God Simulator

Chapter 735: We are both fallen people from the end of the world

Years later, Black Ginseng would always think of that distant afternoon when he and the miners went to visit the newcomers.

At that time, Haoshan was a snow-capped world, and everything was covered with a layer of ice. Everyone has to break through the ice, pry open the thick frozen soil, and then dig down to find ore. Often overnight, the holes that were finally dug out will be sealed by snow again.

Therefore, everyone is asked to relay each other. As long as the mines and tunnels do not freeze, they can continue to dig out the ores containing the Almighty Stone.

Supervising the local area is King Haoshan, a giant demon shaped like a mountain who likes to talk everywhere.

It always says to everyone: "If you work harder, you will be promoted to a higher position in the future, and a lifetime of glory will be just around the corner!"

However, no matter how hard the miners work, they can at best become overseers supervising other miners.

The job of the supervisor is to find trouble. The problem must be found, otherwise there is something wrong with the supervisor himself. And there are constant problems, which means that the supervisor himself has problems. In short, this is also a very difficult job.

This is the situation in Haoshan under the rule of the god [Golden Hoop Immortal].

This is how the newcomer Hisoka was sent to Haoshan with iron hoops and became a member of the new miners.

Hisoka carried a wooden table on his back and cherished it very much.

If someone touches his desk, he will immediately warn him with a serious look on his face.

"This is the Queen Mother's Terrace. Don't offend the power of Queen Mother Xi. If Queen Mother Xi is angry, the consequences will be serious."

Compared to this weird behavior, its lizard face, broken tail, and bruised nose and face are all very normal.

When the miners saw it being so nervous at first, they thought it contained some secret. However, everyone looked around and found no hidden power in the table.

Once, when Hisoka carried the table and swung the pickaxe, two table legs fell off on their own. He quickly picked it up and put it back carefully, muttering "Forgive me, forgive me."

It was a very old wooden table with many scratches and damage.

Hisoka always wiped it clean and meditated in front of the table whenever he had free time.

Black Ginseng asked the mine soldier who sent it here: "Brother, what's going on with the table?"

"The tradition of their family."

The mine soldier said: "It's nothing special. This lizard man's head was smashed. We picked it up from a fragment of the world nearby. Sometimes it is nagging. You greet it and let it mine well. Don't Cause trouble for us, remember.”

"Yes, yes, understand."

Black Ginseng lowered his head and said.

The reason for asking about Hisoka was not because Black Ginseng had a good impression of the lizard man, but because Hisoka was assigned to partner with him. It had been more than a year since his last partner died, and Black Ginseng had not enjoyed a single life for long before they started working together again.

Haoshan's mines are always in groups of two. The miners are always wearing iron chains, which are connected to each other and must move together to walk. As long as one of them stops, the other person cannot move, and both parties have to cooperate.

Once the iron ring lock is removed, it will alert King Hao Shan. Once you put it on, you must keep it on unless you are promoted to a supervisor.

This trick seems to affect mining efficiency, but its real purpose is to prevent miners from escaping.

If one of the two miners changed his mind, it would be impossible for the other to escape.

Everyone is suspicious of each other, and it's hard to stay on the same page.

Hisoka's first words to Black Ginseng were: "You are still a child, why are you here to mine?"

Black Ginseng clasped his hands behind his back and told it: "I am a ginseng spirit. I am one thousand two hundred and sixty-five years old this year. I am indeed not very old. It's just that I looked like this when I was born. I always look like a boy."

He asked back: "How old are you?"

"Two hundred and forty-six years old."

"Then you are a kid." Black Ginseng smiled faintly: "No matter your age, experience, or seniority here, I ask you to call you brother. I hope everyone can cooperate with each other."

"No problem, bro."

Black Ginseng's smile froze.

This guy is a bit prickly.

Something happened to Hisoka on the first day he entered the mine. He dug out the Almighty Stone and ate the ore directly.

The black ginseng next to me was shocked. Although it is true that everyone is kept hungry here to avoid overthinking and running away, the mine you eat directly contains all kinds of messy rocks and unpredictable things.

Soon, Hisoka was rolling around on the ground, his body twisting in pain. The overseers and mine soldiers beat him in a group.

After being beaten, the lizard's mouth and nose were covered in blood, but it seemed to be a little clearer.

"Sorry, I can't eat it. I'm a miner and I have to mine."

It stood up unsteadily and began to pick up the pickaxe to continue mining.

Black ginseng confirmed.

There is indeed something wrong with this lizard man's brain.

Black Ginseng said half-jokingly and half-warning: "Brother Xisuo, please don't mess with the ginseng seeds and leaves on my head. Before, my partner secretly ate my ginseng seeds and died."

It pointed to its head.

A bun will grow on the head of the ginseng essence, and a bunch of small bright red fruits will grow around it, accompanied by green leaves.

