God Simulator

Chapter 691 It has its own ideas

Joseph's married life was not ideal.

On the one hand, he found that he seemed to have lost his ideals and motivation again, and returned to a state of emptiness.

The more successful and well-received [Magnetic Probe] is, the clearer this feeling of emptiness becomes.

He originally thought that his potential was endless, as long as he continued to hone himself and continue to produce new [Magnetic Probes] in the [Flow] state. After all, it only took him less than four months to achieve this amazing result.

But reality is not like this.

He can still activate [Flow], but the maintenance time is very short, ranging from a few seconds to an hour, and he can no longer exceed the limit for a long time.

Joseph asked some experienced athletes and got responses.

"It's hard for most people to have that kind of moment in their lives. Flow is pushing oneself beyond the limit, but to do this you need to abandon distracting thoughts, be undistracted, and have strong motivation in a specific environment."

"Most of us will be entangled in various things, and our concentration will continue to decrease, and we will not be able to devote everything to one thing, completely give up or forget other things. Being able to maintain a state of flow for a long time is the result of perseverance all year round. Blessings and good luck.”

The previous situation was unpredictable.

Joseph also knew that people should not be too greedy.

He is not more talented than others, he is just luckier.

He felt like he had become a salty fish who had lost his ideals. He seemed to be able to survive even if he hung on a rope every day.

Another reason why it is not ideal is because of the eccentricities of his wife Leah.

The vampire clan feeds on blood. Joseph thought that the [Blood Hill] of the Yao tribe had blood lakes and seas of blood all over the world. The whole world was constantly pumping out fresh blood, so food should not be a big problem.

However, Leah told him: "The vampire family will suck the blood of their partners after marriage. We exchange each other's blood to confirm the intimate relationship between the two parties."

"Blood does not lie."

Joseph was shocked: "Why haven't you heard of this?"

"Because this is a very private matter." Leah said unhappily: "If a vampire can't suck her partner's blood, then there must be something wrong with their relationship. You can suck mine too."

She pointed to her snow-white neck.


No idea.

Joseph braced himself and was bitten on the neck by Leah.

That bite really hurt.

After sucking the blood, Leah fell asleep with a satisfied look on her face.

Sometimes she takes a small sip, sometimes she feasts. Depending on the actual situation of the day, vampires can stop bleeding quickly, so there is no problem of excessive blood loss.

But to say that blood is being sucked every day, that’s not the case.

Leah would make sure Joseph was well enough before chewing on his neck.

Blood-sucking can only be regarded as a small habit of vampires, which makes Joseph feel pain along with strange pleasure.

But Leah's insistence on continuing to study the magic well was a huge headache for him and the key to conflicts in the marriage.

"I'm not going to do anything halfway."

Leah said: "I want to continue to participate in the exploration and research of [Magic Well]!"

Joseph advised her: "You should stay on the Feizhou Ring Road and study the improvement projects here. If the ring road project can be completed, the value will not be lower than the [Magic Well]."

"It's so annoying! If I die, you can just find another wife! Anyway, I'm just a blind man! What good is a blind vampire!"

Leah's white-covered eyes were still lifeless, but her voice was full of self-abasement.

Only then did Joseph realize that she was not as strong and indifferent as she seemed. Leah cared very much about not being able to see anything, but the more she cared about something, the more she acted like she didn't care.

How to comfort and persuade her, Joseph had no idea.

Kepler, the captain of the pit station, suggested: "Either you tie your eyes with cloth and live like her."


Joseph thought it made sense at first, but when he thought about it more, he thought it was completely nonsense. But he tried to do it anyway.

"Are you a fool? You used to be a blind man, but now you have become two. Will the situation get better?" Leah pressed him against the wall angrily: "You want me to teach you how to be a qualified and successful person?" Mature blind man?"

"Listen clearly! Don't listen to Kepler's advice anymore! What the hell are these ideas!"

Joseph finally decided to let her do what she wanted to do.

"Did you really agree?"

At that moment, Leah's distracted eyes seemed to regain some of their former vitality.

Joseph didn't want to agree.

But there is no other way, and it is impossible to tie Leah up and prevent her from going, so just respect her idea.

