God Simulator

Chapter 340 I can only say that my luck is not very good

The intellectual insect describes its plight.

In the intricate fifth layer of the abyss, apart from the demigods and imprisoned monsters as the main body, there are also cursed insects that stayed here after coming here for various reasons.

Cursed insects and demigods hunt each other and follow the most ancient and primitive laws of survival.

The number of demigods is much larger, and the remaining curse insects have either found a special way of survival or are extremely powerful themselves.

Intelligent Insect belongs to the former, and it has cooperated with many demigods on the fifth level. It has always clearly marked the price and the demand is clear. Give me a demigod's brain and we can talk.

Fuxiao belongs to the latter.

It is obviously very powerful, but it likes to lurk and make sneak attacks. Once it is targeted, it will be a very dangerous trouble.

In the past, almost all the demigods hunted by Fu Zhi died. Among them, there are many individuals with outstanding abilities and powerful treasures. They can be defeated by darkness and light. After years of being attacked by sneak attacks, it is difficult to escape from the poisonous hands of Fuxiao.

Fuxiao has a fanatical sense of mission for its prey. Once it selects a target, it will never give up until it is captured.

Now the intellectual insect is targeted by it.

"Fu Xiao probably realized that instead of hunting around and making enemies, wasting time and energy, it would be better to rob my hound."

A mess appeared on the top of the brain insect's head, looking a little upset.

"It can create panic and put the other party in a state of chaos and madness, so as to find opportunities to strike."

"The two hounds I worked so hard to train were both eaten by duckweeds."

"That guy is used to hunting and robbing me and is a very serious threat to me."

Lu Yao understood.

It turns out that the wise insect has been used as a cash machine by Fu Zhi. When you want to fight tooth sacrifice, you go to it. It is bullied by the same kind.

The wise insect said: "As far as I know, Fuxiao has hunted at least seven demigods. If you can kill this guy, you will definitely gain a lot."

"If I serve as the bait, the worm will definitely attack again. At that time, we should cooperate inside and outside to get rid of it completely."

Hai Zhe did not reply immediately.

He thought for a while and then said: "My suggestion is, why don't you stay in the Sifang Kingdom on the fourth level? We are stationed outside the Sifang Country. If you want safety, come to our station. Of course, you need Pay appropriate remuneration.”


The wise insect scratched its head with its claws: "But there are no edible brains on this level... Of course, if you agree, I am willing to buy your wisdom at a high price."

"I have no interest in selling myself."

"it's a pity."

The wise insect said: "Are you really not willing to go to the fifth floor?"

"Not now. For quite some time, we will be stationed on the fourth level and work closely with the Quad. If you can pay the corresponding price, we can provide security here."

Hai Zhe's attitude is clear.

Five floors below? No discussion.

All cooperation is limited to the fourth level.

"Then I'll try another way." The wise insect refused to give up: "If I lure the cricket here, can you help me get rid of it?"

"If it's like you said, we can talk."

The two sides had an encrypted conversation.

Hai Zhe emphasized: "I need all the information about Fu Xiao."

The wise insect said happily: "No problem! I will give you half of my Fire of Faith savings, 45,000 points! After that, all the Fire of Faith and the props collected in Fu Xiao's body will belong to you!"

"We handle prey, and everything related to the prey is our trophy." Hai Zhe emphasized.

"Okay, okay."

The wise insect couldn't help but remind it again: "Fuxiao is stronger than me, and it is very cautious and insidious. Please be careful when dealing with it."


After the two parties discussed many details, the wise insect took Yin Yaksha back to the fifth floor and started the first stage of luring the snake out of the hole.

Lu Yao waited for a long time, but did not wait for the curse insect to lure the monster back.

He thought about it.

It doesn't sound like a scam or a joke when the wise insect says it has a nose and eyes. Or is it that the Intelligent Insect was originally planning to come here to seek revenge for the slain Yalong, but found that something was wrong, so it shared a made-up story?

It was the King of Rock who woke up the dreamer with one word.

"Huh? The gap between the fourth and fifth floors has been closed. I don't know when it will be opened next."

