God Simulator

Chapter 425 Everything has a price

Lu Yao returned to the temple and asked about Pu Xi and Zhi Chong.

Bart Fry said: "Lord God, the Intelligent Insect and the Black-Hearted Duke have cooperated in the past. When the Duke sent someone to contact the Intelligent Insect, it did not inform us immediately."

"It contacted the Duke for about a year before informing Mayor Botu of the matter. The reason for the Intellectual Bug's delay was that it said it needed to further observe the Duke's movements to determine their true intentions and avoid alerting the enemy."

"This is also the reason why I have some doubts about it, so in this frontline battle, I asked the intelligent insects to participate to prove my loyalty."

King Yan continued: "We have always known that people from various forces on the fifth level have been mixed into Sifang City. Considering that it is cumbersome and laborious to check these people one by one, it will also affect the homeless and extraordinary people who really want to migrate here. Therefore, we choose to be tight on the outside and keep a close eye on key suspicious persons.”

"If we can make good use of it, these spies from all the forces on the fifth level and the scattered cross-border people will help the Quartet to carry out propaganda on the fifth level and further absorb the population of all parties on the fifth level."

Lu Yao thinks there is nothing wrong with this idea.

The Sifang countries do not engage in isolation, and the display of comprehensive strength is also a deterrent.

Due to the regional environmental differences in the abyss, the planting and animal husbandry on the fourth level cannot be copied to the fifth level. This also makes the food of the Sifang Kingdom a dominant industry for long-term export.

"This strategy ultimately proved successful."

The mountain golem said proudly: "The population of the Sifang Kingdom continues to grow, and the vast majority of them are immigrants. They heard about the development of the Sifang Kingdom on the fifth floor, came through the cracks out of curiosity, and then chose to settle down for a long time. ”

"According to the natural reproduction of the Sifang Kingdom, the population growth is very slow. The fertility rate of extraordinary people is generally low, and the largest proportion of the fifth-level population is ordinary people such as abyss nomads."

"The homeless people near the crack passage on the fifth floor have come to the Sifang Kingdom one after another. What hinders the further growth of the population of the Sifang Kingdom is the restriction of the region itself. Because there is a mage tower on one side of the crack, and on the other side are the Chicken King Dalia and the Bone King Nidia. These demigods who own territories will also rob the population, making it difficult for homeless people to escape from their territories..."

"I'm sorry, sir, when it comes to government affairs, it involves far-reaching matters, but it won't do if we don't talk about it."

King Rock brought the topic back: "The black-hearted Duke Stoker wants to use the intellectual insects to understand the current true strength of the Sifang Kingdom, and also to determine the attitude of the intelligent insects themselves."

"Both of these points, the Intelligent Insect has also clearly told the other party that it is your follower and a member of the Sifang Kingdom. However, Stoker does not seem to believe it. He suspects that the Intelligent Insect may be Noland's internal agent... "

Lu Yaoxin said that this suspicion was normal.

Intelligent Insect and Noland are also old acquaintances.

Speaking of which, Zhi Chong is really good at managing interpersonal relationships.

Although he is a member of the Cursed Insect, all the forces give him face.

"Later, Stoke got into trouble in Puxi. To be precise, the [Golden Plate Ritual] in Puxi had the greatest impact on Stoke, because among the three demigod lords on the fifth floor, only Stoke was extremely Relying on exported goods to obtain resource supplies.”

Stoke's dilemma starts with the spectacle [Er Tang Jialan].

This wonder has two halls: the public hall and the dining hall.

The hall is where monks gather to practice. The Jialan monks here will meditate in their respective positions and learn from the Jialan protector statue.

The dining hall is a place where monks donate food to outsiders. It is said to be a canteen, but it is more like a charity hall to the outside world.

These two places had to operate non-stop. Stoker had to give alms every day, and he had to try to recruit more people to become monks and meditate.

In order to distribute more food, Stoker always added grass roots, leaves and sand to the food he gave. Later, for better effects, he ground all the food with these ingredients into powder and cooked it. Gumbo.

In addition to the abyss nomads, there are also various wild animals that receive alms, including many extraordinary creatures. When they were hungry, they could only hold their noses and drink the canteen soup.

The nickname of the Black-Hearted Duke of Stoke also partly comes from this.

However, the efforts to maintain Ertang Jialan will be rewarded.

This spectacle can summon the powerful Jialan protector to join the battle, and also allows the monks to condense the Almighty Stone through meditation and practice. After the monks die, they will be cremated, and the Almighty Stone will precipitate from the corpses.

