God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 102: : Starfall Surasi (24) and the Devil Dealer and the Exorcist Shepherd…

"Boss, no one is coming..." A man with fluffy hair was lying in the grass with his other companions, waiting for the prey to arrive.

The one-eyed man who was made the boss by him licked his dry lips due to tension: "Don't panic, it's been a month since the last big riot, I figured, the food that other farms exchanged last time is about the same. We should have finished eating, the last time we grabbed a lot of souls and exchanged a lot of food, it must be someone else who couldn't hold it first."

Having said that, the one-eyed boss gulped down the water.

Fortunately, this time it was just a flood and a famine, not a drought. Otherwise, before dying of starvation, I would have died of thirst, and there was no need to worry about the risk of death from thirst in the snow disaster, at least there was enough water.

"Although we have a lot of food... but if those people disgust us, they would rather stay in the village to starve to death than go out to try their luck?" A subordinate asked worriedly.

Hearing this question, the one-eyed boss couldn't help frowning, and he began to make urgent calculations in his heart. If he really didn't catch the unlucky ghost who escaped, who should he take for the blood sacrifice in the village?

After all, by trading with the devil, we not only got the food to live on, but now that we have gained such a powerful power, we no longer want to die as meaningless as weeds like before!

Yes, Blood Sacrifice, here is Hippari, who has become a lawless Hippari.

In Shipari, the residents here are no longer simple. They know that when the robbers come to the farm, they are no longer the same as before, they will only **** your food. Now the robbers will capture you, take blood sacrifices, and exchange food from the devil. .

It snowed heavily, and the traffic was completely destroyed by the Doleman earthquake the year before. Because Antiem didn’t have much food on his own, the Hipari famine was more dedicated than the Suhi army.

So there is no doubt that Shipari fell into endless famine. Probably the upper class of Sulassi counted on the inhabitants of Shipari to survive this difficult era by cannibalism, because Sulassi has already exhausted. Blood, the only thing left is no matter what it is to support the marginal land of Shipari.

Shipari, just like that, became a deserter of Surasi.

After Sullasi gave up Shipari, the scary existence that has gradually become popular in recent years, the devil has found the desperate Hipali farm.

The first farm was bewitched by the devil. Taking advantage of the other farm's defense, after successfully raiding and kidnapping them, they sacrificed their blood and traded with the devil.

This time, the devil is very lenient to them. Not only did the farm get much-needed food, but because it was the first farm to do business with the devil, it also got a batch of weapons.

At first, the farm didn't know why the weapons were given, but they quickly understood that the devil used a weird technique to record their actions and show them to other farms.

As a result, the original "harmonious" time of Shipari passed so easily. In less than a month, every farm knew the existence of the devil, and they were trading with the devil. The devil sat on the ground and raised prices, and the price of grain dropped slightly. , the price of weapons has increased substantially.

So, the devil who provoked the low-end version of the arms race sat on the throne made of corpses by the Shipari, counting the souls in his hands, playing with the desperate souls of Shipari, and laughing wildly. , The laughter spread far, far to the point where Mayi heard the devil's laughter as soon as she entered Shipari's territory.

"It's a land of rampant crime and lawlessness... The order God gave me is to kill the messengers of hell..."

Mayi, who was wearing a robe, walked forward while praying to the gods that she did not know whether she would be heard or not.

She is a beautiful woman. Although the years have left indelible marks on her face, she still has her charm and her body is extremely hot.

When Mayi walked to an aisle, a group of malicious Dao robbers sprang out from the grass to her surprise, headed by a one-eyed man.

Looking at May, who was alone and didn't exude any terrifying aura, the surrounding people couldn't help but let out evil laughter.

The one-eyed man at the head looked at Mei Yi, his eyes full of teasing and teasing: "What a beautiful woman, she must be from another province, right? It's very strange, what are you doing here?"

"It doesn't matter what these **** from other provinces are doing here, in short, it's right to sacrifice her blood to the devil."

"That's right! People from the provinces are bastards! Let's sit and watch our Shipari sink!"

"Go eat shit, provincials!"

Immediately, there was a commotion in the grass surrounding Mei Yi. If a woman with normal strength and ordinary strength was faced with such a situation, her face would have already turned pale with fright.

However, Mei Yi was different. Facing the siege, Mei Yi just snorted coldly, and she still stood still, as if she was not affected by the situation at all.

But in the eyes of the besiegers, this is a very normal thing. In their eyes, it is normal for Mei Yi to be frightened and panicked, and she just pretends to be calm with the same expression.

The besiegers slowly narrowed the encirclement, and the one-eyed leader continued to use words to stimulate May.

"You **** from other provinces, you know? We are different now from before!"

"Maybe a few months ago, in the face of a mage like you..." The one-eyed leader felt the strength of the other party through the good things he traded with the devil, and made a judgment, "Mage with jade-level strength, we There will still be some fear, but now, now!"