She left the dormitory of the maintenance station and tenaciously participated in the challenge of the [Magic Well] project.

Six months later, Leah came back.

This time she was missing one right hand, which was replaced with a copper prosthetic.

This time Leah was also a little embarrassed: "Accidentally... my right hand was broken... When I regained consciousness, it was completely damaged and had to be cut off."

"But the prosthetic limb is also very good. It is stronger and more resistant to blows, but it feels a little clumsy to the touch. You don't mind and blame me, do you?"

Joseph could only force a smile: "It's okay, as long as he's still here."

"Then give me a hug."

Joseph hugged Leah.

The prosthetic limb was very awkward, and he felt that Leah's right hand was like a pliers stuck on his back.

"I promise you, my left hand will never be like this again. It will be well preserved for you." The wife said seriously.


Seeing that her husband was not angry, Leah breathed a sigh of relief and talked about the latest developments in the [Magic Well].

"The world of [Dagos] has become increasingly stable since it was saved and stabilized by Lord Yao. After resurrecting the kingdom's garrison, the monsters there have been controlled. Some of the local Dagos people who live in the trees have migrated to Sand City. , and some stayed in their hometown... The Yao people provided a large number of necessities and tools, which greatly improved their current living conditions. "

"With the help of the Dagos people, we identified several smaller magic wells. The energy storage mechanism of the magic well comes from the accumulation of turbulent currents in special tunnels. If there are rapid tidal impacts like the previous rounds, it will The magic well will be overloaded, the death energy that the locals call it will skyrocket, and the threat to the outside world will increase exponentially..."

Leah seemed energetic when talking about the research she was engaged in.

"In the 17th [Magic Well] exploration that I participated in this time, Lord Apostle Philus specifically requested Lord [Moment God] to transfer the latest second-generation [Movers] from [Forging Sun Bay]. The legendary prophet Mr. Hei Duan led a team into the cave of the magic well for on-site inspection. I followed Mr. Hei Duan and recorded the structure and model of the cave wall. There is another thing you definitely don’t know, Qianyuan Mountain has already reproduced it. The magic bottle, they transformed it into the [Crystal Structure Magic Bottle] through crystal structure!”

"The crystal structure magic bottle is not difficult, because there are [Dismantling Pool], [Strange Counterfeit] and [Treasure Refining Pavilion] in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain. Various props can be disassembled and identified, and then used to refine the treasure. Pavilion to complete the reproduction and restoration.”

"Although the deciphering of [Rune Runes] is still progressing slowly, it does not affect the imitation of Qianyuan Mountain. They use crystal structures instead of the copper used by the Dagos people. The crystal structure conducts magic energy as fast as copper. 24 times, the magic energy reserve of the crystal magic bottle is 600 times that of the traditional magic bottle!”

"With the crystal structure magic bottle, you can use the magic bottle to judge the eruption volume of the magic well in different areas. This is a very smart design."

She gushed about the adventure and exploration.

Joseph was a little surprised. Leah has extraordinary curiosity and persistence about the magic well. When she talks about the magic well, she does not feel resentful, but is full of fighting spirit.

"...The eruption of the magic well is unpredictable. Mr. Black Forge also tried his best to protect me, so its body also turned into many pieces, and then slowly recovered, otherwise I wouldn't have just lost a hand like this Relaxed. We were lucky this time. Every time we went down there, at least one researcher would die from a sudden eruption, an infection of dead air, or go crazy due to mental disorder.”

Leah's face was a little unwilling: "If we can conquer the [Magic Well] earlier, fewer people will die."

Joseph tried to say: "We already have a large number of omnipotent stones, a large amount of liquid magic gas produced by [Capricorn Ranch], the wind power of [Fengbo Fan Wheel], fire wells and many coal mines... completely There is no shortage of energy. Why rush to develop the magic well? It will definitely be safer if it is done slowly, right?

He doesn't understand.

Due to his work, Joseph also witnessed many safety accidents.

Even the flying boat, a device with relatively mature technology, will have various minor problems. For example, there is a slight imbalance when landing, there is a buzzing sound after taking off, the interior of the spaceship is hot and cold... These seemingly small problems must be paid great attention to.

