Goddess’s Personal Doctor

Chapter 211: rebirth needle

As soon as I heard that people were killed in the swimming pool, everyone couldn't stay still, and all of them ran towards there.

When I arrived, the medical staff of the sports center had already arrived and were resuscitating a female practitioner with chest compressions, but the female practitioner seemed to have no response. The doctor tested her breathing and pulse, and her eyes changed. gotta dim.

"Have you called an ambulance?" the doctor said, "I have done everything I can, and now I'm not breathing, I guess it's worse."

For a moment, the scene was solemn.

I saw that He Ting's face suddenly turned pale. The doctor stopped. She hurriedly bent down and gave the female practitioner artificial respiration. After doing it for a few minutes, the female practitioner lying on the ground was still unaffected. reaction.

At this time, everyone guessed that it was impossible to save it.

He Ting lay on top of the female student and cried.

I hesitated, walked over and said to He Ting, "Coach He, let me try!"

"You?" The coach Yang standing next to me, the guy who scolded me last time, snorted at me with a straight face, "Isn't it you who sneaked into the swimming pool to peek at Coach He last time? Get away from me, what time is it now, you still want to take advantage of it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" I finally broke out, raised my head and shouted at Coach Yang.

Coach Wang Yunxiang still didn't know what I went wrong last time. Seeing that I was going to quarrel with Coach Yang, he hurried out and said, "Don't quarrel, you two have to go out and say anything, don't look at it. What is this occasion?"

I said to Wang Yunxiang, "Coach Wang, I want to see if I can save her!"

Suddenly there was a sound of surprise around.

Coach Wang looked at me and said, "Yang Yan, don't make trouble, this is not the time to be in the limelight, the doctors at the sports center and coach He Ting have rich experience in rescue, are you better than them? "

Faced with the doubts and ridicule of the crowd.

I got up and said to the doctor who gave up the rescue just now: "This doctor, if you are in shock from drowning, sometimes you can save the other person's life through CPR, but first we need to know the reason for this girl's drowning shock. Some drownings directly lead to suffocation, and some are caused by water entering the lungs, but I don't see any signs of suffocation in this female practitioner with stiff limbs, fingers clasping, and no signs of water accumulation in the lungs. sign……"

The doctor was immediately suspicious of the doctor staring at me and muttered: "Hey...you know a lot, but although she doesn't have these signs, her breathing and pulse have stopped. As for the specific cause of shock or death, the medical equipment in the sports center That's not enough, only people from the People's Hospital will come and take her to the hospital to find out!"

I shook my head and said solemnly: "Drowning leads to breathlessness. If the usual rescue methods can't be saved, there is actually another way to think about it. There are Pohu, Shinto, Shentang, Soul Gate, etc. on the back of a person. Several acupoints such as Yanggang and Yishe can lead to shock and suffocation, if these acupoints are usually connected to the two acupuncture points of the heart and the lungs, they can regenerate and restore the qi——”

The doctor's eyes brightened, and he stared at me lost his voice: "This is the medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine, how do you understand this?"

At this time, the people around became silent, and they all looked at me with shocked eyes, especially He Ting, who pushed the others away without waiting for me to answer, took me by the arm and took me to the lying area. The female student on the ground said anxiously to me: "Since you can tell, then try it..."

It was only at this time that the doctor reacted. Now is the moment when life is at stake. He hurriedly nodded his head and asked me to give it a try!

I hesitated for a moment, frowned and said to He Ting and the doctor, "You are a doctor, you know where these acupuncture points are, so..."

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then got up and said to the others, "You guys go out first!"

The coach Yang who refuted me just now looked a little gloomy and wanted to continue to object, but Wang Yunxiang called his students and others to go out first, and He Ting directly turned to coach Yang with a cold face at this time. After a drink: "Human life is related, coach Yang, please avoid it!"

Coach Yang gritted his teeth, gave me a fierce look and left in a hurry.

