There are still 4 days before the collapse of the 32 boulder.

TV does not need to be turned,

Because all the channels are broadcasting an urgent news.

"Is it broadcast by the official media?

Li En looked at the Son of Heaven sitting across from him.

"That's right, until now, I can't hide it if I want to cover it up."

As if to confirm her words.

The picture on the screen suddenly switched to high in the sky.

Judging by the surroundings, and the harsh propeller volume.

It should be on a helicopter.

On the picture of "Monument 32" enlarged by the camera,

There are white erosion marks everywhere,

This is the holmium etching solution injected by "Stage IV - Aldebaran".

Even without the aid of a lens, the weirdness of this monolith can be seen from a distance.

Then the lens switches again.

The helicopter bypassed the defense line of the megalithic monument and entered the "restricted area".

"Wow, they really dare to shoot.""

Li En couldn't help but praise the courage of frontline reporters.

The noise of helicopters flying over forbidden zone 13,

There was a great deal of disturbing cries and roars.

In the bird's-eye view provided by the camera,

In the lush forest, between the gaps between the branches,

There are surging gastronomy legions everywhere!

gastrulae of various sizes and shapes,

Or insects, or beasts and birds,

It is steadily and slowly approaching the boundary of the megalithic monument.

Suddenly, Li En's expression froze,

He perceives the direction at the edge of the lens,

There is a dark shadow that suddenly strikes——

"Be careful!

He subconsciously reminded,

However, the screen was directly interrupted and fell into a black screen.

After a few seconds, the picture of the helicopter reappeared on the screen.

Judging from the direction, it should be hurriedly fleeing back to the restricted area.

There is a note next to it.

A journalist died in the attack just now,

Directly dragged into the forest full of gastrula...

You don't have to think about it to know that you won't survive.

Another reporter who lost a colleague,

Said to the camera with a sad face.

"...that's the way it is, the gaffe is pretty bad!

"This is a serious event enough to be called the [Third Guandong Battle]!"

"Officials need to explain and respond!"5

The promotion news ends here.

But Li En knew that the war had just begun.

"How is the situation on the front lines?"

Li En glanced at the Son of Heaven.

"The official army has a total of more than 7,000 people, and all of them have arrived near the No. 32 megalith.""

The Son of Heaven took out a map,

Draw a circle on it with your scallion fingers.

"Considering the impact of the gastrula, the command decided to establish a stronghold about 10 kilometers behind the megalith.

"This part of the buffer zone will be the decisive battle area for the next two weeks.

"Two weeks?

Li En frowned.

"Didn't it only take 10 days to make a new megalith?

"Transportation also takes time.""

The Son of Heaven gave Li En a helpless glance.

"A giant metal plate with a length and width of more than 1 kilometer is not a building block toy for children to play with."9

"The 4-day transportation time is already a very limited construction period, and the safety of the transportation site must be guaranteed."5

Hearing this, Li En touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"That said, our strategic goal is not just defense."

"Enough space also needs to be cleared for the transport of the megalith.""

The Holy Son nodded.

"Theoretically, it is.""

"Then what is my mission?

Li En pointed to himself.

"The frontal battlefield is blocked by the army.""

"The significance of the existence of the special mobile unit is to prevent gastrulae from breaking out of the blockade."

The Son of Heaven is around the battlefield,

Draw an arc close to 180.

"Once there's a 'stage III' or other tough gastruck. More

"An emergency order will be issued to you.

"In short, the fire brigade.""

Li En summed it up succinctly.

"That's right."

The Son of Heaven took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

She reached out and grabbed the clothes on Li En's chest,

The slender shoulders trembled slightly.

"Li En... the safety of Dongjing District, please.

"Ok, I know."

Li En opened his arms and embraced the Son of Heaven in his embrace.

"Don't worry, the combat power of the special mobile unit is far beyond your imagination."

More than just beyond imagination.

This group of reincarnation players is simply a group of violent elements who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos!

Li En hasn't had time to release the faction mission,

players in the faction,

At least half of them have gone to where the army is stationed!

If it weren't for the thousands of soldiers with guns watching,

They are afraid that they are too lazy to wait,

I blew up the megalithic monument myself first,

Go straight to the war event!

Li En walks out of the institute,

At a glance, I saw the elf girl who was saying goodbye to the children.

"You're going to the front too?

He said hello.

In the extermination work of the "Winter Beijing Pure Blood Society", Celia,

Also put out a lot of effort.

It is a role model for the top ten employees.

"The scene is quite big, it's boring not to join in the fun.

Celia glanced at Li En,

"And you?"

"I have to pack some things, and I have to be late.

Hearing Li En's answer, Celia spread her hands.

"You guys on the technical side are trouble."

"Then I'll take a step forward."

After all, the elf girl casually summoned a snow-white unicorn.

Directly ride Juechen and rush towards the front line.

"...I still want to invite her to take a ride with me, forget it.

Li En shook his head helplessly.

Walk along the street in front of the institute.

This site in the peripheral area is all his property.

open to the public,

There is only "Research Institute".

But in reality, where he invests the most resources...

An area separated by a street.

The piercing sound of mechanical operation is getting louder and louder,

That's why Li En moved these things here.

Because the equipment movement of the production line is too large.

And it's running 24 hours a day,

If placed directly next to the institute.

It greatly affects the working status of researchers.

"Clap clap."

In front of a closed steel gate,

Li En clapped his hands.

The mechanical force converted to the "Void" attribute spread out instantly,

Connect the rows of machinery hidden behind the door.

The door opened, revealing it in front of Li En.

It is a row of neatly arranged "mechanical magic boxes".


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