thing. So many outstanding students were killed, which is a huge loss to the peace of the Fakeyou cultural circle.

Just imagine, if this group of peace-loving students were still there when the ugly betrayal, perhaps the ugly betrayal would be another result. But at that time, who could have imagined the ugly betrayal 5 years later? Even the most extreme students can't imagine how shameless Chromie is to launch such a betrayal. Kindness limits their imagination.

Practitioners who participated in the parade will be executed! When Ekosi first heard the news, he was very terrified. He originally only used the parade to create honor, but did not expect such serious consequences.

At this time, the patriarch of the Danube family remembered the former patriarch's praise to Ekosi, so he helped Ekosi to exonerate. Through the introduction of the patriarch of the Danube family, Ekosi met Chromie for the first time, and he soon colluded with the Chromie group and became one of them.

In the reckoning of Vercana, when Erkesi's former companions fell to the ground because of the march, Erkesi, the leader of the march, not only was not punished, but instead accepted the appointment of the Chromie Group to go to the Western Army in the war. Town, become the Legion Commander.

When Ekosi had used up the marchers, he kicked them away, so most of the marchers died in the liquidation later on. Only another leader, Sammy, narrowly escaped with the help of a righteous nobleman.

[The famous "Ekosi overturned the verdict" incident was triggered by the fact that Franiel's letter of appointment to appoint Ekosi to be the commander of the legion was accidentally discovered by later generations. From the description of the commission, it can be inferred that Ekosi did not become the commander of the army soon after arriving in the western military town, but served as a front-line soldier for at least one year. 】

[If the processing result of the Vercana procession is really what the "Xibo Code" said, (the material of the "Xibo Code" is derived from the historical materials of Fasium, and the historical materials of Flanier have been used by the law. Hume destroyed 10 out of 10), the time of this letter of appointment simply does not match. 】

[What’s more, the so-called Danube family helped Ekosi to exonerate everything. From the very beginning, they were the key targets of those who overturned the case. Among the only surviving historical materials handed down, many places mentioned that Ekosi was not affected by the Danube in his early years. Family values—even covering Ekosi’s own memories of his later years]

[But the most troublesome thing is that the list of the Vercana marchers has not been handed down, so it is difficult to judge whether it is correct to execute all the participants in the "Shibbe". After all, if the participants who participated in the march handed down in the history books were limited to Hugh Peter Academy, there were only two names, Ekosi and Sammy. 】

The Vercana parade was Okosi's failed speculation, but it was the only one. Since then, Erkesi has become more cautious, more ruthless, and has never failed again.

(4) Ugly Betrayal [The Rise of Ekosi]

During the battle in the western army town, Ekosi quickly colluded with the shadow organization, and together with the scum in the shadow organization, he was very proud of it in the western army town.

In 1280 of the calendar year, the Chromie Group felt that the time was right, so they issued an order to prepare to carry out the betrayal of Fasium, which is what we now call the "ugly betrayal" military operation, and as a sign of the beginning of this operation, it is Ekisi raids Took.

Ekosi took the secret order given by Chromie, and violated the rules of Flanier to gather some elite legions together, asking them to convert to the **** of shadows, and raid Tuk with him. rich.

Since ancient times, there have been people like Ekosi who are stubborn, and there are people who insist on justice and justice, such as the later Sammy, and the officers who opposed Ekosi at that time.

It's a pity that the name of the brave man is no longer known, only that he is a noble noble with a pair of sword eyebrows, who firmly adheres to the justice handed down by the **** of hunting, and leads a group of righteous people to strictly reject the evil. Cauchy's despicable request.

The ruthless Erkesi was unrelenting and ordered these people to be executed. The sword-brow soldier did not stop berating Erkesi until he died, which made some Erkesi's accomplices feel scared, but he was immediately killed by Erkesi. Inspired by the mentioned glory and wealth.

After executing the men, Ekosi made a surprise attack on Took. As mentioned earlier, Ekosi is an incompetent person, with no other characteristics except ruthless, despicable and shameless. Although Ekosi hit a surprise, Tucker's defenders still heroically resisted Ekosi, until Tutu. The shadow tissue inside the gram should be closed until the inside and the outside.