The one-eyed leader roared: "We pre-ordered our souls to the devil and gained powerful power. With so many of us, we have nothing to be afraid of when facing a mere emerald-level mage like you!"


"The leader is mighty!"

Speaking of which, the other surrounding people responded to the one-eyed boss's words one after another. However, looking at the corners of Mei Yi's slightly raised mouth, one of the more literate people in the crowd finally realized that something was wrong.

"Boss, isn't it right? How can a mage have an emerald level? Isn't Xuanhuang going directly to Huophosphorus?"

Hearing this sentence, the scene suddenly turned cold, and the besiegers looked at Mei Yi with a bit of fear and hesitation.

The other party is an unknown existence, the unknown brings mystery, and the mystery brings fear.

The frightened Mayi finally got tired of playing monkey games, so she deliberately stretched and drew their attention to herself.

"Have you discussed it? Don't you want to sacrifice my blood to the devil?"

"What do you mean... so many of us are not afraid of you! It's just an emerald rank, a mage is a mage!" After a brief panic, the one-eyed man finally calmed down.

It's strange, it's not like I've never seen such a strong mage, but why does the thing the devil gives him show that it is of the emerald level? Shouldn't it still be Xuan Huang?

"One condition," Mayi said before the one-eyed man continued, "don't do the blood sacrifice prep work for me, just summon the devil, I think... the devil must be interested in an emerald-level mage too. , if you agree to this condition, I will give up resistance and go back with you."

Hearing Mayi's conditions, the besiegers began to hesitate. After all, the opponent was an unprecedented emerald-level mage, and the besiegers were still a little overwhelmed.

"Or, do you want to fight with me? I'm an emerald class, it's okay to take a few of you, or, who of you wants to be that unlucky bastard?"

Speaking of which, Mayi pointed to a besieger: "Are you?" The besieger hurriedly shook his head and stepped back.

"still you?"

Mayi's fingers became a powerful weapon, and anyone who pointed it would back away.

Seeing this form of his subordinates, the one-eyed man smiled bitterly. He already understood how he should choose, and the result was self-evident.

When returning, the one-eyed man took the time to use his uneducated brain to think hard about the reason, why the other party surrendered so easily, why the other party was an emerald-level mage, but after working hard, the one-eyed man finally gave up Keep thinking.

Lord Devil is so powerful, how could this woman beat the devil? Don't think too much about yourself.

In short, after handing this woman over to Lord Devil, Lord Devil will definitely give him some preferential treatment for such a strange woman, right?

"You're looking for our farm, you've really found the right person!"

In the evening, Mayi had been taken to the Devil's Altar by the one-eyed man. Mayi sat cross-legged on the ground and watched the one-eyed man instructing the ceremony that several of his subordinates were preparing to summon.

"Our farm, in the last Nine Villages War, performed the best, and sacrificed the most souls to the devil, so the devil rewarded us with one..."

"Have you ever wrapped a child?" Mei Yi's hand on her lap suddenly became tense.


"Has the sacrifice ever wrapped a child?"

"I did, but it's not much. Children have been sacrificed a long time ago. After all, what Lord Devil likes most is the pure soul of children."

The one-eyed man, who was preparing for the ceremony, was waiting with joy for the devil to come. He didn't even notice that Mei Yi's hand holding the leg of his trousers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had his veins exposed. Sentenced to death.

[Really, I originally wanted to keep this interesting guy] Mei Yi, who had made a cruel idea in her heart, sighed regretfully.

Mayi looked away and saw several women holding their children and pointing under the altar, with lingering smiles on their faces.

It is also understandable. After all, if there is no sacrifice in the village, then they will be regarded as sacrifices. Let’s weigh it up or die.

"By the way, using that thing, an emerald-level mage must be very valuable." When the ceremony was about to start, the one-eyed man seemed to have finally made up his mind.

"What?" Mei Yi, who had a cruel idea in her heart, now let go.

"Coupon," the one-eyed man said with a stiff tongue, speaking the Chinese dialect from hell, "This thing can increase the value of a certain transaction, and there are some very complicated operations, Lord Devil sent it to me A guide, unfortunately I can't read."

"Hmph, all the coupons in shopping malls are traps used by profiteers to trick people into investing more money."


"I don't know, I said it was the gods who asked me to say it, do you believe it?" At this point, Mei Yi couldn't help rubbing the back of her head and remembered that strange sentence.

It doesn't seem that Lord Star God said this sentence personally, does it? How strange.

"Humph! No matter how much time you delay, it's useless!" The one-eyed man had no idea where the confidence came from, thinking that Mayi was delaying time, "Since you can't do anything about it, I can't help it, in order to make my farm better. If you want to live, please die!"

"Everyone, start the ceremony!"

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