God Simulator

Chapter 453 The Original Pharaoh

In the 105 battles he led as commander, Charles was invincible. The continuation of victories has given the soldiers strong self-confidence, but it has also accumulated blindness and arrogance.

For a victorious army, the first defeat is the most dangerous.

Charles knew that day would come.

However, what he didn't expect was that while he was recording history and successfully coordinating and negotiating transactions in the Resurrection Kingdom, Inu Castle suffered an unprecedented defeat.

When Charles returned to his hometown, the scene before him was extremely strange to him.

The corpses of undead warriors were everywhere. The living warriors collected the remaining remains of the dead and piled them on the tower as the cornerstone of new life in the future.

The black jackals showed a rare uneasiness and nervousness. They kept sneezing and looked into the distance frequently, as if they were always paying attention to the enemy's movements.

As the guardian of Dog City, the Black Jackal is a ferocious demigod monster. They stand upright, their backs can be flush with the city walls, and when they howl, the undead will also break into pieces in the howl of the wolves.

At this time, many jackals were seriously injured. They were either limping and still insisting on patrolling, or they were lying in the corner licking their wounds.

Charles walked up the steps among the wounded and entered the empty and lonely palace.

The King of Tombs sat on the throne, his insect-like face unchanged.

"Your Majesty, I am reporting back to you. The latest Yao tribe has reached an agreement and this transaction can be carried out at any time. In addition, the war in the kingdom seems to have ended with the mediation of Yao God..."


Khepri interrupted his report and said softly: "Menis is resurrected."

There was an unconcealable exhaustion in Wang's voice.

Charles' heart sank.

This is indeed something serious.

He immediately applied and participated in the front-line battle.

The demigod [Ketchikan] who was considered a rebel in the past has now become an ally in the united front.

"Charles? You're here after all... I thought Kibley would leave you until the last moment of defense. Is the pressure so great? At worst, change places. Do you like the center of the city so much?"

"Or does he really think of himself as the master here? That's really funny."

Ketchikan flapped his wings, looking as sinister as ever.

He is a demigod with distinctive features. He has a huge eagle head made of bones that is disproportionate to his body. His arms are covered with broad and sharp feathers. These feathers are made of pieces of white bones and cover his whole body.

Coupled with the black and red hair between the bones, Ketchikan resembles a human vulture standing on a grave.

Surrounding Ketchikan, there are also strange people whose bodies have transformed into bird forms. Their faces are vague, but they all have bone wings or bone feathers growing on their bodies.

These hundreds of weirdos are Ketchikan's Crow Army.

They are as dexterous and strong as crows, and they can also change illusions, making it difficult for people to distinguish which ones are real crows and which ones are false phantoms, which is very difficult to deal with.

"Even if it were you, the situation would not change... I hope my luck is not too bad today."

Ketchikan's voice suddenly became tense: "Here he comes."

The bone feathers on his body tightened, as if he was facing a powerful enemy.

Charles also focused his gaze forward.

Among the streets and houses in the distance, a tall and vague shadow slowly appeared.

His long and thick legs stepped through the streets of Dog City, crushing the houses and buildings along the way.

The sun shone on his back, casting a long and large shadow on the ground, like some kind of black tide, coming here step by step.

The enemy's whole body was wrapped in a light brown shroud, and only a human figure could be seen.

His body was majestic and stiff, and he walked forward in the sunshine. Wisps of dust seeped out from his body, further obscuring the face of the future person.

This giant mummy wears a red and white crown on its head.

Unlike the dirty shroud, the red and white colors on the high crown are bright and eye-catching, as if they have not been eroded by any dust or time.

Charles clenched his fists.

[The original Pharaoh], Menes.

He is one of the gods of [Falcon God] Horus. After his death, Anubis recovered the incomplete body of the god, embalmed it and buried it, and then moved to Dog City to rest.

Khebley once said.

"Menis is also one of the top ones among the titled gods. Unfortunately, he was killed by a hippopotamus transformed into one of the Nine Pillar Gods [Lord of Power]."

"Lord Anubis was entrusted by Horus and wanted to bring the soul of Menes back from the underworld. But when he went to the underworld, he learned that the ghost of Menes did not arrive there at all, but was captured by the [Lord of Power] After being completely stripped, they were fed to the strange things He raised.”

"In the end, Lord Anubis could only bury the remaining body of Menes...many years later, Horus finally completed his revenge by killing the [Lord of Power]. Lord Anubis also killed the [Lord of Power] 】Part of the body was obtained and buried in Dog City to comfort the fallen Menes. "

The huge god whose face was covered slowly raised his hand, holding a flail staff.

With only a shell left, Menes has long since become a monster of desire.