After the fall of Tucker, in order to vent his frustration in siege, Ekosi created a massacre within Tucker, killing all those who resisted him, and always complacent, as a show.

Then, Ekosi led the army and launched an attack on the army of Fasium in the south, but was disgraced by the angry Fasium army, and had to sit in Tuok. During the period, Tuke was almost attacked by Fasium. Down.

Facing Erkosi's defeat, Chromie was very dissatisfied, but considering the support of the Danube family for Erkosi, he had to resist the urge to replace Erkosi.

The cunning and cunning Chromie contacted Fakeyou. Although Fakeyou captain Enxi hated the two-faced Franiel very much, in order to expel the Fashum invading army, he still pinched his nose and cooperated with the other side. This shows that Aggressors are more disgusting than traitors.

When he knew that Chromie had bypassed him to cooperate with Fakeyou, Ekosi had a hunch that the other party might want to abandon him. Ekosi's ingenuity will only come to light at this time.

In order to avoid being punished for ineffective combat after the war, Ekosi decided to create more merits. He crossed Tuk and, with the help of the Shadow Organization, attacked the lands east of the Lanierthum Mountains, took Messis and Fez, and created massacres here in revenge for the setbacks at Tuk.

Afterwards, Chromie took the eastern part of the Lanierhum Mountains as a reward for Ekosi's mission, and Ekosi became the supreme ruler here, making the residents here live a miserable life.

[However, according to the archaeological research in Meses, it has been confirmed that Ekosi did not massacre in Meses. This is purely the pot thrown by Fasium to Ekosi. In addition, Ekosi is only the military director here, not in charge of government affairs. 】

[However, the ugly betrayal is indeed a very important event for Erkexi. Through this incident, Erkesi began to rise and became a force with weight. 】

(5) Good wind relies on strength [Ekosi's first ascent to the top]

In 1284 of the calendar year, the 72-year-old Chromie did not appear in public for several weeks. The official news was that his health had deteriorated seriously. It is indeed a 72-year-old man who was seriously ill. It is a probabilistic event.

In reality, however, this was just a bait that Chromie had released to call out the hidden opposition. Regrettably, those righteous insurgents did not discover Chromie's trick, thinking it was a few times, so they hurriedly launched an uprising against Chromie in the whole of Flanier with Aisne as the center.

In fact, a month after the ugly betrayal, there was an uprising against Chromie, but because Chromie was still strong and the timing was not right, there were not many insurgents. Beginning in 1284 of the calendar year, the insurgents have truly revolted in an all-round way.

It is a pity that Fakeyou and Fasium suffered heavy casualties in the last war. They are still recovering and are temporarily unable to attack; while Dodi is busy suppressing the uprising of the Fakeyou people in the western army, and also missed this time. The large-scale civil war in Flanier made this perfect opportunity for intervention pass away.

However, Chromie underestimated the strength of the insurgents despite his long-planned arrangements, causing him to appear in a hurry to suppress the uprising. At this time, the army stationed in the hands of Ekosi of Meses is extremely important.

Although Ekosi himself is not capable, but the army stationed in Meses is a complete elite, and sending troops from Meses, can attack Aina with Chromie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is The reason why Ekosi is important.

In order to persuade Ekosi to turn to justice, Sami did not see the true face of Ekosi, and thought that Ekosi was a classmate he saw during the parade in the past, so he volunteered to persuade Ekosi to defect to the light.

Needless to say, Sammy's ending was brutally murdered by Ekosi as a testimonial for Chromie. The world has never given Sami a color, but out of the noble feelings of a nobleman, Sami still insisted on facing the world with a smile, acted in justice, and finally fell under the cruel butcher's knife.

After killing Sammy, Ekosi unexpectedly led the army back to the mainland to fight the rebellion without receiving orders from his superiors. He raided the Aisna through the shadow organization's connection, forming a front and back attack on the insurgents with Chromie's army. By the year 1287 of the calendar year, Ekosi cooperated with Chromie to brutally suppress this uprising.

And borrowing this repression, Chromie temporarily forgave Ekosi's poor performance in the ugly betrayal, and entered Chromie's inner group.

[In fact, it should be through the ugly betrayal that Ekosi rose, and through this repression incident and the identity of the Ekosi Donau family, Ekosi was allowed to enter the inner group of Chromie. 】

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