Maintenance personnel must conduct repeated inspections and tests on the spacecraft at the maintenance station. Even if the flight plan is delayed, the flight plan must be carried out. They must ensure that the relevant abnormalities disappear before flight is allowed. Otherwise, you may pay a heavy price in which everyone and your boat will be destroyed.

Safety accidents are most likely to occur due to minor oversights.

It stands to reason that [White Castle], [Theological Society] and [Occult Research Institute] who participated in the development of [Magic Well] are all experienced organizations, and it is impossible not to know that impatience is easy to make mistakes.

"Of course everyone knows."

Leah frowned: "It's just that the world of [Dagos] is in a special situation. Those small [Magic Wells] are the best research targets. Their scale is controllable and they can go deep underground to view and map the structure. However, due to the impact of turbulent tides and Affected, the edges of the small magic wells are constantly being torn apart, and they are also being assimilated and fused from the bottom of the large magic wells... These small magic wells are disappearing one by one, and we have to complete the records before they collapse. "

Joseph asked: "Can't a large [Magic Well] work?"

"The gushing intensity of large magic wells is too high. According to the current standards, the wellhead throughput of small [magic wells] is between 30 and 100 magic bottles per second. Each one is precious and rare."

Leah told him: "The standard for a large [Magic Well] is at least 5,000, which means that the number of spurts that can be produced at the same time is at least 50 times that of the former. As for the one between the small Magic Well and the large Magic Well, We usually call them fissures, and they are usually associated with branches of large magic wells. They are no less dangerous than large magic wells, and their eruptions are even more irregular."

"If a large magic well erupts, those caught in it will have no chance of survival."

She opened the five brass fingers of her right hand, then squeezed them tightly, relaxing and clenching them repeatedly.

"There were people before, as you said, who felt that the [Magic Well] was too dangerous. It should be regarded as a century-old plan, just like the design and application of the Flying Boat Circular Road in the past."

"However, Mr. Black Forge believes that this is a major opportunity with extremely high timeliness. Either seize it now, or the opportunity may be lost forever."

The starting point of Black Forging lies in three points.

First, in terms of the general environment, time waits for no one.

[Dagos] The world itself is in pieces, barely held together by the power of the god Yao. However, the magic wells on the ground are still being torn apart and collapsed. The large magic wells that can be seen now are all in a state of out-of-control flooding. The only ones that can really be used as research and recording objects are the fewer and fewer small magic wells.

Second, world-class projects urgently need the injection of new energy.

The Yao people now have two world-class projects, [Feizhou Ring Road] and [Ripples Valley].

They all face an insurmountable problem: energy supply difficulties.

[Flying Boat Circuit] is to build a magnetic element circuit around the world. This has been proven feasible after the completion and application of the regional ring road on the top of Yunzhong Temple. The ring road can also be used as a void port for flying boats to park and maintain.

But in order to truly complete the orbit around the world and build a complete and well-functioning giant artificial ring on the huge vortex world, so that it can provide spacecraft endurance, observation outposts, maintenance bases, void experiments and other functions, we must solve key problems. Important energy issues.

At present, the energy system of the Yao civilization is still dominated by almighty stone, supplemented by liquid demonic energy. Transporting these energy carriers will cause huge losses in manpower, energy and materials, and is extremely dependent on ground dispatch and supply. It also requires the cooperation of all parties in terms of time, which is inefficient and costly.

Therefore, the expansion that was planned as early as thirty years ago has not yet started.

Energy is the cornerstone of construction.

The construction and operation of [Ripple Valley] are also facing similar difficulties.

Initially, this project was to use ripple valleys to build the foundation for the ripple body to jump, laying out the footprints and echoes of the Yao people in the void.

However, during the actual construction, even the God of Moment, who was appointed by Yao to personally lead the Ripple Valley, ultimately chose local pilot projects and streamlined areas because the manpower and material resources required were unbearable.

"If the [Magic Well] can be reproduced, the [Flying Boat Ring Road] here and the [Ripple Valley] group created by [Suncasting Bay] can be fully developed, so that every world can pass through the ripples Complete the transmission of information to each other!"

The vampire wife became more and more enthusiastic.

"Joseph, this is what we have to do, we must seize this rare opportunity to push the Flying Boat Circuit and Ripple Valley to the next stage!"


