God of Life and Death

Chapter 4548: No eggs left intact under the overturned nest

"My lord is really too modest. My little skills are nothing more than a child's tricks in front of the adults. When it comes to talents and strategies, it still depends on the abilities of the adults."

Fang Yue said flatteringly.

Fang Yue, this is pure business mutual support.

But anyway, it doesn’t cost money to say nice things. It doesn't matter if you praise Pluto a few more times.

Hades grinned. Although he knew that Fang Yue was deliberately flattering himself. But why do these words sound more and more pleasing to my ears?

The flattery and flattery of ordinary people sound extremely greasy to Pluto's ears.

But a genius like Fang Yue.

His compliments made Pluto feel a little elated.

The same words spoken completely differently by different people.

A peerless talent like Fang Yue deserves his approval and praise. For Pluto, it also greatly satisfied his vanity.

"This statue of mine has three different powers attached to it. The first power is the power of death. My cultivation back then was to use death to prove the Tao, so the power of death is my foundation."

"Secondly, this statue also contains a ray of my soul power. It is precisely because of the existence of the soul place here that the statue has its own consciousness."

"In the end, there is also the power of faith in the statue. Only the pure power of faith can maximize the power of Pluto. Although I followed the path of pure warrior cultivation back then, in order to explore other power systems, I It also splits into different avatars and practices different traditions. This Pluto sculpture is a product of the belief and spiritual cultivation system. "

When Pluto's voice fell, Fang Yue's face suddenly showed a look of excitement.

"What a coincidence, I don't have these three powers in my hand."

While speaking, Fang Yue opened his hands.

Three spheres of different colors emerged between his hands.

The pitch-black sphere contained the extremely pure power of death.

The light cyan sphere contains rich soul power.

There is also a milky white sphere filled with the pure power of faith.

The power between these three spheres is extremely strong. Even Pluto felt a bit greedy and restless.

Pluto couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "The person I chose as the envoy this time is indeed right. These three powers cannot be gathered by just anyone. Especially in this era, the power of faith and the power of soul Power is extremely rare. If my old friends knew that I had such an excellent messenger, they would all go crazy with jealousy."

Seeing Pluto's excited look, Shi Jingtian couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

It is certainly a good thing that Fang Yue can provide Pluto with the energy needed for this statue.

But in this case, will King Ming also change from Fang Yue's part-time worker to a long-term worker?

These energies will eventually become the filial piety of Fang Yue, the messenger, to Pluto. It still became the wages paid by Fang Yue to Pluto, the long-term worker.

Shi Jingtian looked at Fang Yue, who was as shrewd as a ghost, and instantly he had a calculation in his mind.

Is this the legendary upward management?

This Fang Yue is really a damn talent.

Shi Jingtian said silently in his heart.

Half a day later, Fang Yue took the crowd to a small door in Sun Moon City and left quietly.

At this time, everyone from the Mengtian Sect was still guarding the gate, waiting hard for Fang Yue to appear and take away his opportunity in Sun Moon City.

"Why not kill those guys from Mengtian Sect?"

The fourth elder said murderously.

Fang Yue stayed for a long time, and he gradually adapted to the role of Fang Yue's bodyguard, and he also slowly brought his identity to Fang Yue's side.

The people of Mengtian Sect are all extremely hateful. They have repeatedly taken advantage of Fang Yue, trying to make him the key to Sun Moon City.

They use tricks to plunder, coerce and induce, and use all possible means.

If he had followed his temper, he would have killed all these hateful guys in the Mengtian Sect, leaving no one behind!

"Kill them, and you come to finish them off? There is more than one strong person at the Emperor Senior level standing behind them!"

Fang Yue rolled his eyes, now that Nangong Xue and Shi Jingtian are all staying in Sun Moon City, they don't have strong guardians at the Emperor Senior level, so there is no way they can be opponents of Mengtian Sect.

It is easy to kill one or two geniuses and strong men of Mengtian Sect, but how to deal with the subsequent grievances?

Fang Yue is not giving in now, but is growing up. If he wants to deal with Mengtian Sect, he will have many opportunities in the future.

"Fang Yue, where are we going now?"

The priest is more mature and calm. He is not like the fourth elder, who is a born warmonger and shouts to fight and kill at every turn.

"If it goes according to my idea, we must enter the frontier battlefield first! Get familiar with the environment of the frontier battlefield, and then slowly map it out!"

Fang Yue said.

His temperament is also calm.

Fang Yue had a hunch that this battle on the border battlefield would take a lot of time.

After all, the prophecy stone only predicted that Pluto's ninth transformed body would appear in the Sky Burial Ground, but the specific location was not made clear.

