God Simulator

Chapter 679 We generally don’t increase the dose of medicine

Xue Li hid in the house, a little at a loss.

People outside were still banging on the door.

"Mia, open the door. I know you are inside, so you open the door first. Today you are giving a report on the geometric application of two types of crystal structures for paving the ground. The institute's magic box team also temporarily sent a researcher to listen to you today. Report!"

"Open the door. Are you sick? Let me see. If you are sick, take medicine. But in this opportunity, you must take medicine even if you are sick. Open the door."

Xue Li broke into a cold sweat.

Who am I, where am I, what do I do?

What crystal structure, what geometry, what and what, I can’t understand it at all.

There is also this house, with flames floating in the sky, and a death dog made entirely of bones staring covetously in the house.

There is a lot of white bark on the wall, and there are dense runes on it... so many words, so many words, I can't understand them at all.

This other world made her feel suffocated.

Xue Li shivered in the quilt.

She wanted to go back to the safety of her treehouse.

Although it was the third time she came to this world, Xue Li was still a little scared. This kind of fear is different from hunting. No matter how strong a monster is when hunting, Xue Li will be full of fighting spirit and deal with the opponent, looking for the enemy's weaknesses and flaws. There is really no chance to escape.

But in this world called the Resurrection Kingdom, people do not rely on fighting and hunting to survive.

Most people live under the order of the kingdom and rely on their own skills to obtain rewards and benefits.

The hunting that Sydney is good at is not worth mentioning in front of the pastures that produce a large number of livestock in batches and the wheat fields all over the world.

She felt like a foreign mouse that had blended into the world of birds. Everyone could fly, but she could only crawl around on the ground. This gap and shame made her feel panic and uneasiness like never before.

In the death-filled wilderness of Dagos, she could detect powerful monsters of different shapes, but here, she didn't know what she was facing.

Monsters seemed to be everywhere, indescribable, and she couldn't find a way to see them or deal with them.

While she was thinking wildly, the door was knocked open from the outside with a clang.

Several skeleton soldiers and a girl rushed in.

The girl ran over quickly, and Xue Li recognized it as the girl named Ceresi - she was also a good friend of Mia, the original owner of this body.

"You look very strange. Are you sick?"

Ceresi touched Xue Li's forehead with her hand.

Xue Li prayed to the other party to leave quickly.

"I'm fine..."

When she spoke, she found her voice hoarse.

"The temperature is normal, not hot."

Ceresi seemed to be thinking about something. The skin on her face and hands looks like she is fourteen or fifteen years old, but she is actually nineteen years old. People in this world look younger and age much slower.

"Take some quick-acting Jiuxin pills to hold on, and report to the college first. After that, I will accompany you to see a doctor immediately." Ceresi handed over a small bottle.

"No, I won't go!"

Xue Li clutched the quilt tightly.

"Mia, what's wrong with you?" Selesi looked shocked: "This is the opportunity you have dreamed of."

"...Next time, go next time."

Sydney said vaguely.

Ceresi said to the two soldiers next to her: "Thank you, please. I'll just take care of her."

One of the skeleton soldiers opened and closed his jaw: "Sorry, I have reason to suspect that Miss Mia may be suffering from [Tidal Syndrome], and the symptoms she showed are completely consistent."

"Mania, nervousness, restlessness, abnormal mood, fear of approaching others."

"The turbulent tides are not over yet. If you are infected with [tidal syndrome], you will become a tidal creature, and it is very dangerous to lose control."

The soldier solemnly stressed: "In accordance with the "Announcement on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Symptoms" promulgated by the Kingdom, in order to reduce risks in various cities and ensure secular security and order, I will now take you to the nursing home for a comprehensive examination in accordance with the announcement. Please cooperate with us. Take a trip."

Xue Li was dumbfounded.

Although she didn't know what was going on, it seemed like the two soldiers were trying to take her away by force.

Ceresi next to her sighed: "It seems that you can't go to the academy today. I'll ask for leave for you, although Teacher Yuan Qing will definitely lose his temper...I'll come to the nursing home to find you later, you go there first Bar."

Xueli was taken away by two soldiers and left home all the way.

She also thought about resisting.


Sydney looked into the distance.

Outside the city stood a tall moving castle, with strange giants made of bones, metal and crystal sleeping beside the city walls. From time to time, white bone flying dragons emerged from their bodies. These flying monsters penetrated into the sky, and the huge dragon heads and skulls flashed with dangerous red light.

