God Simulator

Chapter 544 The Evil Dragon Old God

When Kenshin was very young, his father taught him: "No matter what time, remember to maintain a good image, stand with the right posture, and sit with the right posture."

“Most people only see our outside, our outer image, which represents how we appear to other people.”

Kenshin always kept this in mind.

My father himself did the same.

He always wears a clean white or green close-fitting long-sleeved shirt, a black or gray vest, and straight trousers. His hair is tied into a short ponytail behind his head.

Although they are just daily wear, the appropriate and decent clothes, coupled with the father's tall and straight body, always make people's eyes shine and give people a sense of reliability and trust.

After settling in Shacheng, my father made many friends, both men and women.

For example, the famous legendary doctor Fu Jiao would come here every month and let his father cut his hair. Sometimes he would bring a bottle of wine to thank his father for his superb craftsmanship.

"Jicheng, your barbering skills are really amazing."

The funeral doctor often looks into the mirror and sighs: "Is this also the function of the secret method?"


My father just smiled and said, "It's just proficiency."

Kenshin remembered his father once saying that he came from a distant land of secret arts. It was a magical and chaotic country, with various secret societies and organizations, and a wide variety of secrets and spells.

The source of every spell can be traced back to the old gods of the past, and the mystic is the successor to the power of the old gods.

My father does not miss his hometown.

"Some places are better left in memories."

"I think it's not bad now, but if I go back and live in such a chaotic and precarious place, it will be a kind of torture and pain."

My father is a talkative man.

He always patiently answered Kenshin's various doubts.

"Your mother's name is Negative Sword Bing. She was a swordsman from the negative sword clan. She died in a large-scale blood tide in the Blood Hill World."

"The blood tide is a riot of blood elements. It is a natural disaster, just like the sandstorm outside our sand city. The blood tide will be accompanied by the appearance of powerful blood element monsters, and many warriors died in response to the blood tide. They all He is an amazing hero who protects more powerless civilians.”

"As for where she is now, whether she is a ghost or has returned to the Sea of ​​Sinking, I don't know. Maybe one day when she is tired from practicing, she will come back to see us."

My father spoke of my mother's death in a calm and unpretentious way.

In addition to his mother's whereabouts, Kenshin is also interested in his father's secret method.

"My secret method is actually used all the time."

said the father with a smile.

"This secret technique is called [Charm Technique]. It can make people easily accepted and liked by everyone. It is an innate ability of our family."

"Charm can make it easier to get to know people, but this is just the beginning, because the process and results are unpredictable."

My father was able to travel all over the country and obtain the hair-cutting skills passed down from the short-bearded dwarves. He also gained a foothold in Shacheng and was favored by his mother who was cold and arrogant, all because of this secret method.

Kenshin didn't inherit this charm, nor did he get the swordsmanship talent his mother was born with, a family of sword bearers.

He studied in the swordsman department of the local "Forest Academy" in Shacheng, and his ultimate goal was to enter Qianyuan Mountain for further study. However, because his grades were really hard to describe, he failed to graduate in six years, and Kenshin eventually had to drop out and leave school.

After working as a swordsman in the [Supernatural Guild] for several years, Kenshin's elemental sword ability suddenly improved by leaps and bounds. Not only did he realize [Avoidance] and [Stubbornness], but he also awakened the [Theological] trait.

It was as if some kind of switch had been turned on.

Jian Xin thought that maybe his sincere prayer to God Yao aroused the god's mercy.

In the second year, Kenshin found that it was especially easy to make friends. Even if he is just standing there waiting for someone, the men and women passing by may come to say hello, chat with him, and want to get acquainted with him.

Unlike his father, the [Charm Technique] he awakened only affects the opposite sex. Actively activating it will amplify its ability, which is regarded as an advancement of the Charm Technique.

Kenshin wasn't very happy either.

Many things in the world have a time limit.

When I was a child, I liked a wooden sword very much. I thought it was the best treasure in the world. If I could get it, I would own the whole world.

But after that time has passed, the wooden sword will no longer be so attached to it.

In the past, Kenshin worked very hard to study the swordsmanship department, hoping to enter Qianyuan Mountain and become a high-profile and respected elemental swordsman, but now he no longer has this idea.

One day, Kenshin suddenly didn't want to work anymore.

I am not the type to be extravagant and wasteful, I only need three meals a day. I have saved a little money myself, plus a large amount of money sent by my father. I can save a little money and use it for a lifetime.

So Kenshin changed his life.

He lived in the Eternal City for a year, played ice hockey with the giants, taught the Nibelungs basic swordsmanship, and visited the apostle Blood Knight, who was as quiet as a sculpture beside the Eternal Fountain.

Then he went to the Bamboo Reed Kingdom and the Ghost Realm adjacent to Shacheng, where he played the local Arhat game with the bamboo people in [Huanshan City], and also discussed postpartum care for slugs with the ghosts in [Black Rock City].

Kenshin traveled between rich and unique cities, and finally he went to the Sifang Kingdom in the abyss, where he joined the "Old God Society".

The biggest feature of this secret society is that it is relaxed and interesting. Everyone gathers together regularly to talk about their various strange experiences and study the old gods as a common hobby.

Everyone drank tea and mead and chatted all over the place.

Kenshin likes gatherings like this where everyone sits around and tells stories by the fire.