The doctor asked me what to do, because he only understands these principles, but he doesn't know how to rescue!

I asked the doctor and He Ting to turn the female student upside down on the ground and massage her back meridian, then I quickly ran back to my dormitory to get the needle pack, and then I asked He Ting and the doctor to directly cut it with a scalpel Opened the swimsuit on the female student's back, showing her jade-like white back...

After two minutes of massage by the doctor and He Ting, the female student's back appeared a little red, but this also showed that the female student's qi and blood still had the possibility of running, so my female student's heart and lung acupuncture points on the middle spine Drop two silver needles each!

Then, I used a three-edged silver needle to **** her skin at the Yishe acupoint.

Then drop silver needles at Podo, Shinto, Shentang, Hunmen and Yanggang points respectively, and then gently flick the tails of the silver needles at the heart and lungs with fingers, and try to force the needle through the vibration of the silver needle. to get through the connection between the heart and lungs of female students————

Time passed little by little.

The doctor frowned at me.

I originally ran over to watch the fun after my long-distance running training, and then I ran back to the dormitory to get the needles. Now I'm giving needles with a high concentration of energy. His brows flowed into his eyes.

Just when I was feeling a little uncomfortable, suddenly a hand held a white towel and stretched out to help me wipe the sweat off my face. The towel smelled of fragrance. I was slightly stunned, looked up and glanced at He Ting. She nodded at me, her brows furrowed.

I smiled slightly and lowered my head. I originally wanted to continue giving the female practitioners acupuncture seriously, but at this time I was dying. My eyes fell on the open neckline of He Ting's swimsuit, and I saw one after another. The white and deep ravine stretches in a thrilling way...

That slight fullness made me almost lose my mind.

He Ting seemed to be aware of my gaze, lowered her head slightly and glanced at her chest, hurriedly raised her body a little, and then glared at me angrily!

I calmed down for a while, and hurriedly continued to flick the tail of the silver needle with my fingers.

The doctor next to him seemed to focus all his attention on my rescue technique, and didn't notice a little episode between me and He Ting just now.

My movements seem to be simple, but the requirements are extremely high. First, the precise acupuncture technique cannot be achieved by ordinary people without a few years of effort. Secondly, after the needle is inserted, the acupuncture point is stimulated by flicking the tail of the needle with the finger. , it is almost a kind of partial method, and very few people in traditional Chinese medicine use it, because the requirements of the needle are extremely demanding, first of all, the strength of the force should not be excessive, more points will damage the heart and lungs, and less than one point will not be able to lift. to any effect.

The human body's meridians and acupuncture points are extremely complex and meticulous, and if you are not careful, it will lead to a fatal end, and hundreds of times of bouncing need to maintain a uniform force, otherwise the disorder of the rhythm will also damage the heart!

The doctor couldn't help but let out an amazed sound.

At this time, the sound of an ambulance came from outside. It should be an ambulance.

But at this time, He Ting suddenly shouted: "Move!"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the female student who was lying on the ground on the opposite side, and said excitedly, "It's really moving, my fingers are moving!"

I finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked the doctor to help pull out one point of the silver needles that fell on Pohu, Shinto, Shentang, Soulmen and Yanggang. The doctor hurriedly did as I said, and followed all the rest of the silver needles. Raised a point, a red bloodstain suddenly appeared on the female student's Yishe acupuncture point...

At this time, I pressed the silver needles of the heart and lungs down a little!

The female student who was lying on her stomach suddenly coughed violently, and water stains slowly overflowed from the corner of her mouth... He Ting and the doctor cheered excitedly at the same time, and then I began to orderly The silver needle was removed.

I just put away the silver needle. After the female student lying on her stomach spit out some water, she regained her senses and propped herself up. With the support of He Ting and the doctor, she slowly sat up. He Ting also found a piece of The towel covered her body.

At this time, the door of the swimming pool was pushed open, and several people in white clothes hurriedly trotted over with stretchers...

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