"...But this is just Stoker's external statement. Calculated based on the number of monks' deaths, it is simply not enough to support the large-scale sales of omnipotent stones. Ertang Jialan must have other ways to produce or collect omnipotent stones."

King Yan paused for a moment: "According to the information obtained by Sifang Kingdom, the number of Jialan monks in Ertang Jialan is about 2,000."

"To become a monk, you must meditate day after day and participate in giving alms. Most people cannot endure this ascetic life for a long time. Monks must be consistent in their words and deeds. If they cannot persist, they will Eventually the name of the monk will disappear."

"The total population of the Stoke territory is around 100,000, of which at least 50,000 are serving Ertang Jialan, participating in trade exchanges with the outside world, and looking for monk candidates."

Lu Yao understood.

In order to maintain the operation of Ertang Jialan, the black-hearted Duke Stoker not only had to trick people into becoming monks, but also had to stabilize the monk team and consider the issue of charity in the canteen.

It can only be said that he has mastered a miracle that has a high upper limit but is extremely difficult to operate.

The demigod Puxi led the Jinpan merchants to commit fraud everywhere, causing great damage to the trade ecology of the fifth layer of the abyss. The demigods, who had no mutual trust to begin with, further tightened trade, which was a major blow to Stoke, which needed to import a large amount of food.

Hence, the scene where he sent businessman Piz to discuss with the intellectual insects.

Stoker hopes to reach official level cooperation with the Quartet countries as soon as possible to obtain stable food import supplies and further crack down on fraud in Puxi.

Most of the ghosts and ghosts in Puxi are represented by [Golden Plate Ceremony] merchants, but it is difficult to pinpoint his location.

Unfortunately, there is no such number one figure in the World Encyclopedia, and there is no way to check it out.

Just when Lu Yao was worried, Noland, who had just joined the team, volunteered.

"Lord God, I have a way to find Puxi."

Apostle No. 11 said: "In my [Spell Bag], there is a high-level spell called [Object Tracking]. As long as I use this golden dice that I have never touched since I bought it from Puxi, I can Find his trace."

The masked koala showed a hint of pride on his face: "Originally, I wanted to punish this guy at the critical moment, but now it can come in handy."

Lu Yao asked him to do it faster.

The only problem is that the spells taken out of Noland's [Spell Bag] are random.

It summarizes some practical tips when using it specifically, such as adjusting the mana consumption to filter out the spell level.

For example, if Noland only wants a simple [Lighting Spell], he only needs to invest 10 mana points. It is randomly selected from a bunch of low-level spells, and the probability of pulling out [Lighting Spell] is relatively high.

In other words, as long as you have taken out a spell before, you will know its mana cost. Next time you adjust your mana, the possibility of taking out the same spell will greatly increase.

"[Object Tracking] is a high-level spell, so the mana cost is adjusted to about 850."

The koala said as he dug his paws into the bag on his belly.

It picked and picked out a ball of light.

The ball of light suddenly bloomed and turned into many pink bubbles, covering almost half of the temple.

Small fairies with slender bodies flew out from between the bubbles. It was difficult to tell whether they were male or female, but they were all handsome in appearance. The fairies sang ethereal songs, danced around the koala, and rubbed its ears and shoulders.

Lu Yao saw an entry appearing behind Noland's [Spell Bag].

[Fairy Township]: Summon a group of legendary fairies, let them stay here for a short time, and dedicate their singing, dancing, flattery and praise to the user.

Summon a fairy idol group?

Lu Yao looked at the koala with suspicion.

What kind of magic does this guy usually study? The God of Darkness commented that Noland was not doing his job properly. Lu Yao initially thought it was due to differences in training routes, but now he was a little suspicious.

"Listen to my explanation...this was purely a mistake, a mistake."

The koala wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his paw: "It's a random problem with the spell bag."

It waved its claws, and the pink bubbles around it suddenly dissipated.

Noland put his claws into his pocket again.

It grabbed a second ball of light.

The ball of light burst, and countless lightning burst out from it. Noland quickly grabbed it and threw it into the air, then lay down on the ground...

After experiencing uncontrollable spells such as burning fire, flooding mountains with water, and spreading poisonous mist, Noland, who was looking embarrassed, finally grabbed a scroll from the ball of light.

"This is it!"

The koala said excitedly: "Lord God, this is it. Please wait a moment, and I will mark Puxi for you to find it."

It carefully took out a crystal box and dropped the golden dice inside on the scroll.

A picture slowly appeared on the scroll.

On the screen, there is a traveler holding a long pole.

