Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 108 Living Magic Bomb

Chapter 108 Living Magic Bomb

"Respected Mage, I have told you everything I know, can we go now?"

The knights asked in fear.

"Of course you can go, and I will send you off very politely."

The flame giant grinned again, revealing a terrifying smile.

"Send... take us to where?"

The knights huddled together in fright and asked stammeringly.

"Send you to see your third prince!"

Lin Mo sneered, the flame giant waved his hand gently, and the fire immediately devoured all the knights.

"You guys go down and wait. It won't be long before I send your most beloved third prince down to join you."

Looking at the black ashes left by the burning, Lin Mo showed an indifferent smile, then turned and left.

According to these Bernard Empire knights, in addition to their squad, nineteen other squads will enter the Black Mountains one after another.

Lin Mo couldn't divide it into more than ten parts, and went to each mining area to guard it.

He simply opened the Godhead panel and sent an oracle to all the miners and mine guards, informing them to stop working, quickly leave the mine and be on guard.

At the same time, he also informed Qingyou and informed her of the purpose and whereabouts of these human teams.

The Qingyou side immediately took action, led by Lillian and a few soldiers of the sixth and seventh ranks, scattered into the Montenegro Mountains, to chase and intercept those human teams.

Those miners were deeply moved after receiving Lin Mo's oracle, and immediately put down their work and withdrew from the mine tunnel, and the guards of those mines guarded them and hid.

When they saw those human teams sneakily appearing near the mining area, they couldn't help but feel more and more grateful for the kindness and greatness of the God of Fire.

What happened today was passed back to the city bestowed by the gods by those miners, and then spread by their families.

While the residents of the entire city bestowed by the gods felt Lin Mo's kindness, the entire city's belief in Lin Mo became a little more pious.

Now that the strength of the warriors in the city bestowed by God is already very strong, and with Lillian and several seventh-order masters leading the team, those human teams have no chance to resist.

Only one team detonated the live bomb in time, but since Lin Mo had warned in advance, the team members also evaded it in time, and no casualties were caused.

After waiting for all the members of the human team to go to the city bestowed by God, Qingyou also quickly launched an investigation.

What came out of the mouths of these human knights was no different from what Lin Mo asked before.

However, a lot of clues were found from the captured living bombs.

These people are both male and female, and they are basically some young teenagers and girls.

With the knowledge of the magic circle, Chi Xin also analyzed the function of the magic circle engraved on their abdomens.

These people were indeed made into living bombs, and what was used to explode was the magic power that they possessed within themselves.

The magic circle engraved on their bodies only has the effect of disturbing the balance of the magic in their bodies and increasing the destructive effect of the magic in their bodies.

The magic circle is equivalent to the detonator of the explosion, and these teenagers and girls themselves are natural bombs.

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