God Simulator

Chapter 114 Bai Shen’s Struggle

To survive in the forest, you need to be ruthless enough, have many brothers, and be loyal enough.

Bai Laoer often heard the boss say this at that time.

The boss is the leader of the Whitemane clan. Its body is covered with scars, which are the results of fighting and killing monsters from all walks of life.

The forest is very large and can accommodate many tribes.

The forest is also small, and friction and conflict are always everywhere.

The enemy of the White Mane clan is a pack of forest wolves. Timber wolves are a powerful force, they are numerous, they travel in groups, and they are cruel and ferocious.

After the White Mane clan grew, a war broke out between them and the forest wolves bordering their territory.

After a quarter of the tribe suffered casualties, the White Mane tribe gritted its teeth and endured until the end.

The boss lost an eye, but the wolf king died.

After the tragic victory, there was a carnival for the entire clan.

With a wider territory, more food and space, the status of the White Mane clan in the forest has further improved.

Just wait a while and give birth to more cubs, and the entire group can recover. If you're lucky, you might even get a reward from the God of the Forest.

Disaster struck without warning.

Large tracts of land sank into the sea, hurricanes in the ocean blocked the sky, black cracks appeared in the sky, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed. The guys in the forest say that the god of the forest has fallen.

Bai Laoer was scared to death.

The gods have all fallen, and the world is hopeless.

But the boss said, don't panic, come with me.

The boss led the entire tribe to abandon the original forest, avoid the sinking land, and escape the ocean that kept coming ashore. It resolutely led the whole family all the way north, migrating to the highest land.

Moltres and Corruptors appear.

These two monsters from another world started killing all living creatures in the forest.

Especially the molting monster.

They like to peel off the skin of their prey completely so that the other person can clearly feel the pain of being skinned. This painful ritual will please the [Skinner] and grant boons to the molting monster.

The molting monsters will target the White Mane clan.

The boss, Yizhu, took the lead and struggled with the monsters crazily. His only eyes showed an unflinching courage and ferocity.

The other pigs then resisted bravely and fought to protect the group.

Bai Laoer ran away without looking back.

It felt like it had no chance of winning. No matter one versus one or many versus many, the White Mane Clan cannot compete with the Molting Monsters. This is a war that is simply impossible to win.

Why fight, why resist? Run, run is the only way!

Many years later, it will recall that night of escape.

It took Bai Laoer a lot of time to understand that without the clan's crazy killing of enemies, he would have no chance of escaping.

It survived.

There is only one survivor in the entire group, Bai Laoer. Like the humblest bugs and gophers, it usually burrows into the bottom of the mud and hides in the rotten, smelly soil without daring to move at all.

Hunger made it change, and it fled from the dangerous land to the water, where it hunted fish and shrimp to satisfy its hunger.

In extraordinary times, pigs also have the courage to go to sea.

Bai Laoer discovered that he had a magical ability and could always find some good things.

For example, it discovered a treasure [Whale Beard] in the sea. This baby allows Bai Laoer to live in the sea for a long time, just like a fish.

For another example, it can find corpses left by extraordinary creatures.

Ingesting these rotten corpses made Bai Laoer stronger little by little, and he could hardly feel the weakness and aging of his body. It understands that eating makes you strong.

As long as it keeps eating the corpses of extraordinary beings, it can live on and become stronger and stronger!

As the first white-bristle pig ever to live in the sea, Er Er is very careful. It almost always moves underwater and never comes out of the water.

At some point, it feels like it has turned into a fish.

A fish that looks like a wild boar.

It lives alone, swims, and searches. He lives as the last survivor and disgrace of the Whitemane clan.

Even so, it was still targeted by the molting monsters that remained here.

Bai Laoer didn't run away this time, things are different now!

It will knock the enemies into the sea one by one, tear those monsters into pieces in the sea, and bite these enemies in a ventive manner.

This behavior attracted the [Crazy Skinners]. Those monsters would use a kind of fire that would not go out, causing Bai Laoer to be seriously injured.

It can only hide underwater again.

This time it escaped to a small island in the north of the mainland.

While recovering from his injuries, Bai Laoer suddenly had a feeling that there was a treasure!

The sensation this time was unprecedentedly strong, like a pinprick, making it unable to even rest - indicating that the treasure was more precious and rare than ever before.

It endured the injury and dived underwater, digging through the mud and gravel on the seabed, and found its target, a decayed tree man, in the trench deep under the sea.

