God Simulator

Chapter 384 Brother, give me another try

Ono was shocked by the high standard diet proposed by the horse-headed man.

Are aberrations so particular about what they eat?

Ono's impression of the Aberrant Beast is that of an elusive steam monster in the wild, arrogant, violent, and moody.

They have very diverse subspecies.

The most common ones are the single-furnace beasts that appear in jungles, mountains and plains.

One-furnace beasts are shaped like wild boars, with brass bodies shining with metallic luster. They chew large amounts of dead branches and leaves to keep the fire burning in their bodies.

If anyone dares to disturb their feeding, they will savagely attack them. The single-furnace beast that rushed at high speed was like a large boulder rolling down the mountain. It would easily smash into wooden houses.

Ono once encountered a single-furnace beast in the wild.

The other party recognized the fire burning in his body, sprayed steam at Onoguchi, warned him not to set foot on his territory, and then continued to swallow the fallen leaves and dead grass on the ground.

Single-furnace beasts are the lightest type of aberrant beasts. They are formed by the distortion of a single fire and steam furnace. Their lethality and size are relatively limited, and they rely on the numerical advantage of the group to deter the enemy.

The next level up is the multi-furnace monster.

As the name suggests, it is an aberration with at least two furnaces as its heart.

For example, there are a large number of fire buffaloes living in the Aegir volcano area outside Yaocheng in the east. Among the buffalo herds, there are particularly strong golden or silver fire buffaloes, which are a type of multi-furnace monster.

There is a big gap between the upper and lower limits of multi-furnace monsters. Each additional furnace brings not only an increase in strength and speed, but also usually accompanied by the strengthening of characteristics and even the awakening of some abilities.

Further up is the top of the aberration, the aberration.

The aberrants are the golden-eyed silver dragons that soar in the sky, the ship whales that have no natural enemies in the deep sea, the sixtieth beasts that carry huge roses on their backs, and the gray knights incarnated by the Dwarf Fortress.

They define the strongest form of distortion.

Ono observed the aberrant beast in front of him.

The horse-headed man is a multi-furnace monster deformed from an old steam carriage and has two furnaces.

It expresses clearly and uses language skillfully. That commanding posture is completely unlike a deformed beast that represents savage power.

"How about sending a beggar away with just a little bit of low-quality coal?"

The horse-headed man crossed his arms and glanced disdainfully at the fuel on the ground.

"These are the only things. I'll ask the boss for you next time."

Ono suddenly thought: "The boss said that you like to steal coal from people's hands. What's going on?"

"I just saw that the guy was upset. He was running around, beeping non-stop, and punched him twice."

The horse-headed man puffed out a stream of white air from his nose: "Later, I felt that he was quite pitiful as a part-time worker, so I took a symbolic bite to give him face."

I see.

Ono asked curiously: "You have a strong sense of wisdom. Are there any multi-furnace monsters that are born with wisdom?"

"My bloodline is not comparable to those of ordinary aberrant beasts."

There was a hint of pride in the horse-headed man's voice: "I was made by Mr. Shang Xun, the father of the steam carriage. Mr. Shang Xun's wife, Ms. Rose, often took me out for rides."

"After the large-scale pollution, Mr. Shang Xun asked Mr. Pinkman to help me enlighten and stabilize my wisdom... I was born with the blessing of the apostle."

"My father is a great hero and the father of fire and steam carriages. My mother is the Rose Messenger of the Valley of the Gods. My godfather is the Apostle Pinkman."

"On the day I was born, all White Castle scholars sent congratulations. Because of my appearance, the world had the definition of a fire and steam carriage... I am the prototype of all subsequent carriages, and I am also a witness and starter of the age of fire and steam."

"I am the Son of the Wind in the Valley of the Gods, the night watchman in the Rose Garden, and the never-ending runner in the Eastern Continent!"

"Remember my name, Daxiang. I allow you to call me Mr. Daxiang."