The frontier battlefield covers a vast area, and the sky burial site is not one place. Looking for the body of Pluto after his ninth transformation in such a large area is simply like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If we only rely on the strength of Fang Yue and the others, it is really limited.

"Are you planning to join the human camp on the frontier battlefield?"

The fourth elder asked.

"In the frontier battlefield, the human camp is very messy. Even if you join it, if you don't have background support, you won't be able to borrow too much help!"

The Fourth Elder has a thorough study of the divisions of the various forces in the border battlefield.

After all, he can be regarded as a top existence in the underworld universe.

Fang Yue actually didn't do too well in the underworld universe.

It can be said that grandma does not love her and her uncle does not love her. Not only does she offend all races, but she is not treated particularly well by the human race. His previous relationship with the People's League was more of mutual use.

Border battlefields are very particular about clans and factions.

If you are alone and have no foundation, it will be difficult to create anything famous.

"I do want to join the human race's camp, but I don't have any background. Don't forget that my surname is Fang."

Fang Yue smiled.

Going to the frontier battlefield, Fang Yue not only intends to help Pluto retrieve the voice of transformation left behind before, he also wants to recognize his ancestors and return to their clan to take a look, which has been passed down for dozens of civilization eras in the underworld universe and is almost immortal. What is the Fang family like?

"You want to return to the Fang family?!"

The fourth elder was surprised.

"Why not?"

Fang Yue asked.

"It's not impossible, it's just that although you are a disciple of the Fang family, you may not know much about the Fang family."

The fourth elder said hesitantly.

"Huh? I don't know the other party's family. Do you know the other party's family?"

Fang Yue asked curiously.

In fact, what the fourth elder said was correct. Although Fang Yue was friends with each other, his understanding of the Fang family was extremely limited.

In Fang Yue's impression, the labels for the Fang family seem to be only a few words: ancient, mysterious, short-term protection, etc.

He really knew nothing about the Fang family's true strength.

"How should I put it? In fact, you can see almost all the characteristics of the Fang family in you."

The fourth elder hesitated for a moment and then said.

"What characteristics?"

Fang Yue asked curiously.

"Mysterious, powerful, vulgar, and hateful!"

The fourth elder said slowly.

After hearing the fourth elder's comments, Fang Yue's face slowly darkened, and all the smiles on his lips disappeared.

"Fourth Elder, what are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? I can recognize the mysterious and powerful, but being vulgar and hateful, isn't that talking about me! I am such a loyal, just, and friendly person Man! You must not slander me!"

Fang Yuetian said shamelessly.

As soon as Fang Yue said this, let alone the priest, they didn't believe it.

Even a little white dog passing by turned his head away as he couldn't bear to look at her.

Loyalty, justice, friendliness, which one of these three words is related to Fang Yue?

The fourth elder rolled his eyes: "Although I have just recovered not long ago, I have heard your name in the underworld universe. Isn't your nickname Fang Butcher and Fang Yaoren? There are always only wrong names in this world, not It’s the wrong nickname. So you can imagine the image in everyone’s mind in the underworld.”

The fourth elder exposed Fang Yue's disguise.

The little white dog next to him also barked twice: "Woof! Woof! Woof!"

It seemed that the fourth elder was right.

The fourth elder saw that Fang Yue refused to admit it.

He no longer cares about this.

"What I mean is that if you return to the Fang family, you may face many more enemies than you do now!"

The fourth elder said helplessly.

"Didn't you just say that the Fang family is very powerful? If the Fang family is really so powerful, how can it be hostile to other forces?"

Fang Yue said in confusion.

Having many enemies doesn't mean you have a bad character. It's because you're not strong enough.

Just because of the struggle for interests, a person will encounter many enemies on the way to growth, but when a person grows up to be strong enough, he will be surprised to find that all the enemies around him have disappeared. It is not that the enemies are gone, but because Those enemies could not keep up with his pace and were no longer qualified to enter his field of vision again.

The same principle applies not only to individuals but also to families.

If the Fang family is really as powerful as people described before, some young people are simply not qualified to spy on the Fang family.

What a terrifying existence a family that has been inherited from dozens of civilization eras must be.

"You don't understand! It's not that the Fang family is not strong enough, but the water in this realm of chaos is too deep, and there are too many families with terrifying dormant strength! In addition, after all, the enemies of the Fang family are no longer limited to the realm of chaos. Some enemies from outside the territory often sneak into the frontier battlefields and kill those who are left behind. Amid internal and external troubles, the Fang family is now strong on the outside, like a candle in the wind, and may be extinguished at any time! "

The fourth elder said.

"If this is the case, I will return to the Fang family. There will be no eggs left in the nest! The reason why many people dare not do anything to me is precisely because they are afraid of the power of the Fang family. If the Fang family disappears one day, then Who will protect me from the wind and rain?"

Fang Yue said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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