God Simulator

Chapter 555 The local gods are so rude

Barroye said: "That hole is in the center of the Secret Kingdom, deep underground in this world."

"In the past, large amounts of soil and dust would constantly erupt from the cave. There was an aura of chaos in these erupted materials, and various forces flowed and surged in them."

"All the gods come here for this cave. They suspect that there may be a nature god born from this ownerless world inside, and this nature god is perfecting the world bit by bit."

"That cave is called the [Creation Cave], which is where the nature god hides and creates the world."

"All the gods want to control the world and subdue the god of nature. A god with the innate ability to create and repair the world is not only extremely rare, but also has extremely high value and potential."

The most valuable thing in the Secret Kingdom is a hole.

There is also a nature god in the cave who is constantly creating soil.

How familiar are these elements?

Could it be that there is also a "embankment builder" in the Mystic Kingdom?

Lu Yao asked the wishing spirit to continue.

"While they were still fighting to return to the world, many gods sent apostles and a large number of dependents to investigate the surroundings of the cave and entered it one after another."

"No one who entered the cave came back."

The Creation Cave is like a gap in space that can only be entered but cannot be exited. The gods are restricted and blocked, and the apostles below the gods can never return, making it difficult to send back any messages.

Huang Qing was sealed in the "Disaster Treasure Box", and all she knew was the news before the dust of the Secret Art Kingdom settled.

"...Barroye only knows so much."

The wishing spirit finished its statement.

Lu Yao brushed off this piece of old history.

As a mysterious country with no owner, there is a cave hiding the god of nature, and the gods of various myths compete fiercely for this.

Many years have passed, and all the Hermes of that generation have died.

I don’t know if the hole is still there or not.

Lu Yao sent Suihou Zhu and went with Baloye to find the Creation Cave under the world - or the remains left behind by it.

"Yes, Big Boss! As long as it's still there, Baroye will definitely find it for you!"

The strengthened wishing spirit turned into a yellow ghost and got into the ground.

Suihou Zhu also took the form of a bead-faced man, flying over the Kingdom of Secrets, with the radar above his head turning.

Taking advantage of the time, Lu Yao made two preparations and asked Mao Cao to organize an expedition advance team, whose members included different ethnic groups, levels and individual forms.

If the Creation Cave is still there, send someone to explore it.

Although Maocao stated that this was an extremely dangerous mission, there was still an endless stream of applicants.

There is no shortage of trend-setters in any era who dare to take risks.

This time it is to execute the oracle. As long as you participate, you will get a high bonus. There will be rewards after success. The pixel people are particularly enthusiastic.

"It is our duty to dedicate our strength and courage to Lord Yao!"

"Lord Maocao, I request you to be the first to lead the charge!"

"I'll be the first!"

"I'll come, I'll come!"

If you didn't know better, you would think they were competing for some sort of reward after seeing this scene.

Lu Yao also felt somewhat relieved.

The little people still believed very much in themselves, the god Yao, and the promises given by the apostles.

After a while, it was displayed on the screen.

[Apostle Baroye prays to you. 】

Lu Yao double-clicked the entry.

The perspective suddenly changed and came to the sky above a piece of magma deep underground.

"Big boss, the hole is right there." Wishing Spirit pointed forward and said. The bead-faced man is also beside it.

This hole is a very standard circle, with deep and pure black inside. It seems that this large hole has not been damaged in any way, and no fortifications have even been built around it to defend or block it.

Lu Yao was a little surprised.

After all these years, the cave is actually still alive.

The lower half of the screen is a stream of hot yellow and red fire, with white gas rising continuously, making the big black hole in the center look a bit weird.

It was like a black sun, as if sinking into the red horizon.

Lu Yao moved his mouse over and it was displayed as [Creation Cave].

The Spell of True Sight cannot obtain any more information.

He tried clicking continuously, only to get a familiar feedback.

[Creation Cave prohibits the prying eyes of gods. 】


Has this hole not been completely opened yet?

After acquiring the Secret Kingdom, Hermes still failed to completely master this hole?

This point puzzled Lu Yao.

Practice brings true knowledge.

Lu Yao used the Apostle Soul Seal to summon Forrest and let the summoned creature try out the depth.

The God-born giant stepped into the magma pool and faced the -1 mark that appeared above his head due to the burning. As soon as it touched the big hole, his body was sucked in.

The giant lost contact.

The first attempt failed.

Lu Yao began to dispatch death squads.

The second person to enter the cave is a skeleton soldier.

Lost contact.

The third one is a dwarf from the short-bearded clan.

Lost contact.

The fourth one is a dragonborn from the Sihai Temple.

Lost contact.

The fifth is a goblin.

Lost contact.

The big black hole is like a big mouth, swallowing up anyone who enters without leaving a trace of echo.

Lu Yao stopped the advance team's actions.

Continuing like this is tantamount to death.

He was a little angry.

The local gods are so rude.

Not opening the door is fine, but arresting people and not letting them go is going too far.

If you are not allowed to play, then everyone should stop playing.

My buddy will give you some fresh wasteland garbage. If you like it, you can eat it as much as you want.

Now, after a long period of cultivation, there is already a large circle of polluted biochemical world in the ring world group.

These biochemical bombs are idle, just see if you can put a small one in, if not, just smash it and dump the waste land and garbage inside.

Just as Lu Yao was planning the famous biochemical pollution method to open the door, the wishing spirit next to him suddenly spoke.

"Big boss, Baroye requests to fight!"

Lu Yao suspected that he was wrong.

Is this still the king of words and the wish-making spirit who never takes action?

Is it possible that after merging with the gathering spirits, even the personality has changed?

Baroye, who looks like a monk in yellow, said: "Baroye can become the big boss's subordinate without having made any achievements. This is the time for Baroye to repay the appreciation of the big boss!"

"No matter what is in the cave, Baroye will enter it without hesitation and try his best to send the news back to the big boss!"

Although I don't know what happened.

Lu Yao asked him to go quickly.


An exclamation point lit up above Baloye's head: "Big Boss, Baloye went to fight the God of Death!"

Lu Yao was speechless for a while.

Barroye is still the same Barroye, a giant of words and a snail of action.

Looking at it like this, it seems that it wants to strive for some performance, but it doesn't want to actually die.

Lu Yao can understand.

However, as an apostle, it is natural to take the lead in such moments.

Lu Yao stared at Baroye, wanting to see what it would do in the end.

As if he felt the pressure brought by God, a fearful expression appeared on the top of Baloye's head, with cold sweat dripping from his head.

"Baroye charged!"

Finally it plunged into the hole.

Lu Yao was satisfied for a while.

Baloye finally overcame his psychological barriers and instinctive withdrawal, and chose loyalty and courage.

Lu Yao confirmed his previous thoughts.

If Baroye can return safely, then everything can be said.

If it doesn't come back after being stuck inside for too long - although it's not easy for an [Undead] to be in danger inside, then use biochemical bombs and blasters to blast the hole, and then rescue the wishing spirit trapped in it.

Feel free to fight, Baroye.

I will take action.

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