He raised his flail staff and pointed forward, saying in a vague and hoarse voice: "Forward, forward! Everything under the sun is territory!"

There was a roaring sound from behind.

Behind Menes are mummified soldiers. They were arranged neatly, holding spears and shields, marching towards this side like a colony of ants.

Charles saw it at a glance.

These soldiers are the embodiment of the power of Menes, each of them an empty shell wrapped in a shroud.

But even if they are empty shells, they are still difficult warriors filled with the power of demigods.

These are just a few of Menes' many abilities.

One man becomes an army.

Ketchikan took the lead and flew to entangle Menes himself. The Crow Army also pounced on the mummy army behind.

Charles commanded the undead warriors to cut, detour and outflank the mummy army respectively, trying to prevent them from joining together and trying to defeat them one by one.

However, the soldiers were still fighting fiercely, and Menes had already torn off one of Ketchikan's wings. He grabbed the opposite demigod's skull and lifted it open.

Ketchikan shattered into pieces, turning into an exploding ball of light and numerous turbulent air currents.

Snake-shaped lightning bolts emerged from the ball of light, and they flew around.

"This guy is getting stronger and stronger. You should just run away. I will withdraw first..."

Ketchikan did not die, but abandoned this body and made a strategic retreat.

The battle in Dog City has always been like this.

Rarely will one work until death.

As long as the two sides are serious about it, they will soon know how big the gap is between them.

If they are evenly matched, it will not be easy for them to fight again, and both sides will exercise restraint. If the strength gap is large, the weak will quickly break away from the battle to avoid irreversible trauma and preserve their existing strength.

Therefore, in Dog City, the legion of undead warriors wins more and loses less. One of the reasons is that they are not afraid of death and treat death as if they are fighting every time.

Even if other demigods and monsters are not very intelligent or follow instinct, most of them choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

Just click and stop, this is the battlefield style here.

But Menis is not like that.

The body of the once powerful god emerged from its slumber and transformed into the most chaotic monster.

The monsters at this stage are the most terrifying because they do not have any intelligence and act solely on beast-like instincts. Like a baby with divine power, it is unpredictable and difficult to understand.

Shortly after Charles led the resistance, he also ordered a retreat, leaving behind the bodies of six undead warriors.

Fortunately, Menes did not pursue him. He patrolled around his newly acquired territory with non-existent soldiers.

For this defeat, Kebli did not blame him.

"You also know the actual situation."

He said slowly: "Menes is now unstoppable. Ketchikan and the others keep entering the territory here because they are hunted and pursued by Menes and have to retreat and migrate all the way, so they seem to be causing chaos everywhere..."

Charles asked: "Your Majesty, why did Menes suddenly wake up? Wasn't he sleeping in the seal under the tomb? That was a protective measure specially left by Lord Anubis. Why suddenly..."

"I investigated this matter secretly."

Cable's voice was low: "The seal was destroyed artificially."

"Who is the enemy?" Charles looked serious.

"Do you remember...six hundred years ago, there was a magician who blew a whistle?"

The appearance of a magician in yellow appeared in front of Charles' eyes.

The magician appears to be a human being, but is actually a humanoid golem. That guy was sneaky, and after being caught by the black jackal, he exploded into countless pieces.

"That magician is a descendant of [The Whistleblower]. He is not a normal creature. There are traces of his presence in the sealed area."

Kebli said: "The title of [Whistleblower] refers to a certain power of controlling puppets with a whistle. The corpses of gods scattered throughout Dog City are priceless treasures to that guy."

"He sent his family members to go deep underground, unlock the seal outside [Menes], and awaken him."

Charles became vigilant: "You mean, the magician is still alive and even controlling Menes with a whistle in the dark?"

"No, that's impossible. To control Menis, unless the Whistleblower himself comes here and uses the power of his title, there is only a small chance... The power of the Familia alone is far from enough."

"Now, we have two enemies to deal with."

"Menes is close at hand, and the whistler is hidden in the dark."

Kebli said slowly: "The top priority is to stabilize the situation and not let it get worse. I have a certain understanding of Menis. He is not a madman who advocates force. His instinct is actually... to pursue victory and collect loot. "

"If you give him what you don't have, Menes will stop attacking."

"This is a long-term job, and gifts cannot be repeated... We need a lot of items. Charles, contact the Yao people and ask the Yao god behind them if they are willing to start a new deal."

Charles knew it.

Gifting items free of charge is actually a tribute.

Lord Cable's flexibility made him admire him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I will definitely try my best to facilitate this new deal with the Yao people!"

Charles raised his head and chest.

"Go ahead...I'm waiting for your good news."

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