Soon, the silence was broken.

Murmur ~

the strange sound sounded, and the demon purple smoke pretty face turned red instantly.

Now she remembered that several days had passed since she was attacked and fled.

And during this time, she was not dripping water.

Although practitioners can rely on the spiritual power of heaven and earth to support their life, it is not a long-term plan.

And although demon Ziyan has recovered from the injury, her mental fatigue is not easy to recover.

"Are you hungry?"

Luochuan looked at some shy girl in front of him and asked directly.

Demon purple smoke can only face slightly red nodded, at this time say what is not hungry, it is now some affectation.

With a sigh, Luochuan has already made a decision.

"Wait, I'll make you something to eat."

After that, Luochuan went to the kitchen of a small shop.

Usually, Luochuan's eating problems are usually solved by the nearby restaurants.

Anyway, now step away from the song every day to contribute to the turnover, Luochuan naturally is not what poor money people.

Of the 10% of the owner's share, Luochuan asked the system to withdraw one tenth of it as his deposit.

Looking at the kitchen with modern flavor, Luochuan is helpless for a time.

On weekdays, however, he never cooked by himself. He did it in restaurants on the street.

What a surprise! Now he needs to cook!

Luochuan even some doubt, the system has long anticipated that there will be such a day, intimate to the room equipped with a kitchen.

"Forget it. Stir fry a tomato and egg and cook a bowl of noodles."

With a sigh, Luochuan made a decision.

However, there is no tomato in Tianlan.

"System, two tomatoes and two eggs." Luochuan called in his mind.

"Please note that this system is the strongest shopkeeper system, not the vegetable sales system!" The sound of systematic justice is heard.

"I know, I know." Luochuan nodded solemnly, "change the tomatoes and eggs quickly."


Finally, the system still got the tomatoes and eggs to Luochuan.

Of course, I haven't forgotten a noodle.

A moment later, bursts of fragrance appeared in the kitchen.

"Eat." Luochuan will noodles and tomato scrambled eggs in front of the demon Ziyan.

Luochuan food is not comparable to those chefs, but in the eyes of demon Ziyan, it is no less than the best food.

If a person is hungry to the extreme, even a steamed bread is extremely sweet, which is an eternal truth.

"Thank you." Demon purple smoke whispered.

The state of mind, which has always been quiet, has set off waves of ripples.

When a person is most helpless, it is easy to reach out to her heart. This is the situation in front of her.

However, it is obvious that Luochuan, who has been single for two generations, did not realize this.

Originally, the demon purple smoke still has some can't open, but the food entrance, also can't care so much, soon will tomato egg and a bowl of noodles to eat clean.

Watching the demon purple smoke finish the food, Luochuan stood up and cleaned it all.

"The washroom is on the edge. Let's rest here tonight. I'll go first. "

Then he left the room.

After all, Luochuan saved the demon Ziyan just by nature, not for what.

Looking at Luochuan left the back, demon purple smoke lips mumbled for a while, but did not say anything.

Luochuan's practice, let the demon Ziyan originally full of hatred for human heart changed a lot.

Luochuan's identity in the eyes of demon Ziyan is a peerless master hidden in the city.

She now has some understanding that there are naturally insane human practitioners, as well as humans who are friendly to monsters.

That's right.

In the demon Ziyan's view, Luochuan had long known her monster identity.

After all, the purple hair and purple pupil feature is really easy to identify.

It is also because of this, demon purple smoke as a killer, are covered with black robes.

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