Ono was stunned for a while before, but when he heard the last name, his mouth that was tightly closed still let out a puff.

But immediately, he restrained himself.

"You were snickering just now, right?"

Daxiang looked at him coldly: "You think my name is ridiculous?"

"No, my nose is a little itchy."

Ono explained and asked in confusion: "You come from a famous family, why did you choose such a... simple name?"

"It's not a random name."

Daxiang said with a straight face: "Mr. Shang Xun believes that heroes and legends come from the people, and greatness and creation also come from the ordinary. This is his expectation for me and the future. It symbolizes the power of the general public and can also create brilliant things." history and inventions.”

Ono was in awe.

Regarding the father of the steam carriage, Ono only knew that he was a genius who seemed to be born with talents far beyond his peers.

The appearance of Shang Xun not only solved the problem of the brass furnace dragon in White Castle, but also invented the fire and steam carriage, completely bringing the fire and steam furnace device into the lives of ordinary people.

That kind of amazing person who is out of reach is such a down-to-earth and humble idea.

Xiao Zhili was very impressed.

He asked: "Mr. Daxiang, why did you come to this pet shop?"

Generally speaking, when aberrations enter the city, most of them are captured. They are a kind of monster that cannot be tamed, maintaining the most ferocious wildness...but some people still want to raise aberrant beasts just for viewing and showing off.

Uncle Yanbu often said something.

——It’s really hard to say what the tastes of rich people are.

So with Daxiang's status in the Valley of Gods, even poachers can't steal it.

"Of course I did it on purpose."

The horse-headed man said: "In the past, no matter where I went, I would always receive welcome and preferential treatment. I am too far away from the people, and now I want to experience the experience of ordinary aberrant beasts."

"At a suitable time, I will reveal my identity, slap those guys in the face, and have some fun. Mr. Shang Xun and Ms. Hongye have left the Valley of the Gods for many years, and it is too boring for me to stay there. Remember to keep this matter a secret , don’t tell anyone else.”

Ono nodded.

"I'm telling you this because I think you look quite pleasing to the eye, so I can make friends with you... um... stay away from me, hurry up, stay away from me."

Daxiang suddenly let out a low roar, and his body kept shaking.

Ono quickly retreated to the door.

Then, Daxiang's eyes turned into a cold leaden gray. A large amount of steam emitted from its heavy horse's head, a low hissing sound came from its mouth, and its taut body pulled the chain with a clanking sound.

Wildness controls Daxiang.

In the next few days, Ono went to take care of Daxiang every day.

Daxiang is sometimes normal and sometimes crazy, but he always tells Ono before going berserk, so he has strong self-control.

On the fourth day, Daxiang asked Ono to unchain him so that he could move his body.

"Sorry, can't do it."

Ono sticks to his job responsibilities.

"I think you don't understand at all. Now if you listen to me, I will give you Almighty Stones in the future, a lot of Almighty Stones. Do you understand? How much do you earn here? So why are you so serious?"

"Just a convenience between friends."

No matter what Daxiang said, Ono just shook his head.


The horse-headed man sneered: "You don't regard me as a friend at all, you are really hypocritical."


At this time, Shang Zi walked in from the warehouse door. She smiled and said, "Daxiang, put away those little tricks of yours. This kid Xiaoye knows very well what to do and what not to do."

"Don't flatter yourself. The identity you brag about does not belong to you at all. It was Mr. Shang Xun and Miss Hongye's original car "Sihai". As for your "Daxiang", it was just replaced by "Sihai" It’s just an agricultural vehicle assembled from discarded parts to transport rose seeds and nuts in the Eastern Continent.”

"What you say is your own fantasy life, the life and status of the "Four Seas" that you cannot touch. As far as I know, there has been no distortion or transformation in the "Four Seas". Even if it cannot speak, It’s not something you can touch at will.”

These words left Daxiang speechless.

Ono's face was full of astonishment.

"Now, let me tell you some good news and some bad news."