If he resists here, even if he can break away from these two soldiers - there is no possibility of escaping when encountering such an aerial monster.

Besides, where can I escape to?

There are gods watching here, and the power of gods shrouds the heaven and earth. It is a completely different world from Dagoth, which was abandoned by the gods.

When she came to the Resurrection Kingdom for the first time, Xue Li was excited at first, very excited.

She lived in the trees all year round and was used to the rickety tree trunk roads, the howling wind, and the fishy smell of death rising from the magic well on the ground. Living in such a clean, bright, stable and quiet city is an experience I have never had before.

Pedestrians of different shapes come and go on the street. There are skeletons with only bones left, frost giants that are tall and exude cold air, dwarves with short beards with colorful hair, beautiful vampire ladies with red lips and white teeth and red eyes, and some furry and arrogant cat people...

Every house is tall and beautiful, with sparkling crystals installed in the windows. The streets will never shake, break or fall. There are skeleton soldiers on the streets who are responsible for cleaning, collecting and disposing of all kinds of garbage.

There is no need to worry about monster invasion and no shortage of food.

Sydney really likes the wheat cakes and barbecue here.

The first time she transformed into Mia, she happened to be in the college cafeteria.

Xue Li's belief is that even if he is about to die, he must eat well and go on the road!

She ate and drank like crazy, leaving her friend Selesi dumbfounded, almost wondering if she was parasitized by some kind of bug and suffering from bulimia.

Afterwards, Xue Li had a stomachache for a long time and kept walking and holding on to the wall.

This woman named Mia is really in poor health and can actually be injured by food!

If it were Dagus' Shucun, she wouldn't be able to be a hunter at all!

Later, Sydney learned that Mia was good at runes called mathematics and geometry, as well as observing the trajectory of stars in the sky and doing mapping.

She couldn't understand it at all.

Can even the stars be predicted? Above the sky is the realm of gods. How can humans touch it?

But think about it carefully.

It was because of observing stars that Sydney connected with Mia who was also stargazing. Their consciousnesses were exchanged into each other's bodies through the stars.

By the way, the record book!

That notebook was Mia's life-saving straw for Sydney.

The huntress hurriedly took out the record book from her backpack.

The words on the white bark dazzled Xueli. Although she was using Mia's body, she still didn't know what these words and symbols meant. But fortunately, Mia thoughtfully added a simple drawing, which can be understood.

But the latest page shows a person sitting quietly in a room.

Xue Li saw that the person in the painting had her hair tied up and there was a cross symbol on her head, which should refer to Mia. There is this symbol on many pieces of paper in the house.

She meant to keep herself from going out.

But there's nothing I can do now...I don't want to go out either.

While sighing, Xue Li had already arrived in front of a large two-story building. A wall was built outside here, and many people in white robes were walking around in a hurry.

She was brought in by two soldiers. She was first bitten on the arm by a vampire lady and the blood was identified. Then she went to the diagnostician for various examinations and finally took a special anti-[Tide Sickness] infection potion.

Xue Li was told to stay in the hospital for observation for two days. The diagnostician thought she was sick.

She tried her best to explain to the doctor that she was not sick. Her name was Sydney, not Mia. She borrowed Mia's body and came from the stars.

The diagnostician just warned: "Have a good rest and relax. We generally will not increase the dose unless necessary."

Another medical doctor said sympathetically: "You are under great pressure to do mathematics...Don't think too much, rest in peace and practice, we have experience in this area. Not long ago, a mathematician was cured and discharged from our hospital ”

Xue Li stayed in the room, feeling confused.

Suddenly, she heard the person on the bed next to her clenching her fists and whispering.

"When I regain my divine power, you will all pay the price..."

Divine power?

Xue Li immediately paid attention to the other party. It was an old man with stern eyes.

Although she cannot understand the local script, she can understand the weird languages ​​with various local accents. This is because of a local plant called brainmint, which grows everywhere and allows people of all races to understand each other's language.

"Are you really a god?"

The old man scanned his eyes left and right and lowered his tone: "To be precise, I am an old god who was plotted by the enemy and temporarily lost his divine power. I was hunted by the [Old God Association], so I hid here. If you can help me, I will give you the god the power of."

"How can I help?"

"Help me return to my world, the kingdom of the mad gods."


Sydney was helpless.

She has a home she can't go back to, so she has to wait and see what the stars want.