What he didn't expect was that there were some formal scholars in the "Old God Society", such as the red-haired potion master Ma Ji from White Castle, who was also one of the organization's sponsors.

Moji once worked as a monk in the Abyss for two years, and is now engaged in potion-related research in White Castle.

The greatest benefit he brought to the "Old God Society" was to provide some delicious tomato jam, a rare jam that was not available outside.

"The Old Gods are a special group of gods. They have nominally fallen, but their power has not completely disappeared, but exists in a way that we cannot understand for the time being."

Ma Ji said seriously: "I hope you can persist in observing and recording. One day, the veil of the old gods will be unveiled by us, and you will also go down in history and become heroes of the Yao people."

Due to various reasons, neither the seminary nor White Castle has conducted in-depth research on the field of old gods for the time being.

Therefore, Ma Ji had high hopes for the "Old God Society" and gave a lot of help.

Kenshin originally thought that the power of the old gods should be just a rumor. Until he returned to Shacheng to visit his father. In the desert, he personally witnessed the methods that only gods can have.

The desert rose high, as if pulled upwards by invisible hands, and the dunes twisted slowly like water.

Wisps of strange black and silver lines emerged from it, and these lines slowly condensed on the ground, like metal earthworms.

The magic sword on Jian Xin's back was unsheathed, but he was completely unable to enter that strange area.

[Theology] Power can be sensed, which is a display of divine power and miracles.

After returning, Kenshin shared this knowledge with the "Old God Association".

He also began to believe that the old gods might really still be in this world, and that they existed in an invisible way.

After that, Kenshin actively collected information everywhere.

He purchased a [Wind Collector Crystal] and began taking pictures of possible traces of the old gods everywhere.

Whether it is a suspicious and special phenomenon, a strange-shaped rock or tree, or a group of strangely dressed people participating in a secret ceremony, Kenshin will freeze it into the crystal phase.

In this process, Kenshin also encountered a lot of troubles. He was often discovered, criticized and questioned, but the biggest trouble was women.

Women would always appear in front of him and chat with him while he was filming.

Ever since he was a child, he has attracted much attention from the opposite sex.

Whether they are the furry war cats, normal human girls from the Yao tribe, vampire girls, or tree demon girls, they all have a special liking for Kenshin, always greeting him with a smile, and want to make friends with him.

As a child, Kenshin thought this was a completely shameful annoyance. It's not a great talent at all, just good looks.

As he grew up, he gradually reconciled with himself.

My talent is just to be popular with women.

These female friends have also become Kenshin's best source of information. Some of them have also become his past girlfriends, or current girlfriends, or maybe future girlfriends.

One day, Kenshin received reliable information from a girlfriend that there were traces of the old gods in the Secret Kingdom.

So he packed his bags and hurried over as quickly as possible.

Although the Secret Art Country was his ancestral home, Kenshin had only visited it very few times.

Because he doesn't like the environment there.

Most of the cities and settlements in the Kingdom of Secrets are messy, with poor public security and poor sanitary conditions. Drunks and homeless people are everywhere. From time to time, some lunatics who have drunk secret medicine may appear to engage in self-destruction and indiscriminate attacks.

In that environment, just staying safe is a challenge every day.

It's normal for my father not to have any feelings for him after he left.

Girlfriend Ao Chen hugged Jian Xin and refused to let go for a long time.

In the end Kenshin had to push her away resolutely: "Let's get down to business."

Ao Chen said in a calm tone that was completely different from his enthusiastic body: "There are dragon footprints here."

"Dragon clan?"

"Yes. A powerful pure dragon, but you can't see its appearance. You can only see huge footprints and claw marks. There are also traces of divine power around it."

Ao Chen said with a serious face: "To hide a huge and powerful dragon, only the gods can do it. The gods of the Mystical Kingdom, from the previous Lord Mystic Star Crow to the current Lord Seven Sea Monsters, have sent The apostles searched everywhere for this matter, but to no avail."

"All I could think of was that it might be related to the old gods. So I thought of you."


Jian Xin trusted Ao Chen's words.

Because the girl standing in front of me has two fork-shaped horns on her head. She is a dragonborn and is naturally very sensitive to the power and breath of dragons.

"But you have to be careful."

The dragon girl's face was serious: "Not long ago, the invisible dragon destroyed the headquarters of the "Black Temple". The origin seems to be related to the mysterious Lord of the Temple. There are rumors from the outside world that it is the Temple The sacred relics of the Lord were lost in the Resurrection Kingdom, causing the Lord of the Temple to become angry and unleash a dragon disaster..."

"We at the "Sihai Temple" performed sacrifices to heaven and prayed for blessings, but we were unable to learn the name and response of the dragon. The visitor is not malicious, and is probably the old evil dragon god. You must be extra careful, and safety comes first."

Kenshin nodded: "I mainly focus on photographing crystals and will not conflict with dragons."

"Anyway, I will take you to the "Sihai Temple" first and ask the Dragon Ancestor to give you some blessings. In this way, Yao God will bless you, the messenger will bless you, and with the Dragon Ancestor, you will be much safer."

Ao Chen held his hand without any doubt and walked towards the coast.

As she walked, she asked, "I heard that the sacred objects on the altar are in the hands of the Yao people. Is that true?"

"Not sure."

Kenshin said: "This kind of secret is probably only known to the gods and apostles."

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