Shang Zi opened a ledger in his hand: "The good news is that the employer who likes to torture and whip pets has lost interest in you, and she chose another more fashionable multi-furnace monster."

The horse-headed man's eyes lit up.

"The bad news is that the director of Yancheng Zoo officially purchased a group of extraordinary creatures from me, and you are one of them."

The female boss closed the account with a half-smile on her face: "In the future, we may have to meet at the zoo again. I hope you will like your new life of being watched by everyone."

Daxiang looked up to the sky and laughed: "It can't be worse than here! Unless God dies, I...well..."

Then it entered a state of madness again, hammering its chest with its arms wildly, and making an indistinct chissing sound from its raised head.

The zoo is behind the museum. It is the first new building in Yancheng.

Abnormal beasts caused many casualties in the wild, and the council in Yancheng took the opportunity to build a zoo to raise and house some aberrant beasts. It not only shows the citizens their characteristics and appearance at close range, but also reduces the public's fear of the aberrant beasts.

Ono found Daxiang in the zoo.

It lies in a glass house with a specially made huge iron cage.

The space in the cage can accommodate Daxiang walking around in circles. However, Daxiang became very depressed and irritable. He spent most of the time roaring and yelling, talking to himself, and cursing unscrupulous businessmen and onlookers.

In the zoo, it is just a caged bird that keeps getting bigger. No matter how much it vents, curses, and struggles, it eventually turns into pathetic abandonment and numbness.

It seemed to have turned into the most common aberrant beast, savage, ferocious, and full of aggression towards everything around it.

Ono thought it was a bit pitiful.

But there was nothing he could do.

In the next month, something big happened.

Uncle Yanbu formally submitted an application to the City Government Affairs Office and became Ono's legal father and guardian. From now on, Shiobu will be responsible for everything Ono does.

In the past, Ono always thought that Uncle Yanbu was just joking, but she didn't expect that he would actually adopt her.

What shocked Ono even more was what Shiobu said to him after confirming the official father-son relationship.

"Since you are already my son, let me show my cards. I won't pretend anymore. I am a rich man with a fortune."

When the uncle said this, he was crossing his legs wearing straw sandals and sewing patches on his trousers with needle and thread.

It's very unconvincing.

"I am a father for the first time and I have no experience, so I will give you a small gift. You go and see at the door."

Yanbu put down his needle and thread and said.

Ono walked outside the store.

Two large steam carriages were parked outside. Several Jade Rabbit bodyguards got out of the cars and opened the trunk in silence. Inside is an iron cage, and inside the cage is Daxiang.

A smile appeared on Yanbu's face: "I think you often go to the zoo to see this guy, and you should like it very much. I will buy it from the zoo, and you can keep it for your own enjoyment."

Ono felt that his brain was a bit insufficient.

Not long ago, this small shop was on the verge of bankruptcy, and Uncle Yanbu didn't look like a rich man. His hobbies are walking his dog, going to the market to find all kinds of cheap things, and finding people to play tribal war chess with.

"Do you remember that time there was a fire in the store? I went to restock."

Yanbu told Ono: "Actually, I didn't go to buy goods, but I was recalled by my family."

"My grandfather has some properties in Crystal City. He is not a rich man, but he has a small fortune. My ancestors were also famous in Yancheng in the past. The first two people in Yancheng to own musk ladybugs were the prophet Dolennu at that time. Nu, the other one is my ancestor’s salt bag.”

"Salt Bag was kidnapped and extorted by the Red Devil Bandits. He was particularly concerned about the safety of his descendants, so he placed his descendants in different cities to prevent any publicity."

"But none of this had anything to do with me before, because my father passed away very young and my grandfather lived a long life. I just lived my life without starving to death."

"My grandfather passed away not long ago. I didn't expect that he wrote my name in his will. I also received a share of the inheritance and received 17 million seashells. Thanks to the blessing of Lord Yao."

Yan Bu put his hands in his pockets and shook his legs proudly: "In short, our family is rich."

