Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 207 Guerrillas

The plan could never keep up with the changes, and the army assembled again, aiming at the last territory between Ronan's side and the royal city, the Earl of Bornstein and the Marquis of Ross behind the Sidon Fortress.

The territory of the Marquis Ross is just behind the Sidon Fortress, and it is currently an important material turnover place for Leonard's army.

However, if he wanted to enter his territory, he needed to go through several noble territories, so Ronan only planned to send a small number of elite troops to sneak into the Marquis of Ross through various small roads, and harass and distract the enemy through guerrilla and assassination operations.

The Marquis of Ross and Ronan can be said to have had grievances for a long time, although that was before Ronan came to this world, and the owner of this body was Rodrite.

But after all, it can be regarded as a black history and stain, and Ronan still wanted to erase it. At the beginning, he didn't know whether he was in collusion with Andre or planned by Andre himself, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Andre is still working hard in the mine now, and when he stops, soldiers specially sent by Ronan to watch him will spur him, and rations will be deducted if he fails to complete the daily tasks.

He can't commit suicide even if he wants to commit suicide, even if he wants to break the jar, unless he can withstand the various tortures that Ronan prepared for him, and there are special people to treat him to ensure that he can't die, he can only suffer forever linger on.

Ronan also asked the soldiers to give him the illusion that he might run away with lax supervision from time to time, so that he would not be completely desperate.

Andre's side has been arranged, how can Ross's side fall? Ronan is not interested in investigating whether he or his family members planned the incident with Andre. Anyway, he is now standing on Ronan's side. in the opponent's camp.

The troops assembled and began to slowly move westward, and gathered troops from various territories along the way. Recently, most of the unclaimed territories captured have been promoted to some temporary lords.

These people are basically people from the Ronan faction selected by Bernhard, and appointed by Casciano after Aldridge's recommendation, and Casciano obviously does not know these inside stories.

This time the troops were divided into two groups. Meriuses led the Noldor elves who were good at jungle warfare and guerrilla tactics as the core, and cooperated with a force of about 300 people composed of Nords, Rhodoks and some other powerful soldiers to infiltrate. Enter the enemy's hinterland and wait for an opportunity.

Some of them will enter from the trade road by disguising as pedestrian merchants, and the other part will enter through the jungle and mountains from the mountain road that Matthias explored for them.

It should have been more appropriate to be led by Magna, but Ronan asked Meriuses to see if he could instigate black slaves in the enemy's territory to create turmoil.

Ronan changed the contracts of all black slaves in the current territory from lifelong slavery to five years of labor and military service, and a settling allowance will be given after the contract ends.

The effect is not bad. The blacks are naturally strong, and the long slavery has smoothed their wildness and made them docile. After Ronan asked Meriuses to change their contract, they were all grateful to Meriuses and Ronan , there are already signs of promoting Meriusus as a black savior-like role.

Of course, there are some resistances, such as those big slave owners and big rich businessmen with many black slaves.

They accused Ronan of violating the laws of the kingdom and infringing on their rights. Ronan had no right to take away their slaves, which was a robbery.

But at this time, who will preside over the so-called kingdom laws for them? The aristocratic council has long lost its function, and the kingdom's laws have long since become a piece of waste paper at this time.

Now whoever has the army has the final say. Why should Ronan, who holds great power, reason with these guys who cannibalize human flesh and blood? Ronan dismissed their lawsuit without hesitation and ruthlessly.

After Ronan imprisoned the two guys who found his house on the spot and hacked to death a troublemaker on the spot, everyone fell silent. Many people left the city with their belongings and wanted to run out of the city. Ronan's sphere of influence.

Ronan didn't care about them. They could easily leave the city they were in, but they couldn't leave Ronan's sphere of influence. The teams organized by Magna would let them die in a corner where no one was around, and their property would belong to Ronan , Ronan can easily support a group of merchants to fill their vacancies, avoiding the economic crisis caused by the loss of a large number of merchants.

After all, it's too obvious that you can't do it. Ronan still needs to maintain his reputation among the people.

Not to mention the merchants and slave owners who were robbed and killed, Ronan had already led the army to the marquis territory now ruled by Cassiano himself. Nick, Monsef and other newly promoted lords also arrived with their newly formed army. The number is not large, but after the training method left by Ronan, they still have a certain ability to fight in positions.

It is worth mentioning that as long as those lords are loyal to Ronan, then their territories can also provide Ronan with troops online, and Ronan is quite happy about this.

After all, if it must be a territory under his own rule, then Ronan must go dictatorship. However, if a dictatorship is implemented in this country that is accustomed to the enfeoffment of nobles, the resistance will definitely not be ordinary. After all, this is equivalent to touching the interests of more than half of the nobles.

While Ronan was doing the final preparations, the elite squad behind the enemy led by Meriuses also started to move. Meriuses took a small group of people and disguised themselves as a small caravan, and entered after bypassing the border. The trade route went to the town where Mathias was located.

The other part of the troops, with a Noldor Dawn Knight as the temporary captain, sneaked into the territory of Marquis Ross from the mountain road marked on the map that Mathias passed to Ronan.

Mathias prepared some horses for these elite soldiers. Although he didn't know where he got them from, they were still quite a lot, enough to form a small cavalry team, which was of great help to guerrilla harassment.

After all, after having horses, it can really be said to come and go like the wind. After a surprise attack on a stronghold or village, it is completely possible to evacuate before the other party reacts, and it is difficult to track the other side. Messy.

The stronghold of the guerrillas was built in the woods they passed through. In that kind of terrain, these elite soldiers are fully capable of annihilating more than three times their enemies, and if the situation is too bad, they can also go straight back. Retreat, and walk back the way you came from, the enemy army will never dare to chase easily, and it is difficult for those untrained soldiers to climb over the steeper mountains they climbed when they came.

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