Joseph sighed inwardly.

After all, Leah was a mature researcher, so how could she still overestimate the power of the Yao people and underestimate the horror of natural disasters and natural laws?

But Joseph thought again.

I used to rely on my inexplicable confidence and temporary enthusiasm to build a car just because Leah brought hope, and I was lucky enough to come up with the [Magnetic Probe].

Under normal circumstances, this is impossible.

This is how the entire Yao civilization came about step by step.

Under the protection of Yao God, everyone is full of confidence. As long as someone takes the first step, others will move forward under the encouragement of their predecessors. No matter what challenges we face ahead, everyone firmly believes that they can overcome them.

Confidence is constantly accumulated and passed on, turning into a kind of self-confidence that can be said to be blind or precious.

"I believe you can do it," Joseph said.

Leah looked happy and showed two sharp fangs.

However, in the middle of the night, Leah suddenly bit Joseph and woke him up.

"Oops, something happened, something happened!"

"What's wrong?"

Joseph rubbed his eyes sleepily. Then he saw Leah punching her left arm with her right fist. Her prosthetic left hand was wrapped with a chain and tied to the head of the bed.

"My hands don't listen to me!"

Leah paled.

Joseph took a closer look and found that his wife's right hand was twisting and turning, and her fingers kept spreading, as if she was trying to break free. It was as if this arm had not yet been tamed and suddenly returned to its original wildness.

"That dwarf craftsman, that guy made me a faulty arm! I'm going to settle the score with him!"

Joseph asked Captain Kepler for a sick leave, took Leah all the way to Sand City, found the local [Prosthetic Design Institute], and found the dwarf craftsman who designed and made Leah's arm.

It was a young dwarf with gray-white hair parted and wearing overalls named Shuai Zai.

What impressed Joseph the most was that the dwarf didn't have a beard and was clean shaven, looking quite unique.

"You gave me a disobedient right hand!"

Leah angrily grabbed the other person's collar and said: "The mature technology, innovative craftsmanship and reliable quality we promised! You guy, do you know that this hand wants to secretly strangle my husband to death?"

The dwarf opened his hands, looked at Joseph next to him, and then said helplessly: "But, Miss Leia, I reminded you, this new [alien prosthetic] is based on the alien insect."

"Its biggest advantage is that it will fuse with the host and gradually become like a new arm, a living body. After it is fully integrated and synchronized, it will be almost the same as the original arm."

"But the disadvantage is that it has a mind of its own..."

The dwarf looked at Joseph: "In my opinion, the reason why it attacked your husband is that it felt that this gentleman was a threat to it. Of course, it didn't mean that this gentleman wanted to amputate your arm, but It feels like you're paying too much attention to it, causing it to lose attention and affection from you."

Joseph was shocked.

And this kind of arm! The Yao people's technology has changed so fast that they look like primitive people living in the sky.


Leah was doubtful.

"Really, your left hand is trying to silence me right now... I can't breathe..."

Leah immediately shook her left hand and found that it was unruly again. Joseph and Leah punched and kicked it before releasing it from the dwarf.

Shai Zai coughed for a while and smoothed his middle-parted hair with his hand: "Ahem, this is the first time I have seen such a sensitive and reactive [alien prosthetic]... On the plus side, its growth and The fit will also be far superior to that of ordinary people.”

Suddenly the dwarf was stunned and looked at Joseph carefully: "Are you... the Joseph who invented the [magnetic probe]? Joseph from Maintenance Station 77?"

"……it's me."

"Great! I can actually see you in person! I like your magnetic probe very much! What an incredible genius invention! You are the most outstanding genius in the past hundred years. Really, I can't express my admiration for you. Absolutely..."

The dwarf grabbed Joseph's hand with excitement: "You must take a look at a small improvement I made, which was inspired by your masterpiece."

"That my wife..."

"Don't worry about small things like that. There are many [alien prostheses] here. Whichever one you like, I will choose the best one for you! You can install as many as you want, there will always be one that suits you! Don't go out, they know You will definitely come around, come and take a look at my little invention, please give me some advice..."

Leah clenched her right fist and held her right wrist with her left hand, guarding it tightly.

Joseph scratched his head a little.

How did the situation become like this?

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