God Simulator

Chapter 737 Conquer the Nuo monster!

At first, there were sparse black spots in the sky.

Many people thought it was debris falling from the sky.

These black spots expanded rapidly, revealing dense triangular shadows that almost obscured the sky above the mining area.

It's the arrow bat, the troll's mount.

The trolls are coming.

The new miners were so frightened that they wanted to run away one by one, but they were entangled in the iron circle and they fell down. The supervisors started to beat those who left their posts without permission with their whips.

"Don't panic, stay calm, it's a small scene."

"Why are you running around, idiot!"

The old miners weren't too scared, they just sat down on the spot slowly.

Trolls come every ten or twenty years.

The border zone is different from the leap zone. It is not enveloped by the divine power of the gods, and the deterrent effect of the fire of faith is greatly reduced.

In this place, the gods are outsiders, and it is difficult to establish and maintain a stable world group. Various powerful void creatures are always appearing, and this area near the edge of the leap zone is the hunting area for the trolls.

The trolls are a lower-ranking race in the border zone, but they are numerous in number, tightly grouped, and very brave and fierce. They are willing to fight without their lives. They are a difficult and troublesome group of plunderers.

The attitude in which they appear is.

Either I rob you today, or you beat me to death today!

Taking Haoshan as an example, most of the mining areas set up in the bordering zone are to give these desperadoes something to eat, and there is no need to conflict with them. In the final analysis, they are here to open up wasteland for resources, not war.

But today, Black Ginseng felt an unusual chill.

The trolls came in too many.

The sky was full of arrow bats, and there seemed to be at least several thousand of them. This didn't look like they were here to collect protection money.

The strange rolling sound of the troll sounded in the air.

"This world belongs to trolls!"

The tall and mighty body of King Haoshan slowly stood upright from the ground. It is an earth demon statue. It usually lies on the ground to rest, but when it stands up, it becomes a mountain.

"Troll, this is the territory of Lord [Golden Hoop Immortal]. Think clearly, do you want to be the enemy of [Peng Lai]?"

The leader of the trolls who spoke stood high above, looking down at the giants on the ground from the back of the arrow bat: "Get out."


King Haoshan, who manipulated the miners at will, was suppressed by the troll leader.

After a moment of silence, King Haoshan turned around decisively and gave the order: "Everyone, gather... move."

Just when everyone was relieved that they didn't have to fight, the troll spoke again: "It's just you, get out of here."

"This world, and all the creatures in this world, belong to the trolls! The trolls graciously let you go and gave you your freedom because of your tribute over the years! Remember the trolls' favor!"

King Haoshan suppressed his anger: "I will truthfully report the situation here to [Penglai]."


King Haoshan sank slightly, rushed into the sky with a bang, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Most of the miners looked confused, and even the experienced old miners, mine soldiers and supervisors were a little confused.

The troll leader looked this way.

It has a green face with a long pointed nose and wild boar-like tusks, a head of wild and thick red hair in the shape of a cockscomb, and ferocious animal eyes staring at it.

Black Ginseng felt that the other person's eyes were on him.

It said bad luck in its heart, this time it might really be used by the troll for dipping.

The troll warriors took control of the mine soldiers and overseers, and asked them to take them to each mine and mark the locations one by one. Then the troll leader ordered all the ores to be used on the spot to enhance the axes, shields and armor of each troll warrior.

This is also in line with the troll's habits. Eat everything you can, use it if you can, destroy what you can't take away, keep traveling light, and then go to the next place to plunder.

Black Ginseng and other miners were locked in the mine, waiting in agony for an unknown fate.

A troll came in and took Black Ginseng and Hisoka out.

Outside stood the troll leader carrying an axe.

It said: "You seem to be fine."

Hisoka's eyes suddenly changed, and he moved his shoulders: "Fortunately, I just kept mining. The mineral deposits here are quite good, and the reserves are much larger than expected."

Black Ginseng muttered in his heart.

Hisoka said it had a troll friend, could it be this troll leader?

The troll leader walked up to the black ginseng: "Let's deal with him first. This is the first poisonous ginseng essence. Unfortunately, we can't dip it into the whole one."

It raised its axe.

"Don't touch him."

"Ah?" The troll looked sideways: "Why don't you kill him and keep him?"

"Brother Black Ginseng." Hisoka said with a smile, "If you join us, you will be safe. You don't have anywhere to go anyway, right?"

Black Ginseng's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a bolt from the blue flashed through his mind.

Hisoka's usually confused appearance was just an act!

He deliberately created the image of himself as having a bad mind so that he would not be suspected. He was specifically trying to sneak into Hao Shan... But there were more important things at the moment.