A woman next door laughed and said, "Crazy God, where is your medicine? Did you secretly throw it away again?"

The old man was furious: "You devil! When I regain my power, I will be the first to kill you!"

"Come on, take your medicine and don't make me report you."

The woman said with a smile.

The old god swallowed his anger, took the medicine, and looked humiliated.

"I'm not a devil, I'm just an ordinary kind-hearted person." The woman shrugged. She smiled at Xue Li and said, "As long as you give me a 1,000 bond, I can smoothen the relationship and help you leave. How about it? Isn't it nice? Good deal.”

Another little boy said: "Don't listen to her, she is also a patient."

"I just want to help everyone." The woman muttered.

Xue Li looked at the little boy again: "What is going on..."

"As you can see, this is an intensive care unit, and of course it is filled with all kinds of critically ill patients."

The little boy looked normal. He said calmly: "I am also a patient. My body stopped at the age of ten and has been unable to grow. Now it is being treated and studied. What about you?"

Sydney told him her situation.

"You're sicker than I thought."

The little boy looked surprised: "Just adjust."

Xue Li suddenly thought that the other person was relatively normal at least - at least that's how it seemed. He might be able to understand the text.

So she took out the notebook in her pocket and asked the other party to read the words on it.

"Is this this? It says...'If I ask you to help identify the words on this, please follow the steps below and ask questions one by one.'"

There was a strange expression on the young man's face: "First, tell us about the situation in the world of [Dagos]."

Xue Li's eyes immediately lit up: "I know the situation in [Dagos] very well. That is the world I live in. We hunt down the trees, climb up the trees, and collect vines, fruits and mushrooms to make a living. There are about a hundred of them. There are villages in the trees, and some villages are directly connected to each other..."

"The next question is about the 24 [Rune Runes]."

"……I won't."

Xue Li touched her head, with an embarrassed smile on her face: "I am a hunter, I only know how to use it. I just use the magic horn to attach it to the bow, and then use specific runes. This is very complicated. I only know how to use it. He Nian, I don’t understand the production.”

The boy continued reading: "Tell me about how you hunt."

"You need to be prepared for hunting. First, make sure that hooks and bows are available...and then be careful of different prey. Some prey cannot be approached, such as large and flexible melee monsters. They either have thick manes on their bodies. Hair, or scales, and many of them have toxins. For those with long necks and big heads, there is actually a saying about naked hanging..."

When talking about her area of ​​expertise in hunting, Xue Li immediately started talking non-stop, shaking her body and waving her fists.

She gestured and tried hard to teach the boy the hunting methods of the Dagoth hunter.

After asking all the questions, the young man looked extremely serious: "Is everything you said true?"


"Wait for me. Just stay here and don't move."

Xue Li waited for a while, and the young man returned again and again: "Now you can leave the hospital with me. I will take you to the temple. These matters are not trivial. They need to be reported directly to the Apostle Maocao, and may even be reported to Yaoshen... …”

At the door of the temple, the young man said, "You go in, I'll wait outside."

Xue Li felt that the other party was a little unpredictable.

He is obviously a patient, but he can come and go freely in the nursing home and can take himself out of it.

"who are you?"

"My name is Hua Zheng, and I am a detective. It is my job to find out the truth."

The young man smiled: "It just so happens that I am also a patient."

After entering the temple, the catman apostle inside gently asked about Xue Li's situation.

She finally said: "Pray to the Lord Yao. As long as you pray devoutly, even if you are not a believer of the Lord Yao, you may still receive the kindness and favor of the Lord Yao."

Xue Li knelt in front of the statue, but all kinds of thoughts came to her mind.

Mia's mind is not very flexible yet and is always too sensitive.

Xueli thought of the children, adults, and old people in Shucun who might die at any time.

Childbirth is very dangerous, hunting is very dangerous, but generations of Dagos people still repeat these adventures. Not because they are not afraid of death, but because these things must be done so that each other can wait for the next day with hope.

Compared to the rich and powerful Resurrection Kingdom, Dagoth appears broken and weak.

But that is the hometown where I grew up.

Sydney wants to go back.

Because he has to hunt so that the people in the village will not starve.

Her naturally strong body was fed and grown by others, and now it was her turn to take care of others.

Sydney prayed to the majestic gray statue.

O great and generous god Yao, please help me return to the village immediately.

Please give us good luck. May everyone have enough to eat to survive this winter. May Mia be safe and sound. May each of us live until spring comes.

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