God Simulator

Chapter 561 It’s a monster, not a decoration!

"Would you like to come with me?"

King Shabao sends an invitation to the Ice Mist Box.


Ice Fog Box asked: "Is this still considered hunting and ambush?"

"Forget it."

King Sha Bao explained his understanding: "You see, traditional hunting is disguised as a treasure box and waits for the opponent to approach. New hunting is also disguised as a treasure box, but it is more proactive and actively lures the opponent closer."

"The purpose of traditional hunting is to complete deception and let the opponent open the box, thereby completing the unique evolution path of the Mimic."

"New hunting is also cheating, and it also involves unboxing. Look at me now, haven't I evolved very well?"

A cloud of fog emerged from the top of the ice fog box: "Indeed, you are right."

Sand Treasure King has now become a LV40 high-level treasure monster, and it already has the ability to create treasures.

In just a few months, King Shabao has surpassed all the similar people near the Eternal City and is at the forefront of the entire ethnic group.

"I want to join you."

Ice Fog Box says, “What should I do?”

"It's easy."

King Shabao actively imparted his experience to this old friend: "In fact, people are easy to deceive. When a person wants to get you, you don't need to deceive him, he will deceive himself."

"So what we have to do is make him feel like he can get us as much as possible."

"But one thing must be clear. What people like is not the Mimic monsters, but the treasures in the treasure boxes. They like to open the boxes, the feeling of making something out of nothing, and the excitement of getting something from the unknown."

"That's what we're going to do, to clearly emphasize that there are indeed treasures in the treasure chest, and the high-level treasures will be shown to them, but they won't be given directly to them."

“Let them throw out seashells, pick a box out of our space, and then keep spending money on us through disappointment after disappointment, and then it becomes harder and harder to give up on us… That’s the storage space we carry use."

King Sha Bao said happily: "This is the inspiration given to me by Lord Blood Knight. Lord Blood Knight said, if you can't defeat it, then join. I thought that the Yao people already know the traditional hunting method of Mimic Monsters, so we should change it. , don’t see them as enemies to fight against, but another more stable and mutually acceptable way... just like fish and water coexisting, each taking what it needs.”

Once change begins, it will spread across the country like a prairie fire.

The Mimic Monsters in the Everlasting City were transformed under the leadership of King Shabao, and turned into a conspiracy hunt where you can open the box and extract treasures by investing money.

King Sha Bao asked everyone to store a large number of identical boxes in the storage space. These boxes contained different things, including many common items and a few expensive items such as gems, gold and silver.

By letting the Yao people draw boxes and open them themselves, they can get excitement from the unknown and uncertainty.

This kind of stimulation is as addictive as drinking, and as long as the quantity and opening price are ensured, the profits of the Mimic family can be guaranteed.

Relying on continuous profits, they can keep repeating, using this bait composed of curiosity and uncertainty to trap everyone passing by.

In this process, Mimic Monsters can also grow from deception and unboxing.

Due to their characteristics, their evolution is to achieve deception and lure prey to open the box to promote improvement and evolution.

The most important thing is that the hunting process is correct - how to deal with the prey, whether to eat it in one bite, make them pay a ransom, or even let them go directly, does not affect the core appeal.

The new hunting method allowed the Mimic Monsters to grow rapidly, and the Mimic Monsters in the desert also came to learn from them one after another.

Just as the Mimic craze was in full swing, King Shabao felt that the blood frozen into ice cubes in his box was melting little by little.

In order to avoid being affected by the blood poison, King Shabao never leaves the bone-chilling Kingdom of Mist. However, those hard and coagulated blood clots were changing and merging very clearly.

Can blood poison mutate?

King Shabao was shocked.

These blood clots condensed rapidly and then formed into a slim girl. She has long curly black hair, blood-red eyelids, thin gold earrings hanging from her ears, wearing a black and red dress, and a bell tied to her wrist, which jingles when she walks.

"Long time no see, King Shabao."

The girl greeted it.

King Sha Bao was stunned for a moment. This strange accent in the Yao dialect was Xueya.

Why did Xueya become like this?

"You survived?"


A smile appeared on Xueya's face: "I got rid of the blood poison... No, that's not blood poison, it's another genetic sequence, another growth path. Fortunately, you have been protecting me in the past. I was sleeping and transforming for a long time. I'm a blood elf now."

"I see... But can you stop your eyes from moving around, and your nose from growing up and down from time to time? Normal people are not like this, you will scare others."

King Sha Bao couldn't help but remind him.

"Sorry, sorry, it's my first time learning to make this face, I'm not used to it yet."

Xueya pinched her nose with her hands to stabilize it, and then her roving eyes gradually calmed down, focusing on the Mimic.

"Didn't you have no facial features before?" King Sha Bao asked.

"I pinched my face after learning from Miss Tatar from the Green Forest Dance Company. How is it? It's pretty good, right?"

Xueya put his hands on his hips and smiled proudly: "I have seen the Green Forest Dance Troupe's performance in Shacheng before. The dancers are very popular among the people in Shacheng. I like Miss Tatar the best. This look should be the best."


"To thank you for saving my life, is there any way I can help?"

Originally, King Sha Bao wanted to say thank you for not poisoning him.

But it thought again.

Instead, we can ask Bloodfang to help introduce the Mimics to the Blood Mound. In the blood hill world, new hunting methods will also have great market prospects.

After hearing King Shabao's idea, Xueya said it was okay.

"I also have many friends in Ice Lake City. I can take you directly to that city... But if you are traveling around performing arts like this, why not open a fixed store? Wouldn't that be better?"

What is mobile busking!

King Shabao was very dissatisfied, but he decided to listen to the other party's opinion first.