The hungry second child ate the tree man's corpse and gnawed out a hard object, which turned out to be a sparkling godhead!

The qualifications of a god.

Great happiness struck the ill-fated pig.

It burst into tears for a moment.

The years of survival and forbearance, the running away and cowardice many years ago, the loneliness and loss of living alone, all seem to have been rewarded by fate at this moment.

From this day on, there is no Bai Lao Er in the world, only the god [White God].

The whole world has become completely different from what it used to be.

He can see the abilities of every extraordinary being, as well as their life and mana. Numerous numbers and words reconstruct the world...

Miraculously and quickly He understands everything, many of which are indescribable.

This is the realm of God.

But Shirakami didn't quite understand what he was going to do as a god.

Shirakami tried to recall the rumored behavior of the gods.


Yes, the first step is to recruit believers.

Then there is the apostle. We need to create an apostle and let him walk in his place as a god. I don’t have any for now, so I’ll take on the role first.

There are also statues of gods.

Statues of gods... We’ll talk about it later. The most important thing is faith. Yes, we must first develop faith!

Shirakami became excited.

As long as you have enough faith, you can activate two miracles exclusive to the gods.

[Trample]: Consume 20 points of faith to perform a trample attack within the range.

This miracle unfolded, as if an invisible giant hand descended from the sky and crushed the ground into an oval-shaped depression area.

The range cannot be expanded by stepping on it, and the size and shape can be adjusted. Baigami directly adjusted it into a huge pig's trotter shape to show his domineering power!

[Deterrence]: Consumes 40 points of faith to reduce the damage and defense of all members within the range by 20%, with a certain chance of triggering fear.

Bai Shen let out a threatening roar, and most of the surrounding beasts and humans were so frightened that they prostrate themselves on the ground, filled with fear.

He began a comfortable life as a god.

One day, while He was taking a nap in the sand, the sky suddenly turned a strange red color.

The giant meteorite fell from the sky without warning, hitting the island like a torrential rain, hitting the unsuspecting Shirakami and killing half of his life on the spot.

He escaped into the water desperately and escaped death.

The small island behind him has been hit by natural disasters and sunk into the sea.

Bai Shen suddenly woke up!

It turns out that even gods have limits.


Can't be so lazy anymore!

Otherwise, the next natural disaster might really kill you.

It is said that gods all fall in battles between gods... If they fall from stones falling from the sky, Shirakami would find it difficult to accept it.

He began actively seeking out his first followers.

Soon Shirakami found some people who were shipwrecked. Among them was a child named Shiojiu, who seemed to have a good mind and the ability to live longer.

It’s him!

Shirakami rescued Yanjiu, showed miracles, and called himself the apostle, Master Bai. Then He gave the other party guidance to develop believers everywhere.

But the result was little.

The reason is that there are gods in this world now.

Among all the gods, Yao is especially famous all over the world. It is said that he has infinite power and has killed and wiped out many gods, which makes Bai Shen a little panicked.

There can never be a head-on confrontation.

He asked the believers to develop secretly, avoid the areas controlled by Yao God, and not to expose their identities.

However, Yao's followers were too fast. With the Gospel in hand, they robbed a large number of people by sending food and clothing.

Shirakami learned from the pain and decided to follow the example of the other party.

Since you can deliver food, then I, Bai Shen, dare to deliver better ones!

Send gems!

Shirakami found many gems and pearls on the seabed and islands. He used these as materials to attract believers, allowing Yanjiu and the others to develop believers well.

A god cannot be looked at when he does not want to be seen. But when necessary, the gods can also reveal their true colors. He disguised himself as the apostle Lord White to intimidate and lead believers.

It worked this time.

The strength of Baishen believers has greatly increased, reaching an unprecedented 149 people! Although more than a dozen people defected later, it didn't matter, and the overall situation was good.

Crucially, the gem strategy works.

Bai Shen was digging around for gems that could be exchanged for faith, and he was even more energetic.

Until He suffered the second disaster from heaven on the small island.

It’s the same small island, and it’s the same meteorite rain.

Equally powerless to fight back.

For the first time, Bai Shen truly felt that there was a gap between the gods.

It seems that I am going to be the second child again.

A familiar feeling, like coming home.

Thanks: Autumn Wind by the Sea supports 100 starting coins, so I can only move on. I support 100 starting coins.

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