Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 59: Fleeing in embarrassment

Chapter 59: Fleeing in embarrassment

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

After being crushed unilaterally for a few minutes, the expedition finally reacted, and they began to consciously protect the fire source around them.

The knights also spontaneously formed a circle, back to back to protect the weaker magician in the center.

The cat people assassins who lost the best cover of darkness, immediately chose to retreat.

They know how to choose and grasp the opportunity, and they will never let themselves fall into irrational danger.

"Bearmen warriors, charge!"

After witnessing such a wonderful unilateral crush by the cat people, the bear man elder couldn't contain his excitement and roared loudly.


Two thousand bearmen warriors roared and rushed into the scene. The strength of the lowest two ranks and the strong and tall body made them invincible like heavy bulldozers.

Whether it was the obstacles stacked in the camp or the knights back to back in a circle, they couldn't stop their fierce onslaught at all.

With the huge bear paw swaying, as long as it was touched, the knights suddenly broke their tendons.

Sharp bear teeth and terrifying bite force, even the armor of a human knight can't stop it.

What's more terrifying, these bearmen warriors are all wearing steel armors, which are so thick that the swords of human knights can't be pierced at all.

The three bearmen tribes all joined later. This is their first time on the battlefield. Naturally, they also want to work hard to perform better, so that Saintess and Lin Mo can see their efforts.

Therefore, the bearmen warriors were more ferocious and abnormal, and the opponents they killed were losing ground.

The screams of killing were so loud that they finally woke up Colonel and Colonel Rudolph, who was drunk and slumbering.

He rushed out of the tent in a panic.

"What the hell is this!"

Colonel Rudolph and Colonel were all stupid. He never imagined that his entire camp would turn into this overnight.

The screams and screams of soldiers echoed around him, tormenting his timid heart.

"Colonel, Colonel! Orcs are invading! Hurry up and organize a counterattack!"

A young general ran to his side covered in blood, grabbed his sleeve and pleaded eagerly.


Rudolph stared blankly into the distance, where countless bears were crushing his soldiers, their huge figures and violent roars kept shaking Rudolph's heart.

In the thick darkness, some ghostly figures flashed from time to time, their eyes flashed with a ghostly green light, and the speed of light harvested the lives of those soldiers whose backs were exposed like a god of death.

Rudolph's back was shivering cold, and he even felt that an enemy might appear behind him at any time, harvesting his life when he was defenseless.

He had never participated in command in all previous wars, and now that the enemy had really hit him, Rudolph had even less courage to stand up and stabilize his army.

"Retreat! Retreat! Protect me!"

Rudolph grabbed the young general with his backhand and yelled at him.

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw? This is our camp!"

The little general was also a little anxious, and couldn't help but retort.

"Then give up this camp! Evacuate the Montenegro Mountains and return to the Bernard Empire!"

Rudolph yelled at him and slapped him to the ground.

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