His body was completely covered by robes, his face wore a brass mask, and his exposed arms and legs were also covered in brass armor. He was carrying a backpack that was larger than a human being, and the golden disc shone with metallic luster behind the backpack. .

He was at the entrance of a forest, talking to a homeless person passing by.

"This is... the Duel Forest."

Noland recognized it at a glance: "It turns out that this guy went there to deceive people. Recently, Hu Yizi's cavalry is attacking a demigod over there, and Puxi always appears in turbulent places."

Lu Yao suddenly noticed that Pu Xi opened his hand to the homeless man and raised his brass index finger to point to the sky.

The homeless man raised his head in a daze and looked at the golden disk floating above his head. His eyes were coated with a layer of gold, and then returned to normal.

At this time, a very satisfied smile appeared on the homeless man's face. He kissed Pu Xi's metal hand, as if he was making an oath, and his eyes became fanatical and sick.

Noland said: "Lord God, this is the Golden Plate Ceremony. Puxi used seduction and deception to make many homeless people become his gold plate merchants... These gold plate merchants usually look normal, and they only hold gold plate ceremonies." Madness only comes out during rituals.”

Lu Yao could feel that time was getting shorter and shorter.

This cancer must be dealt with as soon as possible while the body is still functioning.

The Duel Forest is located in the southeast corner of the fifth floor, adjacent to the Mage Tower to the west and Hu Yizi's territory to the north.

Fortunately, Noland used a specific spell to build a portal, which was enough to traverse a large area of ​​territory in a short time and reach the outskirts of the forest.

Lu Yao stood not far from this spectacle.

It is said to be a forest, but it is actually a bunch of low trees less than a person tall.

They cling tightly to each other, and the texture of the leaves and trunks is close to plastic, giving them a sense of self-righteousness and falseness, like some kind of garden scenery.

Lu Yao was not surprised. The Duel Forest is also part of the [Miniature Empire], and the [Inherited Mage Tower] is a reduced model, but the style here remains the same.

The Duel Forest is one of the four wonders on the fifth level. Although it is occupied by the worms, anyone can use the ability of this wonder: a showdown of life and death.

If two or more people walk into the Duel Forest together, they will be lost and wander in it. Only one person left alive can find the way out of the forest.

Lu Yao stared at the plastic forest ahead.

[Duel Forest]:

A forest that was originally used by people for duels has shrunk for unknown reasons and has a special curse attached to it. Those who enter the forest will also be shrunk simultaneously and receive a mark reminder. If they cannot complete the duel, they will never be able to leave.

【Duel Curse】

Anyone who enters will trigger the curse, and the curse will be lifted only when there is only one living person left in the same group. If only one living person enters, the living person will be lost in the forest until the next living person enters, triggering the duel curse together.

[Survivor Reward]

If there is only one survivor left in the entire forest, he will be able to share the power drawn by the curse of the Duel Forest until the second survivor enters.

Duel Forest's ability is a curse type, similar to Battle Royale, the competition is who can survive in the end. In this game of survival, strength is as important as brains.

The first and last worms are entrenched here, obviously to monopolize the [survivor reward], wait for work inside, and hunt down those who enter for various reasons.

And it can crowd out the crickets, parasitic insects and intelligent insects, and monopolize this place, and its strength is only stronger than other curse insects. We need to solve it to capture this wonder, which means we need to send apostles into the Duel Forest?

Lu Yao suddenly realized that it seemed like he didn't have to go to that trouble at all.

The wonders on the fifth level are all ownerless things. As long as you use the power of faith to transform them, all demigods will be unable to use them - they cannot use the fire of faith to take them back.

In other words, as long as you are willing, you can easily capture these four wonders and piece them together into an incomplete version of the [Miniature Empire].

However, Puxi must be dealt with first, and it is not appropriate to alert the enemy.

Lu Yao walked towards the plastic forest. As he got closer, the low trees became taller and stronger visibly, and the scale of the forest seemed to suddenly expand.

He knew that it was not that the tree had grown taller, but that he had shrunk.

At the entrance outside the forest, Puxi, dressed in striking clothing, is still there.

He is like a classic businessman in various game copies, standing there quietly, waiting for adventurers who come to buy various props at high prices.

Lu Yao looked at the demigod who had found no such person, but only saw a string of garbled characters.

Sure enough there is a problem.

He called up the [Curse of True Vision], and the opponent's data panel slowly appeared on his pupils.

