God Simulator

Chapter 387 Sacred Contract

Behind the twelve tall white columns and vaults is the entrance hall with gray stone floors. Hanging lights are hung on the domes, illuminating the ground with a discernible light.

This building has stood in Yancheng for hundreds of years, but now it is deserted.

Bulma felt a pang of regret.

It’s not that people have lost their enthusiasm for museums—in fact, there has never been one, not in the past, and not now.

But because the adjacent Wonderful Zoo was overcrowded, there was a long queue outside, and citizens rushed to buy tickets to enter. In comparison, the free museum seems even more deserted.

Buma worked in Yaocheng before.

There was no museum in Yaocheng, but there was an ale theater. The Temple Society had considered building a theological museum, but it was later abandoned.

The reason is still due to the tightening of funds in Yaocheng. After the Almighty Stone contamination, even big cities like the Shuangcheng City suffered severe economic damage. Thousands of fire and gas stoves turned into single-furnace beasts and ran away. Many jobs can only be completed by manpower. The economy has been in recession for many years. .

As a carpenter, Buma almost lost his job in Yaocheng.

The reason lies in the scholars and apprentices who studied architecture, engineering and surveying in Yaocheng theological college. After they graduated, their salaries became less, so each of them started doing sculptures, drawings and handmade products to earn some extra money.

As soon as the regular army came out, half-way monks like Buma were crushed to pieces and completely ignored.

So he left Yaocheng and came to Yancheng, which had a stronger business atmosphere, to look for opportunities.

The Museum of Old Times has been a place he has cherished since he was a child. Many legendary and precious cultural relics of the Yao people, ancient books and works of art are quietly displayed in this building.

Bulma stepped into the door with a feeling almost like a pilgrimage.

The structure inside the museum is U-shaped. The passage starts from the entrance of the left corridor and winds around to the right corridor for the exit.

In the venue, independent exhibition windows are surrounded by hemp ropes, and there are wooden signs recording and describing the collections beside them.

The first artifact in the museum is a piece of hard black fur. It is hung on a three-pronged shelf and looks like a rough leather coat that has not yet been processed.

Bulma knew at a glance that it was [the skin of a demonic black bear].

The wooden sign in the window is written in Yao, Bo and Elf languages.

"The Skin of the Demonic Black Bear (Before Yao): God Jack's followers wore black bear skins and transformed themselves into bears with magic to attack the Garlic tribe. The hero headhunter and fishermen fought bravely with them, and Yao God killed them with miraculous lightning... "

Bulma continued to move forward, watching as he walked.

[The first prophet Nong Lai’s stone shovel]

[The walking stick of the Shaman Hunting Barn]

He stopped.

Here is a special huge glass wall with grids of glass on it to publicly display the first twelve volumes of the "Book of Yao", a total of one hundred and twenty volumes.

Anyone who wishes can request from the museum to purchase a complete copy of the Book of Yao. Many businessmen will collect a set, which not only represents their piety to the gods, but also represents a style.

Over the years, only mathematician Shang Wu has analyzed some equations and basic operations from it, but no one has been able to really crack the mystery of this book.

Scholars of all ages believe that "The Book of the God of Yao" is the most dazzling crown of the Yao people's wisdom. If someone can decipher it, he will definitely receive a special award from the gods.

Buma looked at the parchment that recorded the divine text with awe.

He is a person who has never even been admitted to the academy, so naturally he cannot understand. Because I can't understand it, I am even more in awe.

At this time, a voice came from Bulma's ear.

"Is it almost done? Come back quickly, fire it up, fire it up."

Bulma held his trembling left arm under his long sleeves with his right hand: "I just came...don't be in a hurry, I'll go back in the evening."

"I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry!"

The voice urged: "I have found a way to deal with you, come and fire it quickly."


Bulma walked to a hidden corner nearby, lowered his voice and said to his left hand: "Go back after dark, don't rush. It will be troublesome if someone discovers you."

The sound disappeared.

Bulma breathed a sigh of relief.

He moved to Yancheng. Apart from the fact that it was difficult to find a job in Yaocheng, another reason was because of this guy who was talking.

Bulma's roommate and chess king.

Yaocheng provides many free urban benefits and subsidies, but they are basically aimed at experts in various fields, such as urban scholars, skilled craftsmen, or farmers or engineers with rich experience.

There are many young people, like Buma, who have not been able to obtain subsidy quotas.

Buma lives in a self-made tent outside the city. It's not that there is no place to live in the city. The temple provides collective housing, but the people there are mixed and crowded.

In addition, Buma is a carpenter, so digging, grinding, and knocking are inevitable, and it is easy to annoy people if he is next to them. There are also city guards patrolling outside the city, and the soldiers have also set up sentry posts and fire towers, so safety is not a problem.

One night, after Buma finished playing tribal war chess with a chess friend, he was still unfinished and continued to deduce tactics on the chessboard.

He has no other interests except playing chess.

The pace of life in Yaocheng is slow and there are many chess friends. Buma often plays chess with others. Whether he is playing classic games or new rules and new chess sets, he always wins more than he loses.

Just as he was thinking about new tactics, a passerby asked to play with him.

Bulma readily agreed.

Both sides fired five blows in a row, and Bu Maquan killed the opponent under his horse.

From that day on, this passerby came every day and slept with Buma for a whole month.

In the end, passersby wondered: "Why can't I beat you in a game?"

Bulma told him: "You always attack quickly and never defend. As long as I insist on defensive counterattack, I can restrain you. You should develop new routines."

"That makes sense."

The passer-by showed up again half a month later and lost again.

