After observing for a while, Ronan looked up at several subordinates and said:

"The enemy is currently stationed in the captured outer city. We must block all the exits. If there is street fighting in the city, Trezeguet, you lead people to break in through the east gate. Tiberius, you go through the north gate. I will take the troops through the south gate, and the west gate will be handed over to Magna. Oxide is in charge of assisting Magna, and Kamila and Yesefa are in the sky, ready to stop possible soldiers who escaped to deliver messages. After our attack, Meriuses also led his troops out of the inner city, and we gave them a double attack so that they could not advance or retreat!

If there is no problem, let's start now. Judging by the time, the enemy army should also launch an attack. If it is too late, things will change! "

Under the rapid march, Ronan and the others finally arrived outside the city of Sitges ten minutes after the Eagles launched an attack on the inner city.

The eagle soldiers on duty on the tower of Sitges spotted Ronan and the others immediately, and rang the big bell inside the tower. Three bells rang throughout the city. Murak, who was in charge of commanding the attack, ·The wolf was stunned when he heard the bell, and immediately knew that the reinforcements from the enemy in the city had arrived.

"My lord, there are a lot of enemy troops coming from outside the city. The flags show Rodritte's army. There are many in all directions. They can't be seen at a glance. It's hard to estimate, but the total number is at least twice that of ours!"

The messenger quickly rushed to Murak's side. Murak frowned, and then said:

"Release the carrier pigeons immediately, let them all out, and ask the surrounding troops for help!"

The soldiers quickly walked to the side of the pigeon cage, opened the cage door, stuffed the written letters into the iron pipe on the pigeon's leg, and released more than a dozen pigeons at once. The pigeons immediately flapped their wings and headed towards the target. After flying out, these homing pigeons were carefully domesticated by the eagle people, and they could accurately fly back and forth between the places they had recognized in advance.

But these pigeons were intercepted before they flew far, and the pigeons scattered in three directions met three killers, Kemira, Jessefa and Irani coos.

Murak did not see the carrier pigeon being blocked, but he saw a huge figure flying in the sky. Eranikus just flew over his head and headed towards the east gate. Murak frowned, knowing that today he might It's trouble, I just hope that the support of several other troops can arrive soon.

When Ronan and the others were about to reach the city wall, the city gate finally closed slowly, temporarily blocking the attack of Ronan and the others.

But Ronan had already figured out a solution. Before he came to the city gate on a Nami Entu, Ronan looked at the thick wooden city gate and smiled slightly, then he inhaled suddenly, opened his mouth wide and let out a loud roar:

“Fus Ro Dah!!!”

The dragon's roar turned into a huge shock wave and hit the city gate fiercely. The city gate trembled suddenly, and a burst of smoke and dust rang out from the surrounding areas connected to the city wall. After Ronan relieved a bit, he took a deep breath again, and once again used his indomitable strength.

This time, the city gate couldn't hold it anymore, it exploded into several pieces and flew towards the inside of the city. In the city, the enemy soldiers who hadn't had time to run behind the gate immediately turned around and ran back. The narrow streets are armed.

The other gates also had their own countermeasures. Eranikus had already flown outside the gate of the east gate, landed on the ground, stood in front of Trezeguet's troops, stretched his neck to face The city gate spewed out hot dragon flames. The dragon flames burned the gate, and the iron skin on it immediately melted. The wooden main body of the gate quickly turned black and carbonized. After spitting out dragon flames for a while, Eranikus stopped. He spit out, and then ran with all four limbs, accelerated fiercely and hit the carbonized city gate.

The fragile city gate that had been burned by the dragon flames immediately shattered. Trezeguet led the soldiers raised their weapons and cheered, then roared and rushed in from the side of Eranikus who was shaking his head to relieve his dizziness In the city, Eranikus flew up again after waking up, and Tiberius also needed it to break the door.

Originally, Eranikus was going to break the gate at Magna, but Oxide said he could open the city gate, so Eranikus was a little more relaxed. If he hit the gate three times in a row, he might have If it is not smart, it will become even more stupid.

Eleven fast-running figures suddenly rushed out of Magna's troops. They were Oxide and his clansmen. These eleven people suddenly deformed during their rapid running, their muscles and bones twisted for a while, and their entire bodies turned toward each other. It grows bigger like a balloon, its mouth grows into a wolf's snout, black bristles grow rapidly under the skin, and cover the whole body, and a tail grows behind the buttocks.

Different from other werewolves with black hair, Oxide has a snow-white body, blood-red eyes, and a larger physique. He is still nearly three meters tall when running on all fours, stands more than five meters upright, and has a pair of sharp claws that may exceed thirty. In centimeters, Oxide led the werewolves to rush towards the city wall.

Although the soldiers on the city wall were startled by the transformation of Oxide and the others, and also frightened by Oxide's size, they still reacted quickly with their natural courage and well-trained skills, and quickly used Bows and arrows began shooting at the running werewolves.

But the werewolves are very fast, and they don't run in a straight line, but keep moving across. It is very difficult for the archers on the city wall to shoot them. The muscles were directly squeezed out by the wriggling muscles, and the wound was repaired by the werewolf's super self-healing ability within a few seconds.

Oxide's skin was tougher, he ignored those arrows and let them shoot at him, but the arrows couldn't hurt him at all, they bounced off the skin directly, only cutting off a few hairs .

Oxide quickly reached the bottom of the city wall, and his speed did not decrease. Oxide suddenly jumped up, his limbs flew into the air, and his hands directly grabbed the city wall.

Oxide's jump was astonishing, he jumped to nearly two-thirds of the city wall, his sharp claws dug into the stones of the city wall, firmly fixed Oxide's body on the city wall, and a stone smashed On Oxide's head, Oxide tilted his head, then let out a roar, his limbs once again slammed straight up again

At this moment, Oxide directly grabbed the crenel on the city wall, and then he grinned slightly to show his sharp fangs, smiled at the soldiers on the city wall, and then rushed over.

The soldier was thrown directly under Oxide. The huge Oxide pierced his chest and abdomen with his claws as if grabbing a small toy, lifted him up, and then threw him to the city wall. Below, he roared at the terrified soldiers beside him, and Oxide rushed over again.

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