[Liquor Sacrifice LV97] Hu Yizi

HP: 86559/86559

Mana: 12561/19002

Damage: 268

Defense: 198

Speed: 14

【Wisdom LV22】

【Thick skin】


A race transformed by the God of Greed.

【Golden Plate Ceremony】

By performing this ritual, other individuals are given the [Bewitching] ability. Participants in the ritual can pray through this ritual and be guided by the ability holder.


By drinking various alcoholic drinks, one's own attributes can be temporarily slightly improved.

[Heavy Attack Mastery LV30]

When attacking, there is a chance to cause additional damage and put the opponent into [Stiffness] state.

【Drunken Tiger LV4】

[Exclusive ability of Hu Yizi] Hu Yizi drinks a large amount of strong alcohol and transforms into a drunk tiger. He is not affected by any negative status and is in a state of continuous change in speed, making it impossible for the enemy to judge the attack method and frequency.

Lu Yao suddenly realized.

It turns out that the so-called Puxi is a vest created by Hu Yizi.

He holds some kind of unknown prop that can change his appearance and hide his identity.

Moreover, this guy is also a dependent of the [God of Greed].

Lu Yao flipped through the world backstage.

The God of Darkness only has one line to comment on Hu Yizi.

"A fool who bets against himself."

Both Noland and Bart Fry rated Hu Yizi as a militant.

Hu Yizi is the one who has fought the most external battles among the three demigods. He has been conquering and conquering other demigods all year round.

Contrary to Noland, who is steady and steady, Hu Yizi's men are all cavalry, and they plunder in the wild all year round. Because of his ferocious and arrogant behavior, the demigods adjacent to his territory all banded together to resist Hu Yizi.

It is difficult for Puxi, who strongly advocates attack and Hu Yizi and likes to hide in the dark to carry out fraudulent trade, to associate these two characters together.

Lu Yao was not interested in what motives or conspiracies he had.

Today I mainly came here to teach him a lesson.

We have to let Puxi know that there will be no good results if we come to Yao God's territory to cheat and kidnap him.

Lu Yao stood in front of Hu Yizi.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and a dull voice came from under the brass mask: "Customer, do you need any help? Whether you need some kind of props or someone, Puxi will do our best for you. ”

Lu Yao said: "I want to buy something from you."

"What do you want to buy?"

"Are there any epic props?"

Hu Yizi was stunned: "That kind of thing doesn't exist in the abyss."

"A spectacle will do, too."

"...Sorry, no."

Lu Yao nodded: "The goods are not all available. This is not a good way to do business."

Hu Yizi clutched his cane and seemed to be holding back his anger.

"Then I'll give you something and you can estimate the price."

"Please take it out and have a look."

Lu Yao raised his hand and grabbed it, and there was a [flavor storage tank LV3] in his hand.

Hu Yizi observed it for a moment: "The fire props are of lower level and of poor quality. I can give you 120 Almighty Stones."

Lu Yao sneered.

This price reduction is indeed like a profiteer.

He put away the Taoist soldiers and took out another [Paper Taoist Soldier LV7].

The other party looked at it for a moment and said: "The fire prop is of medium to low level and of average quality. I can give you 240 Almighty Stones."

Lu Yao took out another shiny stone.

"What about this?"

Seeing the luminous stone on his claws, Hu Yizi froze suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it: "This is... a godhead?"

"You are not a wise insect. It is impossible for a wise insect to possess godhead!"

"Who are you?"

Faced with this problem, Lu Yao just played with the godhead in his hand: "You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. But things like identity are actually not important."

"I'm here to do business with you today."

Lu Yao said: "I respect the rules of businessmen. Everything has a price. So, now I want you to measure how much you are worth?"


Hu Yizi was silent for a while: "I can't measure my own price."

"So, what's the price the God of Greed will give you?"

"who are you?"

He took a step back, looking extra alert and nervous.

Lu Yao smiled slightly: "I am your customer, and you need to give me a satisfactory price to buy your right to survive here. So, give me a price first."

Hu Yizi seemed to have finally realized something. He held the cane with both hands and his voice was trembling: "In and out of the abyss, descending on behalf of others, holding the divine head... You have inherited the legacy of the God of Darkness!"

His tone also became a little excited.

"If I could be your God, I would tell you everything I know, truthfully tell you everything I know, and devote all my strength to you!"

The price Hu Yizi set for himself was quite high.

It's a pity that Lu Yao doesn't like to bargain.

"I've estimated the price for you."

Lu Yao said: "The conclusion is that it is not worth buying."

He raised his hand and the divine giant walked out of the white mist, shrouding Hu Yizi who was trying to escape in its huge figure...

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