"Why do you win when I play defensive counterattack and you play fast attack?"

Bouma said: "Because I am playing tug-of-war, tug-of-war can open up defensive space. After your pieces are pulled apart, the defensive formation is messed up and you cannot stop the attack."

Passers-by keep coming to challenge, always win less and lose more, and lose again and again.

Bu Ma saw that this man was also a chess fanatic, so he often compared skills with him.

The passerby was tall and had a clear and deep voice. He put on a large black scholar's robe, and wore armor that covered his face tightly, looking mysterious and mysterious.

Bulma asked him what his name was, and he called himself the chess king.

The chess king never shows his true colors. He always disappears during the day and only appears at night to duel with Bulma on the chessboard.

The two sides played chess to become friends, which lasted for three years.

The chess king said: "We played a total of 1,092 games. I won 184 games and lost 908 games. I have played with many skilled chess players, but I have never lost so miserably."

"You are such a superb chess player, but you are living in a difficult situation. How about you pass on all your chess skills to me and I will help you become famous?"

Bulma smiled and said: "Okay. This is a great deal for me."

"As you say, let's make a contract."

The chess king's body suddenly flashed with light, and he recited solemnly: "The great Yao God above, please Mr. Pinkman as a witness to the sacred contract. I hereby solemnly promise that the person in front of me will be a joint holder of my power." No matter how sick or weak he is, I will never leave him until the day he dies."

Bulma was stunned for a moment.

The other party reminded: "Now you also learn how to take an oath like me, and pass on your chess skills to others without hiding anything."

Buma said nervously: "The great God Yao...I will teach the people in front of me the art of chess without any hidden motives..."

This ritual is quickly completed.

The black clothes on the chess king's body fell off, revealing the silver armor underneath that looked dazzling under the moonlight. The armor was engraved with fine brass-colored relief patterns, which looked noble and mysterious.

Bumaxin said, no wonder the chess king had to put on a long robe and swagger around in such armor, fearing that he would attract attention wherever he went.

After a moment, the chess king's armor suddenly fell apart and floated in the air. It was empty inside, with no one in the armor at all.

The chess king is this armor!

This armor immediately wrapped around Bu Ma and completed its reorganization and fit on his body.

The dumbfounded Bu Ma suddenly turned into a knight with copper patterns and silver armor, and an unprecedented power flowed and lingered throughout his body.

Bulma felt as if he was integrated with the armor. The armor was his skin and hair, and he was connected by blood to every deck.

The voice of the chess king came from the armor: "From today on, you are the temple warrior contracted by me [chess king]. You and I are each other's inner and outer, and we rely on each other."

Temple warrior?

The legendary bodyguard of the gods...the true identity of the chess king is the Stigmata.

Bulma was not ecstatic, but rather at a loss and stammered: "I, I don't know how to fight? How can I, a carpenter, become a temple warrior?"

"I have decided that you will be the temple warrior."

The chess king said without any doubt: "The decision lies with us [Holy Wishes]. You meet my [chess king] requirements. If I say you can do it, you can do it."

"Also, you should move to Yancheng as soon as possible. There are already other holy wishes here, and there is a shortage of manpower there."

Just like that, Bulma was transformed into a temple warrior without any preparation.

Contrary to outside rumors, the number of holy wishes is very small.

According to what the Chess King said, there are currently only three people in the world, namely [Pyro Man], [Mr. Why] and [Chess King].

The third of them was based on the transformation and awakening of [Stigma Armor] under the intervention reaction, and was recognized by the apostles. Since the Holy Wish abilities have different characteristics, they are also very different from each other.

The core ability of [Chess King] is [Everything in the world is like chess].

This ability is not a pure combat spell, but more like a calculation and deduction.

For example, Bulma could clearly feel now that there were a total of 21 people in the entire museum including the guards.

To the southeast behind him was an old man with a crooked mouth and a cane. He was walking towards the [Old Gods Exhibition Room] with an excited expression on his face - he seemed to have a hidden worship or belief in one of the old gods.

At the exit at the other end of the corridor, a child was wiping his nose with his sleeve, staring at the modern collection "Dawn of the Kingdom" and the famous "Lying". Both paintings were painted by the great painter Tiese .

While the child was watching, his fingers were still moving slightly, as if he were holding an invisible pen, imitating the paintings of famous artists in the glass showcase.

The ability to play things like chess is to be able to use bird's-eye view and full vision within a certain range to deduce everyone's next move. The longer the ability lasts, the more tired Bulma will be, and the accuracy of the deduction will continue to decrease.

However, this ability made Buma's carpentry work improve by leaps and bounds, and his waste of wood was greatly reduced!

Just by using [Everything is Like a Chess], he can carve it out in his mind and choose the most perfect path to complete the work.

Now Bulma's work is completely inseparable from it!

While Bulma was visiting the museum, the voice of the chess king came from his left arm armor.

"There are similar ones."

Bulma came to his senses.

Other temple warriors?

The chess king said: "It's [Mr. Why]"

Buma started the world like chess and immediately locked the position of his peers.

It was a thin man wearing a black robe. He stood next to the "Book of God Yao" and said softly: "The wisdom of Master Yao God is really unreachable... I don't know what is hidden in this book." . I really want to see the day when someone can explain the divine book.”

The other party smiled gently at Bulma from the side, with wrinkles like scales at the corners of his eyes.

Bulma was slightly excited.

It turns out that the contractor of [Mr. Why] is Mr. Long Ji, the prophet of Yaocheng.

He is also a temple warrior.

Thanks: Curve Circle supports 1000 starting coins.

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