All I can say is, my luck is not very good.

Lu Yao blessed this strange cursed insect in his heart, and continued to support the beast on the fifth floor until the next time the passage was restarted, and he would have the opportunity to deal with the cursed insect bullying.

Although the urban construction of Sifang Kingdom is simple, many basic facilities are available.

There are large areas of farmland here with sweet potatoes and taro grown in the soil; there are fish ponds with fish and frogs; there are pastures with many chickens raised in pens; there is even a small casino here, where extraordinary people like to play. A game called [Dominos] is both a pastime and an attempt to make a fortune.

However, all public resources here need to be handed over first, and then distributed uniformly after being coordinated by the king's two generals, General Ape and General Stone.

From this aspect, the Sifang Kingdom is more like a giant tribe or family, using simple and crude vertical management in the form of a patriarch.

As the controller of this miniature kingdom, the Mountain Golem has irreparable intellectual deficiencies. He has been thinking desperately for better governance methods.

Unfortunately, it had little effect.

After getting to know the Sifang Kingdom carefully, Hai Zhe, the evil one, prayed to Lu Yao.

"The omnipotent God Yao, your devout servant, bothers you in your busy schedule, hoping to get your enlightenment."

Lu Yao sent Isabel over.

Facing the apostle, Hai Zhe expressed his thoughts: "Miss Isabel, God has given great care to the legion. Logically speaking, I should not push any further... It's just that the Sifang Kingdom has a population of 60,000. If these 60,000 can be successfully transferred, Extraordinary people transform their faith and become believers of Lord Yao, and they will play an important role in the abyss."

“The Quad countries now have two biggest dilemmas.”

"The first is low production capacity, resulting in insufficient food to feed a larger population."

“Secondly, internal resource consumption is serious, management is chaotic and inefficient, and corruption among resource managers emerges in an endless stream, leading to numerous internal conflicts and complaints from residents.”

"The reason why we can maintain the stability of the general environment depends entirely on the closed environment characteristics of the abyss and the residents' trust and support for the Rock King."

He proposed: "I have repeatedly exchanged views with King Yan and obtained his consent and approval. I request that experienced city managers be invited from the Yao tribe to reshape and transform this place. As for order and security , the Evil Legion can take over first."

Lu Yao understood.

The reason why Hai Zhe chose to station here and not plan to explore further for the time being was to conquer this city.

It's just different from previous wars. This time, the Evil Legion will conquer this place using a method that the Yao people are better at.

Lu Yao agreed.

Under Isabel's dispatch, a team of forty people assembled and quickly arrived at the Sifang Kingdom.

The leader is the current mayor of YC, Botu, who returned the post of mayor of YC to the council and volunteered to come over. Other accompanying people include senior farmers, herders, engineers, mathematicians, linguists, historians, physicians, etc.

Considering safety and food issues, all those who came were ghost elites uniformly wearing ghost armor.

When Hai Zhe saw Bo Tu, the eyes of both sides suddenly lit up, and they turned into two swords slashing at each other.

Hai Zhe was arrested and executed by Bo Tu back then. It was still a little difficult for the two of them to smile at each other and forget their grudges.

"Since I want to establish urban order, I will faithfully perform my duties as mayor."

Lao Botu warned mercilessly: "If the Evil Legion violates basic laws and regulations, they will also be severely punished, without exception."

"Hey, still the same aggressive guy."

Hai Zhe asked: "How is it outside now?"

"The Yao people have developed steadily, and now they have entered the age of fire and steam..."

After listening to Botu's brief narration, Haizhe was stunned for a moment: "So long has passed, no wonder we can build that kind of gun carriage."

"Everyone is familiar with your deeds of killing gods in the abyss, and your name and legends are also spread in other distant divine kingdoms."

Botu said: "Everyone is looking forward to your return."

"That will take a long time."

A note appeared on Hai Zhe's head, and he seemed to be in a good mood: "The best destination for a soldier is to die on the battlefield."

Botu corrected: "No. The honor a soldier deserves is to return home in glory."

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