Chapter 742

Lin Mo announced that he and Chong Tong were a newly married couple and were taking their entourage on a wedding trip.

Although the people in this village didn't know what a honeymoon trip was, seeing that Lin Mo and others were so clean and polite, people didn't reject them.

It's just that the five brothers of the poor Gu family acted as entourages, helping the village with various tasks throughout the day.

Lin Mo and Chongtong, on the other hand, were wandering around the village, looking for traces of Weilun.

But they walked around the whole village, and they didn't find any one with their fishing nets drying out, or the smell of fish wafting out. The whole village seemed like there was no fisherman.

In addition to being puzzled, Lin Mo could only ask the village chief.

This is a kind-hearted 60-year-old man, and Lin Mo and Chongtong's clean and polite appearance is very pleasing to him.

At this time, it was four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was no longer so strong. The old village chief was sitting against the wall, looking into the distance with cloudy eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Master, is there any river near your village?"

After Chong Tong said hello, he returned to the room, while Lin Mo pulled over a small wooden bench, sat beside the village chief, and asked with a smile.

"What's the matter? Do you want to take a bath? You city people are very particular about it. There is a well here, so you can wash it with water."

The village chief grinned and smiled.

"It's not a bath, but it's a bit boring to stay here, and I just want to find a river to fish to relieve my boredom."

"I dare not fish, I dare not fish..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the head of the village elder waved his hands again and again as if he was frightened.

Lin Mo was suddenly puzzled, and quickly continued to ask questions.

"Why can't you fish?"

The old village chief waved his hands again and again, and finally, under the repeated insistence and demands of Lin Mo, the old village chief could not beat him, so he had to give an explanation.

"In our village, there was originally a river nearby, and in the past, most of the people in the village lived by fishing... But I don't know from which day, the people who went out to fish still disappeared for no reason. At first we thought it was drowning, but no matter how much we looked downstream, we couldn't find the body at all."

"Later, the most experienced fisherman in the village told us that this was because we had been fishing too much, and there were no living beings in the river to serve the river god, which caused the river god to be angry, and those who were missing were taken away by the river god. As compensation..."

As the old village chief spoke, he couldn't help sighing, as if he was recalling the horrible memories of those days.

"When did this happen?"

Lin Mo put away the smile on his face and asked softly.

"Probably four years ago."

"four years ago?"

Lin Mo repeated it softly and blinked.

"Then how did you finally quell the wrath of the River God?"

"The fisherman said that the river god hated them fishermen. As long as they went to make amends to the river god together, and stayed by the river god to serve him, the river god's anger would disappear... Then he took the village with him. All the fishermen jumped into the river together. I was there that day. The water boiled and roared like boiling water, and there were constant low and terrifying sounds from the river. Even now, I still remember it clearly. "

The village chief said, shaking his head gently, as if feeling sorry for the sacrifice of those fishermen.

"Does it work?"

"Of course it worked. The anger of the river god ceased, but we no longer dared to fish in that river. The village that originally depended on fishing for a living began to grow food, but because the output was not high, the village was forced to I have always been at the level of poverty, but now I have changed my country and started to believe in the god of fire, and my life has gradually improved because of the greater yield of the god rice."

After the village chief finished speaking, he looked at Lin Mo seriously.

"That's why I said, don't run around out of curiosity, the young master in your city. Our countryside is not as stable as your city."

He seemed to be worried that Lin Mo would not listen to his persuasion, so he warned him earnestly.

"Good old man, I know."

Lin Mo said with a smile, and then chatted with the village chief for some other parents' liars, and then returned to the room.

Chongtong was sitting beside the door, playing with his hair with one hand boredly.

"Did you hear?"

"I heard."

"Come with me for a walk by the river at night?"

"it is good."

The conversation between the two was very simple and direct. Now that he knew the story told by the village chief, there was no need for Lin Mo to ask any more superfluous things.

As for where the river is, it's just something that can be found with a little time.

Counting the time, the most experienced fisherman mentioned by the village chief may be the Wei Lun himself that Lin Mo was looking for.

As for the issue of river gods or river gods, Lin Mo didn't believe it at all.

It is only these villagers who believe that there are gods in an ordinary river.

When the whole village fell asleep at night, Lin Mo quietly slipped out of the room with heavy pupils.

It is not difficult to find out where the river is. Lin Mo is the god of fire and is very sensitive to the humidity of the surrounding air.

After a little judgment, Lin Mo can already be roughly determined.

the direction of the river.

Sure enough, after the two left the village, they could clearly smell the faint smell of the river without walking too far.

The river in front of me was seven or eight meters wide, and it was big enough for fishing.

"It's time to take a look at the real face of the river god in this river."

Lin Mo said with a smile, but when he turned his head, the heavy pupil beside him disappeared.

He turned his head and glanced around. Except for the gloomy river in front of him, he couldn't see a single person around him. Lin Mo looked down and saw that there were no heavy pupils on the soft river bank except for his own footprints. footprint.


Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and finally slowly put away the smile on his face.


Lin Mo frowned slightly.

After all, his Celestial Spirit Body was at the level of an emperor, and it was impossible for him to be recruited by ordinary illusions.

Not magic, what else could it be?

After thinking about it for a while, but unable to come up with an answer at all, Lin Mo began to feel inexplicably irritable in his heart.

No matter what you are, just burn it all down with a single fire, and the result will be the same!

Lin Mo made up his mind, bent his knees and squatted down, his right hand suddenly hit the ground in front of him with a strong firelight.


The surging flames spread to the surroundings immediately, the sand under the feet was roasted to a sizzling sound, the water quickly evaporated to dryness, the surrounding shrubs and plants suddenly burned into black ash, and even the river water began to bubbling. As if to burn.

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