"I once went to the Sifang Kingdom in the Abyss for medical treatment. The monks from Ertang Jialan there opened a monk shop in Sifang City. Visitors can experience the daily practice of a monk there, including meditation in the morning and scripture debate at noon. , and also make thick soup and give alms in the evening, the business is surprisingly good, and the wealthy Yao people like it very much. "

“We can definitely follow their lead and gather all the Mimics together, allowing passengers to choose the treasure chests they want to experience.”

Xueya adjusted the position of his head on his neck with both hands, and then continued: "There is also the Green Forest Dance Troupe. They have a very interesting process, which is to select a lucky audience member to have dinner with Miss Tatar and the others. Even for a private chat and afternoon tea.”

"If you add some of these processes and you are a little more proactive and promise some sweeteners, there will definitely be more customers."

What do you think we are? ?

We are Mimics, do you understand Mimics? It's a monster, not a decoration!

King Shabao was so angry that he was shaking all over.

Seven days later, there was an exquisite shop called "Treasure Box Club" in Fu Lao City. The storefront is made of expensive stone and wood and is decorated with stained glass windows, which stand out in the snow-white city.

The girl Xueya said to the new customers: "Dear guests, our treasure chest club will provide unboxing services as in the past. If you want to try your luck, please feel free to choose the treasure chest you like."

She pointed to the wooden signs on the wall with a smile: "Depending on the different levels of the treasure chest, the seashells required to open it are different. Higher-level treasure chests are naturally more expensive, and the treasures inside will be more valuable."

"We provide services for treasure chests No. 1-16. For example, the treasure chest No. 16 currently contains 1 green jade and 1 pair of paper armor on a first-come, first-served basis. The highest-level treasure chest No. 1, in the ice mist box, contains Two bottles of gene sequence activation potion, a high-end cauldron, and the mysterious gifts it breeds will only be given to the most lucky guests..."

"In addition, our treasure chest club also provides storage services. If you have something you want to store, you can store it in the treasure chest club, or even choose a designated treasure box for storage. There are several treasure chests that specialize in doing this. Please be assured that everything is kept confidential.”

"Also, as we all know, Mimics can form contracts. If you and our treasure chest can trust each other, recognize and appreciate each other, you can get the treasure chest to follow you. From now on, you will have a natural storage space to accompany you, and also You will get the most precious treasure they gave birth to, and they will accompany you throughout your life!”

"The Treasure Chest Club is not only serving everyone, allowing everyone to have fun, but also serving the Mimics, finding a home for them. I hope everyone can get what they want!"

"Then, please enjoy the fun of unboxing!"

The skillful and enthusiastic gesture of the blood elf played a huge role in attracting customers.

"I want No. 1."

"I choose No. 16."

"I want number 16 too."

"Number 5."

Soon the treasure chest meeting was filled with people, and every room was in the process of unboxing and negotiation. People covet the treasures of the Mimic Monsters, and the Mimic Monsters covet people's treasures. The two sides are engaged in a fair and just tug-of-war in the Treasure Chest Club, each relying on its own abilities.

King Sha Bao, who witnessed all this, guessed that it would have an effect, but he did not expect that it would be such a grand event.

Looking at the heated scene in the store, King Shabao couldn't help but ask the girl next to him: "What did you do before? Why are you so skilled?"

Xueya used a spoon to scoop out the sweet and icy food in the bowl in his hand: "Before my accident, I was responsible for promoting universal blood banks in various cities in Ice Lake City."

No wonder it's so professional.

King Shabao took Bloodfang to the Eternal Fountain and thanked the Blood Knight together.

"Without your guidance, I wouldn't be where I am today. No words can express my gratitude." King Sha Bao said sincerely.

"Thank you for your protection." Xueya also bowed and said.

The Blood Knight still cherishes his words like gold: "God Yao, bless you all."

"Of course, you are the incarnation of Lord Yao's oracle and mercy."

King Sha Bao said: "I don't have anything else, only a prop that was born from the box. I specially dedicated it to Lord Yao. I also bothered Lord Knight to sacrifice it."

The lid of the treasure chest opened, and a treasure slowly flew out from inside.

It was a key surrounded by fluorescent light.

The blood knight raised his hand and took it.


"Master key?"

Navid also said something rare: "It's a good treasure. I will offer it to Lord Yao for you."

After staying away.

Xueya asked the Mimic that was jumping next to him: "That key, if you hold it, will have suppressive power on all low-level Mimics. It is dedicated to Lord Yaoshen like this. Don't worry about other treasure boxes." Isn’t it strange that I don’t listen to you?”

"If people don't listen to me, it only means that I am not capable enough to fight for more opportunities and benefits for everyone."

King Shabao said with confidence: "My ideal is to become the God of Boxes, to become the god beside Lord Yao, and to manage and collect various treasures for Lord Yao. If you can't even do such a small thing well, how can it be possible?" How about becoming a god all the way?"

"You really dare to say that." Xueya was surprised.

"We Mimics are a race created by Lord Yao Shen, so we should have such ambitions!"

King Sha Bao exudes golden light.

"One day, Lord Yao will notice me! Before that, I will lead the Mimic clan to move forward and become a group that no one can ignore!"

"Then I'll wait and see by your side." Xueya said with a smile, "If you can really become a god, then give me the status of an apostle."

"No problem, it's a joke."

Shabao looked into the distant night and shouted: "Work hard! Strive!"

The patrolling Frost Giant Baras stepped over. He lowered his head and made a shushing gesture to the Mimic.

"Keep your voice down, it's already very late and it will disturb the tourists."

"I'm sorry...Mayor Barras."

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