However, the situation with black ginseng was different. The fruit on the top of his head was black, and the green leaves were also covered with black veins. On the surface of his child-like white skin, there are also black lines that look like tattoos, just like the marks of prisoners in some worlds.

Black ginseng is naturally different from its kind.

Originally, it was impossible for the ginseng spirit clan to be thrown into a place like this to work as low-level coolies. The last thing they did was to keep them well until the ginseng seeds formed on their heads, and then pick the fruits and trade them.

Ginseng seeds are part of the body of ginseng essence and also a precious raw material.

The ginseng seeds on the head of black ginseng are rather special, with [poisoning] and [weakness] effects.

He is considered to have no value of ginseng essence. He is a black sheep among the same kind. He will also destroy the appearance of the entire group and make it difficult to sell and trade to the outside world.

So black ginseng was kicked to the mining area, where it has been mining since childhood.

"Will not."

While Xisuo was digging, he muttered: "The Queen Mother of the West, the Queen Mother of the West, will guide me... we must not eat each other, no, no."

It said to Black Ginseng: "My head has been damaged and I sometimes go crazy. Please leave me alone and just let me stay for a while."

Apart from his intermittent speech disorder and unclear gestures, Hisoka was not difficult to deal with under normal circumstances.

What surprised Black Ginseng the most was that although this guy was not of a high level, only LV44, he was actually a divine descendant!

"It shouldn't be." Black Ginseng was puzzled: "Gods are one of the noblest races. Even a god like [Golden Hoop Immortal] should train you well. There is no problem in being an apostle."

"That's what they said initially."

Hisoka scratched his head: "My awakened ability is of no use to them, and my head was damaged. I don't have much normal time, and I can't do anything else, so they asked me to come over and mine."

Only then did Black Ginseng know.

It turns out that they are both fallen people from the end of the world.

"What's wrong with your head?"

Hisoka recalled: "I was captured by many people, participated in military battles, worked as a servant, a slave, was hunted down, and was kept as a pet... I don't know when I started to have problems with my head. "

Black Ginseng bared his teeth upon hearing this.

It is too tragic for a dignified descendant of the gods to fall into such a fate, even in this bordering zone forbidden by the gods.

He asked: "Why are you here?"

Hisoka said: "I am following the footsteps and guidance of our god, the Queen Mother of the West, and heading towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Our family was originally divided into two parts. One part continued to lay a good foundation, and the other part began to fly outward and approach the Kingdom of Heaven."

Black Ginseng shook his head: "The gods in this place cannot exert their power. You have been deceived."

"No, Queen Mother Xi has always been with us. She is even looking at me now."

The lizard man's eyes were firm.

"Although I have always felt that I don't need other people's advice in life, but I really suggest that you have a clear mind. You are already like this. If the Queen Mother of the West is really here, why doesn't she come out to get you?"

Black Ginseng sneered.


They are just a group of extremely powerful advanced beings.

The border zone is a natural danger in front of the gods, making it impossible for them to overcome their divine power and the fire of faith, and they can only use the power of ordinary life.

"We are the descendants of gods. We have the power to break through everything here and move toward our gods."

Hisoka emphasized: "We are running towards the heaven where the gods are, not because we can get anything, but because the Queen Mother of the West is calling us."

He raised his hand, and a picture slowly emerged in the cold air.

There is a simple building like a conference hall, a pool with twinkling stars, and a building with cornices shrouded in mist, where floating pedestrians stroll.

"This is the heaven I'm looking for, Kunlun. Do you know Kunlun?"

Black Ginseng said he knew.

The lizard man was overjoyed: "Can you tell me about Kunlun?"

"I only know the name Kunlun and that it is a mythical anchorage." Heisheng told the other party: "In our place, Haoshan belongs to [Penglai] Mythology. I am also from Penglai, and [Penglai] and [Kunlun] used to be the same. There is a grudge... or it can be said to be an old acquaintance for many years. "

"I have heard of the name of Queen Mother of the West. She is indeed the famous main deity of Kunlun. She is similar to the status of the [Soldier Master] Chi You in Penglai in ancient times, right?"

"But Kunlun has been in decline many years ago. It seems to have been destroyed and fallen by some extraterrestrial evil spirit. The gods inside are dying and trying to escape."

Black Ginseng patted the lizard man on the back: "Young man, don't daydream. Your whims will only hurt yourself. It's impossible for you to find the mythical anchorage. Don't bother, you've already worked hard like this."

Hisoka stared at the projection in the air: "Kunlun is in that direction. If you keep walking forward, you can get to Kunlun."

Black Ginseng was a little irritated: "Then let me ask you, your clan has been wandering all this way and suffered heavy casualties. What will you get if you stand in Kunlun in the end? Is it worth it?"

A smile appeared on the lizard man's face and he rubbed his paws excitedly.

"That would be great."

Black Ginseng is helpless.

This kid lives in his own world and has no regard for the real situation outside. It's strange that such a god descendant can still survive to this day.

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