Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 316 Start the attack

Chapter 316 Start the attack

Faced with this situation, Baru is helpless.

It was his own idea to make a sneak attack in the dark.

Now that he has suffered a loss, he has retreated, and the soldiers under his command are already unlucky enough.

You can't force them to talk anymore.

If you really do that, it is estimated that the enemy does not need to take the initiative to attack,

The lion soldiers themselves had to riot.

For this situation, Baloo had to let them talk.

But Balu also knew in his heart that as long as he took these lion warriors to stick to the sleepy grass,

It is not so easy to attack the city bestowed by God.

As for the panic in the army, as long as we stick to the grass and no major losses occur, this kind of panic will soon be eliminated.

It was finally the second day, and the frightened Lion soldiers did not find any signs of the other side attacking.

At night, the place no longer conducts fires and bombs to disturb the rest of the Lion Warriors.

The day passed so peacefully.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Although Balu was worried about the other party's conspiracy and tricks, he did not dare to lead his troops out of this sleepy grass at will.

He was so impressed by the heavily armored bear warriors that the enemy rushed out last night that he would not start his adventures like last night.

Hold your ground and never go out,

This has become Baloo's most current combat policy.

Three days have passed,

The entire enemy camp was completely silent.

If it wasn't for the news from the Eagles that the enemy camp had been operating normally, Balu would have wondered whether the enemy had withdrawn secretly.

It was not until the fifth day that Balu received the news from the Eagles again.

"My lord! The enemy is attacking!"

"Which direction? How many enemies? What tactics?"

Baloo, who was resting, immediately opened his eyes and asked very quickly.

As an old-fashioned general, there was not a single word of nonsense in his questioning, and he asked the information that he needed to know most concisely and clearly.

"To the southeast, there are about a thousand people. They are a mixed army of bears, badgers and fallen people. They did not enter the Sleeping God Grass, but just carried out magical attacks on the grass outside the grass."

The Eagle Clan replied very swiftly.


Baloo's brows furrowed tightly.

He had heard of this race, but he had never seen it.

I didn't expect that the other party could even attract such a mysterious race, so I really had to admire it.

"Take me to see."

Balu didn't talk too much, he immediately got up and set off with the Eagles.

Baloo's speed is very fast, even if the Eagles are flying, he can still keep up.

In the distance, Baloo saw a group of fallen magicians who were holding magic wands indiscriminately to cast magic into the grass.

A large circle of Badger warriors escorts menacingly by their side,

In the outer circle of the badger warriors, there is also a row of bear warriors like iron towers.

Fallen people use black magic because of their blood.

Even the sleepy grass, after receiving the black magic attack, was quickly deprived of its vitality and quickly withered.

This group of fallen magicians cast spells on the same grass, and the speed of clearing these sleepy grasses is not slow.

"Are any soldiers wounded?"

Balu still stared at the fallen magicians and asked intently.

"That's not true, but the soldiers are all worried that they can't continue to hide safely here."

The Eagle Clan replied.

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