The puppy at his feet, Dagu, was also wagging its tail excitedly.


This was the first time Xiaoye used this title, and it was very unfamiliar.

He was transformed from an old mine in the mountains outside Yancheng. His true body is a steam stove that lights a fire for heating. Calculating his age based on his consciousness, he is now exactly nine years old.

However, unlike ordinary people, the Huoqi tribe grows very quickly. They hardly need to rest, are not afraid of pain, and will not feel tired. As long as they are supplied with Almighty Stones, they can continue to move day and night.

"I really have a son. Xiaoye, from today on, your name will be Shiono."

Yanbu touched his son's head.

"Father, I wonder...if you can let Daxiang go."

"Huh? You don't want to keep it anymore? It cost a lot of money."

"It's quite pitiful. I feel...the difference between it and me is that it has different luck. It's just that God has given me more gifts so that I can gain wisdom."

I don’t know what other people think, but Ono does think so.

When the contaminated omnipotent stone product undergoes transmutation, it will possess innate wisdom, and its body will also transform into a human form. It is not difficult to integrate into the Yao society.

But if what happens is a distortion, it will enter the realm of beasts and become wild and ferocious.

The horse-headed man acted extremely surprised when he was released from his cage.

"You really let me go?"


Ono waved to it: "Don't get caught again, just go."


Daxiang said: "I owe no favors."

"Aren't you curious why I can speak various languages ​​and have wisdom? It's because of [Blue Rose]."

"As long as this kind of rose is planted in the body, the aberration can control its impulses. Even if the blue rose disappears and withers later, the change in habits will be long-lasting. There are some such roses growing in the wild in the Valley of the Gods, and they are very Small, very rare, extraordinary creatures will eat them if they find them. I also found them accidentally.”

"If it's fake, the replacement will be guaranteed indefinitely."

After saying that, the horse-headed man transformed into a classic car. White steam spurted from its iron horse's head, churning toward freedom.

A month later, Ono saw Daxiang again in the pet shop in Yancheng.

This time it was arrested on the spot by the hunters for stealing coal and kerosene, and then sold to the city.

"Brother, give me another hand." Daxiang said through the bars with tears in his eyes.

Ono redeemed his life for it again.

This time Daxiang took Ono to the Valley of Gods to look for the mysterious blue rose.

After coming to the Valley of the Gods, Shiono worked in the rose garden for twelve years.

He started out as a porter and digger, worked his way from apprentice to gardener, and finally got recognition from Apostle Pinkman.

During this period, Shiono conducted a large number of experiments with blue roses under Pinkman's guidance, and finally developed a stable and effective [Calm Blue Rose].

Shiono transplanted blue roses into some aberrant beasts and successfully helped them curb their beastly nature. This group gradually turned into the fire and steam tribe in beast form.

His purity and integrity gained the trust and respect of the aberrant beasts. More and more aberrant beasts took the initiative to find Yanye and complete the transformation from beasts to humans.

When Shiono was thirty-two years old, he accomplished a feat.

He used blue roses to help a golden-eyed silver dragon overcome his violent urge to destroy, allowing the aberrant to return to the White Castle where it was born under the name [White Shepherd], and even registered as a martial monk in Yancheng.

After that, Yan Ye went eastward to the sea and spent four years trying his best to persuade the ship whale [Lan Bo] with blue roses. He accompanied Lan Bo through the ups and downs of restlessness, and finally made him a new member of the Yao tribe.

Shiono kept walking.

He continued walking with the blue rose, hoping to give more aberrations the opportunity to awaken and enlighten themselves.

Whether to become a beast that pursues instincts or a person who controls instincts is a choice for every living being. In the past, aberrant beasts had no choice, but Shiono wanted them to have a choice.

The name of [Wild Mage] is known to everyone from the Crystal City in the north to the Elf Village in the south.

During the long journey that Shiono never stopped, there was always a horse-headed protector who was always with him.

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