Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 781: Before the Storm

Chapter 781: Before the Storm

The words have been said very clearly, the people who have transformed have already recognized the strength of the country of Yan, and no longer simply use them as pawns.

We are all smart people, and sometimes the communication between smart people is more time-saving and labor-saving. The people of Qingyou and Huanhua have not communicated for a long time, and they have established an equal cooperative relationship with each other.

In order to ward off possible disasters in the future, the illusionist is responsible for gathering other troops and providing funds.

On the side of the country of Yan, it is responsible for providing high-level force and training those who have the potential to become stronger.

Both parties are actually quite satisfied. For the illusionist, money is only a concept of a number. As for the relationship, it is nothing more than using the information she has collected to make more threats.

The Kingdom of Yan is even more happy. With everything bestowed by Lin Mo, the entire country has been developing steadily. Now, with the support of the illusionist's large sum of money, the speed of development is rising like a rocket.

As for the training of talents, even if there is no such thing, Lin Mo will still urge the whole country to practice. After all, in this continent, strength is everything, and the Kingdom of Yan is only cultivating its own talents.

As for the others, it was only by the way that they got a little bit of light from the marrow spirit firefly.

A few days later, the entire Chaos Continent experienced a huge shock.

Every empire has received a clear message, asking them to give up everything they have done in front of them, and focus on their own empire to search for the deceased and his henchmen.

Along with the letter, there are many unknown little secrets, all of which are gossip and secret histories within these empires. If these things are disseminated, the results and influences will not be casual. eliminated.

When many empires were updated, those historians who recorded the truth had already been eliminated, but under the magic power of money of the illusioned people, these things that should not have appeared again.

It is no exaggeration to say that these invisible and intangible information may completely destroy the foundation of an empire.

The empires were furious, and some people began to investigate the mysterious person behind this, but after knowing that the owner of the auction house was behind the command, most of the imperial royal family suddenly stopped, and instead of continuing to investigate, they cooperated 100%.

There were a few who were not afraid of death and wanted to have a touch with the illusory people, but none of these imperial royal families got a good end.

Either the members of the entire royal family were massacred to death by a strange man wrapped in shadow in a dark night, or the Argonians who were released by the Kingdom of Yan directly demolished the entire palace, or the transfigured people simply destroyed the entire palace. All their scandals were revealed, and the citizens of their own country began to rebel.

There was a small wave of resistance among the empires because of this, but after all the empires discovered that those who dared to say no were all inexplicably destroyed, they all cooperated very obediently.

Although it is only a temporary alliance, the long-awaited unification of the entire Chaos Continent has been achieved abruptly in the hands of the Illusionist and the Kingdom of Yan!

Those countries that were destroyed should be accepted by the Kingdom of Yan. The other human empires were still a little unconvinced, thinking that the human empires that were actually destroyed should not be managed by orcs. As a result, those Argonians were there After flying a few laps over the capitals of several empires, no one dared to say anything more.

The human empires soon discovered that the leader of this so-called grand alliance, apart from the rich and powerful illusionists, was the country of Yan ruled by orcs.

Moreover, the transfigured people manage the logistics, and it is the orcs they look down on who really hold the power of life and death.

The entire country of Yan is developing too fast, and they even have a special force composed entirely of eighth-level warriors.

What is this concept?

When other human empires gave titles to those eighth-level paladins and great magisters in units of numbers, orcs of the same strength had already formed an army in batches in the Kingdom of Yan.

As a result, for a long period of time, those human paladins and great magisters who managed to reach the eighth level were very resistant to accepting the special title bestowed by the royal family. Blended into a mark of disgrace.

There has been no special news from the Yaozu. Even though the entire Chaos Continent has completely changed its pattern, Anshuang is still as usual, and continues to maintain a cooperative relationship with Lin Mo in arresting the users of the Art of Rebirth.

For a moment, the entire Chaos Continent fell into a brief silence.

All countries are working hard to train their soldiers and horses to improve their own strength.

The monster clan was silent, and the anti-god organization of the deceased was also more careful, and no longer revealed any clues that were easy to be traced.

But Lin Mo knew that this was the last calm before the storm, and when everything started to turn, it was time for a catastrophe to break out.

But it’s useless to be anxious, anyway, you can’t do anything else now, just like when it’s not raining, if you put on an umbrella and squat under the sun to prepare for the rain, others will only think you are a fool.

Lin Mo had always been a person who didn't want to be a fool, so he left everything in his hands to others to handle, and he was directly teleported to the Starlight Forest to flirt with Lu En, flirt, flirt, and have fun.

The elves always leave the gate and do not take the second door, and Lin Mo's arrival can be regarded as a blessing for them.

There was new news from the outside world, and when they knew that the entire Chaos Continent had completely changed, the elves were immediately surprised by Lin Mo's abilities and means.

Humans and orcs have been fighting each other for thousands of years, and they are still torn apart and have not been unified. However, it has only been a few years since the Kingdom of Yan has risen? He even integrated all the empires together with the illusioned people.

No wonder he was recognized by the Goddess of Nature. In the hearts of the elves, Lin Mo's great achievements have gradually become like miracles.

In the cool evening, Lin Mo and Lu En sat on a swing made of thousand-year-old red cedar, swinging back and forth comfortably.

From time to time, Lin Mo took out two fruits of the tree of life and fed them to Lu En as snacks.

If someone else saw Lin Mo handling the hard-won fruit so casually, he would probably be pissed off, but the elves didn't have anything to say about this behavior.

After all, even the few fruits that he was given came from Lin Mo's generosity, and it was not up to others to blame him for what he wanted to do with his own things.

"Will there really be a war?"

Lu En brushed the hair around her ear, and said with some concern.

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