"I'll join!" Black Ginseng said quickly.

The troll leader frowned: "What do you want him to do?"

"He helped me." Hisoka said with a smile, "We as a family must repay kindness, so don't touch him."


The troll lowered his axe.

"Time is limited, we have to resolve the matter here before [Golden Hoop Immortal] and [Peng Lai] may take action - although the possibility is very small, we still have to be on the safe side."

Hisoka raised his paw and signaled: "Follow me and talk as we walk."

Black Ginseng followed Hisoka, the troll leader and several troll warriors as they continued underground along a mine.

"It started when our family was attacked. I told you that we had been planning to go to find Kunlun and pay homage to the Queen Mother of the West, but we were attacked by Nuo monsters before we even left. Those monsters wearing masks are very difficult to deal with. It was very strong, so we just ran away. "

Hisoka's steps were light at this time, his eyes were clear, and he seemed completely different from before.

This made Black Ginseng feel even more uncomfortable.

Hisoka had been pretending for nearly twenty years, but he didn't notice it at all.

"After many clan members died, we finally found a way to deal with it. We split into two parts."

"A part of the tribe took the initiative to deal with the Nuo monsters, moving to the back of the Nuo monsters' territory, attacking and destroying their lairs indiscriminately. These righteous lizards did not fight head-on with the Nuo monsters, but only plundered the world behind them and attacked and killed their larvae... …Since they are attacking our home, then don’t even want them.”

Xisuo said casually: "Another part of the clan followed the guidance of the projection and looked for Kunlun where the Queen Mother of the West is. However, there was a situation. The [Kunlun Projection] of different clansmen pointed in different directions."

The lizard man's face was calm: "We have no choice but to split up and work in pairs. I am one of them, and my partner of the same race was swallowed up in an undercurrent."

"I escaped and survived."

"But most of what I told you is true. I have been hunted, used as a slave, and used as a pet... Fortunately, my ability itself is not offensive, and the stupider I am, the less likely I will be suspected, so I will survive. Come down."

Hisoka spat out the forked apricots.

"As for the acquaintance with Chief Longgar, it is because the Yi Lizard clan has reached an alliance with their "Storm Tribe"."

The lizard man opened his claws: "Sometimes it is difficult to become friends. For example, it may have taken me and you twenty years, and you may not consider me a friend even now. Sometimes it is easy, such as having a common difficult enemy. "

"We and the Storm Tribe are both facing threats and attacks from Nuo monsters, so we cooperate and form an alliance. Is it easy to understand?"

The troll chief next to him was dissatisfied: "Hisoka, you talk too much."

"Chief, please be patient."

Hisoka didn't care and tugged on the thin strap on the Queen Mother Platform on his back: "If you want to unite and cooperate, you must pay a price. You must first surrender your trust before you can get something in return. Brother Black Ginseng, I can trust you, right?" ?”

Black Ginseng said: "Of course... I just don't understand."

He had many doubts.

Why did Hisoka spend so many years trying to acquire this mining world for the trolls.

Why does it sneak into the mining area and pretend to be crazy?

Why do you want to get yourself involved again?

Walking not far ahead, Hisoka pointed to a rock wall: "Drive in."

Several troll warriors pushed forward the rock wall, and the rock was pulled apart in all directions like clay.

Black Ginseng knew that these trolls had the ability to control rock and soil.

"Where are you talking about? Oh yes, about cooperation."

Hisoka said to himself: "The key to cooperation is to each get what he needs. The Lizard clan grew rapidly from battles and deaths, and also learned the tactics of plundering, turning, and dispersing and roundabout from powerful enemies. You can’t survive without mastering this.”

"In the past, we were almost hunted down by Nuo monsters to the point of annihilation. It was the most difficult moment, but we survived. Our leader [Xi Shi] made a very wonderful decision and command, retaining the basic strength of the Yi Lizard. And through detours and guerrilla attacks, we also gained fighters from other races who joined us, and we took back the initiative."

"We learned to cooperate, learn to rely on and trust each other, and let more friends join us. Chief Longel discussed with me and said that either I would give an attack signal, or it would attack flexibly on its own. Obviously its judgment is more accurate than mine. "

"You know? When I offered sacrifices and worshiped the Queen Mother, you were the only one who didn't smile."

Hisoka's eyelids were closed, and he looked at Black Ginseng with his snake-like vertical pupils: "Not even once."

"So I invite you to come and see this."

Hisoka suddenly stopped: "We're here."

The troll chief waved his hand, and several warriors immediately stepped aside.

Hisoka raised his hand and touched the stone in the underground corridor.

