hot summer nights,

The air was dull and hot.

wipe with a towel,

Sweat was also pouring out.

Even the wind blowing through his body was filled with heat.

The soldier tugged at the heavy sling embedded in his shoulder.

This is his only recourse when patrolling such a ghost place.

"Damn, gotta get a new flashlight.

As he walked, he flicked the flickering flashlight depressedly,

It looks like it should be a bad contact problem.

After beating hard angrily,

The flashlight suddenly returned to a steady source of light.


The soldier breathed a sigh of relief,

Continue to patrol the gap between heaven and hell.

To his left is a never-ending dense jungle.

On the right, there is a huge black and straight wall.

This is the "megalithic monument" that protects the remnants of human civilization

The length, width and thickness of the megalith are amazing!

It takes at least half an hour to travel back and forth for a week.

Standing at the feet of such a behemoth,

"Five Seven Three" has the illusion that he is extremely small, as if he has entered the kingdom of giants.


Soldiers point flashlights at the sides of the megalith's edge.

Huge numbers emerge from the light.

Monument No.0032.

There is a stone tablet like this every 10 kilometers.

Formed a "enchantment" that can prevent the invasion of gastrula


That's why soldiers dare to patrol the borders of hell alone.

Suddenly, there was a "rustling" movement in the grass in the dark!

The soldier reflexively aimed his flashlight at the source of the sound.

See something skipping at high speed.

When he looked closely, he recognized the figure of a mouse.

"What am I afraid of?"

The soldier shook his head, just as he was about to give up his investigation.

A strong pungent stench suddenly penetrated his nostrils.

This forced him to cover his nose,

But still can't stop this disgusting smell like the silt of the stinking ditch.

Where did it come from...


Suddenly, a drop of water fell on the soldier's head.

He raised his hand and touched his head suspiciously.

"It's raining?

But then.

A beast-like breathing sound came from above his head.

Let his body froze.

The oozing sweat changed from hot to icy cold.

The soldier took a deep breath, ignoring the stench in the air.

Then slowly turn the flashlight around...

The body with a warm luster reflects the light,

reflected in the soldier's retina.

A huge body that seems to cover the sky,

It is attached to the megalithic monument about tens of meters from the ground.

In the night and the light source of the flashlight intertwined.

The body of an unknown giant gastrula rises and falls with its breathing,

It radiates amazing heat with every breath,

Accompanied by the hum of vibrating air.

" could gastrists ignore the magnetic field of the megalith?!35

The soldier muttered to himself,

What happened in front of him was beyond his common sense.

Just because he was too shocked,

And when you can't figure it out,

roars and screams,

Accompanied by gunshots,

From the direction of the outpost barracks!

"Enemy attack?!

Soldiers are sweating,

forcing myself out of my heavy legs,

Stop looking at that huge body that is enough to give people nightmares,

He quickly ran to the door of the dormitory covered with simple building materials.

Gritting his teeth, he slammed open the closed door.

The monster is eating the fallen comrade.

It was a monster with the appearance of an ant,

Thanks to the giant body given by the gastrovirus,

even crawling on the ground,

It's more than half the height of a person!

I don't know when, countless ant-shaped protozoans have surrounded the soldiers.

The screams and gunshots around him have disappeared.

This made the soldier realize one thing.

The humans at this outpost...the only one left.

The gastrula give off a stench that is not like that of ants,

they open their hideous mouthparts full of mucus,

Gradually shrink the encirclement towards the last survivor.

In desperation, the soldier burst into a roar.

Pull the grenade latch.


Dongjing District, District 1.

The "National Security Council Command Room" located in the underground bunker of the "Holy House"

Being opened by force, the Son of Heaven quickly walked into the room.

All the officials who had arrived stood up to greet her.

"How's it going?"

Son of Heaven's mind replayed the picture he just saw from the research institute.

Although the soldier's experience was tragic,

But more serious things are yet to come.

"A hostile gastrula is infested near Stone 32.

A military official immediately reported.

"The nearby army has gone to support.

Just then, there was a sound from the emergency communication line.

After the defense minister answered quickly, he panted.

"Over 100 'Stage I' ant-type protozoa found near destroyed outpost camp. "

"The army that went to support has wiped out the infection before it broke out!

The atmosphere in the Situation Room was relaxed.

But the next sentence of the Minister of Defense brought the atmosphere down to freezing point.

"There are follow-up reports..."

"The army encountered a giant gastrula, a suspected leader, near Monolith 32.

"After... the battle ended, and all 371 of our troops were killed.

"The giant gastrula was gone before follow-up support arrived..."9

"This is an image of the leader gastrula.

On the huge cold light panel, several blurred images are displayed.

The Son of Heaven narrowed his eyes slightly, his body trembling a little.

Although the enemy's real body has been seen in Li En's research institute.

But when I saw the huge monster attached to the giant stone tablet again.

Still a little tingling on the scalp and goosebumps all over.

Finally, someone identified the monster who appeared in the image.

The Son of Heaven said the name that everyone didn't want to face.

"Holmium-erosive gastrula... The right hand of 'Taurus'.

"[Phase IV - Aldebaran]"

veterans of the military,

When I heard the name, I was horrified.

The Son of Heaven enlarged the image of "Aldebaran" attached to the megalithic monument.

"Check Monolith 32 immediately, don't miss a single detail—"

"Everyone, today will be the longest day in the Winter Capital District."

hours later.

The analyst, whose expression changed drastically, rushed into the room holding a stack of documents.

"Holmium Erosion Fluid!

"Aldebaran injected the holmium erosion solution into the megalith!

"The erosive liquid can't be eliminated, and it will continue like this..."

"In a week, stele 32 will be fully eroded! 99

"The damping magnetic field will then disappear completely, and then collapse!""

Hear the news.

The room was silent.

Everyone knows what this means.

They are all people who have lived through the gastrula wars.

Therefore, the horror of hell after being invaded by gastrula is more clear.

The Son of Heaven took a slow breath.

She raised her chest 0.7 and said loudly.

"Everyone, we have a week left."5

"Winter capital is our last living space.

"We must protect this place at any cost!""

"I give the highest order in the name of the third generation of the Son of Heaven—"

"Winter Capital District will enter a state of wartime control from now on!""

great men in high positions,

When in turmoil over news from the front.

A special group that does not belong to this world.

Also boiled over because of an announcement!

【Copy Announcement!】

[The "Doomsday" level war event "The Third Guandong Battle" will break out in 7 days! 】

[From today, a large number of war missions will be refreshed with the faction as a unit!]

[Completing war missions can get "merit points", which can be exchanged in the merit store]

Li En looked at the copy announcement in front of him,

A happy smile appeared on his face.

"The war... is finally about to begin. 99

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