Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 567 Great Victory

Chapter 567 Great Victory

The scar-faced man in the lead was like a god descending from the earth, and a metal prosthetic leg did not affect his running speed at all, knocking over one orc warrior after another!

The teenagers behind him, although they all look sloppy and sloppy, their fighting power is not inferior to the soldiers in the fat commander's barracks.

Their eyes were full of ruthlessness and determination, and they fought even more efficiently than the soldiers.

"This is..."

Seeing the addition of this new force, even the principal, the old man, couldn't help but be amazed.

Even he didn't know that there was such a powerful force hidden in Fallen Star City.

Fortunately, the comers were friends rather than enemies. When they blocked the orcs' pursuit, they also won a very precious escape time.

"With friendly support! Don't give up alone! Continue to escape!"

shouted the old principal.

Chongming their arrival is tantamount to giving this remnant army a powerful booster.

The fighting spirit that everyone had almost collapsed, soon continued to burn again.

Everyone burst out with the last fighting spirit and rushed out desperately.

In Fallen Star City, Lilian and Ye Ning stood on the tower of the City Lord's Mansion, watching the remnant army rush out.

"I didn't expect that only a small city would have so many high-level combat powers. If it weren't for my god's marrow firefly, even if we integrated the resources of the entire wild land, it would be difficult to compete with the Bernard Empire. counterbalance."

Lilian said softly.

"Yeah, the human empire has a deep heritage. If it weren't for the hundreds of years of war that greatly damaged our vitality, the battle would have been much easier."

Ye Ning also nodded in agreement.

"At least three masters of the eighth rank or above have been let go. To be honest, if it wasn't for my god's orders, I would definitely have been chasing and killing them."

Lillian smiled wryly and shrugged.

"Don't be in a hurry for this point of battle. My god's plan is far from what we can imagine. Follow the order well, this is what we should do."

Ye Ning smiled and took Lilian's hand.

Although several advanced combat powers of the Royal Academy were let go, in this battle, the orc army cleaned up a lot of advanced combat powers of the barracks.

After the fat commander escorted the residents of the city out for a hundred miles, he personally led the remaining troops back to the remnants of the welcome hall.

The two armies fought for a while before they were completely separated.

Within a day, the orc vanguard army captured the Falling Star City, which was indeed a great victory!

Lilian and Ye Ning were not dazzled by the victory. They first inspected the entire Falling Star City, and then they arranged the manpower according to the actual situation. By the middle of the night, the entire Falling Star City was completely changed.

"My god is really good at calculating. Today's move has not only successfully dealt with his human identity, but also made it easier for Saintess Liannuan to break into the upper echelons of the Bernard Empire!"

In the city bestowed by the gods, all the saints gathered together, and Karthus raised his wine glass with a naive smile.

"Of course, the master's wisdom is far beyond your stupid demon clan."

At the same time that Xiao Jin expressed his approval, he did not forget to satirize Karthus.

Now that the entire wilderness is completely integrated, Karthus and Xiao Jin, who are the gods and mounts, naturally have to deal with the saints.

However, these two goods are very easy to get along with, and it took the saints a long time to accept that they did not.

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