The surface of the stone wall was suddenly covered with a layer of shimmering light, and the light weaved a doorless doorframe. Behind the door was a simple longhouse, the dense lake water, and the shadowy palace beyond.

There were many faceless people walking lightly. They seemed unable to see the door, and there was even a person walking towards them. His figure grew bigger and bigger, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The lizard man's eyes were burning: "I came here because I saw that the road and gate to Kunlun are under Haoshan Mountain."

Black Ginseng's hands trembled upon hearing this.

Hisoka took over this world because of this door.

The troll chief next to him also widened his eyes: "Is it really the door into Kunlun? But why, does it feel more like illusory shadows and spells?"

"This is an entrance."

Hisoka put his paws on the unreachable door and looked at everything behind the door: "As long as Queen Mother Xi opens this door, our family can enter Kunlun from here."

The troll chief frowned, as if he didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything.

The light and shadow on the wall gradually disappeared, and everything became dim and cold again.

Black Ginseng said: "But what if the Queen Mother of the West doesn't open the door?"

"I just pray and wait every day, and leave the rest to God to decide."

Hisoka didn't care at all, he put the table down on his back and placed it facing the invisible door.

It lay its head on the ground devoutly.

The days have passed again, and everyone is still mining every day, but they have changed the objects to hand over the ore to trolls.

Not long after, King Haoshan came to this world again. It bought most of the mining soldiers, supervisors and skilled miners here, and only a few remained.

The trolls are emboldened.

They had already found out clearly that Penglai had been severely damaged by the cursed insect swarm and had no time to care.

This is the time to fight.

Without Penglai, Jin Guanxian wouldn't dare to attack the troll at all.

Black Ginseng continued mining with the workers. They had nowhere else to go.

The food was much more plentiful than in the past, and the trolls did not skimp on it. However, if anyone tried to escape, getting caught would be the result of stuffing the food with dipping sauce.

However, except for a few radicals, everyone lives a satisfied life, has enough to eat, and the mining intensity is much lower than before. Moreover, the troll also asked some of them to change their jobs to make the troll family's favorite sauce.

This kind of sauce is made by pounding various offal, adding salt, and then adding a special juice to seal it. After a while, a standard jar of troll dipping sauce can be made.

It's a traditional troll delicacy, eaten by every troll, dipped in everything, and in high demand.

The focus of Black Ginseng's work gradually shifted to sauces. As a ginseng essence, it can identify the specific effects of various sauces, so it has become a dipping sauce seasoner and is highly respected by trolls.

Only Hisoka still sat quietly at the table every day, praying devoutly, and then cast a spell to project the shadow, and then looked closer to see if the door was open.

One day, Hisoka suddenly disappeared.

No one can find it.

Time passes year by year.

The world of Haoshan has become a famous production place for troll dipping sauce. The mines in the mining area are used to brew sauce at low temperature. The effect is surprisingly good, and they have turned into sauce caves. The Storm Tribe attaches great importance to this world, and has stationed many troops year-round, and also patrols the nearby void to defend the dipping world.

One day, Black Ginseng was inspecting the sauce cave when a troll suddenly ran over.

"Mr. Black Ginseng, Mr. Hisoka is back!"

Black Ginseng ran underground and came to that familiar place. Troll Chief Longger had already arrived.

The lizard man stood in front of the dilapidated Queen Mother's table and smiled at Black Ginseng: "I'm back."

Black Ginseng swallowed his saliva: "Did you go to Kunlun?"


Hisoka exuded a strong aura of fire of faith.

It becomes an apostle!

The Queen Mother of the West is really over there!

The troll chief next to him asked: "Did that... sir say something?"

Hisoka said: "The Yili Lizard clan has passed the test of Lady Xi Queen Mother and has been recognized. As long as we enter the Leap Zone, Lady Xi Queen Mother will open up the grace of advent, and our brother civilization will give us continuous assistance."

"According to the oracle, we will conquer the Nuo monster."

Black ginseng feels a bit unreal.

Nuo monsters are powerful creatures in the border zone. It is not easy to make them suffer. Want to completely conquer them? Can this really be done?

The Queen Mother of the West believed too much in the Yi Lizard clan and underestimated the Nuo monsters.

But looking at Hisoka's extremely confident expression, Black Ginseng had a vague feeling that something might be wrong.

"When necessary, feathered men and demons will join in the battle to assist." The lizard man said softly.

Black Ginseng’s brain is buzzing.

This...what is the origin of the Queen Mother of the West?

Longor knelt down in front of the Queen Mother's stage with a bang, his head pressed to the ground, and his voice sounded like thunder: "The Storm Tribe will loyally and devoutly serve the Queen Mother of the West! For the Queen Mother of the West! Conquer the Nuo monster!"

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